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    Danny-Darko reacted to Manhattan in Are you "gay"? Are you "queer"? What the hell are you?!   
    That's the point of free speech, it protects speech we hate as well as speech we love. 
    Most of society used to think that homosexuality represented the underbelly of human nature. Fortunately, some people defended us.
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    Danny-Darko reacted to + nycman in Should gay porno embrace body positivity?   
    Just stumbled on this one today. It’s a small study of Chinese gay men who are primarily tops, but if the numbers hold up it’s damn impressive. After one year, no one in the circumcision group got HIV while about 4% of the control group did.
    Previous studies have shown about a 50% reduction in HIV transmission in heterosexual African males following circumcision. So I wouldn’t expect the "zero transmission" rate to hold up in larger studies, nonetheless it appears to have an effect. 

    Circumcision for HIV Prevention
    Gao Y et al. Ann Intern Med 2024 May 28
    Among men who have sex with men in China, voluntary medical circumcision reduced risk for HIV infection.
    The intervention was highly effective: No HIV seroconversions occurred among 124 men receiving circumcision at study entry, and 5 HIV seroconversions occurred among 123 men in the control group (P=0.025). No between-group differences in risk for other sexually transmitted infections (HSV-2, syphilis, and penile HPV) were noted.
  6. Agree
    Danny-Darko reacted to + KensingtonHomo in Should gay porno embrace body positivity?   
    My problem with these studies is that do not compare circumcision to condom use, let alone PreP. Also, adult men choosing circumcision is different from infants being circumcised. I am circumcised and have no issue with it, but some men are very upset that they weren't given the choice. 
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    Danny-Darko got a reaction from thomas in NEIGHBOURS SON !!   
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    Danny-Darko got a reaction from + Charlie in Underwear Fetish   
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    Danny-Darko got a reaction from + tassojunior in Friday Funnies   
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    Danny-Darko reacted to pubic_assistance in Are you "gay"? Are you "queer"? What the hell are you?!   
    First you need to separate facts from opinions.
    Facebook routinely filters out "inconvenient facts" as misinformation.
    Allowng anyone to manage your information is historically, a dangerous game.
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    Danny-Darko reacted to Enzo Falcone in Big city, Small city…And why it doesn’t always make a difference:   
    Before commenting on your post, I decided to go through your links, to get a better idea of how you might present to a potential client. 

    Here are my observations:
    Your RMen ad has been up since 2013. Tons of positive reviews, but the last one being Nov 2013. I know it’s probably because you promote your personal website, and likely have people reach out through there, but your premium clients aren’t keeping up with the reviews. It’s something I always look at when searching a provider, and question why someone suddenly stopped receiving them.
    The most apparent thing in both your website and RM ads is that the money comes first, and is the most important thing for you. As a provider, I feel like you are having all future clients pay for the consequences for bad experiences a few previous clients might have left. Being in this since at least 2023, I’d imagine some bad experiences are par for the course. No business has a 100% success rate and a 0% loss rate. 
    Your website is rather cold. Even to have a potential client reach out and see if you’re a good fit is gonna cost him $20. 
    Tour profile basically reads as: “pay me for every minute I’m working for you, or move on”. 

