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Posts posted by Tygerscent

  1. 5 minutes ago, Tygerscent said:

    What is stopping them from ever doing that is they can’t enforce 2257 compliance~ That requires Signatures, identification add files to be kept in a readily available file box in case the federal government or anybody else wants to check to make sure that everybody is legal age.

    I think that maybe some of the Flake issue could be resolved by not allowing as much access by non registered users to provider’s profiles, pictures and info~ 

     A small annual fee and a privately secured credit card number would decrease the number of malicious acts by stalkers, scammers and others~ 

  2. 1 minute ago, Tygerscent said:

    What is stopping them from ever doing that is they can’t enforce 2257 compliance~ That requires Signatures, identification add files to be kept in a readily available file box in case the federal government or anybody else wants to check to make sure that everybody is legal age.

    Moving my home base is exactly how I got trapped into paying for two profiles. Rentmen would not allow me to move my homebase back into the country if I moved it out. I tend to spend a lot of time abroad… A few years ago, Rentmen wouldn’t allow me to move my ad out of Croatia. It took almost a month to remedy and I had to pay for that while we were sorting it all out~ I know what you’re talking about as it applies to the states though. I’m really happy for your input here and for taking the time to think about these things in different ways. It’s thought-provoking and I think these are things that need to be addressed. There aren’t many other sites out there and I think it’s very easy for people to just sort of give up because there is no other venue. It doesn’t mean that the venue that’s available is right or can’t be improved

  3. 18 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    Well in a case like this, I would generally just include it in a “near travel” and don’t include any dates. I was actually recently in that area myself. Usually what I’ll do when I’m on tour: just move the whole ad and your home location, to that particular city. I don’t even bother advertising in my “home base city” when I’m traveling because you get the ones who are like, “are you still here right now???” 

    This way you just list your “main” location (say you’re visiting Milwaukee but want to include Chicago at a nearby city, just keep your ad in Milwaukee and use Chicago as a “nearby travel city”). Sometimes it helps to include a note like, “open to visit XYZ but I’ll be based in ABC”

    One thing I can give credit to RentMen: they are a lot more considerate than how Rentboy was. And like you say, RentMen initially gave out a lot of free advertising time especially in their entry to the game in 2009 (back then it was a quirky site that seemed to emulate Rentboy, but I still seen their potential, and here we are…they are #1). 

    What made Rentboy inconvenient was that they actually charged to have a travel ad in a different city. Sometimes I’d pay $20 to run a 5 day “gold ad” in a city. Considering I’d sometimes go to multiple cities in a week, that was just pocket draining. I can say RentMen has proven to be a more functional site for the future (and their freeze function is very innovative, I currently have it frozen now because I needed to take a few days off from the biz after going from a shitty week of back to back flakes before getting a couple of decent clients finally). 

    Also RentMen’s decision to rename escorts “pornstars” was brillant! It saved the site and protected our business after SESTA/FOSTA. I am grateful for them. However…..where they fell short is, where is the MONEY we are SUPPOSED to be making as pornstars??? Now that the game has been renamed, now they have to go to the next step to start letting our ads make money even if we are not actively taking a client. I shouldn’t have to shuffle thru tons of bullshit “so and so viewed my private pictures”, and then still not have made a dime by the end of the week because I hadn’t met anyone in person 🙎🏽‍♂️

    What is stopping them from ever doing that is they can’t enforce 2257 compliance~ That requires Signatures, identification add files to be kept in a readily available file box in case the federal government or anybody else wants to check to make sure that everybody is legal age.

  4. So much fun… I love careful attention to my nipples~ The feeling there is identical to the sensations I have in my cock~ It’s like having three penises~ Variable play on my nipples makes my hard cock harder and drip non stop~ I’ve cum in the past from guys playing just with my nipples~ I feel the sensation in my dick, my ass, my chest, lower back, fore arms and sounds of my feet… also the back of my neck and top of my head~ 

     After I cum, they just wanna be left alone for awhile… after a short time, they are ready to go and it’s often the precursor to another hard on and fuck session~ 


  5. 1 hour ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    +1 @Tygerscent

    And to add to that last sentence: one of the grating things I have mentioned on the site is the way travel cities update: often at 5 or 6 pm the day PRIOR to what I have set. Which means if I'm in Chicago from 11/12-11/17...but also in Boston 11/17-11/20, the ad will automatically move my ad and cancel out all nearby cities at 5 p.m. on 11/16 due to the way the time zone difference between the US and Amsterdam. So, I have to often set my travel dates longer than what's expected so I don't miss out on biz in my current area. 

