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Posts posted by wsc

  1. All the candy maker needs are those two magical words seen on practically every food package cover or menu with an image of their product - Serving Suggestion. It's the get-out-of-jail-free card for culinary misrepresentation.

    I once noticed these words on a box containing a frozen Sara Lee cheesecake, and next to the words Serves Six. Assessing the smallish size of the box, my immediate thought was "Who are these six skinny people? I'm going to eat the whole thing by myself while watching a half-hour TV show. 'Serves Six,' my ass!"

  2. 1 hour ago, BOZO T CLOWN said:

    "Comedienne"? Really? A comedienne is supposed to make people laugh. Kathy Griffin is no comedienne.
    Phyllis Diller was funny...Moms Mabley was funny...Totie Fields was funny...Lucille Ball was funny...Gracie Allen was funny....Rosanne Barr was funny...Joan Rivers was funny...Carol Burnett is/was funny.
    Kathy Griffin is a witch. She is more ugly on the outside (have you ever seen her without make-up?) than on the inside. And that's tough to do.

    It's hard to believe that vile woman was married!?!?!!? Who would marry that rat-faced orange crone? 
    Randy Bick is one fortunate man to be getting this divorce. Tough too! How he could stand four years with this POS is beyond my understanding. Did it really take 4 years for Randy Bick to regain his hearing, eyesight, and ability to detect foul odors? Did it really take him four years to see her in the daylight?

    Well, one thing we know for certain is that her soon to be ex just got the greatest New Year's present ever! He should be the happiest man on earth right now. He got his get-out-of-jail card not having to spend another day with that attention-craving narcissist. Let's hope she doesn't display his severed head any time soon.


    Kathy Griffin has made a living by being shallow, hateful, vulgar, and crude. And those are her good points. 
    She is a miserable, wretched, hate-filled woman that has brought this misery up on herself! May her TDS consume her ! 



    Therapy, dear, therapy! Please get some therapy. If you keep all this bottled up inside, one day you'll explode.

  3. 17 hours ago, Tygerscent said:



    Never found this age in a bar to sample nor had the will to drop the cash for a bottle of my own. I've had the celebrated 18-year version and found the finish smoother than younger ones, but not $40 more a bottle smoother. So, I'm hesitant to drop $700 for the 25-year. How does it compare to the 18, can you say?

  4. 30 minutes ago, Kman said:

    I wish I could remember the names of some scotch I tried at at tasting…of course they were $200-$300 bottles and those are the ones I liked. I’ve had Laphroaig and I thought it tasted like the smell of a permanent marker 😝. And the McCallan? 12,15, or 20 yr I just could not acquire a taste.  

    I've had the 12- and 18-year McCallan's and found neither much to my liking. The taste reminded me of the first description I ever heard of the taste of scotch as being like what you get when you wring out sweaty gym socks. Never tried that brand of kink, but it fits with my recollections.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Kman said:

    I wish I could remember the names of some scotch I tried at at tasting…of course they were $200-$300 bottles and those are the ones I liked. I’ve had Laphroaig and I thought it tasted like the smell of a permanent marker 😝. And the McCallan? 12,15, or 20 yr I just could not acquire a taste.  

    Laphroaig prides itself on its sharp test. The distillery sponsored a contest some years ago for the best description of it; the winning entry was "tastes like gas station sushi served on a rusty plate." I wholly disagree with the description but admire its self-deprecating nature.

  6. Laphroaig, hands down. If unavailable, Lagavulin or Ardbeg; all are smoky and peaty and delectable. As a nice change of pace is the golden allure of a Glenlivet 18 year. [BTW, straying from the Scots for the moment, any of the "Spots" Irish whiskies (Green, Yellow, Blue, or Red) are truly the smoothest of any I've sampled!]

  7. A story (unconfirmed) regarding Senator Dirkson:

    Lyndon Johnson, when both he and Dirkson were Senators, got a call from Dirkson and learned that Everett was calling from his car deliberately to make LBJ jealous. True to form, LBJ went out and had a phone installed in his car the next day.

    A few days later, Johnson was driving around Washington and saw that Dirkson was ahead of him in traffic. Johnson called Dirkson and told him that he, too, now had a phone in the car. Dirkson congratulated Johnson and told him how much he'd come to love it. Then Dirkson said, "I'm sorry, Lyndon, I've got to go. There's a call on my other line."

