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Posts posted by Walt

  1. 2 hours ago, Asterisk said:
    On 2/21/2023 at 8:45 AM, Luv2play said:

    I was told it by the consular official from the US embassy in Paris who went to id the body. 

    The passport was auctioned off. She died in Neuilly in 1989, so this would be the one.

    So is it being suggested that somebody at Warner forged a second passport after she died?! Or that consular officials like to embellish?  😉

  2. 9 hours ago, coriolis888 said:

    However, there are fewer clients willing to pay $500 than a lesser amount.  

    That means the provider will have to do more work to engage a client.  

    Or perhaps his business model is that he only wants to see one or maybe two clients a week, so that suits him just fine!  😉 Maybe he is not motivated by the idea of volume, and seeing as many people as possible.

  3. On 2/22/2023 at 4:28 PM, Pd1_jap said:

    Anyone have any actual experience? The jokes are funny but irrelevant. 

    Chico: Now I aska you one. What has a trunk, but no key, weighs 2,000 pounds and lives in a circus?
    Prosecutor: That's irrelevant.
    Chico: A relephant? Hey, thatsa the answer. There's a whole lot of irrelephants in the circus
    --DuckSoup 1933


  4. 2 hours ago, jtwalker said:

    This is essentially a review site, so I think some negative reviews come with the territory. 

    This chain is not about "reviews!"  A review occurs after a client meets a provider and then comments if the provider does or doesn't meet expectations, and yes those reviews can indeed be negative.

    On the other hand, people making gratuitous comments revealing their opinion about the provider's body and how the provider looks based solely on the photos in and ad is not a "review." That is just an opinionated comment, that was not requested, and that is not at all necessary.

    If I am on here asking about a provider, I want to know if someone met them, that they lived up to expectations,  that they matched what they said they would do, and they matched their photos.  That is a review. I do NOT want to know that some random person says "ooooh, they are too hairy, they are too old, they are too fat, their ears are funny, i doooon't like thaaaat" based solely on the photos.

    If the original poster creates a chain on Company of Men they are clearly seeing the photos of the provider they ask about, and they know what they like -- and it's really hard to understand why some very insecure opinionated commenters need to broadcast their own personal bigotry, feel a need to "yuck someone else's yum", and clearly love to have an opportunity to body shame others.

  5. On 1/31/2023 at 9:42 PM, Scott Virginian said:

    I'm not an expert on the detailed workings of the RM site, but -- if a provider puts in a string of random cities, does that do something to the search functions that causes him to pop up when someone searches a city? I think so.

    In which case, could someone play the "let's see where there's business" game with the search function?  Throw in ten cities, see if you get a nibble, and then go only to that city?

    I really think this is the explanation that makes the most sense.  Thanks @Scott Virginian

  6. I am so sorry to hear this happened to you. I had something very similar happen with the addition of a little physical pushing, but about 15 years ago.  It was terrifyingly scary in the moment and devastating for quite a while.

    What helped me was telling another provider who I knew well. He was so generous in his listening and sincere in talking through the whole experience. It calmed me SUBSTANTIALLY. I don't know who else in my life I could have told though...so my advice may not be easy for you to do. I suggest talking to someone and spilling out how you feel about it and all the many, many directions your thoughts are going right now. Someone, anyone. If there is no one that you can think of that you are comfortable talking to, keep writing about it: in a letter to yourself, or in your journal, or even on this web site. We understand.  You need to get that toxic psychic energy out of endless loop inside....

    By the way, in my situation, the original provider didn't pursue any of the threats he made. And I also assure you: Time does heal all wounds!

  7. 14 minutes ago, northdude30 said:

    Has anyone met with him recently? I saw he is posting on RM and when I texted him he said his rate is $300. I expected the rate to be higher due to him being a porn star.. has he slid a lot or something?

    Where? Link?

  8. 16 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    The RM market doesn't care if your rents are skyrocketing. It only cares about what clients are willing to pay.

    What clients are willing to pay AND what providers are willing to accept!

    No one expects providers to accept historic rates from 1950, and similarly people are beginning to realize that expecting providers to accept the historic rates from only a few years ago is becoming unrealistic. The times (and prices) are changing.



    3 hours ago, dutchal said:
    13 hours ago, Kylemarty said:

    Had an overnight with him last year. He is very handsome and sexy. Looks like the pictures. He insisted he wanted to get on the tub which I found to be surprisingly sexy 

    "on the tub"?

    Or maybe on the Tube?? Definitely "surprisingly sexy."


  10. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    JUST MY OPINON ...so nobody jump all over me

    LOL.  As the old saying goes, He who has an honest opinion about the appeal of someone else's tiny little genitals, shouldn't be shocked when others have an opinion about the appeal of his tiny little honest opinions. Just my own tiny little honest opinion., so nobody jump all over me! 😉

  11. 2 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    Although the only-male brothel closed in Nevada, there are still mostly-female brothels that have men for men. One day I should try it.

    Gay-Friendly Brothels In Nevada: A Safe And Exciting Sexual Encounter – Sdlgbtn

    Huh?  Did I misread, or did this article contradict itself a few times? Could at least use some copy editing Was it written by some form of Artificial [Limited] Intelligence?

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