    I think we’re that is confusing for a client is that a provider appears to be in two cities at one time. So you’ve got a Client Looking at your profile and one city because it says you are there in a client in another city contacting you because it looks like you’re also in that city even though you’re only in one. And I the remedy would be to just let you overlap your dates. That way you can adjust for time zone changes that the site itself fails to do

  6. 45 minutes ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    +1 @Tygerscent

    And to add to that last sentence: one of the grating things I have mentioned on the site is the way travel cities update: often at 5 or 6 pm the day PRIOR to what I have set. Which means if I'm in Chicago from 11/12-11/17...but also in Boston 11/17-11/20, the ad will automatically move my ad and cancel out all nearby cities at 5 p.m. on 11/16 due to the way the time zone difference between the US and Amsterdam. So, I have to often set my travel dates longer than what's expected so I don't miss out on biz in my current area. 


    45 minutes ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    +1 @Tygerscent

    And to add to that last sentence: one of the grating things I have mentioned on the site is the way travel cities update: often at 5 or 6 pm the day PRIOR to what I have set. Which means if I'm in Chicago from 11/12-11/17...but also in Boston 11/17-11/20, the ad will automatically move my ad and cancel out all nearby cities at 5 p.m. on 11/16 due to the way the time zone difference between the US and Amsterdam. So, I have to often set my travel dates longer than what's expected so I don't miss out on biz in my current area. 

    The travel section also fails where you can’t listen to nearby cities at the same time on the same dates. If I’m in New York City and want to list for a particular date, I cannot overlap the dates that I am also available in New Jersey. I can’t list Milwaukee and Madison Wisconsin for the same dates even though I can easily drive to either city within a matter of 45 minutes. I do that frequently… I can’t list in Chicago and Milwaukee at the same time for the same dates but I do commute to both cities while I’m working. It’s super inconvenient and inefficient. They’ve basically taken on the format of the old rentboy platform. It’s just abusive to escorts and it’s not very supportive.

  7. On 3/24/2017 at 6:12 AM, AndreFuture said:


    My sense from the women sex workers I know, this is very true. Plus there's underlying societal misogyny that views women as disposable to/exploitable for men, so that the threat of violence or exploitation is ever present for women (in and out of sex work, if we're being honest).


    Think about the extreme of war: if a man is captured by the enemy, he likely fears torture and death; a woman usually fears that, plus rape.

    Well spoken~

  8. On 2/11/2017 at 4:00 PM, BaronArtz said:

    NO WAY.


    Thank God I Am Gay

    You might think differently if you had stalkers or people trespassing on your property or you were subjected to property damage or violence…  I’m all for that extra screening. I feel pretty confident When I say that being gay definitely does not make one immune to violence or discrimination.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Jamie21 said:

    I find the US attitude to sex work is very prudish and I’m some ways puritanical. It’s legal here in UK and most of Europe. I hope one day it shall be considered to be normal, and open. Some regulation also to stop people trafficking and ensure standards are high, whether that’s industry rates government led. In meantime we should continue to try to change attitudes, challenge prejudices and educate the ignorant. Sex work is good work, it satisfies a demand and is important to society. I find it rewarding and enjoyable to do sex work. 

    Sex work might also be designated as essential work and the providers essential providers. It satisfies a demand as you say and also a need, (needs), within society itself. Intimacy and a safe outlet for the human condition is essential for the safety of society~ often times it seems that this industry is diminished to a microscopic singles element of “sex”… but, the industry has so much more to offer: intimacy guidance, relationship building, health management, emotional and psychological support… training and sharing in the arts, science, law/politics, provision of camaraderie as well as counsel… it’s a way to educate people about not only sexuality but sensuality, love, intimacy.  
     There is the sexual Provider, Geisha Companion, Escort Provider… each are different but essential~ 

     Not excepting this profession isn’t just ignorance, (actively ignoring its existence and importance), but, damaging to society. 
     Historically in the past when oppression has been the modus operandi for service provision, sex crimes have increased, incidence of sexually transmitted diseases increased… It not unreasonable to compare statistics with countries that accept prostitution and escorting to countries where it’s oppressed~ It’s not unreasonable to strive for change~ 


  10. On 9/23/2021 at 2:26 PM, Shawn Monroe said:

    This question gets asked every few months and I doubt you’ll get a straight answer. Any answer viewed unfavorably in the eyes of clients will paint the escort in a bad light. 

    if an escort says he takes what is deemed as too many clients, he’s seen as a numbers game escort. If he says too few, he may seem undesirable. Not to mention nothing is ever certain.  


