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Can we throw the prince in jail already?


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56 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

seems to be a clear pattern here - OP posts something that he positions as current topic, but with intent to create a sideways & predictable discussion...

Yes, it's all a part of my grand evil plan! 😄



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14 hours ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

there is zero logic in a thread by those wishing for Harry & Meghan to “just go away” - and then devoting so much additional time & effort to analyze their latest adventure ad nauseum , thus ensuring the continued relevance of the couple you want to see no more ?   Makes no sense & ass backwards.  

I doubt Harry & Meghan's continued relevance is ensured by discussion on an obscure, virtually impossible-to-find Internet forum.

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1 hour ago, BSR said:

I doubt Harry & Meghan's continued relevance is ensured by discussion on an obscure, virtually impossible-to-find Internet forum.

If this obsession were unique to this forum your point would be well made, but the obsession the public (or some elements of it) have with shouting its disdain for their alleged pursuit of ever greater publicity is pervasive. The observation, that continuing to write about something that the writer claims to want not to see written or spoken about is illogical, is exactly on point. This forum's obscurity is beside the point, the critique of this forum's discussion of the issue is both particular to it, and at the same time a critique of it as a wider phenomenon. Dismissing the particular implies dismissal of that wider phenomenon.

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Sorry to disappoint conspiracy theorists, but the truth of the matter is that, had the facts been as I believed them to be from the TIMES story I referenced (later disproven)--that the pair led a 2-hour chase in which lives were endangered--then I feel the prince should have been arrested and probably deported if he hasn't taken on US citizenship yet. I have my faults, but dishonesty certainly isn't one of them. Most of my friends appreciate that of me. 

As it turned out, this whole story was a publicity stunt which I got sucked into. I'd love to see these assholes leave the country, but I presume he has legal permanent residency now (as a spouse of a citizen), so as long as he obeys our laws, he has the right to stay.

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6 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

I am afraid Harry is now experiencing the same sort of narcissistic dementia that his mother suffered.

Or as friend of mine who knew her once described her……

"She’s just another bulimic bitch with a borderline personality disorder".

At the time I thought it was cruel and heartless….now, I think it’s most likely true as well. 

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On 5/25/2023 at 6:00 AM, mike carey said:

The observation, that continuing to write about something that the writer claims to want not to see written or spoken about is illogical, is exactly on point. This forum's obscurity is beside the point, the critique of this forum's discussion of the issue is both particular to it, and at the same time a critique of it as a wider phenomenon. Dismissing the particular implies dismissal of that wider phenomenon.

I have a neutral opinion on Harry & Meghan - they don’t rise to any level of importance for me to think about them.   

The only interesting thing about them is the strong dislike (and strong positive attachments) they inspire among some that appear obsessed.  And specifically, the continued attention the obsessed give to H&M while wanting them “gone”.   That’s an odd sort of cultural phenomenon that espouses a basic contradiction which makes no sense and unfortunately, it’s not unique  to Harry & Meghan opinions.
It’s a broader sign of American cultural malaise where people are relatively affluent & bored, looking for things to complain about.  Their basic needs are met, so time can be spent on issues that have no actual importance.  It’s also a sign that some basic critical thinking skills have been abandoned with very little (if any) self-reflection about the source of intense feeling  “triggered” by Harry & Meghan.  It’s not normal to have such intense feelings about something that has zero affect on one’s own life - unless there’s something else going on that is at the root of the feelings. 

The obsession is likely the end result of social media consumption and being fed “news” by algorithms that cause those intense feelings or passively watching television where you’re being told what to think.  That’s how it works.  

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1 hour ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

I have a neutral opinion on Harry & Meghan - they don’t rise to any level of importance for me to think about them.   

The only interesting thing about them is the strong dislike (and strong positive attachments) they inspire among some that appear obsessed.  And specifically, the continued attention the obsessed give to H&M while wanting them “gone”.   That’s an odd sort of cultural phenomenon that espouses a basic contradiction which makes no sense and unfortunately, it’s not unique  to Harry & Meghan opinions.
It’s a broader sign of American cultural malaise where people are relatively affluent & bored, looking for things to complain about.  Their basic needs are met, so time can be spent on issues that have no actual importance.  It’s also a sign that some basic critical thinking skills have been abandoned with very little (if any) self-reflection about the source of intense feeling  “triggered” by Harry & Meghan.  It’s not normal to have such intense feelings about something that has zero affect on one’s own life - unless there’s something else going on that is at the root of the feelings. 

The obsession is likely the end result of social media consumption and being fed “news” by algorithms that cause those intense feelings or passively watching television where you’re being told what to think.  That’s how it works.  

You're certainly entitled to your opinion.  I see this phenomenon quite differently, surprise surprise. 

