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Posts posted by Islesguy

  1. On 10/19/2021 at 5:42 PM, Lazarus said:

    How would legalization prevent people from posting fake ads using stolen pictures ? I I know of no one who has been busted in NYC for male prostitution. In fact, at most prostitution is not even being prosecuted in NYC now. And at worst, it’s a desk appearance ticket. NYPD has bigger problems to deal with & the courts don’t give a shit about anything. 

    It would make it much easier to verify people. Like most other service businesses, there could be a state, county, or city licensing agency. Whether or not people are being prosecuted, not that your anecdotal evidence means much to me, it being illegal means everything happens "in hiding." Have you already forgotten what happened to RentBoy? 

  2. 1 hour ago, BaronArtz said:

    I was thinking the same thing.  Who is this guy?  It costs $$$ to put up all these ads.  I presume it is profitable for him.

    It probably is. This site cannot be more than 5% of people hiring off RM. How many of those do things like image or phone number searching? Conning is profitable because of the number of gullible marks out there. Legalizing this would protect both escorts and clients as there could be easier ways to weed out problem people on both ends and make everything safer.

  3. 12 hours ago, jetlow said:

    I would only consider giving money upfront to a provider who i have personally met and hired at least twice and only if the situation warrants - i.e travel involved . Never for an in town appointment 

    Yeah, I agree with this. While I only hired my last hire once, we had multiple FaceTime convos leading up to my trip to him and the first session we had together was a multiple hour session. Even though I did trust him, it was still difficult for me to pay upfront. Things could not have gone better so I won't have any issues doing so with him in the future should I book another multi-day session. If I do a short term hire <1day, I will stick with paying post services rendered as normal.

  4. I have only been asked to provide payment twice and one time I suspect the guy didn't want me carrying a lot of cash. Th first time the guy asked it to be placed in an envelope in the hotel "info book". He took the money as he left. The second was a multi day hire I just had. Originally, I was going to pay cash which I had told him but ended up using a bank app that offered a great exchange rate that saved me about $200 not having to buy currency at market. When we agreed to a cash payment, he made no mention of a deposit and I planned on giving him the payment at the end as I did the first time. Once we switched the transfer, he asked for me to make the transfer the day before I left though it wouldn't get to him until a couple days after I arrived. TBH, I wasn't that thrilled about it but not having to carry a lot of cash and the small savings was worth putting my trust in him. As for the app, I'm going to get a debit card from that company for future foreign travels so I can load US$ to convert and spend instead of bringing cash especially since cash seems to be on the way out as payment in business.

    Every other time, including the first time I met the person in the second scenario, I have given money in an envelope without prompting while I was getting dressed at the end. That is my preferred method. I'm an highly ethical person, and I get insulted when someone makes demands on me regarding paying for things. I know it is impossible for people who have never met me to know this and that there are bad actors in both sides of this business. It's just how I roll. 

  5. 1 minute ago, RJD said:

    We finished it up tonight.  I had several people recommend it, but they all had difficulty explaining it.  I totally get it now that I’ve watched it.  

    I’m sure there’ll be a second season, especially after the cliffhanger.  

    Right. They cannot leave that as the end. I have seen movies with cliffhanger endings specifically to create a "design your own ending" situation. Never a fan.

  6. 2 hours ago, RJD said:

    A friend and I just binge watched 6 of the 9 episodes today.  I needed to work through the bad dubbing, but once I did, what a show.   I’m hooked and can’t wait to see the last three episodes.

    As a hearing impaired person, I watch movies and shows with the captions on. I watch all foreign items in native tongue since I would be reading subtitles anyway.

  7. 3 hours ago, tassojunior said:

    Surprised there's no mention of The Squid Game. I was surprised I like it so much. Very Korean murder/comedy with a lot of soul-searching on the human condition, greed and poverty.  

    I watched the entire series in two days. I seriously hope the cliffhanger end isn't the last episode though tbh I wish it had ended differently but I won't say how for those who haven't seen the whole series yet.

  8. On 10/8/2021 at 6:55 AM, Merboy said:

    so things I miss about yesterday, which for me is the year 2000... when I was a wee tot lad of fourteen.

