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Hold on to your horses boys and girls. Per the SA website, here is their Lifestyle Expectation scale:



Lifestyle expectation is the amount this member expects of you to spend on a monthly basis to maintain this lifestyle.


NEGOTIABLE I don't have a set expectation

MINIMAL Up to $ 1,000 monthly

PRACTICAL Up to $ 3,000 monthly

MODERATE Up to $ 5,000 monthly

SUBSTANTIAL Up to $ 10,000 monthly

HIGH More than $ 10,000 monthly


Well, to be fair, these numbers seem meaningless without any context. I'll give extreme examples. In DC, the median house price is near half million dollars, the mortgage on that can be around $3,000 month, and if you add in all the other costs, you could easily be spending $5K a month to maintain a household with all the modcons.


So if you offer to add an SB to your household, what counts towards the expectation? The total cost of the household, $5K? Perhaps just the marginal cost, which is to say, how much extra you will be paying to add one person to the household, for arguments' sake, let say $500?


Either way, this is a very different number than writing a $5.5K a month check to a SB.


So to me the universe of what SDs have to offer and what SBs wish to have would contain an almost infinite number of combinations, since it's all very subjective.

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What exactly would you think I'm up to? The idea of compensation never came up. He never raised. Was I supposed to?


Don't pay attention to the naysayers. So many jaded, negative people raining on other's parades.

I have had a long-standing "relationship" with a beautiful young man from SA who does NOT want "payments".

He enjoys my company, nice dinners at restaurants he could not otherwise afford, a weekend get-away, another planned soon. I've offered to help him financially but he refuses. He's a college graduate, works full-time, is level headed with career goals clearly laid out. He prefers feeling like he's making it on his own for the most part and appreciates that I respect him for that.


Enjoy what you've found. Continued success to you!


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Well, to be fair, these numbers seem meaningless without any context.

So to me the universe of what SDs have to offer and what SBs wish to have would contain an almost infinite number of combinations, since it's all very subjective.


For my "Arrangement", my young friend is getting to live for free in one of the best neighborhoods in New York City. If he were sharing an apartment here with a room mate it would cost him at minimum $1,500 a month for his half of the rent on a one bedroom apartment and one of them would be sleeping in the Living Room not in his own bedroom. He is dining with us every night. ( helping to prepare meals three to four times a week). Food costs of at least $ 100 per week is another $ 400 of value he is getting. Plus we dine out a few times a week and invite him along. So the value he is getting here is a minimum $ 2000 a month. I have also handed over the credit card for reasonable shopping trips to H&M and Zara and helped fill a gap in College Tuition. I find all these costs perfectly comfortable in return for a valued friendship that I hope will last long past his exit from my home. There ARE some real people in real need on the site....but like everything you have to spend time and filter out the riff-raff.

Edited by pubic_assistance
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I just confirmed my arrangement with my Texas boy. He arrives the 24th, I am only offering to share my roof without any additional on my part. We are going to try it for 2 weeks and then re discuss the situation. I am wondering if he would be willing to share the progress (or not) of our relationship in my blog.

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For my "Arrangement", my young friend is getting to live for free in one of the best neighborhoods in New York City. Were he sharing an apartment here it would cost him at minimum $1,500 a month for his half of the rent on a one bedroom apartment and one of them would be sleeping in the Living Room not in his own bedroom. He is dining with us every night. ( helping to prepare meals three to four times a week). Food costs of at least $ 100 per week is another $ 400 of value he is getting. Plus we dine out a few times a week and invite him along. So the value he is getting here is a minimum $ 2000 a month. I have also handed over the credit card for reasonable shopping trips to H&M and Zara and helped fill a gap in College Tuition. I find all these costs perfectly comfortable in return for a valued friendship that I hope will last long past his exit from my home. There ARE some real people in real need on the site....but like everything you have to spend time and filter out the riff-raff.

I just confirmed my arrangement with my Texas boy. He arrives the 24th, I am only offering to share my roof without any additional on my part. We are going to try it for 2 weeks and then re discuss the situation. I am wondering if he would be willing to share the progress (or not) of our relationship in my blog.

Dilemma.... I detest paying for websites. But these arrangements are starting to sound too good to not investigate.


