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Posts posted by Hlparx

  1. 16 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

    Interesting! I must be in the 1 to 2% then who prefer clients to book in advance. If you text me for right now it’s always a “no”. I’m not laying around in bed all day waiting for clients to text. I got stuff to do!

    A day’s notice is needed usually, or longer if you definitely want me to be available. 

    I wonder if this is a US v. Europe thing.  Escorts that I've seen in Europe have tended to emphasize at least one day's notice.  In the US, there does seem to be more "day of."

    From the client side, I absolutely prefer to book in advance.  From my perspective, that increases the likelihood that I can be seen at preferred time or, if not, that we can reach some sort of mutually agreeable time.  I assume that other people have things going on in their lives and messaging them two hours (or even five hours) is asking them to rearrange their lives on short notice.  Personally, it's the rare friend that I'll rearrange my plans for on two hours' notice.  

  2. 1 hour ago, myophile said:

    I was interested to see that some of you tip (in part) because you feel the provider undercharges. 

    I haven't quite done this, but I have tipped in appreciation of a provider providing an excellent time at a lower rate than others and being willing to inconvenience himself for me

    I saw an escort in Paris last year and had a fantastic time.  He charges a lower rate if you come to him.  During a more recent trip, I arranged another meeting and, although he wasn't able to host, after I volunteered to host, he said that he said that he would charge the incall rate.  True to form, he arrived and showed me a good time.  I added an extra amount because I knew that I'd have a good time and because he'd volunteered to take the incall rate for an outcall.

  3. Does anyone know if using RM Messenger acknowledges your RM privacy settings?  In other words, if you have "Do Not Track" checked on RM, can someone still see if you've looked at their profile when you access it through RM Messenger?

  4. 6 hours ago, Tay said:

    Did you hire at the end ?


    I haven’t had the opportunity and, to be honest, not sure that I will.  I’ve hired a non-kisser before and while it was fine, it turned out that it was more important to me than I thought.

  5. 17 hours ago, Pd1_jap said:

    He contacted me on rentmen and said if I was available "now", he would only expect a low donation. 

    I took the gamble and I was pleasantly surprised. He's a hot welch stud with a great body. I highly recommend. Although he's only in LA for two weeks. 

    FYI, I did inform him that he was undervaluing himself. 

    Any chance that he said where he's going after L.A.?

  6. 5 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:


    You want to play with economic data? Below is the very reason I felt 300/hr was too much before the pandemic:


    Average base pay: $164 per hour

    Average base pay: $118 per hour

    Average base pay: $103 per hour

    Commercial pilot
    Average base pay: $50 per hour 

    U.S. Marine Corps officer
    Average base pay: $42 per hour


    These are from 9 months ago, so feel free to adjust for inflation.


    5 hours ago, xyz48B said:


    We can’t compare escorting to another profession! Escorting is without peer! 

    It’s possible that I’ve missed it, but I don’t think anyone has pointed out one of the reasons for “high” rates in the US is that escorting operates in a legally gray area in the US.  If you’re buying something on the black market, you are going to pay more for it than you would on an open market.

    4 hours ago, handiacefailure said:

    Seeing my lawyer's bill rate is only $350 an hour and he has a lot of overheard and his income is taxed, I think $400 is a lot seeing they have no overheard other than a rentman ad and chances are they aren't claiming the income on their taxes.  

    This absolutely depends on overhead and what type of practice your lawyer has.  In NYC, I doubt $350/hr will get you a law school grad at a large firm; it might get you someone who is practicing on his own.  In Billings, MT, it’ll probably get you a partner who has his own firm.

    I’m not sure that an ad is the only overhead in this business.  Some potential ones that jump out at me: lube, condoms, PReP, testing, a home (can also be used for incalls), utilities, and travel.  There are also some natural limitations to the number of clients that can be seen each day unless Viagra is in play, which adds another expense.  And of course, there are other potential life expenses that need to be considered.

    As to whether $400 is “worth it” or “too much,” that’s subjective.  That may depend on what’s important to you at the time you’re thinking about your options.  On RM at least, guys push a lot of reasons why you should hire them: height, weight, endowment, sexual prowess, educational background, conversation skills, worldliness, intelligence, physique, personality, etc.  If there’s some combination of these reasons that’s worth $400 to the prospective purchaser, then it’s not “too much.”  If there isn’t, then it’s “too high.”  

  7. 46 minutes ago, njr47 said:

    do you remember if either of his reviewers said that he kissed?  It's not listed in the list of things he likes to do

    I was told that he is "not into kissing," which I interpret as he doesn't kiss.

  8. 8 hours ago, doublebarrelale said:


    any experience with this guy? please PM me

    I have no personal experience with him, but he caught my eye a few weeks ago and I ended up checking out his OF, messaged his reviewers, and did end up contacting him.   

