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Posts posted by Tygerscent

  1. I went to a new doctor the other day. While he was listening to my heart with the stethoscope, he got very close, and I'm pretty sure I felt his cock on my leg. I wasn't attracted to him, so I felt a little uncomfortable and crossed my leg over. I don't think he did it on purpose though, and he was very helpful otherwise so I'll give it a pass. (He forgot to weigh me and ask basic questions about smoking/alcohol use, but he had no problem giving out referrals.)


    Has this ever happened to anyone?


    Yes... various barbers leaning against me hard... a Tailor... and a doctor giving me my first prostate exam while my girlfriend was in the waiting room @ Brady East Clinic... (that was an interesting exam... I busted my nuts all over the exam table and was terribly embarrassed). I told my girlfriend about it and she replied: "No, Tyger... That's not right~"

    I was instructed to go home and masturbate daily for two weeks and come back for a follow up~

    I followed his advice but when I went to schedule my

    Follow up, he had been discharged and wasn't working there any more~




    971.400.2633 (phone calls must be scheduled in advance thru texting or email. thx)




    Quando il buio della sera maschera il mio viso, solo allora potrei dirti certe cose~

    Ho scritto una storia d'more senza inizio e senza fine... per scriverla con te~

  2. @glennnn has not been here in a month and has not posted in since mid-July.


    Has anyone heard from him?

    I attribute all weirdness to trump and the eclipse... read about something very similar to this… It's called the revelations~




    971.400.2633 (phone calls must be scheduled in advance thru texting or email. thx)




    Admin Note: English only

  3. Another way to foster a dog's health is avoid giving them human food, and keep their weight down. A dog should have a waist. That's how my Vet advised me when telling me to cut back on our dog's groceries.

    I'm not so sure about avoiding "people food".

    I had a grey wolf named Nanook. He lived to be 22yrs of age. He died a natural, unassisted death of old age and, during his lifetime, never had any health issues other than scuffs and scratches~ He had some arthritis that I tested with one baby aspirin per day~

    His teeth were sound and white up until the last year of his life~

    I fed him three cooked meals per day of rice and a ground cooked protein, (chicken breast shredded, lean ground beef, turkey breast and/or buffalo, sometimes cooked tuna steaks)... his favorite snacks were Swiss cheese and black licorice~

    The only vegetables he ate/liked were forest grass and a certain type of grass that grew in the yard. He was selective for a certain type of grass~

    He had a kibble but, it was grain free and

    "animal-by-product" free with no ingredients from china~

    Daily he had what I called "beef dinner for dogs" and that consisted of a large, meaty "bone in" beef shank with marrow~

    The raw meat brings up an enzyme from canines stomachs that keeps their teeth clean and significantly reduces tarter build up~

    I never gave him, (or any of my fuzzy buddies), raw or cooked bones or raw meat from chicken, rabbit, pork or fish... Beef and buffalo only~ Skin, meat and marrow... not just a bunch of fat~ He cleaned the bones spotless but, never "chewed" them up~ Same with my other canines~

    I've used that regime with all of my fuzzy buds and they all seem to do very well on it with minimal health care issues~ I've never had a buddy die of cancer or diabetes... most of them live into their twenties~ I've had good success~

    It's not exactly a "cheap" diet but, neither is health care, dental care or medications... and I value the longevity factor~

    Also... daily fresh clean water~

    One other side note: while traveling, I would Precook his three daily meals, bag them, flatten the bag and freeze them~ (easy freezer storage and quick to thaw when pressed flat before freezing).




    971.400.2633 (phone calls must be scheduled in advance thru texting or email. thx)



  4. Am I an awful person for thinking that it strikes me as odd to mess around with the natural lifespan of a pet?

    I'm all for giving my pets the very best of care, nutrition, and quality of life,

    but using a drug to prolong life on a living organism with no free will seems to be more about me than the pet itself.

    [uSER=9945]@funguy[/uSER], I'm struggling with this. I'm not judging you, I'm simply wanting to learn from you.

    How did you work through the ethical side of it?