     You have a very good point when you say that what people typically think about this industry, about Clients and Service providers has a tendency to be both stereotyped and stigmatized~ Both of those things are additionally, conditional and specific to various generations. Different generations have grown up with different ideas about what service provision is and how  providers as citizens and people are to be valued~ One generation grew up in a time where homosexuality was not only illegal but a mental disease… I don’t even mean disorder I mean disease. Another generation grew up after stonewall, after the aids crisis and enjoyed the liberties that the generation before them fought so hard for. Still another group of people have grown up with coronavirus. Sometimes we teach each other through mentorship other times we simply sport about with our own personal opinions. There is no right or wrong to that. I think that it’s simply reality to a certain extent.
     That’s not always the case but, I do observe it~ 
     The industry really took on a new form when HooBoy started this forum and review site. It challenged previous beliefs about who we were as individuals and as a community… it challenged what we had to offer as providers, created a safety from street hustling and raised the bar on expectations for both Clients and Service Providers~ Thank you: HooBoy, Daddy and Current moderators for this essential and beneficial service~!!!
      When the previous administration changed human trafficking laws a few years ago,  it effected not only the adult film industry but, also the Escort and prostitution industry, essentially lumping everyone together under a drug control effort and surveillance of potential trafficking of miners~
      This also included how state and local agencies run sti clinics: some places diminished a person’s anonymity and now ask questions regarding whether the person being tested exchanges sexual services for cash and has any children~ This especially effects a number of the female courtesans.  
       A number of agencies that female courtesans used to work through were forced to shut down. (Madison amd back page).

     Their privacy during screening for STI‘s was not assured and it made it more difficult for these providers to get sti screening~ When that happened, safety also decreased and some percentage of women providers went back to street walking.

     Our attitudes in this country have been challenged and evolving to greater and lesser degrees depending on the political climate… It is both my hope and pursuit to eventually have this profession of escorting and prostitution legalized. I’m fine with paying taxes. I would even like to see a union and some health insurance coverage and incentives for both Providers and Clients to get STI screening. We are sexual beings and people are not gonna stop having sex. It’s important that we advocate to make it legal and safe. Some of that will take sheer ambition, organization and strength… Some of that will take patience and understanding… And coming back to your original point, there is a great need to overcome the negative stereotyping and stigmatizing that is too easily excepted in this country

  11. On 9/24/2021 at 12:26 AM, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    Way too many variables at play here. Especially the "what are busiest days" as that can vary wildly. Though I can say: Friday's usually are consistently the most likely day of the week to get an appointment. If I don't get a booking any other day of the week, I can usually count on Friday. One Friday when I was visiting a city last month, I had 4!! appointments in one day. Almost a world record, but it was spread out evenly from 9 a.m. to midnight... so I had time to relax in between. However Friday in Kansas City seems to always be bookings wanting like before 4 or 5 pm, and I'm sometimes not available until Friday evening.

    As for competing for escorts time, like @Shawn Monroe said, no point in making up things in your head or thinking stuff that might not be true. People often think we're busy with clients only. Nope. You never know WHAT is going on. And I hate when prospective clients say stuff like, "sounds like you're busy, or your dance card is full" or anything that suggests they're getting impatient and assuming it's because I'm entertaining other clients. 

    On a typical day, I could be doing anything from barbecuing on the patio, to detailing my vehicle, or standing in line at a store, or doing technical edits to my ad or other things, at the gym, the movies, the barbershop, with a friend, at a pool, sitting in traffic, driving, etc etc. 

    Actually client sessions take up a very small percentage of my time spent each week. I'm not sitting in some boudoir with a window facing a busy street, just waiting for the next client. That's a stereotype. Online escorting has given us the freedom to not have to be constantly on the ready. However, lately it seems like I'm often always having to be plugged in: answering texts, RM messengers, round the clock. I'm not complaining to be in demand, but some days I feel like I don't get enough time to focus on myself, because as soon as I commit to an activity or project, a client will contact and want a visit. Which is great, but many don't do it with hardly any notice. It's just very bizarre.

