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Posts posted by robear

  1. I never was a drug person, way to cautious.  However, these young people thought they were doing coke on a vacation romp, something their parents and even grandparents may have done to "party" when they were young. That doesn't indicate any kind of drug dependency or "problem," it's kids being kids. The fentanyl is what they didn't know about, or count on. It's the state of affairs with "street drugs" in the US right now. I don't know the solution, but I don't think pathologizing  users that are casual at most is really useful.


  2. Anyone using the internet (porn sites or not) needs to have a robust anti-virus program running on their computer.  A quick google of "antivirus software" will bring up a number of possibilities at various costs (including free ones) as well as review sites comparing them.


  3. I'm not a doctor, but I would urge anyone taking the very large doses of oral vasodilators being discussed here (both Cialis and Viagra are in the same class and have the same physical effects, albeit with different timing) to have a convo with a physican, preferably a urologist, about options. For one, there may be other things going on medically that should be addressed. Plus there may be a better approach to the problem, such as Trimix or other injectables (the erection vitamin of choice of OnlyFans creators everywhere).


  4. I think a factor in this shift is the sexualization over the past few decades of male bodies in the general culture (not just gay men). Before, say, the eighties, women were judged on their bodies while men were just there. Look at the "matinee idols" and other Adonises prior to that, the focus was all in the face while the body was typically lean but undeveloped. Bodybuilding was seen as vaguely suspect. That changed as mainstream culture became more and more sexualized, porn easily and widely available, and growing awareness by men that they were being judged in the same way they judged women. Our fathers and grandfathers didn't give much thought to their bellies, flat asses and average dicks. Men today, especially younger men, are acutely aware of their (perceived) shortcomings in the way women have always been conscious of their breasts, hips, waist and legs.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Yellowrod said:

    Ran out of aromas and ordered a few bottles from poppers-aromas.eu about 7 weeks ago.  Everything seemed fine on the website, even gave me a site to track which kept showing en route... then nothing.   Now the site for tracking is an error and I'm out my money.  Either it was customs, or the USPS.  Any other sites stateside/formulas recommended?  Not keen on losing more $. 

    Did you try emailing the site? Some time back, I had a similar issue in that I waited a good 6 weeks with nothing. The tracking showed it stalled at the point of departure in France. I got a prompt response, the package arrived a week later, and they put something free in my account for next time. I think the international shipment delays really are beyond their control, and between Covid disruptions and holiday shipping volumes, it's not surprising that things are stalled.  Frustrating, I know, but I think your merch will arrive in time.

  6. 54 minutes ago, tassojunior said:

    While Austria is mandating vaccines for all, next-door Switzerland is voting tomorrow (Sunday) in a nation-wide referendum on whether to do away with vaccine and lockdown requirements. It should be a fair view of how the people feel. 

    The people of Switzerland only.  They are very different, politically and culturally, and a referendum in Switzerland does not reflect "the people" of anywhere else, whatever the results of the referendum.

  7. I found this interesting, a succinct description of the anti-vax lunacy engendered by hostile actors on electronic and social media (and yes, I realize it makes me something of a conspiracy theorist myself, but I do believe this is largely driven by forces seeking to undermine the stability of Western democracies. And it's working brilliantly!).

    As these things go, there is an acronym, CONSPIR

    Overriding suspicion
    Nefarious Intent
    Something Must Be Wrong
    Persecuted Victim
    Immune to Evidence
    Re-interpreting Randomness

    You can download a PDF to hand out at Thanksgiving to all your anti-vaxer relations. (Just don't get too close to them.)


  8. Quote
    7 hours ago, Puckitos said:

    Are there any pissing parties in NYC? Seems to be nearly IMPOSSIBLE to find even before the pandemic. 

    Pre-lockdown, GSA parties were held in Brooklyn monthly for ... decades.  Host recently emailed to say he wasn't yet comfortable re-starting, for everyone's safety, but hopefully they'll be back.  DM me for contact if you want to get on the list.

  9. On 8/26/2021 at 12:07 PM, MikeBiDude said:

    I wish Medicare would approve a generic for Truvada and add to their formulary. Even though right now as of July I’m at the “catastrophic” level on my plan and only pay about $95 for Truvada, the early months of this year were painful, $600! The Medicare coverage averages out to $250-300/month annually its certainly not a deal breaker for me….but when a couple other prescriptions I pick up are sometime $5-10 makes me wish the generic arrives sooner than later. 


    Have you tried running the numbers using the GoodRx discount?  That is, skipping insurance/Medicare altogether and just paying the discount pharmacy price? I know it's complicated factoring in the lost credit toward deductibles and so forth, but a number of big retailers offer a monthly price of ~$45 for Truvada (but not Descovy apparently). Might be worth a look.



  10. I'm skeptical about this whole episode.  OF management knows very well what their product is and who their customers are.  It's ridiculous to think they didn't expect a major backlash from their creator and client base.  And the underlying issues around selling porn are not resolved.  Whatever they are. 

    I think the founders and VC funders of the site are looking for a giant payout by selling to a media conglomerate, as has been enjoyed by many successful platform creators, even when the platform itself then went to hell.  (Tumblr anyone?)  If this wasn't just a publicity stunt, I expect OF will "tame" the content in small gradual increments rather than all at once, but I do believe the anything-goes days will be receding.

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