    Two of the three reviewers responded.  Each was satisfied, one enthusiastically so and he was clear that he would repeat.  I was told that while there are limits, Hans is nevertheless an eager participant.

    When I chat with the provider, he was perfectly pleasant.  The rate he provided was in line with what I've been quoted before in LA.  I've never hired in SF, but I suspect it's in line with what you can expect there.  

    8 hours ago, glutes said:

    Pic #10 suggests there might be some age shaving.

    From what I could tell from the videos on his OF, he's roughly in his mid-30s, but it's certainly possible that he's older.  Beards make men look older and he's clean shaven now.

  9. 4 hours ago, chevrox said:

    Thank you everyone for your feedback. This is helpful. I would like to add a few things from my perspective and what I think could be improved based on what I've read. This is in no way a defense of my part in the interaction, because regardless of my intention what matters is how my words are perceived. 

    1. "Availability" is certainly a bit short, but my usual "what's your availability like," while more polite, doesn't meaningful expand on the information requested. I'll cop to not being fully committal in the first text, but I think everyone would agree that both parties should assess whether it's a mutual fit before working toward a booking, and this includes asking questions. Unless the client is certain that a provider is what he's looking for based on available info prior to initiating contact, it is perhaps too early to specify a time and date in the very first text when a commitment is still contingent on information yet to be disclosed. At least, I personally find it disingenuous to ask for a specific slot before I know for sure I want to work with the person. That said, I agree that "availability" isn't a helpful, tactful, or productive question, and if I'm not yet ready to book, I think I should leave it out altogether and revisit when we can establish a fit.

    2. Of course, this is a two way street, there's a give and take and I wasn't giving much. Based on the feedback, I agree it's better to offer more information about myself in initiating the contact other than just my screen name (although to be fair, my client profile has a lot of information about me, but I could have made it more accessible). There are also competing priorities here. The client wants more information before he commits, and the provider would presumably prefer more certainty in whether the prospect converts into a booking. In exchange for more provider information, I could have signaled in the initial and subsequent text more earnestly a readiness to seal the deal.

    3. In hindsight, "what's your rate," I now feel, is just as superfluous and unnecessary a question in the first text, since rate tends to run mostly within a $100 spread, i.e., it's something that the prospective client already has a good idea about, and leading with it can come across as impersonal, hesitant, and appear to be an effort at bargaining before establishing any rapport. It can also wait until a fit is established, if at all; the provider usually volunteer that information, and I've also had success by offering a budget and ask for the amount of time it's worth instead.

    4. In my experience, there have been providers that booked based off zero information about me, and there are providers that declined to book due to lack of fit based on information that I provided. This is completely okay; nobody should feel pressured to do anything they don't feel up to with anyone, and as a client I would not enjoy the encounter if I knew that the provider is going to hate it or feel uncomfortable.  There are different approaches and tolerances, and some providers are more selective than others; in any case, I now think it's always the better policy for the client to offer some information to establish fit within reasonable scope and discretion, which I failed to do effectively in this interaction.

    5. I do contest the notion that I needed to address the provider by their name in the first text, since I don't know their real name at that point and in a text message there's nobody else I could possibly be addressing. Similarly, I feel that offering my screen name is appropriate initially before a rapport is sufficiently established to exchange real names, and a screen name is much more informative anyway. With few exception, I've always exchanged real names with providers either after sealing the deal or when we met in person. That said, there's no cost or downside to addressing the provider by their screen name and I should do that in the future.

    6. I also disagree that it disrespects the provider by asking whether he barebacks, even in the initial text, especially when the profile specifically says "ask me." For me it is a requirement (unless I'm just looking to hang out or cuddle), and there would be no need to carry on a conversation if the answer is no. I understand that there is a concern about client "sussying out" the provider (and I know providers that similarly suss out clients when it comes to drug use), but when it comes to safety, the best policy is always honest conversation, full disclosure, risk awareness, and informed consent. This is a matter of principle. I also acknowledge that there is a concern of harassment and/or entrapment by law enforcement in the US since it is a direct reference to sex; "masseurs" and "escorts" exist in such a gray area that it can be very difficult to navigate (it is of course not illegal to ask or answer the question per se, but context of the conversation and the context this question contributes to make it murky). It is very unfortunate that providers have to assume this risk. Whatever tolerance level they have toward legal jeopardy and however they approach it are valid, including declining to answer, but it is not wrong or disrespectful to ask.

    7. Ok, all that only to cover my first text lol. I'll pick up the pace. I admit it's a mistake when the provider needed a bit prodding I took a step back ("how long are you in town for") instead of forward, although by that morning I did not have any immediately open slot on my schedule so I at this point I would not be able to commit to anything within the day or next. I should have instead asked if he's available for my next available slot, even if a couple days later.