    One guy contacted me today on RM messenger asking if I'm available tonight. Less than an hour later, he says he can't because a friend is flying in early so he couldn’t host (and I don’t host same day appointments). Understandable things happen, but I did take gym time out to correspond, so that is an unnecessary distraction without a productive outcome.

    That's why lately, I'm contemplating taking a step to no longer take same day appointments when I'm home locally. Travel wise it's okay, but not when I'm home. I can't stand to be rushed off my feet to meet when I'm at home, in the same manner as if I was traveling staying in a hotel. 

    Yes… excellent point~!!! Contrary to some belief, Service Providers are sometimes spending time with their families, partners, working other jobs, doing laundry, going to the dentist, cooking and eating dinner, relaxing in the tub or enjoying the sunset alone or with a friend. Sometimes we’re sitting at an auto dealership how do oil has been changed on our cars… Some of us are maybe at a barber or doing some voluntary work at a homeless shelter, community center, advocating for gay marriage or equal rights~ We are human beings with personal needs and desires too~ Our lives have basic human needs components. 

  12. Okay: addressing point by point…


    1). - What are your busiest days? ( I assume weekends/Friday?) . Its that true. 
     Answer: proper 20 years I have never paid attention to the day of the week. Quite frankly, it doesn’t matter. The only thing I really concern myself with is the date because it dictates whether I’m flying someplace or staying put~ any day of the week can be my busiest day… When active in the adult film industry, my schedule was primarily dictated by Jewish holidays because the productions themselves were often funded by a number of people adhering to those holidays. Filming would end around September and pick up again after Passover and then again in july. Busy times can be affected by the economy, changes in law regarding the adult industry, lunar holidays versus local and federal holidays, holidays were straight boys are out drinking and eating food Are not as popular as religious holidays where people are actually a little stressed out and looking for some time away from that stress… On the other hand, some big gay events fall on food and party holidays. There’s IML, various gay prides, porn awards, Southern decadence, Folsom and Dory alley etc… All of these things can have their influence. Majority of my clientele our straight identifying males, couples and females. They hire differently than my clients who self identify as gay. Since I travel globally in this profession, holidays and festivals around the world influence how I am hired and by who. Las Fallas, (Valencia), is in July, Flam e Flot, (marseille) is in March or something… Kurentovanje festival (Slovenia), is in February… Castles in Austria don’t open until April~ etc~ Hot springs in northern italy have heavy traffic times and light traffic times. 

    2). - How many appointments do you cram in a day?

     Answer: One Client per day. Anything more in my eyes compensates the quality of my time with another client if I were to ever do that. If I was on the hiring end of things and somebody told me they could not perform because they were saving their energy for somebody else after me or didn’t have enough energy because they just saw five other people before me and they were rushing to get out of the door because they had some other appointment to get to: I would be reluctant to pay them. What an awkward position to put a Client in~ what an awkward potion to oneself in who is trying to provide~ through the course of years I have known people to do this but, you can only survive on Viagra and Caverject for so long before it starts to have an impact on your Well-being~ For me personally, I have found it better to pace myself so that I can provide a better service.

    3). - How much time do you spend at the gym? [ most providers I speak to are at the gym 6 days a week]

     answer: while I have done the gym thing, it’s really incredibly boring to me. I prefer to shovel gravel and drag logs around the yard… Use my shovel to manually dig out hundred foot tall trees. I try to incorporate some of my exercise with my longer-term appointments. Maybe we climb mountains for the day, traversing 14 miles at a time… Maybe we go scuba diving… Maybe we go explore some cool ancient city where we wake up at the crack of dawn and don’t come home until the sun goes down. Sometimes my clients and I go kayaking or canoeing…  snowboarding and skiing have been past adventures. Those things are a lot of fun and I like doing them together with my Clients~ I get completely bored just exercising by myself doing repetitive motions in a gym. I have strength but, my endurance capability is stronger. 

    4). - How many clients do you see on a typical week? .  I keep hearing 2-3 a week….

