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Posts posted by BonVivant

  1. There is a absolutely nothing wrong with an “uncle” meeting with his “nephew”! ?


    Tee hee. Well maybe I could pass as their Older Cousin!! ? Seriously though, sometimes the Comp package comes up and it’s just easier to have an honest convo if people are not judging the whole thing. Seriously - contemporary society is not at all understanding. They seriously disapprove. They tend to be horrified. Especially me cause I’m a POC who loves my beautiful/handsome Caucasian young men. (College fantasies at play).

  2. You're right @Kcdave to have the initial meeting somewhere public and where you can chat easily. My own experience is that coffee shops are better than bars. You want to be able to exit readily, aka cut it short, if the guy isn’t your type or you just don’t relate well together.


    I wouldn’t offer a “normal honorarium”…and I hope you wouldn’t say that unless you were dating a classics student. I feel it’s better to ask the young man how you can help him. You may be pleasantly surprised when you find out what he’s looking for.


    I’d also think of some place you can chat without curious eyes and ears looking on. People can get quite curious when they see a Thanksgiving/Easter pair meeting and chatting. Especially when you can’t pass as biologically related. They especially are nosy about what’s going on when they see beautiful/handsome young men with me!!! ????‍♂️???

  3. Ok - I can’t help it if you if you live out in far out Brooklyn like in East New York. Or eastern Queens. Or out in the middle of the Ocean. If you live out there then it’s YOUR problem. Not mine.


    From close-to-Manhattan Brooklyn, using Uber, it can take just as long to get to parts of Manhattan as to JC. Yet Brooklyn to anywhere in Manhattan is fine? No issues? No complaints? No extra requests or conditions


    The problem is that NYC’ers are just prejudiced to points just across the Hudson. That’s really all it is. Even when it is just as easy or easier to get to. Seen it multiple times.

  4. Again, it depends on where in Brooklyn you start. I didn't mention, but should have, time of day. Traffic crossing town can double transport time by car, and the cross town public transit options aren't nearly as time-effective as the north-south options in Manhattan.
  5. Yes, it's the same "Metropolitan area", but emphasis on "area". Depending on where in Brooklyn you start, round trip from Brooklyn to Jersey city and back can take several hours.


    Ummm.... even if that’s the case, it doesn’t merit a 50% deposit. And it is NOT the case: Uber one way can take 30 mins - 1 hour tops. Any way, I reject all such proposals because there are plenty of gents who are willing and do cross the Hudson for RT uber.

  6. Asked me for 50% deposit up front for travel expenses to come to Jersey City from Brooklyn! ??? ummm.... it’s the same Metropolitan area. Uber I can understand. I passed. The whole exchange was polite and well mannered. I will give him that.


    People who live in NYC need to get a grip and look at Google Maps.

  7. Remember that top models make exceptionally good income from modeling and are not going to risk that by being associated with escorting. And that's just as true with most aspiring wanna-bes.


    However, many of the "models" on social media aren't.


    And models are often not sexy in person at all. Pretty and sexy are not the same.


    This: “And models are often not sexy in person at all. Pretty and sexy are not the same.” Sooo true.

  8. No show. This despite exchanges on RM and then by text over two days. We set up a date and time. Rate asked was above the normal rate to compensate for commute time. When I texted to confirm our meeting, he asked for a 1.5 hr delay. Then he canceled that too.


    Oh well. I guess he had a line out the door in Manhattan

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