    We do this with hundred of thousands of people on an ongoing daily basis in hospitals, don't we~?

    This is a deep topic~




    971.400.2633 (phone calls must be scheduled in advance thru texting or email. thx)



  5. Nice vid Lance~ ❤️

    Yes, I've practiced handsfree as well...

    I don't masturbate, (alone) very often, (if at all), but when I do, it's always handsfree~ I started handsfree techniques back when I was 13yrs old...

    One of my faves used to be hanging from a tree branch, a door or a vertical bar, raising my legs and torso up... the feeling gets intense and makes my dick hard... it takes a minute or two before I bust my nuts that way~ it's a good work out too~ Great for your abs~

    I also used to do a "zen moment" sort of thing where I would lay on my back... completely relaxing my entire body... and then concentrate on the feeling in my prostate, ass and dick... my cock would get hard and start dripping with pre-cum... I could feel the small rivers moving up my urethra... eventually, I would cum just from doing that~ The sensations of orgasm would undulate in tidal waves of intensity~

    In the beginning it wound take me 45 minutes or longer to reach the happy ending... After ongoing practice, I could "get there" in about 5 to 10 minutes~ He hardest part was completely relaxing every part of my body except my prostate and dick~

    It was euphoric and surreal to say the least~ I always felt dazed after doing it~ The experience was very similar to a "wet dream" but in a meditative star of mind... halfway between being awake and asleep~

    A third way I've tried and still enjoy, is resting a fast, high frequency vibrator on the very tip of my dick... and then gently finessing sensations in my nipples with my fingers... my dick gets super hard and starts dripping... That makes me cum hands free and my hard on lasts long after cumming that way~

    I would love to do that while under a rim chair licking ass and maybe the guy sitting on it talks to me and plays carefully with my nips~ Mmmm~

    One fourth way is having the guy bottoming for me lay back in a sling... I work my cock up inside of him and hold my dick there motionless... no movements back and forth... simply feeling the natural movements of his tunnel of wanting around my dick... looking into each other's eyes and playing with each other's nips... concentrating on his pulse, against my dick, (I. An feel that with my dick in his ass)... the feeling of my balls and bush against his butt cheeks & skin... that slow "rolling in the sack" that balls do when you get excited and the jizz starts to take its course through your dick tube~

    With some patience, I can cum that way... and then fuck furiously just after cumming~ Super Intense~ The little movements become amplified during the process and the idea and feeling of Pre-cum streaming thru, (and out of), my dick is incredible~




    971.400.2633 (phone calls must be scheduled in advance thru texting or email. thx)



  6. Hello all,


    Does anyone have any info/experience on this handsome guy?



    I think he will be hanging with Victor_Barrett of Seattle... another escort also joining them~ I think they head to LA after meeting in Seattle~?

    Victor is a sweet heart... sexy and laid back~ ...handsome and soothing~




    971.400.2633 (phone calls must be scheduled in advance thru texting or email. thx)



  7. That's why it's so very important to get yer butts in Regularly for your complete STI screening~

    It's easy, painless, relatively inexpensive if not free and can really reduce your level of stress and anxiety over sex and sexual encounters. It can reduce the probability of acquiring a sexually-transmitted infection and passing an STI on to others should one be exposed.

    My last labs were 08/17/2017~ I'm happy to share with Clients I meet who are interested.

    I myself, consistently get checked for ALL testable STI's every three months. (Hep C once yearly as that is all my physicians will let me test for it). I carry my results with me in case anyone is curious to see.

    I have also had my complete series of shots for HPV and hepatitis.

    Granted by the time you're 24 you have already been exposed to a variety of HPV strains~

    I went ahead and got the series of three shots for HPV because of the potential of protecting me from several forms of cancer associated with HPV.

    I carry condoms with me at all times even if I don't intend to use them, (appointments are not necessarily sexual prescriptions): latex, non-latex, natural lambs (although they are right on me due to my "primary asset girth"), female condoms and an assortment of lubes to accommodate any of those prophylactics.

