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Posts posted by Islesguy

  1. If I'm traveling, I can host or not since I already have a hotel room. At home, I'm about an hour one way by train from the city. Knowing how few people who live in the city are willing to travel to where I live, no matter how convenient, it's just not worth the hassle of trying to find someone I'm interested in hiring and willing to come out. Of course, the fact I have roommates would make it impossible to bring people to me. Since I like going into the city anyway, if a guy flakes on me, I can hit a museum or something and not waste day.

  2. http://static.rogerebert.com/uploads/blog_post/primary_image/interviews/paul-newman-in-memory/primary_EB20080927PEOPLE809279997AR.jpg




    Paul Newman ?

    I got meet Paul Newman quite a few times in the last decade of his life. Could not have been a nicer more caring man. My mother thinks he considered me a friend. It certainly is a possibility.

  3. His Instagram shows recent pics with dark hair. No more bleached hair.

    Can you on me his insta name? He looks a bit like a guy who was on One Life to Live that I had a huge crush on. Got to meet him on set once. I hope he didn't notice I stared at him the whole time when I was watching him rehearse scenes.

  4. Let me give you another example. Trade lawyers convention in Washington DC a few years ago. Same results! Hghi hotel right one escort I know got one call.


    This thread is about chasing conventions, conferences, etc.



    Maybe it's just right-wing Republicans and Evangelicals that are big business for escorts. They are the ones who are too ashamed to be openly gay and need discretion. ?

  5. Never assume an event will bring more clients to a city hosting it. Athletes who are mostly young and in great shape will just have sex with each other instead of hiring, while reporters and others might be too busy to hire and go out of the village to do it. Considering how expensive flights and hotels are fans may not have money to treat themselves, besides they usually travel with family or friends and not by themselves like business travelers.


    Here in DC we had 20,000 librarians in town during a week for a convention, hotel prices were through the roof, one escort I know got one call.

    I cannot see librarians being a big market for escort services. Even if many of them aren't the little old ladies most of us remember growing up, I still don't think that's an occupation filled with people looking to hire. ?

  6. I couldn't care less what's downstairs in deciding whom I hire. I care about the head up top. To me, that's the sexiest organ. Well, the tongue also cause I love kissing. Thankfully, not one guy I hired has said one word about my tool. Either they don't care or they are so good at their job, I believe they don't care.


    No escort I have hired has made me feel self-conscious about my body while I was with them. It's amazed me every time considering how self-conscious I am about everything. I'm very selective in whom I hire which is probably why I have only had one experience that was only so-so.

  7. I saw Hello Dolly twice with Bette, once in previews and once after it opened. I wanted during the final few weeks on Broadway when the original cast was all together for the end of the run but idn't make it. Saw it with Berenedette when she took over for bette and in Chicago when it was touring with Betty Buckley, only reason I saw it the last two times was the star. As much as I love Bette, I liked Bernedette the best.


    When I saw it in previews Bette messed up during the song Hello Dolly and forgot a line and fortunately the company was singing with her and she just laughed and said "what the hell you guys all know the words". She pulled it off great. My friend and I thought it was part of the show but was weird they would do it during the biggest song and we asked an usher after and he said he had worked the show every performance and she really did mess up that night. She still got a standing ovation.


    I'm in Carol Channing's documentary. Friend and I saw left an awful play at intermission and we were pretty pissed off about paying for tickets to a show that was that bad but worked out great since I got to meet her. We were walking back to our hotel and some guy was all excited telling people Carol Channing was a couple streets over and a few people were clueless as to who he was talking about LOL. We went over and my friend wasn't a big fan of hers so he took a couple pics and she was 89 and looked great promopting a show she was planning on doing to celebrate being 90 (not sure what happened to it).


    There was a camera crew there and I thought they were all packing up but didn't know they were still filming. A couple years later a friend calls me all excited and said he never knew I met Carol chaning. I told him I talked to her in Times Square a couple years ago and he said there was a documentary about her on PBS and I was talkign to her LOL. Of course I was trying to figure out how to find it right away and ended up buying it on Amazon. A few other people have told me they saw it and thought it was cool someone they knew met her.

    That's so awesome.


    I saw Whoopi Goldberg in Forum and she completely forgot the song "Free". The conductor tried starting the music at different places and it just wasn't happening. She made up for it when the next line after the song was Lycus saying, "What a day. What a day. What a day." Whoopi responded, with perfect timing, "No shit." The whole audience about died from laughter.

