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How do you define “regular”?


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I’ve seen guys mention the term “regular” in a few posts and I’m wondering what each of you consider to be a regular. Certainly this definition is different for some compared to others.

Up until this point, I’m not sure I’ve had regulars. However, there are several guys that I have hired 3-5 times (with potential for more), and one that I’ve hired for overnights and travel a couple of times. I’m guessing by some definitions, these guys are considered regulars. 

Would you say that seeing a guy 3 times makes him a regular? Or do you think more? Or is there another way you’d define it? Also, if you have a regular, how often do you see him? Monthly? Weekly? And does this differ at all for escorts compared to masseurs? 

No real reason to ask this except my own curiosity.  Thanks guys! 

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Here are a few of my examples:

I have a regular massseur/barber I see concurrent with every haircut.

I have a regular local escort I see every Thanksgiving.  He reaches out to me every November.

I have a few regular masseurs that I see every year when I go to Ft Lauderdale.

I have a few regular massuers and strippers and escorts I see every year when I go to Puerto Vallarta.  I know they consider me a regular as well as they recognize me and call me by name when I walk into the strip clubs on my first night each trip.

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Generally for me, I use the term when I've seen the person at least twice, and I would continue seeing them again should the circumstances work out.  

I generally don't see anyone on a specific time schedule.  It might be a month, or it might be a year later.  There is one that I've seen 3 times, but it's been each time I happened to be in his city.  

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29 minutes ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

From this escort's POV, you're not a true regular to me until I've seen you for years. 

Clearly, everyone has varying definitions of what makes for a regular. 

Helpful (but painful!) reminder of the frequent perception imbalance between clients and providers 😊

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7 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

From this escort's POV, you're not a true regular to me until I've seen you for years. 

Clearly, everyone has varying definitions of what makes for a regular. 

Yep, I count my regular clients as those who’ve come back at least twice and their first visit was over a year ago. Also we can discuss things happening in their life… as in “how’s the wife?” 😂

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I've only ever had a few "regulars" even though there are more men that I hired several times:

1. I hired one guy nearly once a month for years.

2. I hired another guy whenever he was in my area, which was a few times per year, for a few years.

The next closest I got to having a "regular" was a very hot Latino masseur who, after me hiring him frequently for several months, left the business.  I'm sure I would have kept hiring him had he continued working.

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