     Answer: again… It’s not a simple answer. Sometimes I am seeing a client the entirety of a single week or on up to two months for my longest appointments. A lot of it has to do with where I am traveling. I tend to be pretty busy when I am touring and then space my clients out when I am at one of my home bases. 
     I have six home bases spaced out around the world. Sometimes I travel to one of those places because I know there’s not gonna be so much work for me. Other times I go to places that I know I will be completely busy on going. Over the years I have learned to moderate my time to balance out my energy and well-being~ there is no set formula or precise average to the number of people I see at any given time. I think in part that is due to the fact that I schedule things far in advance. I don’t rely on a hopeful day to day hire situation. I’ve developed what I do into a format where I’m scheduling things weeks to months to years in advance. 

    5). - Do you have slow seasons, i.e are the holidays, Christmas slow?  Answer: There are highs and lows I think in every profession. I address this above noting holidays, travel structure, Clients needs and health, (sometimes age related changes and sometimes they are actually passing away and I go there to be with them)… Sometimes things are quiet or heavy depending on politics, changes in law, changes an income and general health… I safely saw three Clients on and off during 2020. The rest of my time was dedicated towards an essential worker job and some other safe work~ I really did not see Clients through Covid 2020. I know a number of people did work during the pandemic.
     I did not feel it was the right thing for me to do. I have a long list of people who were affected by Covid and that includes six of my Clients who passed away from the desease and another 12 who have had ongoing complications as long haulers from the Delta variant. 
     Those things certainly affected my workload. 

  13. I have been hired numerous times over the course of 20 years to mentor various Service Providers. I’ve also been hired as medical advocate for both Clients and Providers. Additionally, I’ve been hired as a counselor of sorts to help with several Client/Provider relationships that were ongoing and transitioning into civilian relationships~ 
     Some of these mentorship’s were in person and one on one… others hired me to assist them with their Client and still others were strictly via texting and emails. 

  14. On 10/27/2021 at 9:26 AM, Rod Hagen said:

    Fun story, even without the hoped-for foursome in a semi-private nearby cove 🙂

    And I’ve had random people ask me for autographs in the airport and in Chicago, for whatever reason, I seem to of had a Following there for a number of years and on numerous occasions people would see me on the street and then turn around and follow me. One time I was on the phone talking to my brother and I noted that this guy was walking behind me who had just passed me. I turned around and looked at him and I waved and kept walking and continue talking to my brother. We came to a stoplight and he was still behind me. I cross the street in a different direction and he hesitated  when I turned around to look again, he waved at me… So, I walked back to him and I said “do I know you~? Can I help you with something~?” He asked me if I was Tyger the Porn Star. Acknowledge that I was and then he asked me if I would sign his shirt. So, I did that.
      Another time I was with a client in Las Vegas and we were at a mystery murder dinner show. During the show you’re allowed to communicate together on Facebook exchange clues and all of that. It was super fun and we were enjoying the murder mystery theater as well as some delicious food. At some point, people in the show singled out a number of people in the audience, one of them was me. I think the idea is to create a little suspicion and suspense to those who are having dinner there by making it uncertain who is actually a guest and who is actually part of the theater. At one point, they’re asking me increasingly personal questions and I’m trying to answer politely when suddenly, my client tugs on my shirts and points to the monitors around the room. There’s pictures of me dressed in leather half naked up there on 8’ monitors. The people in the theater are asking me if I’m a porn star. They were able to see that because I had connected with the mystery theater on Facebook to look for clues.  I was so embarrassed. My Client was really good about it and was laughing. I suppose it could’ve gone a different way but, we were both fortunate and lucky. I think initially a lot of people in the audience thought that I was a plant and part of the theater performance but, people started looking me up on the internet of their own accord and realized I really was a porn star and you should’ve seen the face of change~ 😳😬🙊🤷‍♂️😛🥰❤️ 
    It was kind of a glorious moment. I will never forget it.

     At the end of the mystery theater program, they awarded me with Small trophy for best supporting actor/actress in a non-supporting role~ 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🥰❤️



  15. Maybe the reason some Providers ask you to arrange the transportation is because it dedicated you to meeting. By this I mean to say that some Providers may feel they are at risk of arranging and paying for the transportation themselves but then having the client cancel at the last minute or not show up or something like that.

