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Cody Converse

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    Cody Converse reacted to alageorge in PALM SPRINGS WEEKEND 2018   
    Hey, guys. Just a head's up. I had to cancel my reservation at Canyon Club for the April weekend. So there should be a king room available now.
  2. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to MikeyGMin in Weight loss   
    This sums up so much. My life spun out of control when my partner died 20 years ago and I gained 80 pounds. I spent years mired in mindless eating until I took control back a little over 10 years ago. It took about a year of actual dieting and counting every calorie to get back to "normal," but I have kept it off through mindful eating and figuring out what works for me. That's going to be different things for different people.
    What works for me is:
    1. Nothing is off limits. The minute I tell myself I will never eat another french fry is the minute I will start obsessing about them. I have a cheat day each week where I don't go crazy but I will eat those damn french fries if that's what I've been craving. The rest of the week is mindful and always having a general idea about the amount of calories consumed.
    2. I developed a "good enough" philosophy when it comes to food. Fried chicken is delicious but a roasted chicken breast is good enough. A baked potato with all the fixings is delicious, but a baked potato with a little butter and a little sour cream and a lot of pepper is good enough. A big rich dessert is delicious, but a square of dark chocolate slowly melting in your mouth is good enough. Etc, etc.
    3. This is counter to what a lot of people suggest when dieting, and may be more appropriate in a maintenance phase, but I weigh myself every single day. I know my body and I know that my weight will fluctuate a couple pounds up or down, but I know that anything more than that means I am being too lax and I nip that in the bud. A couple days of being extra mindful about what I'm eating will get me back on point.
  3. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to hypothetically in Spelling?   
    I always wondered if I changed my ad text to..
    “PrTy Boi LuXxXuRuIous AsSpeeRienCe
    ✈️ vERy DisRéT. XxL...”
    ..would it earn me more money? Is this genre of hookers profitable? Asking for myself.
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    Cody Converse reacted to Nvr2Thick in No one seems partial to above average guys   
    When I first started meeting escorts in the late '80s and early '90s many of the guys were fairly average good-looking men. Most were in reasonably good shape and somewhat handsome, and the really well-built and strikingly-handsome guys stood out. I liked meeting guys who had a bit of confidence and who were friendly and good-natured, without the A-list gay attitude. When I started pursuing the physically perfect, stunning guys I found that a lot of them were jaded; they had fucked every hot guy in New York, and they acted like being with clients was "slumming." I prefer meeting masculine, slightly cocky, oversexed men. Back in those days, that described about half of the guys with print ads.
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    Cody Converse reacted to Inkdnaija00 in No one seems partial to above average guys   
    Honestly, I have met with HOT guys and they did nothing for me ecause they did not know how to kiss, lick. suck, massage or FUCK. Their idea of sex was PORN sex all the way, which is good for others, not me
    Bottom line for me is if you have nice body, PLEASE have nice attitude or service or skills or all because a guy with 10 inches can an asshole whereas an average or above average with 8 inches can be that excellent serviceman.
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    Cody Converse reacted to hougalwizard in No one seems partial to above average guys   
    See, e.g., Texas Democrat Candidate for US Senator.
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    Cody Converse reacted to + sync in Hydrocodone   
    Any concerns/doubts you have about your prescription should be discussed immediately with your physician.
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    Cody Converse reacted to + nycman in Being Shorted - Your client doesn't hate you   
    If a client honestly forgets to pay you.....
    there is no higher compliment....for a moment....just a moment....he forgot it wasn’t real.
  10. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to MscleLovr in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I agree entirely. In the past, I found that you can have a very good time with young men, even in the 18-20 age range, if you are very clear. I always set out exactly what I had in mind and suggested a first date where we’d meet for drinks, talk and get to know each other. I explicitly stated that if we both wanted to take matters further, I’d need to check that we were sexually compatible on that first date.
    I met my share of no-hopers or guys with inflated expectations, but then I struck gold.
