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Posts posted by Islesguy

  1. I got a fissure from using something I wasn’t supposed to. I then played dumb when the doctor was perplexed on how the fissure ended up where it did.


    He asked me a million questions that I just kept playing dumb with. Finally he said, did you use an instrument for eroticism that isn’t typically used in that fashion? To put us both out of our misery, I said yes. He looked relieved and we scheduled the surgery to repair it.

    Obviously, you have never seen the show "Sex Sent Me to the ER." ? The moral of the show is don't try to hide why you have whatever injury you have. Doctors need to know to treat you and will figure it out eventually. Just tell them and save yourself time and energy.

  2. One time I didn't fall completely asleep as I was going under and could still hear what was going on though couldn't feel anything. The last thing I heard as I was being intubated was, " If we see blood, there's a problem." Let's just say the moment I woke up after the procedure was a terrifying moment.

  3. Everyone!!!! So finally I had the courage to do my first solo trip EVER. I went to Las Vegas and it was so much fun and rewarding!!! I want to thank all of you for giving me such great tips and suggestions on solo travel. I am definitely doing this more in the future.


    Orlando is next on my list, the only thing that concerns me is that how is going to Disney World Solo will be? Anyone gone to Disney World solo? Any suggestions are welcomed.

    While I have never gone to Disney alone, I have separated from companions for varying lengths of time. People watching is always fun. The good thing about Disney is people are usually more willing to chat especially on line so being alone can be a good idea breaker.

  4. I was only ever interested in them for the eye candy. I stained many a catalogue.


    Back when they were still an outdoor sporting goods store, their products were used as prizes on "Sale of the Century" in the mid 80s. The two male models, David and Greg, were very attractive and sometimes wore speedos.

  5. Ravens stealing groceries from Alaska Costco: ‘They’ve got a whole system there’


    Edgar Allan Poe is in the air.


    Well, ravens are, in abundance actually in Alaska, where they’re wreaking havoc on Costco customers’ groceries in South Anchorage, the Anchorage Daily News reported Friday.


    Marnie Jones and her husband are among the poetic birds’ recent victims, she told the outlet.


    The pair arrived home from the store only to realize one of their filet mignon steaks, part of a four-pack, was in the wind.


    The pack fell in the parking lot, but Jones’ husband was loading groceries and didn’t notice until it was too late.

    “He said, ‘Oh my God, after I picked up that pack of steaks, I saw a raven in the parking lot with a steak in his mouth,’” said Jones.


    Olani Saunoa has twice been through a similar ordeal, she told the outlet.


    She lost “an entire package of short ribs” to a raven after leaving the store last winter, she told the outlet, recalling the bird was “like flying away with it.”


    “I’ve been here my entire life, dealt with the ravens but never ever had this happen to me, ever,” she told ADN, noting she recently lost pork ribs to the birds.


    “They know what they’re doing,” Matt Lewallen, who lost a single short rib to the birds, told the outlet. “They’re very fat so I think they’ve got a whole system there.”


    Tamara Josey said a pair of the birds were tenacious in trying to get some melons she’d bought.


    “They were never deterred,” she recounted. “They just stayed posted, waiting for their next opportunity to steal something out of my cart.”


    Josey feels the birds “are very dedicated to their mission.”


    An increase in the city’s garbage over the years has only made it more enticing for ravens, who learn from fellow birds, Rick Sinnott, who formerly worked as an Anchorage-area wildlife biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, told the outlet.


    “Ravens do very well in this city, but they much prefer — I would guess if I was thinking like a raven — a package of short ribs from Costco to half of a hamburger bun from McDonald’s,” said Sinnott.



    I do love the first person quoted in the article is named Marnie. Marnie is a the name of a character played by Tippi Hedron who got her big break in "The Birds". ?

  6. While not unexpected, this is still really sad to hear. I thank Guy for keeping this site going. If not for his sites, I definitely would never have started hiring and lost out of some wonderful experiences. Plus, I would not have been able to converse with so many people on this board. I may not have met any of you in person, but I treasure our relationships.