    My own lived experiences:
    I live in Montreal, it’s the second biggest city in Canada. Much smaller compared to American big cities, but I think my experiences hold true here. I’ve only been a provider for a year. I don’t have the ripped body and six pack, but I carry myself well, and have an ability to connect with people, identify their needs, and provide what they are looking for. Because I only sign on for clients who I am confident I am able to help, I get to really enjoy my job, and that results in my clients really enjoying their time with me (not bragging or anything but just speaking to my strength)  
    In Montreal, I work a pretty consistent and stable number of hours from one week to the next, and each week it’s roughly 50% new clients and 50% returning (I’m a big nerd when it comes to data so I have stats and dashboard on everything). 
    I also visit Ottawa, a much smaller city, about once a month. My first time there, I only had three clients. But I connected with many more who weren’t available the weekend I was there. The following month, I reached out to many of them to let them know I was going back, and had my busiest weekend to date. 
    What seems to be happening is that I will have a higher % of returning clients in Ottawa. As it’s a smaller city, the clients I’ve connected with there will want to see me when I’m in town. I also reach out to them and don’t wait for them to message me. 
    Back home in Montreal, it continues to be 50/50 new and returning. 
    I’m going to Atlanta this weekend, and it will be the biggest city I’ve ever worked in. Part of me is intimidated by the number of beautiful providers there (and what they are packing!). The other part of me knows that the client that connects with me is going to leave with a huge smile on his face, have their needs met, and not feel like I was just doing this for the money. I don’t know how many clients I’ll see. The purpose of my trip isn’t work, but I do have a “nice to have” target I’d like to hit, which would help pay down my flight/hotel costs. 
    Outside of my work, I also make sure to create lots of downtime for my hobbies, friends, family, etc. A year in, I saw that it was getting hard to not go after every dollar at first. Then I asked myself what my goals were. Now, I have a target yearly income I’d like to make. Every week/month, I get to see if I’m on track. I base my targets on 48 weeks vs 52 so that I have a month off during the year, which also acts as a buffer when weeks are quieter. Having an actual goal makes things much easier to accept. I don’t get thrown off by a quiet week because things are still moving forward. Or, if I see that I’m having a longer quiet stretch, I look at my options. 
    This profession has turned me into a branding, marketing, operations, sales, accounting, and customer satisfaction expert 😂. I don’t always wait for clients to come to me, and I don’t push the credit card terminal in their face when they say hello. We get enough of that with the crazy tipping culture everywhere else. 
    Lastly, the definition or busy vs quiet week can also be subjective. Maybe a quiet week for you is a really busy week for me. That’s where my goals and targets come in. It gives me perspective on how I’m doing, rather than constantly worry about when the next dollar is gonna come in. 
    I hope some of this helps. Would love to hear your thoughts and if you have anything else to share! 
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    Danny-Darko reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in Big city, Small city…And why it doesn’t always make a difference:   
    Picking up from a previous discussion which had a few “micro topics”, but went too far off topic with personal opinions and added no value to the discussion (let’s try not to do that again). 
    I know a few people seem to hinge an escort’s success on how big their…city is. But in my experience, being in a major metropolis is no guarantee that someone will find instant success or improvement to business. In my experience, here’s the reasons why:
    Bigger city: more advertisers. Which means more choices for clients, more chances the clients may have a regular escort, and not to mention: the greater chance of guys using free methods (bars, bathhouses, hookup apps, network connections). It may also take longer for a client to notice an ad among the sea of others
    Higher expenses: Everything from hotels, to toll roads, and gas spent waiting in traffic or commuting clear across town (a common theme in places like Chicago, Los Angeles, Florida, DFW/Houston, Washington DC, Phoenix which are very spread out metropolises and clients could be anywhere), and even gas prices. Places like Chicago and Los Angeles often run higher than the surrounding small towns.
    More risk: Bigger cities are also more prone to issues like drug use amongst the gay scene/clients, and even from everyday civilians. I always feel I need to “watch my back” more in big cities. And if you don’t have a car, walking around carrying cash can be an issue. Even if you do drive, I’ve had people come up and grab my door handle once in awhile. Usually thinking either I’m an Uber or, maybe something ill.
    Higher police/security presence: this can include in hotels, on the streets/highways, or possibly browsing thru ads. There’s not always “they have better stuff to do”. Some hotels in big cities may even have decoy cop cars parked at hotels, which may scare off a client.
    So that’s my take on the big cities, and why I don’t often frequent them. I still go to cities, but a big metropolis, I may only visit 2-3 times a year. However, small cities: the drawbacks can often include:
    *limited client pool,
    *less gay acceptance,
    *the commute to get there can add up. 
    hotels often sell out easier due to college events/conferences, etc. You may also find it more expensive in terms of choices: Upscale hotel in smaller cities can cost a lot more, than in a big city with lots of real estate (Big cities with great deals on upscale hotels include Orlando, Dallas, Las Vegas, occasionally Phoenix certain times of year).