     I don’t think it’s “always” reasonable for Clients to pay for their Providers transportation… like it’s expected and they deserve it~ Don’t get me wrong: i’ve been doing this for going on 22yrs. This profession and especially the way I navigate through mine as a global traveler, accrues overhead expense~ I’m conscious and careful about that~ we have phone expenses, computer expenses, ads and marketing expenses, clothing expenses, gym expenses, food expenses, hotel expenses, rental car, lube, toys, gear, time that is uncompensated and unrecoverable, (ie. some lengthy travel time, sick time), out of pocket costs for PreP, sti screening, condoms, passports, over seas drivers licenses, tour and adventure expenses paid upfront even if reimbursed at some later date, etc… These things add up~
     I appreciate it when a Client understands these things and offers to help out by taking into consideration taxi, Uber, lyft, petrole.  Fairs that are 10, 15, 20$, I submit into my expense report and deal with as a deduction and business expense at tax time~ I meticulously keep my receipts and records so I can account for business expenses that apply~  There is no need for me to annoy a Client with those petty costs when I can reclaim them at tax time. 

     Most of the time I don’t ask Clients to cover my Transportation~ Sometimes it’s appropriate and other times asking just seems petty~ Asking someone for cab fare whose taken me around the world and that I’ve known for twenty years seems insulting~ 
      I usually appreciate their provision for me and show them by being rather lax about my time. I’ve never been a clock watcher but, when a Client extends their extra care for me, I reciprocate with some giving of myself… Maybe I show them in some other way by treating them to something special they enjoy like the theater or a concert or something to show them I care back about them, (a birthday celebration, walk in the park, ride in a gondola)~ 

      Asking someone to cover/arrange my lyft when I’ve never seen them, they live an hour away from my location and the one way is over $50 seems fare to me~  

      If my round-trip is costing me 40, 50, $60 or more, my clients generally offer anyway~ 
     I had one Client suggest we split a $100 round trip fare and then he stated trying to negotiate my rates. That basically showed me he wanted to meet but, at my expense~ I declined both the offer to split the fare and negotiate my rates. it was a disrespect of boundaries on his part. 



  16. I’ve refused to be paid three times because I felt my services were under par for what my Client was looking for. It was the honest thing to do. 
     I’ve had Clients miscount on several occasions but, never brought it to their attention~ It was never intentional or malicious~ 
     Occasionally, a Client has been financially unprepared but, they always followed thru~ 

     I had one client who continue to increase our time together but,  did not compensate me for that time… i’m not talking by an hour or two but, buy days and on one occasion weeks. I had known this person for some years. Nevertheless, it became a boundary issue and, as uncomfortable as it was, I had to initiate a talk with him regarding that boundary issue. He responded by becoming offended. The result and resolution there was: I had to reestablish boundaries with him and step back from our relationship until a healthier understanding was established. 

  17. This is a really great topic… My point of you and practices have changed over the course of 20 some years. Most of my Clients are straight identifying with families and careers that might be impacted if we were to meet in public and openly acknowledge some relationship together.  Due to my career in the adult industry, my involvement in politics, the public and community for fundraising events etc., it’s easy to find me on the Internet and people do recognize me in random places like cafés, restaurants, airports, theaters etc. This can take place even in different countries.

    i’ve been open about who I am to my Family and Friends but, also understand that who I am may also impact their lives on various levels. So, I respond accordingly to what is appropriate for us~ 

     When I see somebody that I know or recognize, I may not be by myself.  I may be with another client that precise time who would not be comfortable with me acknowledging this other Client I’m randomly seeing in public while with him/her. 
     Hire situation’s are not always clear cut or predictable. There have been instances where a couple is married or have been partnered for 20 some odd years. Without disclosing to each other, each has hired me privately on different occasions and perhaps numerous times ongoing. It is absolutely inappropriate for me to “out” them but, that is precisely what can happen if I acknowledge either one of them in public. My public that could be walking around in some city or at a party or a restaurant or a theater… Instead, I will take some personal moment later to send that person a text and say how happy I was to see them but explain that I was maybe with somebody else and unable to chat with them at that time. I think that there are communities where concerns like that may not be a greater concern. Some social circles, couples and cultures are a bit more open about things but, I have to be careful because I’m still obligated to protect the people who don’t have that aspect of being out about everything in their personal life .

     My particular style is to establish what degree of privacy and anonymity any given Client requires~
     There are Clients I have spent holidays with, attended family weddings and reunions with… I’ve gone with them to high school reunions and more… Eating dinner with their families and friends… Picnics and parties and stuff. Sometimes everybody knows who I am and what I’m doing there and other times I am simply a friend, acquaintance, travel companion~ 
    Add times I’m with people who are trying to get thru medical school, applying for jobs, waiting for their spouses, (male or female). Those people can be Clients or Service Providers~ 

     It is not my place to decide what degree of anonymity‘s is right for my Clients or other Service Providers. It is my obligation and honor to respect whatever that is.

