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    + Tygerscent got a reaction from mike carey in Reasonable amount time before I should expect a reply?   
    Communication times can vary depending on a service provider and surrounding circumstances. Some service providers are hired for more than an hour… I fit into that category. While I do some shorter sessions, (but never one hour), I am sometimes with clients for several days and on up to periods of two months long. This may clearly impact my ability to communicate with clients who are seeking an immediate appointment~
     Additionally, I travel from country to country and city to city… Some of my flights/travels can be as lengthy as 10 to 26 hours. Then there is a certain amount of time necessary to get to one’s accommodations and that’s assuming it’s not out in some jungle or on a deserted island somewhere and assumes there is internet and viable cell. (I will address travel schedule later in this response).
     That being said… I also have a lot of travel time and may be in different time zones. I might be on a plane, on a train, a bus, passing through areas where there is no reliable cell phone service.  
      I generally use the communication platforms to establish a relationship with somebody… Rarely, (if ever), to set up an impromptu appointment on short notice. We live in an age of precarious politics, clearly excitable political climate, health concerns and general fear/angst in the people living in all of this duress. Both Clients and Service Providers may benefit from Investing a little bit of their time into getting to know each other prior to a meeting.
    On first contact with a new client, I do my best to let them know when I will and will not be available. It’s absolutely a red flag to me when somebody demands an instant response and then shows anger or gets snarky when they don’t get that instant response. Unscheduled random phone calls tell me a client has little regard, consideration or respect for my time or that of an Client I may be with at the moment~ When I am with clients for extended periods of time, there is generally a provision of time in there that allows me to communicate with other people. Somebody that does not let you do that and I might be an indication of other issues. I’m not talking about when you are With somebody for a few hours. I’m talking about when you’re with somebody for over two day or weeks or months~ 
      In general, I make every effort to respond within 24 to 48 hours. That doesn’t always happen though. It’s not a perfect world.
     I also prioritize registered premium users before non-registered users in my communications. Registered users have a shown that they are a real person by connecting themselves to the site they are on. Non-registered users can be either sincere or somebody with mischievous intention. So, they will not be treated with the same degree of seriousness by me.
    I personally find it very offputting when somebody contacts me and simply says:  ”Hey”~ 
     I usually just respond back the same way and that’s pretty much the end of the conversation.
     It’s also a red flag to me when a person demands instant responses, pictures, location, undivided attention but, offer nothing of them selves.
     The person that is more likely to get a real time response from me is one who is registered, has contacted me in one way or another on rentmen, has contacted me outside of that venue and offered some thing of themselves. That can be a number of different things and it varies from situation to situation.
    I schedule things far in advance, sometimes weeks or months in advance. So, one of the ways I substantiate a real interest is by having ongoing communication with them. I love building that relationship. I love the opportunity of getting to know each other better and it ultimately, in most instances improves our time together. 
     It may be a benefit to you to look at your potential hires travel schedule. I find that some are in a hurry to hire and don’t take the time to read the “about me” section Or check out my travel schedule that shows which city/country a potential hire is in or traveling to~ 
     If I was in a hiring position, It would personally find it of benefit for me to develop ongoing communication prior to actually meeting. Everybody is different though and has their preferred methodology, needs and desires. I’m not prescribing that this is what everybody should do but, offering my simple personalize perspective on this matter and offering some of what I do and why.  You will inevitably, do you what works best for you and switch that up from time to time.
  2. Agree
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from Luv2play in Hugely into kissing   
    I’m wondering if the distinction you are looking for might be explained this way: 
     energetic, forceful, aggressive… as opposed to sensual, methodical, gentle…
     Consider sticking to action based adjectives and verbs as opposed to those like “loving”, “connected”, “sexual”, “hot”, “passionate”, that can go either way~ 
     Perhaps the action adjectives/verbs that are used to describe the type of kissing you enjoy the most or want at that particular time would give your potential partner the more accurate idea of what you’re looking for in a kiss. It might also be beneficial to clarify whether or not you want that same type of energy to continue elsewhere on your body… Sometimes people enjoy that forceful/aggressive initial kiss but, like different parts of their body tended to differently. That could be for a number of different reasons: recent surgeries, injuries, various health conditions, sometimes people have what is known as “constant glucose monitors” that sit on the surface of the skin. Other people may have minor melodies of eczema or psoriasis. Sun burns even…
     Interaction in one area doesn’t necessarily indicate that is how a person wants the entire session to go. Additionally, sometimes people like things to start off with an aggressive intensity but, taper down into a more gentle, sensual finish…
     The entire interaction could be likened to how one might describe a particular wine… It’s opening notes, its body and it’s finish.