  8. I was just being facetious. But if you have a name that isn't pronounced the way it's spelled, don't get upset if people pronounce it incorrectly. It's not their fault. Correct them gently. My name is pronounced the way it's spelled, and people still get it wrong. Oh, well. :rolleyes:

    It's hard to tell when people are being facetious at times online. Yeah, people are terrible at pronouncing names.

  9. You must be a big fan of the show to see it three times LOL (I saw the revivial of Hello Dolly four times a few years ago). Didn't get to see the revival with Megan but did see it with Daniel Radcliff and Mary Faber and enjoyed the show

    I actually saw it 4 times. Lol The first time the infrared listening device I got didn't work well. My uncle contacted the theatre and they offered us two orchestra tickets and a backstage tour which we accepted. Then I went with my mom for the third time. My uncle and I went back when Matthew Broderick came back and was playing opposite Sarah Jessica Parker. And yeah, I loved the show.


    I saw the Daniel Radcliffe revival. I enjoyed it but thought they played up the Finch/Biggley relationship at the expense of the Finch/Rosemary relationship due to the casting.


    Speaking of Hello Dolly! I saw that twice with Bette Milder. Missed David Hyde Pierce the first time. Went again when he and Bette Milder came back to end the run. Unfortunately, I never saw it with Carol Channing.

  10. We very disappointed and it had a few big names in it. I was very disappointed and had high expectations seeing how great the Producers was.


    Part of the reason I saw it was the cast. It was either still in previews or had just opened when I went and was a Saturday night and Roger Bart wasn't even in it that night, an understudy was. Megan, who I loved from Will and Grace was AWFUL. Sutton Foster is one of my favorite broadway stars and have seen everything she has been in on broadway except Little Women, and she had a pretty small role and wasn't that good. BIG waste of money.


    Funny piece of trivia about the show. Cloris Leachman and Mel Brooks had a falling out over it. She wanted to play the part she played in the moview on stage and Mel flat out said she was too old and he didn't want someone that old playing the part and dying during the run and having to replace them LOL. He should have had her play the part, she could have only improved it.

    Speaking of Megan Mullally, I saw How to Succeed three times while she was in it and every time I saw the understudy, who was fantastic.

  11. What annoys me is names with letters that aren't pronounced. The most annoying is when "Beauchamp" is pronounced "beach 'em." And Steve Colbert's name is really pronounced "Coal-Bert" (I believe his name's Irish, not French). I prefer hotels which require guest keys to go up in the elevator. That way I can size the person up in the lobby before going to the room, and tell him sorry if the photo doesn't match what he's put up on the website. And I like the practice in Latin American hotels where the guest has to show his ID and sign in at the front desk before accompanying a guest to the room. That's good security in case something happens. If the escort can't do that, he can do in-calls, and if something happens the police and I know where he lives.

    Whether it annoys you or not, it's the way of the world and a sign of respect. There are so many more important things to complain about than correctly pronouncing people's names.

  12. His responses to messages are textbook examples of how providers should respond. Upbeat, warm, excited, professional.


    To be honest, I've helped a provider with his messages a couple of times. You cannot imagine the crap providers have to wade through. Countless messages that just go on and on, etc. How they respond friendly all the time is beyond me.

    I completely agree. He and I have texted a couple of times and it's exactly what I want from a provider. I hope he comes to NY because I'm totally down with hiring him for a couple hours or so.

  13. I’ve the opposite problem - my surname is extremely uncommon. In fact, everyone with the surname in the USA, I’m related to within 2 degrees of cousinship. There’s even less now in Europe - and that handful are all 4th or 5th cousins.


    Having said this, most gents if they make mention of it, just ask where it originates - then proceed to mispronounce it ? I’m so used to all the questions, mispronunciations I never give it a thought anymore with providers.



    People also mispronounce my surname because there are quite a few variants in the way it's spelled. The thing is each variant has a different pronunciation. Then there are those who pronounce every letter which really annoys me. There are enough famous people with my surname you'd think people would know how to pronounce it.


    On topic, I never have hires come to me when I'm at home. It's easier for me to travel into the city to them. If they flake, I can just hit a museum or something and not waste the day. On the road, I try to book hotels that don't have keycard elevators or I just meet a guy in the bar if I'm not traveling to them which is what I prefer. Still they always get my first name.

  14. I have no issue giving an escort my real name though typically only give my first name. My name is so common it's virtually impossible to find me in Google just using my name. Even my full name is so common that I have to be looked up by birthdate in conjunction with my name at the hospital to find my records.


    I originally thought about using my nickname that very few people know when I started hiring but the history behind it would make it weird having an escort use it in a moment of pleasure.

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