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Posts posted by Act25

  1. 2 hours ago, maninsoma said:

    Perhaps the most successful (by which I mean in the most films/shorts) is Sean Paul Lockhart (aka Brent Corrigan).  Most memorable for me is his appearance in Another Gay Sequel, but he also had a brief appearance in Gus Van Sant's Milk.

    He was also in Judas Kiss.  I can't recall how big his part was, but he was part of the cast on stage when the film was shown at the Seattle Queer Film Festival. 

  2. I'm in a slump right now too.  Haven't hired since September and have not opened Grindr/Scruff in several months.  I used to be a combination of hiring and guys from the apps.  I see a few guys that appeal to me but the part of my brain that has to send the texts and make the arrangements isn't interested.  I'm pretty sure that if I went thru the effort to hire or hookup I would have a good time. 

    I've complained/commented to my Dr. and testosterone is in normal ranges.  I suspect I'm part of the group with continuing low-grade Covid depression. 

    Jacking off is still good and I'm trying to hold-off for a bit to see if that helps raise the libido.  

  3. On 12/10/2023 at 1:07 PM, m_writer said:

    I'm actually a little nervous; I'll be picking up someone from LAX on Thursday, April 11th because it's the only airport that offered a direct flight from the East Cost.

    So if I pick him up at 11:00 A.M, do you guys recommend we eat lunch along the way instead of eating lunch when we get to Palm Springs?

    I was under the impression it would only take two hours to drive to PS from LAX, but after hearing about this, I'm debating maybe we should expect to not arrive until 3:00 P.M. that Thursday.

    Alaska now has a daily non-stop between Palm Springs & JFK. 

    I would recommend getting at least halfway before stopping for lunch.  I left LAX early afternoon once and the drive to PS was 5 hours - no accidents, just LA traffic. 

  4. I grew up on a small farm and my dad taught me about the cows.  I knew about the bulls coming in for a month or so and later the AI (artificial insemination) technician.  From a fairly young age I helped my dad when it was time to castrate the male calves and make them steers.  I had a pretty good understanding of the mechanics.  There were also books in the house about human development which I "found" (in retrospect I was probably supposed to find them).   But never had the "talk". 

    There was a movie at school in about 6th grade for the boys only, but I can't remember what was in it.  I do remember we were told we weren't allowed to laugh or giggle.  In about 7th grade there was a slide show and the teacher talking about an erect penis going into a vagina (again boys only). 

  5. 14 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

    I have occasionally hired an Uber for a provider (maybe once every year).  My annoyance in doing so is I'm not familiar with the technology and it's changes and it can be annoying trying to communicate to the provider the driver name and vehicle location while figuring out the Uber app changes since the last time I used it.  But I feel confident I won't be scammed.  At least I know the provider is coming to me.  I don't worry about privacy.  I use a fake name for my Uber.

    Uber and Lyft let you arrange rides for others on your dime.  I believe they need to have an account at the respective company and they communicate directly with your  passenger. Sure beats "meet the black Prius in 10 minutes".  I refer to it as Uber Twinks. 

  6. My bitch is with the scammers.  They use a pic of a cute Asian guy so of course I respond.  Sometimes I play with them like a cat with a mouse until I get bored.  I now can dispatch them pretty fast but still a waste of time. 

    In general, once the scammers are removed from the equation, Grindr has worked fairly well for me.  The cutest guy I ever hooked up with was a 20yr old from Grindr and I'm now 67.  My best luck has just been being online and letting those interested reach out to me. 

  7. When I was younger (60's now) one or two major plane accidents in the states per year was sort of expected.  Big accidents seemed to become much less frequent entering the 21st century (I'm not including the terrorist attacks).  The last incident in the US with a major passenger carrier was the Southwest uncontained engine failure (one person died) in 2018.  And Asiana at SFO was 5 years before that.  

    It's still a big deal when an accident happens but they're obviously happening with much less frequency than a few decades ago. 

    And I'm not saying the FAA doesn't have issues - it does and they need to be addressed.   

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