     If you went into a wine shop asking for a bottle of wine they would ask what are you looking for… If you simply said “I’m looking for something strong or robust”… That would follow generally with a multitude of questions to better refine the search.
     If put into these terms… How would you describe your kissed somebody?
  3. Thanks
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from Kris_Canada in Recommendations for older escorts?   
    I tend to do a lot of extended sessions with Clients and traditionally, (as a respect), dedicate my time to them and put my computer and phone away until after our appointment is over or they offer a time where I can conduct emails~
    The down side of that is that here may be a lag time in my response if I am in a different time zone abroad, out of wifi range, on a plane, with a Client for a few days or a week, etc~
    The upside of that is, if we are together, I am dedicated to you with no interruptions and I'm not conducting "other business" during our time together~
    I generally am able to respond to texts easily and with regular frequency~
    Phone calls need to be scheduled to assure our privacy and the freedom to chat away from other people or situations~
    971.400.2633 (texting works best)
  4. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from SeattleWorkingMan in Rentmen page for Tyger Scent   
    Also… my profile has traveled with me in the past as I normally spend 6 months or better outside of the country working abroad~ In 2017, I had to create a European profile on RM because the site would not let me bring my profile back into the states after traveling abroad for two months~ They locked my profile in Croatia and it was “a process” moving back to the states~ They made me create a second profile that is euro based~ So, I have two profiles on RM~ Tygerscent and AAAtygerscentxxx
  5. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in To douche or not to douche   
    Well said~!
  6. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from SeattleWorkingMan in Can someone please offer me some (CRUSH) advice   
    Consider that if you offer your emotions and feelings to another, (regardless of who they are), do so without attachment~ Give it freely without expectation of return~ If it is returned you can be appreciative and grateful... if not returned you have neither exceeded your expectations nor missed something you didn’t have to begin with~ Either way, the result is that you will have both loved and lived, (Lovingly)~
  7. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from Luv2play in Rentmen page for Tyger Scent   
    Also… my profile has traveled with me in the past as I normally spend 6 months or better outside of the country working abroad~ In 2017, I had to create a European profile on RM because the site would not let me bring my profile back into the states after traveling abroad for two months~ They locked my profile in Croatia and it was “a process” moving back to the states~ They made me create a second profile that is euro based~ So, I have two profiles on RM~ Tygerscent and AAAtygerscentxxx
  8. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in HIV and Escorts   
    It’s unlikely that your immune system was thrown off due to the coronavirus vaccine~ Generally, HIV is rather specific in its transmission and, while Infection can occur after one incidence, it’s generally repeated direct contact, (taking loads anally, sharing needles), that results in converting to Poz~ I’m really leaning only to direct your concern that the coronavirus vaccines somehow contributed to your conversion to HIV+~ That’s not likely~ 
  9. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from KeepItReal in My page was accessed by someone who is trying to get money out of me.   
    Hmmm… blackmail and extortion are illegal~ Tell them so and let them know you are tracking their IP address and forwarding that to A4A as well as authorities~ 
  10. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from CuriousByNature in Rentmen page for Tyger Scent   
    Also… my profile has traveled with me in the past as I normally spend 6 months or better outside of the country working abroad~ In 2017, I had to create a European profile on RM because the site would not let me bring my profile back into the states after traveling abroad for two months~ They locked my profile in Croatia and it was “a process” moving back to the states~ They made me create a second profile that is euro based~ So, I have two profiles on RM~ Tygerscent and AAAtygerscentxxx
  11. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from CuriousByNature in HIV and Escorts   
    It’s unlikely that your immune system was thrown off due to the coronavirus vaccine~ Generally, HIV is rather specific in its transmission and, while Infection can occur after one incidence, it’s generally repeated direct contact, (taking loads anally, sharing needles), that results in converting to Poz~ I’m really leaning only to direct your concern that the coronavirus vaccines somehow contributed to your conversion to HIV+~ That’s not likely~ 
  12. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from CuriousByNature in My page was accessed by someone who is trying to get money out of me.   