  18. I feel that this is completely OK… At least with me it would be OK. I’ve heard many stories where providers and clients are not OK with that.

    I offer my stats there upfront in the beginning and will do it here now as well:  

     I’ve never had coronavirus, I’m fully  vaccinated w/ Moderna X2 (as of late April 2021), and boostered with a third full Moderna as of 30/09/2021~ I carry a copy of my vaccination card which shows all three of my vaccines on it. When people have asked to see it, I have showed them without hesitation. I also have that information and other vaccination information on my global health passes. It’s really handy if you’re a traveler~ 

     While traveling, I carry boxes of Abbott Binax Covid antigen tests. There are two tests per box. I test myself every three days as I travel and continue testing for a week upon my return home. I always carry extra tests in case the client is unsure of their own status and wants to take the 15 minutes of unaccounted time to test themselves~ I purchased the kits by the case online through Walgreens. They will deliver it to wherever I happen to be located in a relatively predictable and comfortable speed. I can also pick them up directly from the store~ CVS and Rite Aide also carry them in various cities. Relatively cheap and super easy. 

     I have actually sometimes incorporated covid testing by including it with a Med Fetish scenario~ I tell them that I’m gonna do it and they sign a release. I’ve never had anybody decline. I’ve also kept in very good contact with the people I am seeing and have some understanding of their status, 2020/2021 mask use and social distancing habits.
     What I have found is that my particular Clients really appreciate my efforts to provide a safe situation for them. I both appreciate and respect their reciprocal self care and their consideration for my more vulnerable Clients~
     I find it to be a win-win.
     Some percentage of my Clientele are vulnerable and I do consider them my family and partners. So, I take as much precaution to keep us all safe as possible.

     I tend to lump that entire Client covid conversation into my/their recent STI screening~ I don’t really wanna be guessing about any of it and find out later that something was awry. The result is, all involved are at greater peace of mind where we are in a place emotionally, psychologically, physically to enjoy each other’s company at an optimal potential~ 

    Also adding here: my most recent sti screening was 13/10/2021~ No concerns there~  

  19. So… Hemorrhoids and skin tags occur with relative frequency and they’re neither contagious nor infectious for the most part if they are truly hemorrhoids and skin tags. I do feel that Service Providers have both an obligation and opportunities to learn about what is infectious and what is not, what is a sexually transmitted infection and what is not. I understand where a service provider might be off put/confused/concerneded when they come in to a meeting completely unaware and have to make an instant assessment to something that may or may not have an impact on their health or ability to work if they are exposed to something unexpectedly. Having to take off of work for two weeks or more when your only income or necessary income is being a Service Provider a dilemma~ A Client who is married or partnered may have their own concerns~ Compassionate communication is the key~

    I have had a number of Clients with these conditions as well as other things like: eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, pigmentation issues, scars from radiation treatments when they had cancer, C-pap machines, you name it… Sometimes they may have had their prostate biopsied or they may be recovering from a stroke, heart attack or any number of things~ 

     While these are things to be aware of, they are not detrimental or necessarily a deal breaker to fun play and really happy session together.

     I realize that this is not a perfect world, (and to its benefit not a perfect world for other reasons), but, it also may be beneficial for people who are playing frequently to go and get tested for STI’s quarterly, (or more depending on their play styles)~ That way… you can communicate with a person that you are going to play with that your STI‘s have come back clean, but, that you have this other thing going on that isn’t infectious or contagious.
     That type of communication may better establish the necessary trust to work through a situation together in a way that enables you to have a wonderful time together~ 

  20. I’m not sure that the read reports on Rentmen are necessarily an indication that somebody is not interested whether they be a Client or Service Provider~ 

