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Posts posted by Islesguy

  1. Not the same guy. They look similar for sure, but Brian's face is a tad narrower, particularly around the chin. The guy in the ad, if pics are accurate, looks younger than Brian does.


    The real key though is the arm sleeve tattoo. The designs on each guys arms are different. Brian's arm (judging by the modeling pics) is covered with Asian inspired animal designs (a carp splashing in water on the forearm and a tiger climbing a tree on the upper arm) and doesn't cover his entire arm. The guy in the ad has a tribal design that covers almost his entire arm and has very little color comparatively to Brian's.


    Also I've seen vids of Brian nude and erect. The guy in the ad seems to be an inch or two bigger non-erect.

    It's definitely not Brian. I was told by Cameron Matthews Brian no longer does adult filming though I think he still wrestles occasionally.

  2. considering a london trip in August. Broadway isn't reopening until at least after labor day but some west end shows are opening as early as late May. If I can catch a few shows that would be great plus one of my favorite escorts is based in Loindon making the trip een more fun:)

    I'll be in London in August. Hopefully, we aren't there at the same time if we are interested in the same person. ?

  3. Just think the round trip Uber fare from midtown New York to JFK is now around $300. The the round trip airfare from JFK to Palm Springs is currently around $600. Compared to the Uber fare the airfare to Palm Springs seems like a steal. Another good reason NOT to live in midtown New York!!!!!

    Isn't the cab fare a flat $45 plus toll? Maybe that was a few years ago.

  4. That would be an interesting duo...there is like a foot in height difference between them. From what I have seen, Austin Wolf has a rather nice apartment for New York standards. Gabriel is literally some of the best canoodling that I have ever experienced and he seems like an honestly nice guy. Though he is a bit long in the tooth to be claiming under 30 :)

    I can say he is a super nice guy. He couldn't have been a more perfect person when I hired him back in 2019. I was supposed to have a multi-day session last summer that was ruined by the pandemic. Thankfully, we are on for this summer.


    As for his age, I never asked him but I thought he was early thirties at the most. I can pass for early 20s myself even though I am nowhere close to that anymore.

  5. Met him a couple weeks ago. The best experience I’ve ever had. He is super attentive and patient. Really cool attitude, very hot and fully vers. He answered all my questions beforehand and was really in the moment. Definitely recommend him.

    How did you get ahold of him? His ad is frozen now.

  6. @Islesguy yes, you’re right, it is.

    Which is why we’re arguing that, in addition to that extra fee for the outcall (delivery) to charge an added fee for uber is overkill.

    I don’t believe anyone is saying don’t charge higher outcall rates. The point is they’re charging higher outcall rates AND want transportation paid for.

    We are in complete agreement.

  7. update: Today Macron said France is opening May 14 also and the travel blogs say most of Europe will along with Greece. The reciprocal US quarantine on EU will also drop then. Both EU and US will require vaccination proof or negative tests.

    I know the UK isn't a part of the EU anymore but I am hoping they will follow soon as well. I'm itching to take my flight in August. I have a hot guy waiting for me. (Ok not waiting per se lol)

  8. I also have noticed that Biden does indeed use "Look" at the beginning of many answers, esp when he doesn't like the question. I have tried to analyze why so many politicians use this useless word ("Omit needless words." says Strunk & White, The Elements of Style, page 12).


    It seems to be a rhetorical device, similar to "Listen" for gaining and holding attention and for asserting authority in advance of emphasizing a point. It's like saying "Listen, I am going to say something very important, so pay attention!" As you noted, it is a viral crutch that seems to be spreading throughout media.

    If I begin a sentence with "listen", I am very uncomfortable with what I am about to say.

  9. But do you charge extra for the flowers and candy because they’re being delivered? No. You charge to deliver them.

    I have said this already. If someone is increasing their fee for an outcall over an incall, that is, imo, charging for delivery of goods/service.

  10. Actually, in your example, someone is paying for delivery of merchandise, not service. The cost of that merchandise was incurred by your candy company when purchased from a distributor and sold to a customer at a small profit margin. That small margin necessitates a delivery fee so you can maintain a profit after incurring those delivery expenses. The escort is not delivering merchandise. There isn't a small profit margin to be maintained. To be clear, I'm all for paying a higher rate for outcall to cover travel, whether it's Uber, taxi, or gasoline for their car. I'm not ok with paying the higher rate and additional for transportation for a local escort.

    I was agreeing with you about escorts who charge more for outcalls than for incalls. My first post stated exactly that about pricing yourself to avoid nickel and diming people.


    If you are going to increase your fee for an outcall, that should cover the transportation costs especially if you aren't traveling far. I won't pay extra for "delivery of goods/service". OTOH, If you don't have a different price for and in and out calls, I would be willing to pay a "delivery fee."

  11. To me that seems like comparing apples to oranges. Do you require your customers to pay the delivery driver directly and make the delivery arrangements themselves? That’s what’s happening when a client arranges Uber for a provider.

    If you parse that way, sure, but from the 50' perspective, it's not any different. Someone is paying for "delivery of service."

  12. I haven't seen anyone mention this, but I live 3 hours from the nearest city with any providers (I'm in West Virginia, and you are right to moan). There are times I have messaged an escort a few days to a week in advance, stating what I am interested in, why I'm asking early (I need to take time off work, book a hotel room, arrange a pet sitter, etc.), and for them to recommend a hotel or location that would be convenient for them to meet me.


    It is rare for me to get any decent answer, and what I do generally get is "contact me after you arrive, and a couple hours before you want to meet."


    Just like they want assurances that someone isn't sending them on a wild goose chase, I am looking for assurances that I have someone committed in advance before I make arrangements, pay the hotel, and drive the distance. And if I ask for someone to recommend a hotel that is close to them, and then they want money from transportation, then I feel something is wrong. If there wasn't a close option, then I wouldn't balk at paying them a little extra for transportation.


    Hiring is a treat for me. As a single person making under $35,000 a year, the $1,000 I'll invest just for that hour meeting is a big deal for me personally. I don't argue with someone's rate or try to get a discount, they know their market and their worth. It would just be nice if they would sometimes understand other people's situations and respond accordingly, just as they want others to understand why they are asking their rate and for uber/other expenses.

    You make an excellent point here. I see this as similar as a disabled person looking to hire. It's bad enough with all the flakes and scammers out there. You still have to hope the guy isn't going to mistreat you or hurt you while you are with him. It's a whole extra level of vulnerability to which you are exposing yourself.

  13. Has anyone order flowers or candy for delivery and not paid the additional amount for the delivery cost? I don't see how that's different than paying a guy's transportation costs to you. My family's candy shoppe provides free delivery for any place within 5 miles. Any farther and we start charging a delivery fee to cover the costs of delivery.

  14. I always try to charge enough so that I can afford to host out of the cost of my fee. Sure, some guys will balk at the higher price, but I find that I have a better success rate with simply using the price point as the filter than with itemizing the cost of hosting. If guys try to talk me down on the price then I will break down the cost of hosting to them to explain why I have to charge so much... if I'm in a patient mood.

    I much prefer this method pricing. I hate nickel and diming over every little thing. It's no different than what airlines have done. Up your price $100 or whatever and bring back all the benefits of coach air travel from days gone by.

  15. The Covid vaccination selling point is just about as safe as the “I’m on prep” selling point.


    All free and clear until you get the dreaded text/call: “I tested positive for...(any of the numerous stds that is NOT hiv)

    One escort did show me his bottle of pills when I asked though I didn't see him take any. The bottle didn't feel full, so I assumed he was taking them.

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