    There is also great benefit to getting yourself on PreP~ It works and there are affordable ways to get it, however, there is some paper work and beaurocracy associated with doing so~

    Its totally worth it though you still need to be conscientious of other STI's besides HIV protection offered from PreP~

    While getting tested every three months does not rule out the possibility of contracting an STI, it really reduces the potential and decreases the incidences of passing on a "silent" STI, (one that doesn't exhibit symptoms in a person). (i.e. Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HPV on the glans penis, etc., these don't always exhibit symptoms or discomfort).

    If you're worried about your anonymity you can go to a clinic and do it completely anonymous. That sometimes works best for people who need complete confidentiality and discretion.

    It is also important to educate yourself about the signs and symptoms of the STI's, including where various STI's are more prevalent in certain areas/cities you might be traveling to and intending to play. Some STI's are more prevalent in certain areas and less prevalent in others and the strains can be more or less virulent and communicable~

    Certain kinds of sexual play may put you at greater risk of contracting an STI~

    Educating yourself may take some personal effort and even make some personally uncomfortable but, that is a small amount of healthy maintenance in comparison to having the necessary imposition of treatment that can be both time-consuming, embarrassing or stressful to ones family, self or partners…

    Some STI's like molluscum contagiosum, human papilloma virus, scabies and or crab lice can take a long time to resolve… Sometimes months on up to a year or more. Protecting yourself is much easier.

    Keep it real though… Unhealthy fear of STI's isn't necessarily healthy either. There is healthy fear and unhealthy fear.

    Unhealthy fear that prevents you from living a quality life, having a healthy relationship with another human being, experiencing intimacy in an open and honest way can be crippling in emotional and psychological ways.

    Healthy fear protects you from making unnecessary mistakes… For example, you don't want to do a bunch of meth, get totally drunk, put yourself in a position where you're not in control of protecting yourself, (not just sexually but physically in other ways, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually)...

    i.e., Being in a bath house with your ass up in the air passing out from poppers or some other substance while people that you don't know pop loads into your butt lends to a situation of greater risk~ Healthy fear tells you not to take that kind of path.

    A realistic balance can come from educating yourself and following an STI screening game plan~

    You neither have to live in danger or fear~




    971.400.2633 (phone calls must be scheduled in advance thru texting or email. thx)



  8. I'm a top. As much as I'd love to be versatile, it just doesn't really work for me. So my question is what does it really mean when I see so many escorts listing themselves as Versatile/Top? I've been with one or two who when asked say they don't really bottom. Is that just another way of saying they're a top but want to leave a little room for doubt?

    I don't Bttm often at all... I top like 99% of the time~ it's rate someone takes an interest in my ass~

    Even when hired to Bttm, I seem to end up topping~

    That's all good because I like to top~ Great fun there~

    However, during those times I do bottom, I am rather dominant in my demeanor about it... It's more of a thing where we are equal and indulging in each other's asses or something like that... I'm choking on cock but it's like we are gladiator buddies working off some male tension~

    I can be service oriented or restrained but still not a bottom~

    Not very good at being "dominated"~

    I like moving together in a situation or being in charge of he situation~

    When people try to get all rapey aggressive with me, I turn the tables around real fast~

    I like having my ass played with though~ It feels good and it's great fun~

    So, in my mind, "top" and "bottom" have much less to do with ass play or whose penetrating who and how... It has less to do with whose doing what to who whether it's fisting or fucking or oral or whatever...

    It's got more to do with attitude and personality~

    I've had people fuck me but, it's more like I pinned them down, started talking dirty to them, took control and raped their dick with my ass~

    They are still servicing me but servicing my ass and I'm using their dick or finger or whatever~




  9. Sounds like the type of guy who will then google search your image and name to gather Intel on you. I had someone like this once in LA who wanted to know what kind of car I drove before he would confirm meeting me.. I told him I was in between cars but the bus line was nearby...never heard a word back :)

    What kind of car you drive~? Ugh~ How disheartening to hear that someone would actually care and make that a condition of hire~

    I would have been tempted to return the question and insist they answer by telling you what kind of car they drive, what neighborhood they live in, do they own or rent their home and what their educational background is before you are willing to hire them~

    That's just me being a smart ass~

    Why... Were they looking to buy it~?

