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Posts posted by Walt

  1. 16 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    The RM market doesn't care if your rents are skyrocketing. It only cares about what clients are willing to pay.

    What clients are willing to pay AND what providers are willing to accept!

    No one expects providers to accept historic rates from 1950, and similarly people are beginning to realize that expecting providers to accept the historic rates from only a few years ago is becoming unrealistic. The times (and prices) are changing.



    3 hours ago, dutchal said:
    13 hours ago, Kylemarty said:

    Had an overnight with him last year. He is very handsome and sexy. Looks like the pictures. He insisted he wanted to get on the tub which I found to be surprisingly sexy 

    "on the tub"?

    Or maybe on the Tube?? Definitely "surprisingly sexy."


  3. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    JUST MY OPINON ...so nobody jump all over me

    LOL.  As the old saying goes, He who has an honest opinion about the appeal of someone else's tiny little genitals, shouldn't be shocked when others have an opinion about the appeal of his tiny little honest opinions. Just my own tiny little honest opinion., so nobody jump all over me! 😉

  4. 2 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    Although the only-male brothel closed in Nevada, there are still mostly-female brothels that have men for men. One day I should try it.

    Gay-Friendly Brothels In Nevada: A Safe And Exciting Sexual Encounter – Sdlgbtn

    Huh?  Did I misread, or did this article contradict itself a few times? Could at least use some copy editing Was it written by some form of Artificial [Limited] Intelligence?

  5. 12 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    The only way to your goal of an emotional connection is to work toward an emotional connection with someone.

    That means meeting up with someone more than once, tipping generously and forming a comfortable relationship that isn't just - *I pay you cash / you suck my dick*

    This is 100% true...but you still need to pick wisely, because it will not succeed 100% of the time. This approach will bring out the best in providers capable of a connection, but alas, some providers are simply incapable (consciously or unconsciously) to make that connection.

  6. On 1/21/2023 at 12:23 PM, arnemgreeves said:

    An escort would welcome a client and treat them well due to wanting money. Maybe it's just me - but I don't get the context of kindness here. A restaruant waiter will be "kind" be being pleasant since the owner of the place wants customers and revenue. Maybe that's a cold way of looking at it, but maybe I'm wrong in interpreting this question. 

    A person's actions can be "welcoming," "pleasant," or treat a customer well because the person is obsequious, desperate for money, operating from a "script", gritting their teeth to play a role, a decent actor, or even a sociopath -- all of those are personality traits or personal motivations/qualities that simply don't include being kind.  Kindness includes a sense of the person's motivation and ability to connect with another as experienced by the other person..

    [But we all need to be careful, the biggest sociopaths can be great actors and easily convince someone their motivations are pure and admirable.  😉   ]

  7. 3 hours ago, hardgrinder said:

    Rentmen should help new guys out with composing an ad.

    I prefer that Rentmen doesn't help them at all.  That helps me see who is serious about things in their ads and if they have looked at their competition with some thought and have truly evaluated their own strengths and weaknesses and interests--versus someone who naively just took a couple of minutes and filled out a few things out without any thought.

  8. 1 hour ago, nycboi said:

    It is not common for gay buff guys to be so into twinks. He and Austin Wolf are an exception. Austin in particular seems to have a fetish for young Asian feminine twinks that most of the times look like teens. 

    But it's very, very common for some people to tell other  people that their fetishes are completely all wrong, if not completely uncommon.

  9. 18 hours ago, coriolis888 said:

    There are many things I read that I do not like but I do not respond with insults to the author.

    So are you suggesting that it would have been preferable if LookingAround had voiced his comment it in the third person as a statement by a random generic person representing the heartfelt  honesty of Middle America and had written something more like this:

    "I was sitting in a coffee shop, and I happened to have my screen open to your statement. A couple not known to me happened to see it.  The wife of the couple said to her husband,  'Honey, did you see that man's comments?  How close-minded that lady at the car rental place sounds. I wish people would just stop yucking other people's yums.' I could not help but laugh at her comment. "

  10. 3 hours ago, John said:

    The other way to look at it, which is what the other responders are suggesting, is if you want a haircut, don't ask a dentist.

    So, if Starlight77 wants someone he kisses are you suggesting he go see...a barber instead of a provider???  😉 

    Even for some of us who do love to fuck, a provider who doesn't kiss WELL is a complete non-contender.



  11. 15 hours ago, John said:

    Of all the bad things that can happen with a new provider in a new place, I think being video-taped by a third party is one of the least likely.

    I completely and totally agree with John above that worrying about being videotaped by a third party in either a hotel or an AirBNB is so slim to be not worthy of too much consideration!

    But if anyone wants to torture themselves with the fact it has indeed happened and needs fuel for their paranoia, here's a fairly well know article by Gay Talese in the New Yorker that creeps even someone like me out, "The Voyeur's Hotel" https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/04/11/gay-talese-the-voyeurs-motel  "Gerald Foos bought a motel in order to watch his guests having sex. He saw a lot more than that."

  12. 2 hours ago, LocallySocally said:

    This guy seems to have 2 profiles.  Does that mean it's a fake?

    Good catch: Maybe or maybe not a complete fake....but given the discrepancies flagged by others above, it does not inspire confidence, so on that alone I'd search out someone else who was more reliable and who actually knew how tall they were.

  13. 3 hours ago, Medin said:

    It seems you guys are using CPI and not the labor inflation rate.  I've yet to find a company that will accept CPI during contract negotiations.  I'd have to look it up but I think the real labor rate increase in the past 12 months is closer to 5%.  

    Thanks...and that's exactly why I originally asked where is everyone finding their data!  Where do you find the 5% number? On the U.S. Department of Labor "Inflation Calculator" it leads to the 18% from 1/2019 to 10/2022 shown above -- and then links to "How to Use the Consumer Price Index for Escalation" https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/statistics/inflation . Is the Department of Labor using the wrong figure--or are greedy companies just ignoring the facts?

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