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Posts posted by robear

  1. Right or wrong, to me in this context PNP means meth meth and only meth. Other "party drugs" (of which I admittedly have no first-hand experience) don't provide the quick, intense, sex-enhancing high of methamphetamine. Meth addiction is a major scourge among gay men, and its use is largely tied to sex.  Recovering addicts often say they cannot experience sex sober like it was when they were using, and have to learn all over again how to enjoy sex without the high.  It's hardly surprising to see it featured one way or another among providers and on the hookup apps.

    That is NOT to assume that any provider advertising PNP is an addict or otherwise deeply involved with the drug. Doubtless there are clients who wish to use during sessions and want a provider who is cool with that, but it does indicate that the conversation is open to whether and how meth might factor into any encounter.

    For me, it's absolutely a big old red flag.

  2. Anybody been there recently?

    Was very much a regular in the now distant past, far less so in recent years and not at all since lock-down. Traffic had pretty much dwindled to a why-bother level by 2020 and my visits were down to a few per year.  However time has passed and the sister site across town is permanently closed. It's a relic of a past era for sure, but it was MY era. Any posters been recently? How was?

  3. I think a LOT of sex practices have become more visible in the age of ubiquitous electronic porn. Various BDSM expressions, WS, pit-sniffing, rimming, erotic spitting, group action, cum-swapping, even fucking were not that evident in porn produced in, say, the 60s and 70s. The list goes on. That has to drive the "popularity" among consumers, although as always, porn and real life are 2 very different things.  I rimmed my way through the 70s, 80s, 90s, and aughts, but it was way more "niche" then than it is now.

  4. So I saw my cardio and sang the statin blues (again).  She increased my Vascepa and was fine with reducing my atorvastatin by half (to 5mg) as an experiment.  (She also suggested a 6-8 week "statin holiday" to see if that helps, something I may do this summer.)

    In the six weeks since on the new regimen, 2 things have happened. 

    I feel a lot better.  Surprising because my perception of the lower body weakness and stiffness I have experienced is that it's been coming on slowly over 20 years of statin therapy.  I assumed improvement, if any, would be similarly slow.

    The second, even more surprising, is that I just had blood work and everything is entirely in range, no bump in my Total or LDL at all.  5mg (or less) may be all I need going forward.

    These things may change, but I think the takeaway is to work with your provider(s) if you're unhappy with any meds.  We all take "maintenance" meds that docs just renew over and over, without much consideration unless the patient brings up a specific problem.  Many of us may take things we don't actually need, or MORE medication than is really necessary.

  5. For me, sexual compulsion is tied to generalized anxiety.  I use sex to distract and calm my constant anxious feelings.  Therapy, "personal work," medication, and frankly, aging, has made my impulses more manageable.

    But that's me. I echo those above who suggest seeing a therapist (or therapists, finding the right one can itself be a challenge). You need to unpack what sex is doing for you now, how you want to integrate it into a better life, and how to get from A to B.

  6. I've only occasionally gone for a 1-mo to check out the dicks. Those days are over, in part because lots of providers include full frontals in their "free" offerings, the upgrade doesn't get much and no way I'm paying $20.  I wonder if that policy is about to change, ie no explicit pix in ads except for the "private."

    Clear opportunity for GayRomeo to take over the North American market.

  7. They are both fixed-dose combinations of 2 antiviral drugs emtricitabine and tenofovir (200/300mg for Truvada, 200/25mg for Descovy). Brand names of both are manufactured by Gilead, Truvada is available as a generic. Gilead started pushing Descovy as Truvada was going off-patent as a marketing ploy.

    My doctor prefers Descovy for PrEP because, in layman's terms, it's "less medicine." Taken properly, they are both equally effective at preventing HIV infection. What's best for you may come down to cost, some insurance or public programs cover only the older generic Truvada for cost reason. My employer-sponsored health insurance covers both at no out of pocket cost to me.

    As always, ask your doctor.

  8. On 12/2/2022 at 9:28 PM, CuriousByNature said:

    Admittedly I am very ignorant, but how and why would poppers be used for this? I thought those were used for intercourse, to relax the bottom.

    Inhaling poppers suddenly lowers your blood pressure a bit, creating a "rush" sensation and increased heart rate, which, for people who enjoy the feeling can enhance any kind of sexual engagement. Like "OMG there's nothing in the world right now but my tongue and his asshole." Or whatever. It only lasts a few minutes, but for fans (and I'm one of them), inhalants can be a fun sex accessory.

  9. @Unicorn, if you had actually READ my post before climbing up on your customary sanctimonious high horse, it's obvious I was sharing a very personal perspective and experience as a long-term patient, nothing else. That millions of patients have reported physical effects of statin usage, to the extent many can't or won't take the drug, seems to have eluded you, but you can look that up yourself. My comments clearly came down on the side of benefits outweighing the costs.

    And as for my use and dosing of Vascepa, I am certain, absolutely positive, that my prominent cardiologist in NYC knows a helluva lot more about it and me than you do so, as the saying goes, "I would encourage you to avoid giving medical advice on issues with which you don't have information."

  10. After ~20 years of statin therapy (Lipitor/atorvastatin 10mg), at age 67 I am so weak and tight in my lower body that I can only walk or stand with effort and considerable discomfort. I've always thought there was a cumulative effect over time, which I've never seen studied. I didn't have the acute pain and weakness reported by others, and have tested negative for rhabdomyolysis several times. Nevertheless I first noticed a slight difficulty walking soon after starting therapy, and it has only gotten much worse over the years.

    There's more going on, of course. Age, weight, inactivity, joint issues all take a toll, so I don't imagine dropping the statin will suddenly result in new-found youth. And there's clearly an upside. I have exactly my father's anatomy. He had is first heart attack at 60 and another 2 years later. To date I have no sign of heart disease.

    I see the cardiologist in a few weeks and will ask her about halving my dose to 5mg/day, something I haven't tried before. I'm also taking icosapent ethyl 2gm (Vascepa) which helps balance lipids overall and has been effective with lowering my triglycerides and raising my HDL. I'll ask about increasing that to 4gm/day, which is more the standard dosing, and with these adjustments just let it go for 6 months and see what happens.

    TLDR as the kids say: 67yo, long term statin user with marked physical decline. Statins work and are important to anyone with heart-disease risk factors. There may be a physical price to pay for their use, however, that needs to be evaluated in the big picture.

  11. I'm sure glory holes still exist (on most college campuses, f'rinstance), but I believe the glory days of glory holes (heh-heh) are past, eclipsed by much greater openness of gay men and modern practices such as hookup apps.

    I don't think there's much "etiquette" in such an anonymous and furtive encounter.  I'd say your cocksman is usually looking to cum, so some combo of sucking and hand work is indicated until the deed is done.  Of course you can spit, preferably not on the floor just beneath you and in a toilet or tissue if available.

    Honestly I doubt a condom would be well-received in this scenario, but worst case he'll just walk away.


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