    Just saying...


  10. I've been corresponding with an 18 year old advertising on RM. His hourly rate is insanely low ($100 an hour - with the question, "with or without sex?"), but he won't discuss any further until I provide him with my age (on my RM profile), my name, and pics. He's indicated that all are required before we meet. Neither his pics nor his ID are verified on the site, and he's only been a regular member for a month. I know it's not a standard request, but is it best to walk away??

    Sounds sketchy~ Agreed: run away fast and don't look back~

    If he has an age or appearance prerequisite he needs to state that in his ad profile instead of shaming and discriminating against people thru correspondences~

    The idea of discriminating against Clients who hire someone according the their age, apprearance, race, and the other human/civil rights considerations, etc is unprofessional and illegal in any profession~

    This one should be no acception~




  11. With the recent path my life has taken, I have found it helpful to try to focus on upbeat things, especially humor (a relative term to be sure). Some of my close friends have taken to sending me jokes. I thought you might like to see a few.

    If there is interest perhaps I will post some more along the way.

    You might have a joke that would make me laugh out loud, so feel free to add it to the thread.


    Here are few for today:


    A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam. "Now class, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury or illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that's it, no other excuses whatsoever!"

    A smart ass guy in the back of the room raised his hand and asked, "What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?" The entire class is reduced to laughter and snickering. When silence is restored, the teacher smiles knowingly at the student, shakes her head and sweetly says "Well, I guess you'd have to write the exam with your other hand."


    And then....

    A passenger in a taxi leaned over to ask the driver a question and tapped him on the shoulder. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb, and stopped just inches from a large plate glass window.

    For a few moments everything was silent in the cab, and then the still shaking driver said, "I'm sorry but you scared the daylights out of me."

    The frightened passenger apologized to the driver and said he didn't realize a mere tap on the shoulder could frighten him so much.

    The driver replied, "No, no, I'm sorry, it's entirely my fault. Today is my first day driving a cab. I've been driving a hearse for the last 25 years."




    What's the difference between love, true love and showing off?

    Spitting, swallowing and gargling.

    Dear Chief Broken Toe:

    I miss your gentle, soft paws, your loving humor, your love of orchids, your soft warm lips and kisses, your love and support of life and so many around you, your gentle/nurturing heart, your strength and strong character, your ability to carry your own pain and others~

    In love of you and I will remember you always/dedicated...

    Smiles and laughter sweet buddy~

    Love always...











  12. Well, not to brag (too much), I am seeing one of my favorite, favorite Prague boys tomorrow for 2 hours. The rate? A whopping 138 US dollars.... :) :) :)

    Ugh~ where is the union when you need it~?

    Geez~ If he reads your response on this thread what would he think~? Just wondering~

    Wasn't this a common theme of Charles Dickens writings~? I'm having flashbacks of Nicholas Nicklebee~











  13. I hate to admit this, but i feel 300 plus is too much for me. The guys i usually see are more like 200-250 that I've met a few years ago and who are ok with the "grandfathered" rate. One guy i've been seeing used to charge 200 and now he is on rentmen for 350. I feel for 350, i should be able to buy a nice pair of ferragamos (and those are now 500!). I used to pay for a nice pair of ferragamos for 250 many years ago. I guess it's inflation...

    Ya... A sign of the times~ With all of those homes selling, rents tripling due to decreased rental availability, cost of ads/advertising rising, phones and phone services more expensive...

    General cost of living goes up~

    Everything around us increases in price... If wages don't increase along with it, poverty results~?