  11. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to BlakeBenz in No response from escort   
    I’m sorry, but you can’t take a dictionary definition of a “pimp” and take it for fact. Especially when you have no knowledge on THE GAME. That book was written by a bunch of squares who I’m sure have no game knowledge either. That definition defines an agent, or a manager.. not a pimp at all.
    Like I previously said I’ve encountered many pimps. One almost costing me my life. I live in Houston where about 7/10 of the strippers and working girls are pimped. These men manipulate, control, physically & mentally abuse these sex workers. There’s no taking “part of” their earnings... these escorts often times don’t even have 100$ to their name while the pimp is holding on to tens of thousands. They have to ask for money for anything. Food, get their nails done, and if they want to go shopping they better work harder!! You’re out working 7 days a week. You don’t have calls? You sit a hotel bar working all night or if you’re in Vegas those girls are out working the casinos 12 hours a day looking for a nice watch to steal and pawn off to impress their P. Pimps are brainwashers. They find you when you’re weak, heartbroken, flat broke and in a sticky situation... they offer you a helping hand and appear as a “friend” to help get you back on your feet and you owe them in return. But when do you stop oweing them? That’s where they get you. YOU DONT! You want to leave? Not with out getting your ass beat before you’re thrown out on the street again with nothing. They get so stuck in these situations its pretty much easier for them to believe all the lies and stay. I mean, he takes care of the bills and they get some nice designer things here and there.. so it’s all good right? These men are master manipulators and 100% pure evil. Pimps do no real work, and never have done real work.. they just finesse hoes out of their money just like the hoes finesse tricks out of money.
    This was response was not only completely ignorant, but triggering as well. You don’t know anything about pimps so do not speak on it. I’ve seen more than I’m sure many people on this thread. Having your friends beaten unconscious until they’re bleeding out of their ears (they had a concussion and were still forced to work the next day). Having your friends in the emergency room because they were beaten so bad that their jaw was broken. Having friends ask to come over to hide from their pimp because he’s going crazy and they’re scared, only to go back after? Having to lend friends money to get back on their after literally running away from their pimps and having no money to survive. Trying to unbrainwash your friends that you love and care about to think for themselves, see their value as a person, and believe that they can do the same things and make the same money without him.. Only to have these pimps work just as hard at convincing them I don’t know what I’m talking about. EVENTUALLY having to leave the people you love and care about behind because at this point it’s so draining you can only worry about saving yourself. Oh and let’s not forget the time one went completely psycho while I was in the back seat of his car, driving recklessly over 100 screaming at us and threatening to crash and kill us all as we all cried and begged for our lives... I’m sure none of you REALLY know what a pimp is.
  12. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to BlakeBenz in No response from escort   
    Pimp?!? Lmao... let’s not be so naive here. There is a HUGE difference between a pimp and a manager/agent. A pimp isn’t taking 10-20% of your earnings.. they’re taking 100%. You are forced to work and if you don’t you have the shit beaten out of you. Pimps prey on the mentally vulnerable, brainwash them, and reap the benefits with no real work on their part. You still find your own clients and do all of the work you were doing before and NOW you’re giving it all away.
    A manager is posting your ads, finding your clients, keeping you organized, and charging a small fee in exchange. They’re actually working FOR YOU. You can fire them and move on at any time. Let’s not forget to mention YOU choose when you work. No one is forcing you to be on the clock or out looking for work.
    Pimps are not good people. I’ve encountered many, and no I have not ever nor will I ever work for one. I’ve had many friends who have been pimped, as well as several working for agencies. I can’t even associate with any escorts working for pimps anymore because it is so emotionally and mentally draining. Pimps and managers... BIG DIFFERENCE!
  13. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to nsguy45 in No response from escort   
    I'd be more apt to move to another pond, if I can find a waterfront property with spectacular views in a nice neighborhood.
  14. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + nycman in Being Shorted - Your client doesn't hate you   
    I’ve told this story before....
