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Posts posted by Tygerscent

  1. You raise some interesting points here. Actually, RM used to give incentives to lads who posted videos: one free advertising month. When the original owners changed hands to the current, the site basically took on the profit minded format of the old Rentboy where escorts pay to be escort if the day, pay for boosts, pay to be a sponsor, pay to be interview if the day, pay for basic or gold or platinum status, pay for two ads if an escort is based in both the states and abroad… There is a a common theme there~
     While I see that the site can fish for potential Client users who legitimately prefer to remain anonymous, and cautious  users by offering a Non registered users option, this also allows scammers, stalkers, competitive escorts who want to fill up your schedule with false appointments, an avenue to do what they do~ 

     What’s in my private section is images of me bottoming. They are there because that is rarely anything I ever do. There’s not really any interest there for others visiting my profile. I simply put them there so I can better access them as opposed to muddling thru the site’s cumbersome and ineffective instant messaging and email archive platforms. 
     While I do chat up non registered Client users who tap me to see what they are all about, I really don’t take many of those inquires very seriously. 
     I do the majority of my booking in advance with clients I am already familiar with.  By the time I get to any given city, my schedule is already complete. If there’s a schedule change, I’ve already communicated with serious inquiries that I will contact them to let them know that something has become available. Depending on my tour, I may or may not leave one or two days in my schedule open for new inquiries. So, while I may engage in some communication With non-registered users, the likelihood of me actually meeting one of those people is actually really slim. You are correct when you say that there is a little incentive to take somebody seriously who is offered absolutely no information about themselves but, are demanding all kinds of information including photos, location, instant responses from a service providers. Those are almost always red flags.

     I do some monitoring of those non-registered users because I have had the situation where a stalker, (also a registered user), would create profiles as a non registered user and then try to make contact with me or follow me. Sites generally have the capacity to trace these people’s IP addresses~ 

     Occasionally, a non registered user is legitimate… 

     So, to keep tabs on those who have the intent of mischief but also leave open the potential for somebody who is just trying to be anonymous but is sincere about meeting, I don’t completely dismiss non-registered users.

     I’ve also noticed something that seems to be occurring on some registered and non registered accounts, (as well as new accounts). Their location is listed as being in NYC, (Despite inquiring about immediate appointments in some city I might be in at the moment). They might have a real local number to substantiate they are not from NYC or may have a number with area code from a city they lived in previously or they may be using a traceable Google blind number. I Generally notify these people to let them know that their profile is listed as New York City as opposed to their actual local home base. Sometimes it’s people that I have known for years. What might be a resolution to some of this misunderstanding and mischief would be for Rentmen to add a “traveling to” Notification on the client side and require that all non-registered users put down a credit card number and real address, (not PO Box), to substantiate that they are a real person with good intention. That way they can allow peoples anonymity but limit a users of the site. 
     I think that it is important to advocate ourselves and communicate these matters to the current owners of that site so that they are aware of some of the inefficiencies and can address them. There is no incentive for them to change if we don’t let them know what’s going on from our end. 

  2. I’m wondering if the distinction you are looking for might be explained this way: 

     energetic, forceful, aggressive… as opposed to sensual, methodical, gentle…

     Consider sticking to action based adjectives and verbs as opposed to those like “loving”, “connected”, “sexual”, “hot”, “passionate”, that can go either way~ 

     Perhaps the action adjectives/verbs that are used to describe the type of kissing you enjoy the most or want at that particular time would give your potential partner the more accurate idea of what you’re looking for in a kiss. It might also be beneficial to clarify whether or not you want that same type of energy to continue elsewhere on your body… Sometimes people enjoy that forceful/aggressive initial kiss but, like different parts of their body tended to differently. That could be for a number of different reasons: recent surgeries, injuries, various health conditions, sometimes people have what is known as “constant glucose monitors” that sit on the surface of the skin. Other people may have minor melodies of eczema or psoriasis. Sun burns even…

     Interaction in one area doesn’t necessarily indicate that is how a person wants the entire session to go. Additionally, sometimes people like things to start off with an aggressive intensity but, taper down into a more gentle, sensual finish…

     The entire interaction could be likened to how one might describe a particular wine… It’s opening notes, its body and it’s finish.

