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Posts posted by Tygerscent

  1. It would surprise me if the prospect of someone passing while in their arms would be appealing regardless of the financial compensation, but every pot has a lid.

    Appealing~? More of a matter of importance and compassion~ There can be beauty in that~ It is a profound moment~

    When Nanook, (my wolf companion), got older, I used money id saved up from work to be with him during his old age... (knowing I would be working less and caring for him more then). When he lost his mobility, I carried him around the block to visit his friends, I carried him across sand dunes to sit by the ocean... into the mountains to be in the trees~ I propped him up with pillows and took him on “made up” errands simply because his will and spirit to live was strong~

    Despite his failing body his spirit for life remained strong and he persisted with eagerness to be part of the world and each day~

    On his last day, I was with him on the bed, (king sized mattress on the floor), he called out to me... I knew that this was his time, I held him in my arms telling him I’d promised to be with him thru his last breath... I told him I was there and with him, that I love him with all of my heart and forever, that he and our life together is inside of me united... I drew in his last breath and held it until I couldn’t any longer.

    I slept next to him thru the night and bathed him in the morning... took him to “dignified pet” in Tualitan, Oregon to be cremated but, was protective and would not let anyone touch him. I put him in the kilm myself, closed the door, pushed the button and stayed there until it was done... removed his fragile bones from the kiln and put them into a box with my hair, (I grew a long Mohawk braid of hair for him prior to his death for this purpose), and his collar and fur...

    One of the most powerful and meaningful moments of my life~

    Dedicated Love exchange~

    Nearly all else pales in comparison~

    There was immense beauty in that~ It stays with me forever~

  2. In one of my more melancholy moments, I was envisioning my death bed and in conjuring this image, I considered that I would want to leave this realm in the strong and secure arms of a beautiful man. I am curious if there are escorts out there who would be willing to be hired for such a job. Not that I am looking to hire at this time, just in general, would any escorts out there be willing to perform such a service?

    I’ve walked with several of my Clients and family members to the goal post~ (And of course both Nanook and Raison who died natural unassisted deaths...)~ Sometimes their family members are there as well...

    I’ve also attended their services, spoken to the attending group and spoken privately to on their behalf things they wanted to express to other family & friends~

  3. Used to be caramel pecan sticky buns from Amy’s Bread in Hell’s Kitchen NYC... now it’s sitting at home with my neighbors cat who loves to visit me. I call him Dr. Willful Baggins Michael “Buffins” Temujin Push-Pin Panda-Cat Jackson~

    He fills my soul with everything good~

    I’m rarely home though because I travel globally for appointments: (6 months in the states & six months abroad paced evenly apart as tours: Tyger Across America Tour and Euro Tyger Tour)~

    When I am home though... he’s there waiting for me and my time and attention are dedicated to him completely~

    I love my Jackson~

  4. Just add "not looking for anyone who does pnp. Being with someone under the influence makes me extremely uncomfortable, and prefer someone who is fully there mentally as well as physically.

    I added @hypothetically 's post because some 'signs' can be explained with benign causes.

    I for one am almost always 10 minutes late, run warm from caffeine consumption and genetics, am a night time teeth grinder and have found myself doing it when stressed, and I dont pnp.

    Ya... I don’t use any drugs... I don’t smoke, I haven’t used alcohol since 2014, I don’t smoke pot or eat gummies... I’ve never used crack, meth or heroin...

    I’m naturally high energy, I’m a very visual learner and get lost in the magic of my camera lens and I run on little sleep~ My whole family is like that~ I’m not a partier at all and actually distance myself from those who do party given I had a partner die from meth use, (I was his guardian and caregiver for 7yrs after he became psychotic but he eventually took his own life)... Furthermore, drugs took out both my brother, sister & Aunt within 6 months of each other in 2018~

    The symptoms of meth use are more obvious and specific then adhd/asbergers/autism~

  5. Had my first bad experience by basically not detecting the escort is into PNP until I was already with him and he was unable to perform. He denied but there was a funny stench in his room And he wasn’t articulate in his conversation, basically just lost in this thoughts, and making excuses. It was the same person from ad pics but his physical appearance was wasted. What are the signs that one as a client should look for from first contact until the in-person meeting?

    Continuous movement of body and eyes, random thoughts, teeth grinding, repetitive movements and thoughts, performance issues, inability to focus, lack of appetite... paranoias, anxiety, anger management issues, fear, inappropriate actions and words... follows by stupor~

    a weird smell on breadth and clothing that is somewhat reminiscent of cat piss and junipers... kind of minty but, ashtray like... if you kiss them and your tongue starts to go numb, run away... (could be some other drug).