    After the heat of battle with Mike Grey (there’s really no other way
    to describe the mind blowing man-on-man sex we shared) I once
    shorted him by several hundred dollars.
    He called me and VERY politely brought it to my attention.
    I was still in the lobby of his apartment building. I made a beeline
    back to his apartment and was effusively appologetic about it.
    He was as kind as could be and said something along the lines of
    “Don’t worry, I know how much fun we have together and you have
    always paid me along with a generous tip...I knew it was an honest mistake.”
    Moral of the story.....sometimes people make honest mistakes.
    Don’t assume the worst....until you have no other options.
  15. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + tassojunior in Gift for someone   
    Images of Ben Franklin.
  16. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + VictorPowers in Being Shorted - Your client doesn't hate you   
    As I reply, @JEC books another appointment! All in good fun as always!
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    Cody Converse reacted to + José Soplanucas in Being Shorted - Your client doesn't hate you   
    Refreshing thread. It looks like clients in these forums are often quicker to judge providers than viceversa.
  18. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + Funguy in Being Shorted - Your client doesn't hate you   
    I had the opposite occur. After a very satisfying encounter, I paid my escort, including a tip for which he thanked me. 15 minutes later I get a text that there were 2 $100 bills stuck together and I overpaid him. I thanked him profusely, and since I had really tipped him generously already, asked if I could run a tab and mark this down as credit. We both got a laugh and I had a $100 credit which did not last thru a month!
  19. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to Cyd_StVincent in If prostitution   
    I totally wish you could do that, I'd be one of your boys! A long long time ago I worked as a stripper (in a different life) and always enjoyed the atmosphere of working with others. That is the one thing about escorting, it can be lonely - I imagine thats why many of us spend so much time on here. I wish I could work at a brothel or with an agency.
  20. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + othermanc in Nor'easter's New York City Twink Lover's weekend   
    You’re welcome. As we clients spread the word about our experiences the chances of a disappointing encounter lessen. Peer to peer communication is essential. Let’s all share what we learn!
  21. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to Zapped in Nor'easter's New York City Twink Lover's weekend   
    Thanks for sharing! These guys are a bit twinkier than I'm into (I'm more into the college muscle jock types) but I appreciate you spreading the word.
  22. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to Walker1 in BE CAREFUL IN HAWAII   
    What I meant to say was law enforcement will use the new sex trafficking laws to target a normal client or anyone and charge them with felonies and extract 10,000 dollars or more.
    The Patriot act was to catch terrorists and who did it snag-Elliott Spitzer. Was he a terrorist-no he was hiring an escort. Turned out they were and probably are using the patriot act to snag people who hire escorts and part them from their money and fill their greedy pensions and keep their department budgets. Probably because once they catch them, people just pay the fine, plead something-so nothing goes on record.
    Sex trafficking-the real kind -is horrendous. That is buying or selling humans and in many cases vulnerable young ones from other countries and sometimes they throw their passports away and basically are just slaves who may be forced to have sex multiple times a day. That is truly cruel
    I was referring the recent law -in another thread-that congress passed which allows them to target sites like backpage. Once states and police get these new powers, they will target anything. They have no consequences for false charges -that is why I don't like more and more laws-we already have enough laws.
    They can easily charge a client or escort with sex trafficking instead of solicitation or websites or anything they set their mind to. Police and the prosecutors have way too much power-they should be working for us, not creating a mass prison system to live off us and treat us like cattle.
  23. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to phraughy in Thoughts on Meet and Greets before hiring?   
    I can not imagine any escort agreeing to meet for free for lunch or dinner. We are paying them for their time. 5 minutes on the phone is all I need to know if I am comfortable. Besides, I'd much rather schedule an overnight and cook a nice meal.
  24. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Reviews of Clients   
    And that's the kind of guy an escort cuts from his roster almost immediately.
  25. Like
    Cody Converse reacted to FTM Zachary Prince in Thoughts on Meet and Greets before hiring?   
    Who doesn’t LOVE being invited to work for free??!
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