I have a guest room with its own bath, and live in suburban San Francisco Bay with great access to commuter resources. Maybe Im looking past opportunities.....



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Dilemma.... I detest paying for websites. But these arrangements are starting to sound too good to not investigate.


I have a guest room with its own bath, and live in suburban San Francisco Bay with great access to commuter resources. Maybe Im looking past opportunities.....




It takes time to find the ones without big money fantasies, but they are out there. This one is a keeper. I am right now researching another guy.

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I think that for most people it's something that you will either you grow comfortable with or will drive you bonkers.


- About 2 hours ago I received this from a deranged twink:

Hello, i'm xxx. I'm 18 years, do you like to get fuck? We can do this...

I can't wait to show you my talent and culture... Now i want make sex with someone or my hormones will kill me kkkkkkkk Kisses in the middle of this strong legs


- Two weeks ago I met a really hot 23-year old Abercrombie-model type who had messaged me out of the blue.. we met a second time earlier this week and had some bedroom fun and are meeting again in a couple of days.



You never know what you're going to get when you open the box of chocolates.

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In that respect it's like every other site for meeting people with the hope of forming a relationship or connection.

I've never used any other site or app but, based on what I read in the Forum about things like Grindr, yes.


I'd say that there's one twist with SA that has been bothering me more lately - there can be an undercurrent of coerciveness in some of these engagements. Most of the guys are 18-25 and in need of money, some desperately so. There can be a subtle disparity of power at the beginning of an "arrangement" that likely makes some feel compelled to stray from their values.


This really hit home with me a couple of days ago. Last year I was traveling constantly to another city on business and met a really sweet guy. We hit it off fantastically and it was a great time for both of us while it lasted. I'm not traveling there now but we still text or talk several times a day and I've sent him a small bit of money for tuition. We had talked about his finding someone else on SA and I encouraged him to look. Tuesday he sent me 2 photos of a guy he met on SA who is flying in to meet him this weekend. My immediate reaction was "sleazeball" and began to worry about what my somewhat-naive friend might be getting into because of his financial situation. Of course 12 months ago I was the sleazeball.


The coin looks very different when viewed from the other side.

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Dilemma.... I detest paying for websites. But these arrangements are starting to sound too good to not investigate.


I have a guest room with its own bath, and live in suburban San Francisco Bay with great access to commuter resources. Maybe Im looking past opportunities.....



I think when in the possession of a spare room in an area where young people are struggling to pay bills, you are indeed missing an opportunity. No one wants to be held as a sex slave...but at the same time if you make a kind offer to a young person who is in need, you may very likely be rewarded in many different ways for that generosity.

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I think when in the possession of a spare room in an area where young people are struggling to pay bills, you are indeed missing an opportunity. No one wants to be held as a sex slave...but at the same time if you make a kind offer to a young person who is in need, you may very likely be rewarded in many different ways for that generosity.


it's called:



and many would find it better than paying rent for a room. Let's see 1 fuck a week would be nice for landlord... some might want more. Cheaper than hiring no doubt. I hope I'm not too blunt but we know what we're talking about... :)

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Ya know.... we're all wired differently.


Im not certain I'd expect sex as part of the deal.


Having the right young guy around can exude youthful energy.... slow my creep into fuddy-duddy-ness.


I think 99% of us on here would ask something more than a hug for a free room in NYC for example...


Would you make him cook and clean for you?

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I already have a housekeeper. And no one's cooking is as good as mine. :p


Nor am I matched in humility.:rolleyes:




besides anybody could be a great cook just by adding butter




back to subject, I don't think most of yinz would offer a room for a platonic relationship and if he's that young and hot he'll figure it out he could get more than a roof in exchange for his company.

Edited by marylander1940
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back to subject, I don't think most of yinz would offer a room for a platonic relationship and if he's that young and hot he'll figure it out he could get more than a roof in exchange for his company.

Thats probably legit concern.


Thinking ahead, with the brain in my head.... a young interesting guy, some youthful zeal, would be nice to have around. And Id genuinely like the idea, get fulfillment, by supporting an education, social or travel companion, etc.


But it would probably seem too-good-to-be-true for a potential youngster.


And, I should remind myself that, if hes my kind of eye candy.... the brain below my belt might complicate the initially platonic setup.

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