  6. Back in the early 80s or so (yes, I am that old), I went to my first all-male adult porn theater in Hollywood. I want to say it was on Normandie or Vermont right on the corner of a residential neighborhood. It was an old time single screen theater with a box office out front. I saw some classic all-male porn by old studios like Nova and Catalina and HIS. Anyway, I've become obsessed by trying to remember the name. Anyone in LA at that same time? Little help?

    I think that describes all of the area around las palmas and Selma street... one big open air porn theater back then~

  7. Being 'platinum' on rentmen is $1 per hour, minimum 12 hours, or can convert to per day and cover 30 days for $540. This is on top of the 79.99 or the 39.99 if you have been advertising before the price increase and not lapse in payment.


    Being platinum puts you on top, which can pay off huge, or with relatively no change in client acquisition. Advertising is psychology, always being on top with platinum is appealing to the psychology of certain groups and mindsets of browsers. This is in addition to target level of inquires for an advertiser.

    Reviews is psychology, in terms of what triggers someone to leave a review, regardless of the experience they had, and the convenience and usefulness of leaving one.


    In terms of reviews as well consider these scenarios:

    Someone could be leaving positive reviews for a mediocre performance if they feel they could use that as leverage to get discounts and take advantage.

    Someone could also leave a bad review that just had an ax to grind and is more indicative of an ill tempered client than the escorts performance.

    Platinum boost is a profit gaining marketing ploy rentboy used and now rentmen uses~ Escorts do succumb to the marketing tool psychology and pay for the platinum boost.... the more who do it the more gold members are pushed pages away... it’s like inflation... when suddenly the dollar isn’t big enough, you create a new currency that devalues the lower currencies~

    When so many escorts become platinum that basic and gold membership have no value and platinum because standard, they will have to start using rentboy’s Diamond boost above the platinum to sell the product~

    its very profit rapey...

    Quite frankly, it’s ripping escorts off~

    Whose making money off of platinum boost is the new rentboy, (rentmen)

  8. I always see the same guys announcing their services on top of page all week, every week. In my mind I debate if this is an act of desperation (I’ve never hired escorts ’pushing’ ads), or if these ads are really profitable and the escorts are as good as they say. Lately I have been also wondering if they engage customers asking them to pay for their ads every week in exchange for services. No idea about the costs but knowing RM, it’s probably not cheap

    Rent boy... rather rentmen, charges escorts for platinum boost, ( cost is according to how long you want the boost), RM of the Day, Video of the day, Interview of the day, sponsor, basic or gold membership, (each has profile limitations with regard to access and functions available)... they charge you for banners, edit your profile and messages of words they don’t deem fit but allow all

    Kinda of blatantly sexual language that defines working boys as prostitutes... they’ve reduced the “about me” section from 2500 characters to 250 leaving little room to define your business as something other than prostitution... Thwy have also recently added an IM platform that only allows you to write short sentences... in order to contact someone they the IM platform, you have to manually enter each contact by going in and out of the program to get someone’s exact profile name... Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t~

    As the advertising system becomes more complex and difficult to use, escorts seem to use the platinum boost feature in the hopes people will contact them~

    Their site has become grossly self profiting at the cost of the escort providers and Clients as well~

    It’s also evident that they provide favors in advertising for certain escorts but, do not extend the same rights to others while charging them full rates or more for less service~

  9. Realize that unless there are severe pre-existing conditions, this is not an issue for most people.




    If you're really worried, you can now do Descovy for PrEP. The formula has no known issues with kidneys or bone loss.



    Well... it has a lesser degree of potentially having negative effects on your kidneys~

    It is considered safer than the original formulation of Truvada.

    People who used daily Descovy had smaller changes in kidney biomarkers and slightly less bone loss than Truvada...”

    More reading: https://www.descovy.com/hcp/renal-function-bmd/renal/renally-impaired



  10. My heart sank when I learned this evening that it looked like the World is entering the pandemic phase of Covid19. With mass quarantines are going in on in Vietnam, South Korea & now Italy with Italy not even able to identify their superspreader(s). Quarantining is becoming more and more pointless now.


    From what I found, it looked like the SARS-CoV-2 virus is very similar to the HIV virus with them both being RNA viruses. Isn't PrEP help preventing RNA viruses from replicating?


    Even though to my health plan I'm on Truvada full time but I'm actually not. With my hiring pattern being very predictable, I usually get on Truvada 2 weeks before hiring and continue 1 week after. Then I stop and then start the whole cycle again for the next hire.


    If Truvada also helps with Covid19, I'm willing to risk bone and kidney damage to go on Truvada full time until this thing blows over. Any doctor in the house would like to chime in?

    No... it’s not shown that Descovy or Truvada are effective preventative or treatment prophylactic against Covid19~ Kaletra has been shown effective against SARS and Ebola. Kaletra contains a protease inhibitor not present in Descovy/Truvada

  11. Has anyone else noticed this site has become not only a cash extractor from working lads but, also an incompetent/ineffective marketing tool for both Clients and Escorts~?