     If you went into a wine shop asking for a bottle of wine they would ask what are you looking for… If you simply said “I’m looking for something strong or robust”… That would follow generally with a multitude of questions to better refine the search.

     If put into these terms… How would you describe your kissed somebody?

  3. On 7/21/2021 at 6:08 PM, Jacque said:

    I'm not looking legally as it really helps no one. I think it is issue of he remaining out there potentially infecting other people.

    I seldom bottomed. I also wonder if my immune was thrown off due to getting the Covid vaccine. 

    It’s unlikely that your immune system was thrown off due to the coronavirus vaccine~ Generally, HIV is rather specific in its transmission and, while Infection can occur after one incidence, it’s generally repeated direct contact, (taking loads anally, sharing needles), that results in converting to Poz~ I’m really leaning only to direct your concern that the coronavirus vaccines somehow contributed to your conversion to HIV+~ That’s not likely~ 

  4. Also… my profile has traveled with me in the past as I normally spend 6 months or better outside of the country working abroad~ In 2017, I had to create a European profile on RM because the site would not let me bring my profile back into the states after traveling abroad for two months~ They locked my profile in Croatia and it was “a process” moving back to the states~ They made me create a second profile that is euro based~ So, I have two profiles on RM~ Tygerscent and AAAtygerscentxxx

  5. On 2/18/2019 at 12:52 PM, Axiom2001 said:


    By all means- "DOUCHE" prior to having anal sex! I like to bottom when with a hot escort and one who knows how to please the guy who's occupying the "bottom bunk." If you don't douche and have an accident, neither of you will have enjoyed the play session!


    If the top really desires to "plow the field" deeply-- he wants to do this w/o encountering any unnecessary and undesirable "weeds" !!

    Well said~!

  6. Providing that pleasantry would be detrimental for perspective new clients, am I correct?


    I'm seeing more ads nowadays that are defensive and off-putting right out of the gate. Plus, when you're flipping me off with two hands, and vaping at the same time, who is your target audience?


    It tempts me to make a cable tv series called "Hires From Hell (or nearby regions)".

    I found your post very funny, Smurof~

    There seem to be a lot of ads like that in London and NYC/FLA~

    In addition, you’ll see things like “young, wealthy, good-looking, serious only: $600/hr”~

    Run Away~!!! Run Awayyyyyyy~!!! ????

  7. You better be very clear what you expect during these 7 days, and his boundaries.

    Wouldn't want either of you stuck being unhappy, for a week, on an island...

    It may also be to both of your benefit to establish and self evaluate each of your experience traveling with another person involving various levels of intimacy~ Simply to agree on a travel and financial arrangement may not be enough~

    ~ Tyger~

  8. It seems like every time I find a masseur that I like, I end up having feelings for him.


    Without failure I end up with a crush for him. I find myself checking up on him just to see how he’s doing. During the pandemic I even gave him $100-$300 weekly as I felt sorry for him because his business came to an end because of social distancing and people weren’t ready to get massages.


    He always declines my social invitations nicely and always has a reason but when we’re together I just get lost in his touch and his ability to find all my spots that turn me on like no other. Maybe secretly I was hoping he would start to have feelings for me too.


    Please know that I am not playing the victim here. I understand that (for him) it’s just business. I’m wondering if anyone can offer me any kind of advice or tips on not developing feelings for my masseur or how to avoid them?

    Consider that if you offer your emotions and feelings to another, (regardless of who they are), do so without attachment~ Give it freely without expectation of return~ If it is returned you can be appreciative and grateful... if not returned you have neither exceeded your expectations nor missed something you didn’t have to begin with~ Either way, the result is that you will have both loved and lived, (Lovingly)~


  9. Vaccination does not mean immunity. You can still get COVID, and spread it; it just lessens the severity of your symptoms so hospitalization probably won't be needed.

    The vaccines are a step towards better containment and reduced severity of the coronavirus...