    • The simplicity of the age - things were so less complex and complicated and people were less anal back then.  People have become so uptight and rules-oriented.  It has sucked all the fun out of life.
    • CD's - they were kinda nice.  Spotify's cool but it's not the same as having that CD and the fun part about them was that the inside sometimes had the lyrics in it.
    • The music (I stopped listening to all new music six years ago).  There were still ballads and rock songs in the Top 100.  It wasn't all just electronic shit by Duooo Lippa or whoever's hot right now.  Adele has been bounced off for Cardi B and Lizzo... and I just think their music sucks, i'm sorry.  The Weeknd's not that bad but yeah, give me Peak Celine Dion, or the boybands of the late 90s.
    • Daytime soaps.  Yeah i guess there are a few on now, but the genre has died out already.  If they cancelled any of the four left, it would not be a shock and Days is probably the first to go.  Back in 2000, there were so many soaps and so much to talk about that they even created a new channel, SoapNet, which was 24/7 soaps, and that provided a lot of pubescent jerk-off material because the Men of Soaps were hot as hell (Jesse Metcalfe, Eddie Cibrian, Victor Webster, Shemar Moore, Jason Shane Scott, I could go on and on...).

    So what is "yesteryear" to you when you think of nostalgic stuff?  What do you miss the most about the world you grew up in and were young in?  (Sorry... "younger".)

    (And by the way, you do look great lately.  That last trip into Dr. Wexler's office really did wonders.) 🙂

    SoapNet was how my mom got me hooked on One Life to Live back in 2000. Spring cleaning during the 5 hour block of shows on Sunday was no match for me as it was sweeps. I watched religiously until it was cancelled.

  9. On 9/13/2021 at 8:42 PM, Talented said:

    It was actually the last show I saw a couple of weeks before COVID shut Broadway down. Chicago with Erika Girardi. She wasn’t even trying! You could tell she was over it. Stayed throughout the whole thing. I was in the third row in the center orchestra. Our whole section did not stand up at the end but I was surprised to see about half the audience gave her a standing ovation. There were two really cute guys in the show that I wanted to stand up for lol I noticed one of them kept looking at me

    Broadway audiences are way too generous with standing ovations nowadays. I'm not sure when it started but I hate it especially since you have to stand if you want to see the curtain call.

    That being said, I thought Jac Yarrow deserved a standing O for "Close Every Door" when I saw Joseph in London. The fact that he didn't get the final bow was criminal especially since the staging of the show was odd and both the Pharaoh and the Narrator were mediocre.


  10. Until I went to see it for my birthday while in London, I had no idea what the plot was. No ad I ever saw said anything about it. Just variations on how it was a beloved show around the world.

    My birthday is about two weeks before 9/11 and being a born and raised NYer, the show brought up a lot of different emotions. I was in Florida at college at the time it happened and had tickets to fly home the Friday after 9/11 which was the first day the FAA allowed flights to resume, so the plot about people being stranded hit home for me. I felt that way not being in NY and hoping I would be able to fly home on my already booked tickets.  I did enjoy it a lot but I'm not sure if it was a good "birthday" show. My companion picked the show (I asked him to plan the day without telling me what we were doing). 

  11. On 9/14/2021 at 3:57 PM, samhexum said:

    It has been saved!  (sort of)  The creator's original vision was for a six-season story.  However, NBC & Netflix have agreed to a 20 episode 4th season that will wrap everything up.


    I'm glad they are doing a 20 ep season rather the standard 10 Netflix usually does or a tv movie to end the show. There are too many plot lines to conclude for it to work in such a short time frame.

  12. 7 hours ago, cany10011 said:

    For places like these, i try to bring cash and throw in the spare change. I hate the awkward feeling of not adding a tip for something I have to walk to and pick up. They are just doing their job when they are handing me a bagel. 

    I never feel awkward about not tipping in any food establishment where I am not sitting and being served by waitstaff. Places like Starbucks, McDonald's, or delis are required to pay the full minimum wage not the tip minimum. I'm pretty anti-tip generally but do it in places I frequent like for haircuts, nails, waxing, etc. because that would be awkward.

  13. As a person in the US, I don't know how to see rates that apparently appear on foreign versions of Rentmen. While I don't know when a particular escort raised his rates, but I did find out he did from when I hired him 2 years ago. I'm not surprised he did as I found him to be an excellent escort that is, imo, worth what he is charging.

  14. I think any good "escort" should be able to be a good companion for a meal, show, etc. While I do enjoy the sexual aspect of hiring, I get more enjoyment out of the conversations I have before or after the play. In fact, the one mediocre experience I had was with someone who was gifted at giving head but lacked in the more important area.

  15. 11 hours ago, TumYum said:

    I want him here in New York before any LA trip!!

    The last time he was in NY, I couldn't make it work to set something up. Hopefully next time he's here, I can.

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