    This is not implying big cities can’t be successful, or there’s not money to be made. However, it may take longer to see the success happen. I personally don’t have the luxury to wait around in a city, and spend $500 upfront on travel and accommodations and hope to make it all back + a profit. Any time I go to a big city, I have to be sure I have at least 1 client to “kick off” the trip. Usually that’s enough to break even, if nothing else works out.
    However, being physically present in a big city can make one more accessible to take same day/last minute appointments that come up. Which I find sometimes, just isn’t possible to do if you’re not actually there yet.
    For me, it’s all about risk management/assessment. I don’t like to take risks unduly when it comes to travel. Even relocating to a big city can have similar caveats. I used to live in Orlando for 2 years, and my God: It would get slow like you wouldn’t believe. And the level of competition was epic a times. When one guy leaves, another 5 arrive. It was a shark tank. And at that time, I didn’t really take deposits much unless I had to get a hotel. But I was also mainly offering outcalls anyway. Eventually, I ended up stop working in Orlando, and would travel to smaller cities 2-3 hours away, or one of the coasts. Orlando would be great some days, dead the others. But the saving Grace was a high convention/tourist industry and a relatively high gay population. 
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    Danny-Darko reacted to + DrownedBoy in What's the standard price in New York for two hours right now?   
    If you're only measuring by escort donations, I guess Chicago is a "second-tier" city. Which is fine because we're always been the "Second City"....
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    Danny-Darko got a reaction from spidir in NEIGHBOURS SON !!   
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    Danny-Darko got a reaction from spidir in Feet Fetish   
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    Danny-Darko got a reaction from spidir in Tattoos   
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    Danny-Darko got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Evolution of the Pride Flag   
    And McDonald's felt the need to get in on the pride and make their own version of this LGBTQIA+ flag.

  19. Haha
    Danny-Darko got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Evolution of the Pride Flag   
    Here's the latest "Backlash Version" of the LGBTQIA+... Flag! I suspect this is only the beginning. 

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    Danny-Darko got a reaction from Redwine56 in NEIGHBOURS SON !!   
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    Danny-Darko got a reaction from spidir in Jean Butts   
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    Danny-Darko got a reaction from Medin in Are you "gay"? Are you "queer"? What the hell are you?!   
    Yeah, yeah. You're trying to dictate to us what we should believe and think about your choice of words and how they should be used and interpreted? 🙄 "Feminazi", so would the queer version "Queernazi"??
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    Danny-Darko got a reaction from Medin in Are you "gay"? Are you "queer"? What the hell are you?!   
    That "queer community" doesn't speak for all! Once again, another example of the "Alphabet Mafia" claiming it's right to dictate to all of those it claims "to include"! 

  24. Agree
    Danny-Darko got a reaction from Medin in My first non-paying client…   
    I personally don't like paying upfront. But I always have the payment visible in the dresser for him to see and I'm quick to point it out to him if he doesn't notice upon entering. Yes, many times, the escort just then and there collects it and puts it away and then we begin the session. Some do count it out to make sure they weren't shortchanged. The more gentlemanly and worldly have an eye for what a fair payment looks like in all kinds of bill combinations to just trust it's all there. I'm sure they count it in the bathroom before leaving and I appreciate the manners and fineness of not counting it out in from of me. I also tend to stick to regulars who know they can trust me as long as they live up their end of the bargain. I always do, but if they don't, I don't see them again. There is no "I'll cum next time" or "I'll make it up to you next time" for me. I know "next time" never comes.  
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    Danny-Darko reacted to + nycman in Are you "gay"? Are you "queer"? What the hell are you?!   
    Any attorney will tell you that "charged" and "sued" are a million miles away from "convicted". 
    Verbal abuse in and of itself is not a crime. If the verbal abuse veers into threats of bodily harm, that’s another matter. But it’s a well established fact that merely calling someone a "f-ggot" is not a crime. 
    Yes, I’m an ardent defender of the 1st amendment, even when it hurts. 
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