    As you mention, even after vaccination, one can become infected with and pass on the coronavirus~ Some who have been infected can carry lingering virus as is being noted in “long Haulers”~ It’s not beyond reason for those with families and those in contact with critical care or vulnerable individuals to ask their play partners/masseurs/masseuses if they have ever had coronavirus in addition to seeing their Vax card certificate~ Thats a personal choice, of course, to ask or respond~

    Of the greater benefits of the vaccinations is that it reduces the probability of, (slows down the rate of), mutation that can lead to variants resistant to current vaccines~ Despite the efforts of those opposed to masking and vaxing, the vaccines inevitably make masking and social distancing less of a necessity once 95% of the population becomes vaccinated~

    My sense after researching is that it is best never to get this virus... even if you have had the vaccinations~

    People will do as they will... Perhaps annoying but, perhaps also in best stay informed and slow down enough to see how real life plays out with all of it~

    One year was enough for many people... making the wrong choices that lead to two years or longer won’t be less uncomfortable~



  10. Thank you Daddy for the consistent and dedicated love you gifted us with... for representing us thru easy and difficult times... for holding us to higher standards and helping us to better realize our selves, our potentials and our greater goal as individuals and a community~


    Thank you for giving so much and so often even when you had less... for loving us like your own even at times you were alone... for helping us live what might never have been possible otherwise thru your hard and persistent efforts here and as a personal friend to so many~


    Thru your life we are better individuals and a better community~


    While this is the loss of you we feel... let this also be the spirit of you we find and celebrate~ May we find our way to carry on and complete the love~


    Blessed be Beautiful Friend~ This full Moon will guide you along your journey~


    With Love, Warmth and Full Heart...


    Thank you~



  11. Now you make me wonder if most users when they are new to the website and see all the “platinum” escorts on top, they think it’s because they are the best reviewed escorts, not knowing that those positions were paid.

    Well... and rentmen Rod the day is also a purchased product... an escort paid for that spot for a specific amount of time in a particular region~

    He wasn’t Client Choosen~

    Sponsors just means that the escort has paid to be in the sponsor section... it’s like $100/month~

  12. I was thinking the same. If what you say of 250 characters, I have seen escorts with very long ‘about me’ sextions



    Now you make me wonder if most users when they are new to the website and see all the “platinum” escorts on top, they think it’s because they are the best reviewed escorts, not knowing that those positions were paid.

    I used to have a lot in my about me section but it also listed my travel services, counseling and seminar services, medical health advocacy services... I also listed my travel scheduled more completely and date or most referent STI screenings there. 250 characters is less than this reply

  13. Grr...fucking bitch$@@!!!$-#

    I didn't even realize they completely did away with email!!!

    I used the archive and send copy function to keep track of older messages and chat history because rentmen already stored limited messages over limited time or periodically deleted from their site....I blame sites like Grindr a4a and other design to be deleted dating apps tho as well...it's created the culture or the false pretenses at times to these developers that easy deletion/blocking is more important and desired than actual functionality of communication.

    Honestly... hmwgoever is running and redeveloping RM now doesn’t have a clue, or many just doesn’t care about what it takes to run a business that involves traveling and organization/Filing of messages necessary to run that business~

    They are not Escort friendly anymore...

  14. I thought most clients just use the filter to find what kinda guy they liked instead of scrolling through all the pages. I’ve never paid for platinum but I’m kind of curious to try it out for a month to see if being on the top page or Top 3 pages boost clientele :)

    I know a number of Clients who won’t hire anyone from the platinum and prefer to give business to the guys in gold or basic because they are “less full of themselves”, potentially invest more of themselves into wheat they do because they are working harder for the recognition...

    Platinum is really just rentmen trying to rape escorts over for more cash~ Juat like their other marketing incentives... Regardless of whether it’s Escorts or Clients paying for those extras... it’s still only rentmen that is profiting from it all~ Each Escort/Client that is paying an extra $500 to $1,000/Month to them, is losing $7,000 to $12,000/year in advertising overhead alone~ and then add on travel overhead, physical health, websites, clothing, toys, gear, events... Rentmen has become disrespectful and abusive to the escort/Client community~ All about their self profit now~

  15. Same with me, you never know when your going to get an appointment. Not many people schedule an appointment in advance, so when I do get that random call or text they want it now or soon lol so I’d rather save my energy and my big load for my clients too :D :p

    Right~? It seems unfair to a Client to give it all up to some other situation and be tired or spent for them... My Clients are my family and friends~ Give my love and attention to them~

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