  7. I feel about Starlight Express similarly to the way I feel about Cats. The score itself is really kinda fun, if you let yourself just enjoy the whimsical nature of all of it and don't look for anything profound. But the physical production took itself so damn seriously that it tended to work against the fun of the music.


    More importantly, it was a hazardous show for the rollerskating dancers - I know there were a lot of bad injuries (possibly career-ending injuries in some instances). In that way it lives alongside the regrettable Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark and the very recent injury-prone revival of West Side Story.

    I never saw the Spiderman show, but I always referred to it as Spiderman: Turn Off The Lights.

  8. Yes, though Officer Lockstock doesn't correct Little Sally on that point - he tells this to the audience right at the top. "Well, hello there. And welcome -- to Urinetown! Not the place, of course. The musical. Urinetown "the place" is...well, it's a place you'll hear people referring to a lot throughout the show...it's kind of a mythical place, you understand. A bad place. A place you won't see until Act Two. And then...? Well, let's just say that it's filled with symbolism and things like that."


    The dialogue with Little Sally is more about "too much exposition" killing the show, and likewise the "bad title." ?


    Hail Malthus!!!

    The Officer Lockstock/Little Sally scenes were some of my favorites of the show. Inside ball, sarcastic comedy is what I live for.

  9. I think the score for Do I Hear A Waltz has some fantastic songs in it, though some are not as good. But ultimately, Rodgers, Sondheim, and Laurents couldn't seem to get on the same page as collaborators, and it shows. But among the gems (IMO) are the ballads "Stay" and "Take The Moment," the zany uptempo "What Do We Do, We Fly," and the original version of "We're Gonna Be Alright" (which was rewritten by the time the show premiered, to its detriment). I may be paraphrasing Sondheim here, but I think that he's said that he feels the show was a waste of time.

    I will have to listen to some of the other songs. I only knew the title song because it is played on the Broadway channel on Siriusxm a lot.

  10. There was a time, once we knew travel really wasn’t an option last year, that I began thinking “Well, this will all be sorted, and we’ll be back to normal by next summer”. Alas, looks like that was a pipe dream. But, I did get a notice from BA regarding sale prices last week. Once I confirmed any purchase could be cancelled, and used by 4/2022, I booked a ticket for late August into September.

    R/T NYC-LON First Class on BA for $3200 is a steal!


    I haven’t seen any of my family or friends in the UK now since summer of 2019. I had been planning to be back for Easter 2020, but we know how that worked out.


    I’m usually quite content with my own company, but these last 12+ months have been trying. Last time I saw any member of my family in the US or overseas was January 2020. I will say we’re all in much more frequent contact these days with calls, texts, FaceTime, Zoom, even writing letters - but it’s not the same. I do have a group of friends I am close with here, and while we do a daily “check-in”, I do miss being with them. I have been socialising with a smaller group of friends for the last 6 or so months now. But again, with the restrictions, and things still shut down, it’s not the same. I really get angry when I think of what COVID has robbed us all of - that which is most precious, time.


    Anywho, if things go tits-up with the London sojourn, I’m still scheduled to be in Moscow for work in late November. I’ve only been a handful of times, and never really hired off RM - one gent who was based in Moscow I had met previously in Dubai, and another was a regular from London - but looking at RM, no one is striking my fancy.




    I think I’m just in the middle of a COVID malaise these days, which will hopefully pass once I get the second jab next week.


    I anticipate my summer 2021 excursions to find me going no further afield than the beaches of the Northeast. How I’d love to make up for last summer with a few trips overseas, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to be feasible. I cannot wait for these restrictions to end, to return to some normalcy, and to host a mask burning party to which all are invited!

    I got a first class ticket on Virgin Atlantic (via Delta) (JFK-LON) for $2470 for my birthday trip at the end of August back in late January. It had been $3500 for a few weeks so I when I saw it drop, I jumped on it. Delta is offering free changes through early 2022. As I've said previously, as long as I don't have to quarantine, I'm going.

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