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5 hours ago, coriolis888 said:

Funny how we can get different answers depending on where we research. 

You cited the NY Times which has a good reputation.

However, look at what the Macro Minutes says (also a good reputation) while discussing the different elements of inflation:

For our first post in 2023, we pick up right where we left off: discussing inflation. The last news we received after the mid-December FOMC meeting came from November PCE inflation. Declines in goods prices helped bring down the overall inflation rate. Prices for goods decreased 0.4 percent, while prices for services rose 0.4 percent. On a year-over-year basis, goods inflation (6.1 percent) is still higher than services inflation (5.2 percent).

With goods inflation and services inflation moving in opposite directions, which measure should we pay more attention to?


For our first post in 2023, we pick up right where we left off: discussing inflation


I showed a chart showing that over 20+ years services have increased in prices faster than goods (or that some goods have decreased in prices.) you completely ignore that. You also did not actually read what you yourself posted, apparently. The Fed (and the bond market) look At month over month, or perhaps rolling three month, not year over year. And the article yoh posted says “. Declines in goods prices helped bring down the overall inflation rate. Prices for goods decreased 0.4 percent, while prices for services rose 0.4 percent”.

Moreover, over 20 years SERVICES inflation as measured by the PCE is also significantly higher than goods inflation. 

but here is the biggest problem with using PCE with respect to escorts. The PCE is far more likely than the CPI to assume that people will substitute one good for another in response to higher prices. I.e. tea instead of coffee, video games over movies. So the basket changes more often. Whereas we are talking about the price increase of one specific thing. See again the above chart for the long term trend of each specific good or service over time. And we are clearly not substituting say OF for escorts. If anything, they are substituting money from OF for us. 

here is PCE service inflation over time. Clearly higher than goods overall inflation. I rest my case.image.thumb.png.e968b1224e023720fc70d6217bf278cf.png

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I'm as aghast as anyone about the ever-increasing provider rates, but the ever-increasing cost of living is a factor that cannot be ignored.  There is also the common preference that providers be youthful and fit, which usually means an age-related window of opportunity for providers, which means most providers having to "make hay while the sun shines."

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7 hours ago, sync said:

I'm as aghast as anyone about the ever-increasing provider rates, but the ever-increasing cost of living is a factor that cannot be ignored.  There is also the common preference that providers be youthful and fit, which usually means an age-related window of opportunity for providers, which means most providers having to "make hay while the sun shines."

You are correct. 

Generally, an escort has an active "shelf life" of only a few years. 

There is no question that conventional inflation rates for services do not reflect service rates of escorts during the current increase in fees that went from around $250 (or less) a couple of years ago to $350 then $500 (or more) currently.   Inflation rates for services of other professions did not come anyway near 100% as are many (not all) current escort fees.  

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On 7/8/2023 at 9:48 PM, coriolis888 said:

Was the "provider" joking or just wishful thinking?

If he's asking for 600 is because of some will give it to him.... 

One more time, let's do not judge who buys what and for how much.

Some seem to have an agenda in this thread. 

On 6/17/2023 at 9:15 PM, BenjaminNicholas said:

beating a dead horse wtf GIF


On 6/17/2023 at 6:18 PM, KeepItReal said:

This topic again. Sigh. 🙈


and it will come back over and over again

On 6/22/2023 at 6:53 AM, pubic_assistance said:

A nice one bedroom apartment in Manhattan in 2019 was averaging $ 4,000. Now in 2023, that same apartment is $ 5,000.

So if a provider is charging 25% more, he's just keeping up with the cost of inflation here.


Is his choice to live in NYC or not but comes with a price unless he got lucky with rent control like so many folks who don't deserve it. 

2nd time I post this video this week!


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On 7/9/2023 at 1:25 AM, Jamie21 said:

I think the reason most people get worked up about rates being ‘over priced’ or ‘not good value’ is because they can’t afford them. The rate someone charges is entirely up to them. You can choose to pay it or not, that’s entirely up to you. If there’s a market it will happen. 


I guess I have no choice but to quote you again!


Edited by marylander1940
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15 hours ago, goosh69 said:

I showed a chart showing that over 20+ years services have increased in prices faster than goods (or that some goods have decreased in prices.) you completely ignore that. You also did not actually read what you yourself posted, apparently. The Fed (and the bond market) look At month over month, or perhaps rolling three month, not year over year. And the article yoh posted says “. Declines in goods prices helped bring down the overall inflation rate. Prices for goods decreased 0.4 percent, while prices for services rose 0.4 percent”.