  8. On 12/18/2023 at 10:45 PM, pubic_assistance said:

    The only way to end the massive problem with child molestation amongst Catholic Priests is to normalize them and allow them to have adult relationships. Gay or straight. I hope recognition of same sex couples could include members of their own clergy. 

    Adults do not sexually abuse children for lack of adult alternatives. They abuse children because of a mental pathology which is resistant to quick or easy remedy. Some men afflicted with the pathology are attracted to the priesthood because it provides both a cloak of respectability as well as easy access to potential victims. Being able to marry will not cure them of the pathology.

  9. 36 minutes ago, viewing ownly said:

    If this statue emits a blinding reflection that effects vehicle or air traffic, or makes irritating sounds at all hours, I could understand a public outcry. Whatever business is lost with those who boycott will more than be made up by people who are happy it's there and want to come to see it.

    I assume there's a permitting process, even for construction on private land, that will look at issues like this, so those concerns will probably be addressed.

    In Virginia, after some incident that renewed calls for not displaying Confederate flags, a contrarian put up a 50+ foot flagpole on his own land next to I-95, then hoisted a supersized battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia (the more commonly seen one, with the blue saltire, or X-cross, emblazoned with white stars on a red field). Except for height restrictions, which this flagpole did not violate, the only other concerns officials could legally press was stability to ensure the pole wouldn't be overturned and fall across the interstate. Otherwise, he could do what he wanted on his own land.

    I suspect patronage of the business will be the true test of acceptance or rejection, and thus of wisdom or folly.

  10. 1 hour ago, BSR said:

     While the Church does teach that homosexuality is a sin ...

    By way of clarification - the church does not teach that the condition -being homosexual- is sinful, just that homosexual acts are sinful; and I don't mean wearing tight jeans, if that's still a thing.

    To me, all this is about as relevant and meaningful as Trekkies at a convention discussing the proper conjugation of Klingon nouns; it's all made-up and pointless. Who cares?

  11. On 9/19/2023 at 9:39 PM, pubic_assistance said:

    I am.confused.

    Has the make up department never added characteristics to an actor to have him look.more like the subject he is portraying?

    Should only actors with a big nose be considered?

    This attitude that you need to be like the characters you're playing runs against the whole idea of acting..

    Precisely the point. Augmenting the actor's snout to more closely match the character being portrayed is akin to combing the actor's hair to mimic the style of JFK for the movie Kennedy or giving Charles Laughton a backbump to be The Hunchback of Notre Dame

    But these things can get silly. In the miniseries Anne Boleyn, a Black actress was chosen to portray Mary, Queen of Scots; a choice destined to evoke criticism, which it did, and just as predictably, brought criticism raining down from those who criticized the criticism. 

    I wonder what their reaction would be if Bradley Cooper's next project was the title role in a film to be called MLK and the Dream He Had. Which would incite greater scorn; putting the white actor in blackface, or having him play the role without makeup?

    Do you know we also discriminate against the blind? No one will hire one to drive a school bus.

  12. 11 minutes ago, PileDriver said:

    wsc...prefer not to name the offender...bet he is a nice guy. just got caught up in his drama. my concern is moving forward and knowing whether i'm alone in what i see as an uptick in bad behavior and looking for advice on how to handle these situations when they occur...hours later i just wonder what was going on in his head...out of respect and caring

    I'm assuming this was your first in person meeting with Mr. NoName, and, if so, can't help but wonder how you arrived at the "he is a nice guy" speculation, other than, perhaps. his on-screen persona -when he's acting- and your earnest wish that it be true. I admire your good nature and intentions to assign his impolite behavior to him having a bad day, not knowing who pissed in his corn flakes before you met him that day; we've all had days like that and owe apologies to those we growled at, or worse, bit. And I applaud his refusal to take money for a service not provided, again assuming that abuse was not part of the requested service. And I appreciate your wish to not cause him negative repercussions based a brief and unfortunate experience. I'm sorry you had the bad time with him and wish you better times to come, or cum, as you choose to spell it. For myself, I shall try to carry on as best I can, leaving my prurient curiosity altogether unsatisfied.

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