    I’m curious... how much are guys forking over to the new rentboy site... (I mean rentmen) in sponsor fees, rentmen of the day fees, interview of the day fees, video of the day fees, platinum boost fees, gold status fees etc~?

    Having problems moving your GPS between countries and cities~? Forced to place multiple ads to cover you in and out of the USA~?

    Difficulties contacting people from the “who viewed me” list~?

    Difficulties using the new IM platform now that they have done away with the email option~?

    Are you paying this company extraordinary fees for a site that doesn’t function on even a basic consumer level~?

    Share your concerns...



  12. While it may be bad for escorting, I still need to make a living so as an escort I will continue escorting. Yes my health is at risk but I feel as an escort my health is always at a certain amount of risk. No one says an escorts job is easy, but taking the proper precautions do help.



    What are the proper precautions you suggest for the coronavirus~?

  13. Many men would say it's scary as far as diseases and legal trouble now. No means no but no one's sure what means yes short of a witnessed written agreement. A young man's life can easily be ruined. Too much trouble when porn's free.

    You bring up a good point: the online presence of sex~

    While sexual encounters “appear” to be going down according to provided reports, that says nothing about couples in relationships and people masturbating to online porn~

    Who was being poled to get these statistics~?

    If you look at porn hubs annual and financial report, their business is on the rise~ ?‍♂️


  14. I thought, for a moment, that the forums were deleted. Glad it is not the case.

    When the content of sites, (like these or other ANY other forum) are viewed as "dangerous" (as in recently banned FB members and their content), those sites will be monitored and/or deleted/blocked~

    The second amendment was secured in

    2016 but, the 1st amendment has been silently slipping away unnoticed since then as well~

    We're quickly approaching our "Big Yellow Taxi" moment here in the states~

  15. Even very small deposits have a different drawback: most clients don't want to be linkable by a recorded financial transaction, for obvious reasons. In theory there are ways around this, but they get complicated.


    I suppose part of the answer has to be to develop a good flakedar...

    It’s interesting though how many clients actually want to pay by credit card, Square Cash, other bank transfer methods…

  16. Are 28% of young male adults still living at home? There’s your answer. What horny young guy wants to parade the fancy of the moment in front of dad and mom in their barcaloungers watching Americ’a’s Got Talent on the way to the bedroom that still features a single bed and your junior high school era decor. Maybe even your Batman sheets.

    It’s kind of interesting because I travel a lot for work… I travel to the EU, UK, Asia, Indian subcontinent… all over~

    Many of the places I go to entire families do you live in one home… And that can include extended family~ It’s both a cultural and a financial decision.

    The States are a little bit different because Americans seem to value independence in the separation from that type of living situation with family members. They may have partners but, there’s plenty of physical infidelity that It’s more convenient with our mobile social/employment/academic society.

    Sometimes I go to these places like India and Asia… Places were families all live together… And I see grandparents great-grandparents parents children and grandchildren… They all live in the same house and I think to myself “how and where do they ever have sex~?”

    You really have to sort of be quick about it. Privacy is a luxury~

    I often host when I’m traveling... there are times though when I am not able to host. Japan is pretty awesome because they actually have hotels/play spaces that you can rent out for a very short period of time specifically to enjoy the various bacchanalian pleasures that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to have at home due to a lack of privacy. Some other countries have variations of this including the states. Here we have sites like “by the hour” and others That allow you to rent a hotel room for four, six, nine hours and the hotels are three and four star hotels… Are usually set up for business associations or to accommodate travel were short term accommodations are needed.

  17. Unlike the past stereotype of sexless elders, there's a sudden new phenomenon of young men not having sex.


    I'm doing my part to disprove and change both.



    That's interesting... I was actually celibate, (not even masturbation), for 1.5yrs between the ages of 18 and 20~ (from Jan 1st age 18 to June 24th age 20)~

    When I started again, I would do this relaxation technique I learned in high school, (progressive Jesuit high school): sort of an out of body relaxation thing with concentration of all feeling centered on my Dick~

    All hands free... Would get hard and throbbing... I could feel the Love honey dripping down my waist and pool up in my navel~

    Finally, I would cum...

    At first it would take me almost two hours but, as time went on, it would happen more quickly~ Always very intense~

    Even now, i rarely masturbate alone...

    And when I do, it's hands free~

    I like someone else on the other end of me~

    So, Clients are actually important to me because, when I'm not with a Client, I really dont have sex~ It’s the intimacy factor... masturbation lacks that but, time with my Client’s, (romantic or kinky), is always intimate... So, I look forward to being with my Clients... but, otherwise, I don’t seek it out~

    Although I don't watch porn left on my own, I've made plenty and film some sessions for Clients own personal use...

    I do collect GIF's though and share those at times when chatting with Clients... It's sort of like foreplay and foreshadowing of things to cum~

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