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Are men getting better looking?


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On 8/29/2022 at 10:36 PM, leo2510 said:

Has anyone other than me considered that, in today's image-consumed society, that good looking people of both sexes have far more opportunities to create good-looking children. And, less good-looking persons have fewer opportunities to procreate, so the general population is bound to get better looking each new generation? I know this sounds kinda 1930's Germany and all, but this seems rather the goal of eugenics, right?

The rest of us simply have to rely on our whit and good cheer! (Also helps to work at it and get rich!)

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On 8/28/2022 at 8:07 AM, sniper said:

it's probably higher but not at all sure it's "far" higher. 

Oh, it sure is far higher. Just google obesity in the USA.


On 8/29/2022 at 9:36 PM, leo2510 said:

Has anyone other than me considered that, in today's image-consumed society, that good looking people of both sexes have far more opportunities to create good-looking children. And, less good-looking persons have fewer opportunities to procreate, so the general population is bound to get better looking each new generation? I know this sounds kinda 1930's Germany and all, but this seems rather the goal of eugenics, right?

That’s somewhat due to assortative mating. Middle class kids go to college and meet other middle-class kids and marry, although they tend to do so later than non-college educated couples. 

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1 hour ago, Pensant said:

Oh, it sure is far higher. Just google obesity in the USA.

I'm saying the far figure is skewed by the fact obesity is measured by a stat that does not differentiate between muscle and fat. There are more fat people for sure,  but there are also way more people carrying a lot of muscle who get counted as fat. I had a coworker who did Ironman triathlons and qualified for the Boston marathon who was flagged as "overweight" by the corporate "wellness" team because his BMI was 26. 

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On 8/29/2022 at 10:36 PM, leo2510 said:

I know this sounds kinda 1930's Germany and all, but this seems rather the goal of eugenics, right?

The thing "eugenics" got wrong is that people are getting better looking today BECAUSE mixed race marriages are MORE COMMON. "Sticking to your own" is often the source of various congenital conditions. You see this over and over in closed societies. For example the Amish have a high rate of awful deformities in their children. So creating a master race of little blond boys and girls has an expriation date  Mother nature rewards you for expanding your range of sexual attraction.

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On 8/27/2022 at 7:31 AM, purplekow said:

It seems to me that I have been seeing more and more very good looking men.  Just yesterday for example, the new security person at my job, my waiter at lunch and several shoppers at the supermarket. all caught my eye and increased by heart rate.  So is it just that as I age I appreciate men more or am I just a dirty old man.  Of course those two things are not mutually exclusive.  

There are more openly gay men, ergo, more handsome men.  Lol.  

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15 minutes ago, InterestingGuy said:

…now can someone explain why I see so many gorgeous men with *ahem*,“unattractive” girlfriends or wives? (And side note - why do these unattractive women always have entitled, unbearable personalities?)

Perhaps they are the trophy husband? 

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4 hours ago, InterestingGuy said:

…now can someone explain why I see so many gorgeous men with *ahem*,“unattractive” girlfriends or wives? (And side note - why do these unattractive women always have entitled, unbearable personalities?)

Check the wives' bank accounts. Or more tellingly, their daddies'.

Edited by Luv2play
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5 hours ago, Jakeenct said:

Ethnically, Latino men are in first place!  I watch a lot of tennis where competitors are so ethnically diverse and the "looks" of these men often get a "damn" when one catches my eye.  Borna Coric, good example!

Borna Coric, Cristian Garin and Marcos Giron could all make a decent living as escorts.

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3 hours ago, Charlie said:

Borna Coric, Cristian Garin and Marcos Giron could all make a decent living as escorts.

I believe Mr. Coric has one of our former posters and more popular escorts as an employee and trainer.  Perhaps, they will both come to see the benefits of an escorts life.  Ah,,,,,only in my dreams I fear.  

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In response to the op's question; I can only hope so. I went to an "appreciation" reception at my health club today thrown by the management. The club is owned by a multimillionaire construction magnate so no expense was spared on the food.

Usually I only see a couple or 5 at most of the members at any time I am there. There has been a great attrition during the pandemic as most of the members are retired folk. Most use the pool or Jacuzzi as I do and avoid the gym.

Today I saw most of the members all together but excluding the younger ones who would be at work since this was held during the mid-day. 

Well, I have never seen so many old and decrepit people in one room! They probably ranged from a bit younger than me to 10 or 12 years older and I am 75. It was pretty depressing so I went out to the patio where a couple of younger (70ish) women were sitting. But they just chattered on and you couldn't get a word in edgewise.

I wonder if the generation coming up is going to take better care of themselves.

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I argue we are all getting "better" in every aspect of life because of three major things: 

1. We are faster, better, and stronger today. We can argue this point to death, and sure there is an obesity epidemic in the USA, but in general we're all living longer lives and our relaxed lifestyle contributes to not being worn down by work. Back when this picture was taken, the majority of men walked around with bruised up hands from labor and many more wrinkles than we have today. Life was just harder, and it resulted in people getting worn down faster.   

2. We're more self-aware of what makes someone healthy. Everyone in that picture probably smoked and drank like fish. People use to drop dead all the time of random diseases and they would self-medicate with alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Sure, they may have weighed less, but quality of life and life expectancy was much less than today. Sure, we self-medicate today but in general our habits are much better. 

3. The definition of "attractive" changes over time. Not measured in years or even a decade or two, but in multiple decades and centuries. Personally, I prefer the definition we have now. LOL. 

That's all. So yea, men are getting more handsome. :) 

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If one is to believe the ancient sculptures from Greece and Rome, men were much better looking in those periods. Provided they were athletes, which many seemed to have been. 

While there a few examples of grotesque figures rendered in sculpture which have come down through the ages, the vast majority of the naked male figures could easily command high fees today as male escorts. Lol.  

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On 9/2/2022 at 12:31 AM, Boink said:


Put any one of these guys in a well-fitted suit and each one would do okay on the dating apps if they were around then. Even the guy on the left who appears to be the elder statesman of the group seems to be packing something of note in that godawful underwear. The photographer did them no favors, I think. Someone should have said to suck in their stomachs for the picture. Then too, these guys didn't experience the "Nautilus" revolution that occurred during the last quarter of the prior century, so everyone looks kinda unprepossessing from a muscularity perspective.

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20 hours ago, Phil_musc said:

Put any one of these guys in a well-fitted suit and each one would do okay on the dating apps if they were around then. Even the guy on the left who appears to be the elder statesman of the group seems to be packing something of note in that godawful underwear. The photographer did them no favors, I think. Someone should have said to suck in their stomachs for the picture. Then too, these guys didn't experience the "Nautilus" revolution that occurred during the last quarter of the prior century, so everyone looks kinda unprepossessing from a muscularity perspective.

I believe those are bathing suits rather than underwear.

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