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Posts posted by BonVivant

  1. 14 hours ago, Jostar said:

    Those pics in his profile are old. His feminine attitude is thru the extreme like if he was a real woman. Bitchy attitude and complain a lot 😒 

    Hmm. Sounds like a spoilt female. 

  2. 1 hour ago, BuffaloKyle said:

    Host asks guest if he wants a drink and guest says sure but I can make it myself. Could say something like I used to be a bartender and everyone loved this drink. Would you care for one too?

    Sure.  In that case, hover & be around while drinks are made. Make conversation. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    I agree with you.  Especially in your own home & the guest is making the drinks as noted in this story - no way.

    however - the bigger point is once someone is inside your home & is intent on doing harm, it’s gonna happen & not going to end well.  Drugging seems to be the preferred method tho in these type robberies….gives them plenty of time to thoroughly rob & hack.

    I much prefer hotels where it’s my room & I can control it to a degree with everything locked in the safe. In that case, I tell the provider I have friends on same floor and limited time because meeting them for drinks/dinner.  Second choice is providers hotel room or home.  I only invite people to my home I’ve known for a long time - never strangers. 

    There are a lot more of these type crimes that we never hear about - way more common than people think.  Super easy from the criminals pov - they’re being invited in. 
    Also - you should never have any financial apps on phone/tablet that open with facial recognition or fingerprint. Once you’re unconscious they can get into anything 

    FYI - the RM profile is still up & says AVAILABLE NOW.  unbelievable 

    One other safety tip: having a front desk and camera, if you live in a condo or rental building. Smile; you’re on camera. And the doorman has seen you!  

  4. Well… us non-Christians need something to do! 🤷🏽‍♂️. So this Xmas I invited a boi over for Friday night (22nd), bar crawled and live music with a cousin on the 23rd, danced at Jewbilee (by Hebro)(Google it!!) on the 24th, and met a guy who happened to be Jewish on the 25th, then met a regular on the 26th. That was myyyy Christmas weekend. So much fuuuun. I’m glad I stayed local. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Ali Gator said:

    He's listing his age as 21 - even if you give a few more years on that (maybe he's more mid-20s) - he's a Zoomer. They don't make small talk, and they don't know how to socialize because they never learned how. Communicating is done via text messages. So coming face to face with a (older) stranger, what are they going to say ? They'd rather take off their clothes and get their money. As we keep hiring these new young studs entering the market, we better make allowances for this. Or - higher older escorts (40+). 

    I am down with straight to the point. 

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