Meghan Markle is a professional victim -- victimhood is literally how she makes her money.  Since I believe the Cult of Victimhood is destroying our society, I cannot remain neutral in my opinion of her.  In Harry, I see the world's most pathetic beta male, a castrated soy boy completely wrapped around his wife's finger.  At a time when we most need men to be stronger, not weaker, Harry parades his weakness as if it were a virtue.  And don't get me started on how these two "climate warriors" travel everywhere via private jet.  Greta Thunberg had her run, but today she's a toxic nobody.  Hopefully the Ginger & the Whinger meet the same fate.

The narrative being shoved down our throat is that victimhood is social currency, masculinity is toxic, and climate change is the greatest crisis of our lifetime.  If I swallowed the algorithms hook, line & sinker, I would be praising and glorifying H&M.  Hardly the case. 

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On 5/25/2023 at 12:00 PM, mike carey said:

...continuing to write about something that the writer claims to want not to see written or spoken about is illogical...

Which writer are you referencing?

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21 minutes ago, Unicorn said:

Which writer are you referencing?

I wasn't referencing anyone. I was clarifying a point that an earlier post had made, that anyone writing 'Stop writing about this' is doing exactly what they say should not be done, and there is illogicality, or at least a contradiction in doing so. The 'writer' was anyone who wrote such a thing, not a specific person in here.

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8 minutes ago, mike carey said:

... anyone writing 'Stop writing about this' is doing exactly what they say should not be done, and there is illogicality, or at least a contradiction in doing so. The 'writer' was anyone who wrote such a thing...

I went through this string again and didn't find a post (let alone multiple) from someone who said or implied "stop writing about this." Who's confused?

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5 minutes ago, Unicorn said:

I went through this string again and didn't find a post (let alone multiple) from someone who said or implied "stop writing about this." Who's confused?

I have no idea who's confused, but I am certainly not.

On 5/25/2023 at 3:58 AM, SouthOfTheBorder said:

btw - there is zero logic in a thread by those wishing for Harry & Meghan to “just go away” - and then devoting so much additional time & effort to analyze their latest adventure ad nauseum , thus ensuring the continued relevance of the couple you want to see no more ?   Makes no sense & ass backwards. 

To be clear, I was not commenting on what people had written here about the royal couple, I was responding to a comment about this paragraph, and addressing the argument that it had made.

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3 hours ago, BSR said:

  If I swallowed the algorithms hook, line & sinker, I would be praising and glorifying H&M. 

that’s not how social media algorithms work.  An algorithm will feed you stories & information that you already agree with, or is predicted you will like, based upon the vast information they already have about all your internet habits.  The use of algorithms is to keep you engaged and online, preferably in an agitated state where you will continue high levels of engagement.

Social media algorithms do not give you contrary information to your beliefs or likes because that would lead to less engagement.  Less engagement means less time online which means less money for social media companies.  
Thus, whatever your beliefs and values, social media is engineered to reinforce those beliefs and feed you more to the point of radicalization.  It’s on both sides - not partisan. 

3 hours ago, BSR said:

Since I believe the Cult of Victimhood is destroying our society, I cannot remain neutral in my opinion of her

This is good - you have connected your distaste for H&M to a core belief which is offensive to you.  Most people don’t get that far.  
The question I’d ask is, why is this “cult of victimhood” an irritant for you ?  That too may be something that is not really the core issue.  
Usually if things don’t bother me in my day to day living, I shrug it off.  I can’t imagine a scenario in my daily life where the cult of victimhood could be a thing.  I’m more likely to be bothered by my neighbors who can’t park right and makes it more difficult for me in getting in/out of my garage - literally everyday & multiple times a day.  
I try not to devote any time or attention to things that cause negative intense feelings & there is nothing I can do to change it - because that’s a trap and the ultimate self-inflicted mind-fuck. 

Maybe you’re surrounded by victims ?  Or, have family history where victim behavior was common ?  Or, maybe it’s something else entirely ?  But, what it’s not is Harry & Meghan - it’s not like you’re going to run into them at a party and you will be subjected to them.  You’re likely choosing to consume information about them given you have total control over your media sources - the question is why consume that information if it’s so distasteful ?  That’s like drinking something that tastes awful. 

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3 hours ago, Unicorn said:

I went through this string again and didn't find a post (let alone multiple) from someone who said or implied "stop writing about this.

that’s like driving a car & pretending you don’t know it requires gas (or electricity).  technically possible, highly unlikely

the elephant in the room so to speak- or very *exotic* parrot 🦜  

disingenuous at best  - unless of course, the confusion is real

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9 hours ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

that’s not how social media algorithms work.  An algorithm will feed you stories & information that you already agree with, or is predicted you will like, based upon the vast information they already have about all your internet habits.  The use of algorithms is to keep you engaged and online, preferably in an agitated state where you will continue high levels of engagement.