    Hmmm… blackmail and extortion are illegal~ Tell them so and let them know you are tracking their IP address and forwarding that to A4A as well as authorities~ 
  13. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from big-n-tall in HIV and Escorts   
    It’s unlikely that your immune system was thrown off due to the coronavirus vaccine~ Generally, HIV is rather specific in its transmission and, while Infection can occur after one incidence, it’s generally repeated direct contact, (taking loads anally, sharing needles), that results in converting to Poz~ I’m really leaning only to direct your concern that the coronavirus vaccines somehow contributed to your conversion to HIV+~ That’s not likely~ 
  14. Like
    + Tygerscent reacted to big-n-tall in Poll: should I live blog the orgy?   
    Although it’s a fun thought, you may want to let the guys know and get their permission. I don’t know the extent of your agreement with them to be filmed. If some think you are doing it for your private collection and not for posting things for others to see… they may not want to be so exposed in a live stream, as it were.
    If they all agree to it… have at it.
  15. Like
    + Tygerscent reacted to + Italiano in My page was accessed by someone who is trying to get money out of me.   
    It happened to me too a couple of years ago, I am not 100% sure if it was from A4A (I think so) or another cruising app, but anyway from there (HOT pics!) we exchanged Nrs and started to chat on Whatsapp. At that time (I know, STUPID and naive of me!) I had my phone Nr connected to my FB page, so a few hours later this scammer sent me names and pics of family whom he would send our conversations screenshot to if I was not going to send him $1,000 within 2 hours...
    After a moment of disbelief I replied that I didn't give a f*ck if he would send naked pics of me to my husband (who knows), sister, cousins and friends and that I would have notified the Police.
    He disappeared and (as far as I know haha) nothing happened...
    So, @roy7269, if I may advice you, don't be scared!
  16. Haha
    + Tygerscent reacted to + Axiom2001 in To douche or not to douche   
    By all means- "DOUCHE" prior to having anal sex! I like to bottom when with a hot escort and one who knows how to please the guy who's occupying the "bottom bunk." If you don't douche and have an accident, neither of you will have enjoyed the play session!
    If the top really desires to "plow the field" deeply-- he wants to do this w/o encountering any unnecessary and undesirable "weeds" !!
  17. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from thomas in Homoerotic cartoon appreciation thread!   
    What a powerful image~ (on so many levels).
  18. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from + g56whiz in Today I feel like having Asian...   
    Mmmmm... tasty~
  19. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from + jrhoutex in "Do not waste my time" in an ad   
    I found your post very funny, Smurof~
    There seem to be a lot of ads like that in London and NYC/FLA~
    In addition, you’ll see things like “young, wealthy, good-looking, serious only: $600/hr”~
    Run Away~!!! Run Awayyyyyyy~!!! ????
  20. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from tony in Armpit appreciation thread, dedicated to Pitman   
    So many shaved lads here... how about some hairy arm pits~
  21. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from + Trebor in Armpit appreciation thread, dedicated to Pitman   
    Hehehe... Naughty boy~ ?
  22. Like
    + Tygerscent reacted to TruthBTold in ASS REVOLUTION   
    It is my opinion that there is entirely too little space devoted to butts. I believe that 50% of all threads should be devoted solely to ass. Let us acknowledge how much work the rump does but how little you actually see in the Gallery. Brethren remove your cocks and tongues and rise up with me. It is yours for the taking. God bless Bryan Hawn.
  23. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from + Hoover42 in Homoerotic cartoon appreciation thread!   
    What a powerful image~ (on so many levels).
  24. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from marylander1940 in Have any of your escorts died before?   
    Josh Weston, arpad, cole Ryder... portland Bill, Blue Blake, Wilfred Knight, many more... (not just an escort thing though... also saw this often in the medical field).
  25. Like
    + Tygerscent got a reaction from Phil_musc in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thank you Daddy for the consistent and dedicated love you gifted us with... for representing us thru easy and difficult times... for holding us to higher standards and helping us to better realize our selves, our potentials and our greater goal as individuals and a community~
    Thank you for giving so much and so often even when you had less... for loving us like your own even at times you were alone... for helping us live what might never have been possible otherwise thru your hard and persistent efforts here and as a personal friend to so many~
    Thru your life we are better individuals and a better community~
    While this is the loss of you we feel... let this also be the spirit of you we find and celebrate~ May we find our way to carry on and complete the love~
    Blessed be Beautiful Friend~ This full Moon will guide you along your journey~
    With Love, Warmth and Full Heart...
    Thank you~
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