    Hopefully, while prices increase, higher wages are reflected in those services~

    Escorting isn't prostutution or human trafficking~ Themore prominent Escorts of the day strive to develop a new sensibility in our society that demonstrates Escorting as a Needs provisional service career... It's a career and these individuals are exceptionally skilled in many numbers of services... some guide adventures, teach, advocate, counsel, offer expertise as sommelier, medical advocate and advisor, legal representative, landscapers, artists, confidant and companion... Non sexual attributes that provide for others in a personal and intimate way, not just as sexual "bed intimates" but Human Needs Intimates~

    Escorts provide for all kinds of Human Need~

    Believe it or not, Escorts have saved lives and that's worth something~

    That's where Reviews can come in handy~ I know they take time and effort... Reviews provided by Clients are important, however, to assure that the services provided by an Escort reflect the wages~ ...not unrealistically through abusively excessive expectations or demands but, in step with the economy and as a means of affirming the quality of service an Escort provides~

    It should never be used to drive down their rates but, rather maintain an honest standard of provision~

    What is generally not seen in the world of economy is prices decreasing over time...

    It's only natural that as Escort's various overhead expenses increase, (ad, travel, communication costs, clothing, housing and rent,etc), their rates will increase~

    It's not just the Escorts rates that are increasing... It's everything~











  14. Is facial hair becoming more common? I notice it with my students but also lots of escorts. I sort of thought it went out with James Garfield's death.

    Beards are all the facination now~ not just closely trimmed beards but long groomed beards... Sort of Duck Dynasty, ZZ top kind of beards and dark sunglasses~

    It's a Hipsterbilly thing~











  15. I've never been able to get Tyger to return an email, unfortunately.



    I tend to do a lot of extended sessions with Clients and traditionally, (as a respect), dedicate my time to them and put my computer and phone away until after our appointment is over or they offer a time where I can conduct emails~

    The down side of that is that here may be a lag time in my response if I am in a different time zone abroad, out of wifi range, on a plane, with a Client for a few days or a week, etc~

    The upside of that is, if we are together, I am dedicated to you with no interruptions and I'm not conducting "other business" during our time together~ :)

    I generally am able to respond to texts easily and with regular frequency~

    Phone calls need to be scheduled to assure our privacy and the freedom to chat away from other people or situations~ ;)



    971.400.2633 (texting works best)








  16. Queer moment... Ugh~ what does that mean~?

    I've always been attracted to guys and girls asses, (and the other parts of them)~ As far back as I can remember~ I've never identified with the labels "straight" or "gay" or "bi"... Just "sexual"~

    I briefly sucked an older school mates dick when I was seven... He came up behind me while riding the bus to school a few days after that and put a vibrating dildo up against my cheek and called me a "fag"~ I went home and asked my parents what he meant... They explained that it was a discriminating word that some people use to call people of the same sex having sexual relations together~ There was no stigma against people attached to their explaination but, rather the point that the intension of the use of the word was to hurt someone out of fear... They explained that the word was discriminatory and inappropriate.

    I went away from the conversation thinking that the boy who called me a fag must be full of fear and afraid of his gift to love other people~

    I felt sorry that he was so afraid he felt it necessary to call me a fag~

    I guess that was my first "queer moment"~?

    I've had sensual and sexual relations with both males and females all of my life but it was never "wrong" or "bad"... It was always natural sexual exploration and expression of human affection and/or hormonally aspects of being~

    I grew up thinking what was important is identifying as a human being, male, lakotah, good person, hard worker, good friend, intelligent and helpful compassionate being and somewhere way down the line, I relate sexually towards men and women~

    Though I self identify as a Male Geisha... My sexuality isn't my main core of identity~

    My "queer moment" has always been the crossing out of the word "queer", "fag", "homo", from others modern day language, (that depicts the expression of fear about their understanding of their own sexuality and fear of sexuality in general), when they try to label me like that...

    What's been queer moments for me has been how others define some of my general human being~ A sort of political jargon and label placing that I never seem to give weight to personally~

    At the foundation of sexuality is the concept of beauty~

    I've had many "beautiful moments" with the same sex as early as age three or earlier~ they didn't become queer until some one said they were~

    Before that, I was just a regular person~







    QUOTE="Tonyko, post: 983564, member: 11218"AS IF YESTERDAY, the Nun stopping the class and saying Mr. Baldini WHAT is so fascinating outside that window??? I had NO idea what I was feeling or why but "something" inside me told me I shouldn't tell the Sister I was looking at this guy. Something told me it was "wrong?" . I can't remember what I said or IF I said anything. BUT I remember the feeling crystal clear!

