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Posts posted by Hlparx

  1. I've seen two twenty year olds in the past few days, both of whom have agents. The one thing I don't like about their business model is the fact that they make you pay for their uber (to and from your hotel). I would never do an incall with a boy with an agent for the very reason that they have an agent. I feel much more secure with them coming alone to me.


    I don’t know your preferences, but there’s a top-only Frenchman who I met in London earlier this year and who is still there. Definitely my favorite escort experience to date. He hosted, but offered to travel to me and in-call/out-call rates were the same. He didn’t mention Uber at all.

  2. That was my experience too! They both asked for me to film them and I happily obliged. They’ll be posting the rest of the videos on some platforms in the near future. All in all about 1/2 an hour of film exists of the 3 hours we spent together. I also told him it was your review that got me to bite, and I followed you over to daddy’s review to say more nice things. Who else have you enjoyed? You have good recommendations lol

    I’ll second the endorsement of @keroscenefire’s review. Definitely the reason I met boulevardman and will keep an eye out if he’s ever back in my city.

  3. It looks like he's traveling for most of the month and I'm not sure he fits all of your preferences, but I've met Josh_XXL a few times and had a great time. He's more lean than muscular, but youngish, and nice. I've found him honest and direct. He doesn't list kissing as one of his preferences, and it's my experience that he's not really a maker-outer, but you can always ask if he meets your other criteria. He's on PR as IrishJosh_XXL.


    He's also been discussed here: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/joshxl-nyc.133672/#post-1480901

  4. Hey everyone. Curious if anyone has info on Cam Wright, an escort/masseur in the UK. He's been kind of hard to pin down, travels a lot, I guess. Also advertises as fully straight, yet kisses, which I always find interesting. Anyway, if anyone has seen him I'd appreciate some info.




    I follow his Instagram account, and you're right that he travels a lot and he seemingly does so impulsively.


    I tried to meet up with him in December when he said that he'd be passing through my town. He was straight forward, but nice in messages.

    He's also very clear about his limits.


    We talked about some potential times, but it didn't come to pass because he up and went to Thailand.

  5. Thank you Liubit and @wiltshirede very helpful (I'm only 82 kg 5'6 not obese etc (i do the gym nearly every day) just need to improve my diet etc


    Can you recommend any good tops in london , i use one escort but fancy a change


    thanks a lot :)


    I’d also recommend DanielXXL, a French guy who’s in London through the end of May: https://www.sleepyboy.com/uk/london/escort/pogona


    He’s also on RM and Hunqz. I met him in January and he exceeded my very high expectations.

  6. Thank you Liubit and @wiltshirede very helpful (I'm only 82 kg 5'6 not obese etc (i do the gym nearly every day) just need to improve my diet etc


    Can you recommend any good tops in london , i use one escort but fancy a change


    thanks a lot :)


    I make it a point to see this guy when I’m in Europe: https://rent.men/Josh_XXL


    He is as advertised and pretty easygoing. Only downside is he's not that into kissing. It looks like he’s in London this weekend.

  7. I did. He was a lot of fun. Did a DaddyReview of him. He does smoke, but must have brushed his teeth, used gum, an put on some nice cologne, because I didn't smell or taste any smoke on him whatsoever. He did smoke almost immediately after our meeting though so he definitely does. Haha..personally I like his whole role playing thing..Hyde may not be everyone's taste but I thought it was both funny and sexy. To each their own I suppose....


    I met him too. Nice guy, and very matter-of-fact, which I found generally appealing. Very personable, outgoing, and fun. I could tell he smoked, but barely so, and he was impeccably groomed. Very fun.

  8. I think they have some value, but you also have to put them in perspective. Assuming it's honesty, it's A's subjective evaluation of Person B. And you don't know much about Person A: was he having a good day when he met Person B? What about when he made his evaluation?


    On the whole, the evaluations on RM seem to be either extremely enthusiastic or extremely negative, with little in between. I'm always struck by how a positive evaluation swear by the accuracy of photos and a negative one will insist that they person looks nothing like his picture. once came across negative comments about a guy who also in adult entertainment where the person said the guy looked nothing like his pictures. A quick web search led to video saying otherwise.

  9. I'm trying to go to London for the 1st time this year. Looking for around April. A lot of the info is very overwhelming but I appreciate the tips in here. I've never travelled outside of North America so currency exchange/terms, transportation will the main things I'll need to know.


    Thinking to stay in the Soho area or somewhere really close to that area.


    In terms of transportation, if you’re planning to stay and explore the metropolitan London area, the Tube and bus system is all you need. For Tube travel, you will need a card called an Oyster card; you can order it before your trip and have it delivered to your home. Or you can get one on arrival in London. There’s an app called TubeMap in the Apple Store and London Underground in the Android Store that is invaluable in navigating the Tube.


    In terms of exchange rates, I’ve been to London when 1£ = $1.20 (wonderful) and when 1£ = $1.47 (painful). If you’re from the US, the thing to be careful of is that the list price for a lot of things is what you’d expect for the US, so you need to be conscious about it actually costing 20-30% more. One other thing to remember is that if you’re paying by credit card, you may be offered the option of paying in $ or paying in £, with the vendor providing you with a predetermined exchange rate. That rate is almost always to the vendor’s benefit and your card company will probably offer a better rate. Pay in £.

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