Social media algorithms do not give you contrary information to your beliefs or likes because that would lead to less engagement.  Less engagement means less time online which means less money for social media companies.  
Thus, whatever your beliefs and values, social media is engineered to reinforce those beliefs and feed you more to the point of radicalization.  It’s on both sides - not partisan. 

This is good - you have connected your distaste for H&M to a core belief which is offensive to you.  Most people don’t get that far.  
The question I’d ask is, why is this “cult of victimhood” an irritant for you ?  That too may be something that is not really the core issue.  
Usually if things don’t bother me in my day to day living, I shrug it off.  I can’t imagine a scenario in my daily life where the cult of victimhood could be a thing.  I’m more likely to be bothered by my neighbors who can’t park right and makes it more difficult for me in getting in/out of my garage - literally everyday & multiple times a day.  
I try not to devote any time or attention to things that cause negative intense feelings & there is nothing I can do to change it - because that’s a trap and the ultimate self-inflicted mind-fuck. 

Maybe you’re surrounded by victims ?  Or, have family history where victim behavior was common ?  Or, maybe it’s something else entirely ?  But, what it’s not is Harry & Meghan - it’s not like you’re going to run into them at a party and you will be subjected to them.  You’re likely choosing to consume information about them given you have total control over your media sources - the question is why consume that information if it’s so distasteful ?  That’s like drinking something that tastes awful. 

You're getting really tiresome. I started what was going to be a very long discourse to respond to your post until I realized it would be a total waste of time.

Why are you so obsessed with what other people think and talk about?  You can write post after post after post on this obscure, virtually impossible-to-find Internet forum yet still fail to change what even one single member here thinks and says -- forget changing the thinking of society at large.

But hey, if you enjoy wagging your finger at people, dictating how they should think, controlling what they talk about, post away to your heart's content.  Thank God for the "ignore" setting.

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18 hours ago, EZEtoGRU said:

Huge LOL.  You must have been looking in the mirror when you wrote this😂.

I remember how much you hated my politics on the old subforum.  Sorry to see you still struggling with the trauma.

Whether cause & effect or coincidence, @SouthOfTheBorder has stopped (or at least paused) his obsessive scolding.  Thank God for small blessings.

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On 5/25/2023 at 3:21 AM, BSR said:

I doubt Harry & Meghan's continued relevance is ensured by discussion on an obscure, virtually impossible-to-find Internet forum.

Well, yes.  But I for one am delighted to have this obscure, virtually impossible-to-find Internet forum. Because I sure as hell am not repeating some of the things I've said here on Twitter or Truth Social. May we continue to stay off the radar of whatever goes for "mainstream" these days. Internet obscurity, hear me roar!

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On 5/26/2023 at 8:04 PM, BSR said:

You can write post after post after post on this obscure, virtually impossible-to-find Internet forum . . .


15 hours ago, Becket said:

But I for one am delighted to have this obscure, virtually impossible-to-find Internet forum.


Same here. rolleyes.gif

I was Googling 'hair spray' one day a few years ago and landed smack in the middle of the Fetish Forum.   I guess Siri thought I said 'ass play'.

I didn't think anybody was here but, just as I was about to sign off, some guy showed up looking for a new transmission.  He must have typed in 'a new trans mission' instead.  We chatted for a while and after he was gone I realized this was the quietest, most peaceful place on the entire world wide web.

From then on, I started coming here whenever things got too hectic in the rest of the on-line world.  My ISP charged for bandwidth in those days and suddenly my monthly bill dropped to zero.  They actually emailed me for a welfare check but I told them I'd found this internet forum where nobody ever came and when they did they just figured the server must be down.

I keep thinking eventually the word will get out and we'll start getting the hermit crowd or folks who have taken a vow of silence but so far, so good.

Perhaps one day when the Webb telescope has peered into every nook and cranny of the universe, NASA can refocus it here and see what a black hole really looks like.


In the meantime, we'll have the place to ourselves, going where no posters have ever gone before.  🚀


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8 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

why would people who proclaim to dislike Harry & Meghan so much, continue to opine about them ad nauseum in any context ?  

I will toss in a guess:

Harry and Meghan represent a growing narcissism in young people today. Their entitled pity-party is emblematic of the sad state of the world. We are over-run with useless spoiled children who think they are the center of the universe.

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59 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

You mean something like “wokety wokety woke” ?  


I vaguely remember how much you hated my politics on the old subforum *giggle*

Unfortunately, it was the briefest of pauses.  You're back to your obsessive scolding.  How many people's thinking have you changed with your relentless scolding?  My count is zero.

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2 hours ago, BSR said:

vaguely remember how much you hated my politics on the old subforum

narcissists tend to think things are always about them - you’re just not that interesting, sorry. 

and, you don’t remember me because I didn’t participate in the politics forum here.  
I did however, support the demise of the political forum because it’s a toxic waste of time, regardless of political beliefs.  unless you’re a troll 

appears your ignore settings don’t work ?  


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