Moreover, over 20 years SERVICES inflation as measured by the PCE is also significantly higher than goods inflation. 

but here is the biggest problem with using PCE with respect to escorts. The PCE is far more likely than the CPI to assume that people will substitute one good for another in response to higher prices. I.e. tea instead of coffee, video games over movies. So the basket changes more often. Whereas we are talking about the price increase of one specific thing. See again the above chart for the long term trend of each specific good or service over time. And we are clearly not substituting say OF for escorts. If anything, they are substituting money from OF for us. 

here is PCE service inflation over time. Clearly higher than goods overall inflation. I rest my case.image.thumb.png.e968b1224e023720fc70d6217bf278cf.png

Obvious solution: We need to import more cheap escorts from China. Works for cheap tv's. 

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24 minutes ago, tassojunior said:

Obvious solution: We need to import more escorts from China. 

That is actually the 'bingo' ! Big corporations have kept US salaries from rising too high by importing foreign workers (e.g. H1B visa workers in the IT sector - although outwardly the reason given for these special skills visa is 'not enough STEM grads in the US).

While we do get seasonally traveling Brazilians, missing lately from RM are eastern europeans, russians, and ukrainians who helped keep the competition up. But the war has disrupted that flow.



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2 hours ago, tassojunior said:

Obvious solution: We need to import more cheap escorts from China. Works for cheap tv's. 

My internet satire glasses might be dirty.  I do hope you're joking. 

Comparing a human being to a television is... Tacky.

1 hour ago, jessmapex said:

That is actually the 'bingo' ! Big corporations have kept US salaries from rising too high by importing foreign workers (e.g. H1B visa workers in the IT sector - although outwardly the reason given for these special skills visa is 'not enough STEM grads in the US).

While we do get seasonally traveling Brazilians, missing lately from RM are eastern europeans, russians, and ukrainians who helped keep the competition up. But the war has disrupted that flow.



You don't attract cheap sex workers to an already expensive country.   That makes zero sense.

You travel there if you can afford it, get your rocks off and then come home to keep complaining about costs in America.


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11 minutes ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

You don't attract cheap sex workers to an already expensive country.   That makes zero sense.

So you're suggest we attract expensive sex workers, and that they make more money than American citizens???  That really doesn't make sense, and definitely won't bring prices down.

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11 minutes ago, Walt said:

So you're suggest we attract expensive sex workers, and that they make more money than American citizens???  That really doesn't make sense, and definitely won't bring prices down.

I'm suggesting you think about this a bit.

You cannot attract cheap sex workers to a country where it's expensive to survive and expect them to keep their rates low.

I never said 'make more than American citizens.'  Don't push that agenda.  Not in my post.

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I've written about this before and not sure it's mentioned on this thread, but one significant factor is the social media -fication of sex work. Generally two things come to mind:

First that Rentmen isn't necessarily the nexus of the hobby it once was, many utilize Instagram OnlyFans etc. for connecting with followers/fans/clients and often (for variety of reasons) those prices exchanged are considerably higher, high hundreds to multi-thousands, depending on variety of details. I've seen a handful of guys move off RM once their social media following was strong enough because obviously like all and anyone, you increase your earnings and value and follow the money. But at the same time there are plenty of guys still using RM or SA etc. who are friends with, connected with, in the circles and groups of guys who may have only participated in sex work via that aforementioned mode and model, therefore encouraging them to increase prices because who really wants to feel second best to a friend or acquaintance who may be just as fit and attractive yet commanding more payout. 

Second (and maybe this should've been mentioned first) but I think Onlyfans etc. has furthered a market where people are now seeking more the "pornstar experience" than the "boyfriend experience"... this means charging per session rather than necessarily by the hour and possibly up-charging for things like the now ubiquity of bareback sex (which OnlyFans, traditional porn, Prep, Doxy, etc have all been factors for), high physical performance, and wide ranging kink.

These are just my ruminations, I'm not arguing one way or the other about whats right or wrong or incidental or inevitable, rather just that the ever increasing accessibility and automation of many business sectors is probably an additional element to the already pointed out ever increasing costs of living/inflation.