     There’s a lot of times that people get interrupted from what they are doing because they have to attend to an emergency situation, work, somebody shows up at their house… any number of reasons. In an ideal world we would all just be here at our phones waiting to answer inquires but, my personal experience is that the world is more complex and things don’t always fall into place that way. Sometimes I have already made a response to a Client, but, they haven’t gotten back to me in over 48 hours… By that time I’ve already got something going on perhaps that I can’t just put aside to try and contact them again. Three or four days later I might get a response and they can be insisting that I suddenly talk to them with undivided attention. That may or may not happen depending on what’s going on in my own schedule. If I am with a Client, I nearly always feel very obligated to respect their time and privacy during our appointment unless there were an emergency or I felt threatened.  
     Even when I am with somebody for an extended period of time, I try not to reach out to other potential or established meeting Clients. I do my safety check ins, other Client interest communications etc while my current Companion is sleeping, showering of on the toilet~ 

     I’m not being sneaky about this by any means… My Clients are aware that I’m tending to other business whine they are otherwise occupied~ 

     Even with a service provider who is not a traveler and stays local, they have extenuating circumstances like another job or a partner or something like that preventing them from immediate response~ 

     Not everybody in this industry is full-time and has this as their only partner, family, work situation. 
     It may be more beneficial to take each instance has a unique set of circumstances rather than apply a general rule to everyone.

     I hasty generalization of the situation could lead you to an unhappy meeting or missing out on a really great one.

  21. Communication times can vary depending on a service provider and surrounding circumstances. Some service providers are hired for more than an hour… I fit into that category. While I do some shorter sessions, (but never one hour), I am sometimes with clients for several days and on up to periods of two months long. This may clearly impact my ability to communicate with clients who are seeking an immediate appointment~
     Additionally, I travel from country to country and city to city… Some of my flights/travels can be as lengthy as 10 to 26 hours. Then there is a certain amount of time necessary to get to one’s accommodations and that’s assuming it’s not out in some jungle or on a deserted island somewhere and assumes there is internet and viable cell. (I will address travel schedule later in this response).

     That being said… I also have a lot of travel time and may be in different time zones. I might be on a plane, on a train, a bus, passing through areas where there is no reliable cell phone service.  

      I generally use the communication platforms to establish a relationship with somebody… Rarely, (if ever), to set up an impromptu appointment on short notice. We live in an age of precarious politics, clearly excitable political climate, health concerns and general fear/angst in the people living in all of this duress. Both Clients and Service Providers may benefit from Investing a little bit of their time into getting to know each other prior to a meeting.

    On first contact with a new client, I do my best to let them know when I will and will not be available. It’s absolutely a red flag to me when somebody demands an instant response and then shows anger or gets snarky when they don’t get that instant response. Unscheduled random phone calls tell me a client has little regard, consideration or respect for my time or that of an Client I may be with at the moment~ When I am with clients for extended periods of time, there is generally a provision of time in there that allows me to communicate with other people. Somebody that does not let you do that and I might be an indication of other issues. I’m not talking about when you are With somebody for a few hours. I’m talking about when you’re with somebody for over two day or weeks or months~ 

      In general, I make every effort to respond within 24 to 48 hours. That doesn’t always happen though. It’s not a perfect world.
     I also prioritize registered premium users before non-registered users in my communications. Registered users have a shown that they are a real person by connecting themselves to the site they are on. Non-registered users can be either sincere or somebody with mischievous intention. So, they will not be treated with the same degree of seriousness by me.

    I personally find it very offputting when somebody contacts me and simply says:  ”Hey”~ 

     I usually just respond back the same way and that’s pretty much the end of the conversation.

     It’s also a red flag to me when a person demands instant responses, pictures, location, undivided attention but, offer nothing of them selves.

     The person that is more likely to get a real time response from me is one who is registered, has contacted me in one way or another on rentmen, has contacted me outside of that venue and offered some thing of themselves. That can be a number of different things and it varies from situation to situation.

    I schedule things far in advance, sometimes weeks or months in advance. So, one of the ways I substantiate a real interest is by having ongoing communication with them. I love building that relationship. I love the opportunity of getting to know each other better and it ultimately, in most instances improves our time together. 

     It may be a benefit to you to look at your potential hires travel schedule. I find that some are in a hurry to hire and don’t take the time to read the “about me” section Or check out my travel schedule that shows which city/country a potential hire is in or traveling to~ 

     If I was in a hiring position, It would personally find it of benefit for me to develop ongoing communication prior to actually meeting. Everybody is different though and has their preferred methodology, needs and desires. I’m not prescribing that this is what everybody should do but, offering my simple personalize perspective on this matter and offering some of what I do and why.  You will inevitably, do you what works best for you and switch that up from time to time.

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