  17. Numbers 1 thru 5 are completely HHHHOT~!!!

    I can respect 6, 7, 8 and 10... 9 is hot too~ Where in SoCal are you~?

    I would also like to add breath in skin as a teaser... Speaking in filthy ways with

    Lips barely touching... And blindfolds~






    So here's my interest, as of this date:


    (1) bondage - the more immobilizing, the better, but often striking a balance between complete immobility (e.g., sleepsack, mummification) and areas kept open and available for access (e.g., spreadeagle, standing spreadeagle). Ideal would be spreadeagle with multiple tie-down points (ankles, wrists, waist, arms, thighs, calves).


    (2) tickling - rubbing, scraping, touching sensitive areas that give a reaction, but not caused by pain. On the teasing side of torture, but using the sensation, threat of more intense tickling, and bursts of intense tickling to get into the sub's head.


    (3) teasing - by this I mean of the genitals; included is cum control/edging, by which I mean manipulation until the sub WANTS to cum, but is unable to do so without the manipulative assistance of the dom.


    (4) post-orgasm stimulation - should be obvious, but the deliberate, continued manipulation of the genitals after orgasm.


    (5) post-orgasm tickling - as a threat during the original tickling phase, as 'payment' for a break, to test the effectiveness of the bondage.


    (6) VERY MILD to no pain!


    (7) NOT into anal, giving or receiving.


    (8) NOT into roleplay.


    (9) games of chance to determine who is tied, and how they are tickled or teased - VERY arousing.


    (10) not into oral per se, but OK if it arises in the course of a scene.


    (11) if it's not clear from #9, enjoy switching.


    So Cal generally, but work in both Nor Cal and Arizona a few times per year.

  18. A well know discount clothing store is changing its name to better represent its customers and keep par with the political suave of the current times~ Owners of the store felt no need to change merchandise or general appearance, just the name.

    Cross Dress for Less~






    Men4rentnow: tygerscent in Portland

    Rentmen: AAAtygerscentxxx

    Daddy's reviews: Tyger in Portland~

  19. Ha ha~ yes I am~ sometimes it makes a differenc~ :-)

    Its great for your skin too~ you'll want to rub it everywhere~






    Tygerscent on men4rent.com

    AAAtygerscentxxx on rentmen.com

    Ty in Portland on Daddys Review's


    Travel: Northwest: (PDX, Seattle, Bend, Salem) July 8th - 14th

    Vegas: July 15th - 19th

    LA: mid August.

    Mid West: October and possibly August.

    Iceland, Amsterdam, Brussels, Brugge: Sept. 4th - 24th

  20. I use only one marketed lube: liquid Silk.

    The rest I make myself: ie. j-lube or k-lube recipes for fisting and for all general purposes I blend my own recipe using organic fair trade condom compatible venues using Shea, cocoa, mango and coconut butters and oils.

    Nothing Chemical or artificial in them. They don't spoil, they are all things that lubricate and condition your skin as well as are non toxic and allergic free~




    tygerscent on men4rentnow.com

    AAAtygerscentxxx on rentmen.com




    Okay... so I've been using lube for quite a while now (by myself and as an escort), and have only recently come across this problem.


    I've had a number of bottles of lube turn cloudy, with white floaty stuff (and no, it isn't cum) in it after being used. Sometimes it has happened when the bottle is almost empty, and other times when the bottle has only been used once.


    The consistency of the lube changes, as though it's been curdled, and it separates and becomes very fluid and watery and doesn't maintain its slipperiness. I tried shaking it, thinking that it needed to mix back up. This doesn't work at all. I don't know if this is an issue of water and silicone mixing (I use both together at times), or if the batch has gotten contaminated with mold, my body chemistry, or what.


    It's happened with a variety of lube brands and I haven't found anything online to suggest a solution.


    Anyone else had this problem, and found a way to avoid or fix it? This shit is expensive and I don't want to ruin any more.

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