....The only thing I could think of more to wonder about is the differences in generational sizes and spending/earning power. We're in an awkward moment in the country and world as major generational shift is happening  –baby boomers shuffling into retirement/off this mortal coil, Gen X trying to inherit and juggle it all whilst having a fraction of the people and wealth by comparison, millennials, a much larger demographic, awkwardly trying to be babyboomers 2.0/still behaving like children, and of course Zoomers, emerging into the adult world, jaded, and feeling like, "this is all a game " so may as well play it to win it... Not sure I have more to weigh in on all that as I'm not an economist lol but I do read and listen to a lot of Peter Zeihan enough to know that expecting numbers to change gracefully probably doesn't make sense when we consider the quirky demogrpahic-economic numbers. Always curious what others have to say.

Cheers xox

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8 hours ago, coriolis888 said:

There is no question that conventional inflation rates for services do not reflect service rates of escorts during the current increase in fees that went from around $250 (or less) a couple of years ago to $350 then $500 (or more) currently.   Inflation rates for services of other professions did not come anyway near 100% as are many (not all) current escort fees.

Yeah, it's a big jump. I think the post earlier citing that many of the most in-demand escorts charging $500/hour had an unsaid component. I suspect many of those providers who have long-term clients are not charging all of them $500/hour. I suspect they may increase occasionally, but it's not unusual for in-demand professionals to use a higher rate for new clients as a form of screening. 

We have a few guys we see from time-to-time who have not increased what they charge us, but I suspect they are charging new clients more. 

Lastly, it's likely that the market will "correct." There's a lot of complaining on here about rates, so the middle-tier providers will likely drop back to $300-$350 an hour as the market cools. 

I can't speak to other cities but housing and food in NYC have skyrocketed. Those are costs that an escort has to pass on to clients. 

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2 hours ago, azdr0710 said:

all this fuss over rates and I note that the original instigator of this current hand-wringing hasn't been seen since his OP.......

supply and demand, folks.....Econ 101..........close thread???

I wholeheartedly agree with you.  The back and forth about donation amounts in multiple threads never results in a common or healthy understanding of the dynamics at play.  There will always be clients who feel priced-out of a niche in the market they wish they could afford (or used to afford) and there will always be those providers who price their time beyond what the market may allow.  Adjustments might be necessary on both sides if that is the case. 

But bemoaning increasing costs will do nothing to reverse the upward trend, just like it does nothing to decrease the cost of food, travel, clothing, et cetera.  And while I am no economist, the rate of inflation is only an AVERAGE.  Some sectors of the economy will always outpace other sectors when it comes to increasing costs, while others lag behind.  It is unfair to expect service providers in any field to restrict their increases to the posted rate of inflation, or for consumers to conclude that service providers are being selfish or unreasonable for choosing a donation amount that appears excessive.  What is excessive for one person is not going to be excessive for another.  If a provider (of any professional service) overprices their time and then fails to deliver, they will only harm their own earning potential going forward.  It is completely their choice to make that mistake if that is how it turns out.   And if they are able to make a go of it, all the more power to them.  Welcome to free enterprise and capitalism at work.

My rant is over - LOL

Over It I Give Up GIF 

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14 hours ago, coriolis888 said:

You are correct. 

Generally, an escort has an active "shelf life" of only a few years. 

There is no question that conventional inflation rates for services do not reflect service rates of escorts during the current increase in fees that went from around $250 (or less) a couple of years ago to $350 then $500 (or more) currently.   Inflation rates for services of other professions did not come anyway near 100% as are many (not all) current escort fees.  

True, the inflation rates for escorts have outpaced those of other professions, however, I'm willing to give a pass on that considering the services of other professions are unlikely to impose the physical/medical/legal perils that are generic in escorting.

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8 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

My internet satire glasses might be dirty.  I do hope you're joking.

I certainly saw the flashing satire lights and heard the klaxon. Well, perhaps not satire but at least deliberate 'here is a ridiculous idea that sounds like it will work right up to the moment you give it the briefest thought'.

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15 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

My internet satire glasses might be dirty.  I do hope you're joking. 

Comparing a human being to a television is... Tacky.

You don't attract cheap sex workers to an already expensive country.   That makes zero sense.


Maybe I should start using the /s tag. But supply and demand does work both in items and workers.

Besides, typical Chinese you bring over here hoping they'll be a sex worker and all they want to do is enroll in medical school and study all day and night. /s 

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