    8. I was taken aback by the "Why don't you... take it from there" reply, but I should not have gotten defensive in clarifying and pleading my intentions ("I was hoping to..."). I can definitely see how that can be read as relitigating the past, accusation even. At this point I was starting to lose interest but still hopeful, and, although feeling less committal due to the provider's reply, I should have simply said "sounds good" and try later if interest remained instead of defending myself against a perceived slight.

    9. I cop to a compulsion to win every argument, something very valuable in my profession (which is all about persuasive argument and I'm almost always right) but quite alienating in my personal life. So when the provider got argumentative and screen capped me, I instinctively felt the need to respond in kind, even though at that point I've completely lost interest. This is dumb, because it was completely unnecessary given I've already lost interest. The nastiness thereafter is just history.

     10. I don't know this provider in person, what he's like usually, or whether he was having a bad day, and I cannot say anything on his behalf. His profile gave me the impression of sincerity, affability, maybe even goofiness. It was a short interaction but I do see how it could have gone down very differently. Even if the conversation went wrong at the beginning, I could have ended it amicably early and salvaged a chance for a meet, and there were multiple points of failure on my part that contributed to the terrible mutual first impression that made it nearly impossible to enjoy an encounter, if one is even possible, even if the provider could be the nicest guy in person. This is a bridge burnt before it was even built and it definitely didn't need to be that way. Lesson learned.

    I see--and agree with--some of your points, but nothing in here is a persuasive response to the advice to put together a 3 or 4 sentence introductory message.

    Yes, you can be noncommital in the first message, but be upfront about it.  For example:

    Hi, I'm Interested.  I saw your profile and would like to ask a few questions.  [Insert description of self OR likes OR questions here.]  [Do you think that we'd be a good fit?]

    If the escort isn't willing to answer a couple of questions that are aimed at deciding whether you want to move forward, then it probably means that any experience with him is going to be unsatisfying.

    You're right that you don't have to use your name, real or fake.  But, for what it's worth, I'm not sure revealing your assumption that revealing your RM screenname in a text message is as enlightening as you think.  Escorts may know better than me.  I've searched for my screenname on the site and my profile doesn't appear.  If you were using the RM messenger to communicate, I'd agree that just mentioning your screenname is an acceptable, if impersonal response.  Regardless of whether you're using RM messenger to communicate, it's also kind of unreasonable to expect the escort to go research you to find out more.

    As for the bareback question, this can be:  "What safety precautions do you take?"  Or you can reveal your preferences on that front when you're describing yourself.

  10. 4 hours ago, BaronArtz said:

    This inspired me to take a look at the listings on Rentmen - Paris.  Amazing! A great blend of French, Brazilian and Arab/North African talent.  I should visit Paris sometime this year!!!

    Does anyone have an idea what the rates in Paris are vs. New York?


    I was in Paris in November and last month.  The quotes that I saw or asked ran from 150€ to 250€ per hour, so right around pre-pandemic levels.  I paid 150€ or 200€ when I hired.

    That being said, there were more providers quoting 200€ than 150€, which is a shift from pre-Covid times.

  11. It's not the way i would've approached this, but I think that @Jamie21 is right that the initial message is within the wide bounds of acceptabilty, particularly given app culture.  That said, I don't like app culture.

    When I reach out to a new guy, I usually have something the lines of:  Hi Provider, I'm Interested.  I saw your profile and would like to arrange a meeting.  Are you available [date and time/or timeframe] for [desired amount of time]?  If it's a timeframe, I usually mention whether I can be flexible within a certain time.

    Basically I try to remember that there's someone on the other end and talk to them as though they were standing in front of me.

  12. Intrigued and am bumping this.  

    On 2/2/2022 at 3:10 PM, sydneyboy said:

    A couple of worrying Rentmen reviews.

    I see the worrying reviews, but his most recent review seems to disprove one of them...

  13. 1 hour ago, Luvfurrytops said:

    Thanks so much for directing me to threads under previous names. 
    It does give pause when there have been so many name changes and yet under his present name he has positive reviews on Rentmen going back to 2017 — times when he would go under different names/profiles. Are you able to carry over your reviews when you change your name/profile on Rentmen?

    Yes, reviews will stick with a profile even if the name changes.  I saw an escort in November when he using one name and left an ecstatic review.  He changed his name a few weeks ago and the review is still there.

  14. He’s previously gone under “TallWhiteandHung” and another similarly named profile that has since been deleted.  I think TylerOnTop is a rebranding of TallWhiteandHung.

    I also think he’s been a member of the forum at some point.  I remember him commenting on a thread and offering to provide a dissatisfied client with a gratis session.  I think it was before the transition.

    Here’s some of the prior discussion.  Definitely a split of opinion on him.




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