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    inthepit3 reacted to myophile in How often do you flip the script?   
    I will always be grateful to my regular guy, who, out of the blue during one of our sessions, asked if he could fuck me. I knew he didn’t GET fucked, but I hadn’t considered bottoming for him, had never discussed it with him, in part because I didn’t think it was something he was into. Boy was I wrong ... Yowza!
  2. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to + StLouisOct in How often do you flip the script?   
    I still smile when I think back about the time when I told an escort that I liked to rim, but being rimmed didn’t inspire me. He replied, “Oh, I LIKE to rim.” And a little while later he did. I’ve been a big fan of it - and him - ever since. ?
  3. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to + oldNbusted in Real identies....   
    The way the question is framed makes it seem like this is a dating relationship, as in how many dates before you start being your true self, or something.
    In my mind, there is no connection between having multiple successful sessions and divulging personal info. I think in this situation, each person is free to offer or withhold their personal info at their discretion, it's totally up to them and no one should have an expectation.
    A client is not doing an escort some kind of favor by disclosing their real identity and an escort is not shady if they never do. I would never never never ask someone this. I can only imagine the firestorm if a thread were started about an escort who asked his repeat clients for personal info.
    On the other hand, there are people here who don't have a nom de guerre, so they never have to decide when to out themselves. My point is that it's their prerogative and their prerogative alone. And it shouldn't have any bearing on the sessions.
  4. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to hypothetically in I FELT LIKE I WAS THE PROVIDER   
    You realize you are voicing a “complaint” that the majority of the forum would LOVE to encounter, right?
  5. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to + StLouisOct in The BFE is a smoke screen   
    Wow, you need to take a deep breath next time and make a move to get things going. Lean over and give him a big hug and a kiss, and start exploring. He should have done better, but you let him sit there and talk. Unfortunate.
  6. Sad
    inthepit3 reacted to + m_writer in Rory the British muscle god   
    I have some bad news regarding Rory.
    I noticed his profile was down so I texted him. It turns out he's taking a long break because someone leaked his photos, ad, and videos to his father's workplace and outed him, so now he's trying to distance himself from it and he's not sure if when or if he'll ever get back to RM.
    I liked Rory and he was a total sweetheart and a nice, personable, and friendly guy, so it saddens me that someone revealed his stuff to his family and inner circle like that. Still, I texted him some words of encouragement and if anyone has his personal phone, wish him well and a Merry Christmas.
    And frankly, this is a question for anyone who can answer: if someone outs you like that, can't you sue them? Or it's not possible because it's revealing Rory made a profile for gay escorts, so it would incriminate him?
  7. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to + Bryan Dube in Thoughts on younger clients?   
    I'm in my mid 30's and i've been hiring for a number of years now. it's just easier than spending hours and hours on grindr, only to be flaked upon. Also, i have very specific fetishes and desires in bed. Also, it's easier and there is no expectation of dating or forming an emotional relationship afterwards or beforehand. just my two cents.
  8. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to musclvr in Trouble with Fetish request   
    If you are ever in the Miami area, try this Caleb, who also wrestles for Thunders Arena as scrappy. He's straight (I think). He does meet-ups for muscle worship and wrestling, including submission holds. A really nice guy too. Unless you don't want him to be.
  9. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to alexslaveboy in Best at muscle worship?   
    I know that this comment is going to alienate some......
    but in my experience with muscle worship, my straight hires always delivered the best cocky, verbal, dominant l and aggressive sessions....most getting off on the praise, touch and admiration to the point of definitely getting hard and really getting off. They definitely like their muscles admired and egos stroked
    The gay escorts that I saw were less inclined to get really into it and seemed a little disconnected
    But different strokes for different folks ?
  10. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to BicepAddict in Best at muscle worship?   
    Here are my favorites that I have hired and continue to hire on a regular basis to satisfy my muscle worship & BFE needs:
  11. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to torvc in Trouble with Fetish request   
    Hey @playwrestler - I think that the best Headscissor experience (and body scissor) with an escort was Jeremy Lee:
    He scissored hard, crushed my head into his pecs it was hot. He's clearly muscular but isn't tall. So if you want someone tall he's not your guy... but I was soooo turned on the entire time. I told him it was the best scissor / muscle dom experience I had and he said that when he first got into the scene he was very unsure about it all.. but he's really worked hard to learn. And I would say it was hot.
    Shredz did as well, but not quite as savagely as I wanted.
    I've met with other guys. And we "wrestled" but it wasn't savage or like the fantasy (or some of the hot videos you see). And I've had dom experiences - not muscle domination, mind you, but good mind-fuck domination from guys who are buff. Mike Masters was one of the hottest mind bending dom scenes I ever had. And he choked me out - which was hot (no one else would do that for me, sadly), but he didn't head scissor me.
    I've also been bear hugged by guys and had my ribs popped. I feel badly because I think I really scared one guy and he hasn't responded to me since. But I LOVED it. Sure it hurt for months, but, the memory in my head is so fucking hot now.
    I have the exact same problems. I've met with guys and most are unwilling or don't know how. I try to explain to some before we meet how important it is, and even when we get together, but it doesn't always work.
    I've almost given up, tbh.
    I will say I used to wrestle with guys from global fight. I had some incredible scissor experiences with them. wrestled with steeltrap back in the late 90s (that was a great scissor experience) and I also was scissored by big calves (he popped my ribs and it hurt for two months - but I LOVED it).
    I would love to find guys like beyondgenetics (or whatever his name is) I've seen videos of him knocking guys out with headscissors and that looks FANTASTIC! But I don't know if he does that scene any more.
  12. Like
    inthepit3 got a reaction from Ryan Roman in Canceling due to sickness   
    Canceling last minute (within 2 hours of appointment) is bad form, but canceling the day before should be fine. He shouldn't have responded rudely in this scenario.
  13. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to Trick in Frustrated by Accidents of the Anal Kind   
    It’s the regular disposable kind, 4.5 fl oz.
    I’ve read in other threads here that one full load of the bottle is enough for each step. I do many repetitions until the water comes out clean.
    I’ve been following the quick version of this https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com/
  14. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to MrMattBig in Frustrated by Accidents of the Anal Kind   
    Contrary to some beliefs, eating in close proximity will not create another bowel movement (no need to worry about the chicken salad you had at noon when you are bottoming at 3pm.) If it something you may be sensitive too (extra cheese pizza, chocolate milkshake, McDonald's) that's a different story, or if certain medications are affecting or digestive system. Keep in mind though that when you do eat, it triggers your digestive system to work to expel what it is currently working on to make room for the next thing. So while it may not be necessary to fast for 12 hours, if it makes you feel more comfortable and confident bottoming, continue on. I find 12 hours is within an average, so to be safe maybe push a few extra hours.
    Here's a time table of mine to keep in context.
    If I have a 6pm appointment to bottom, I'll make sure I don't eat past midnight the night before, and have my first meal around 1pm the day of.
    Using large volumes of water when cleaning helps to not need such a strict time table, but if for whatever reason you are going to stick to small volumes, a time table like this would be the safest route.
  15. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to Ichabod in Has a provider ever mocked your climax?   
    I once had a masseur attempt to turn my orgasm into a therapy session. I needed to be louder, more animal-like, cumming isn't supposed to be polite, growl, roar, let it all out. It was jarring and bizarre (and distracting), considering the rest of the massage had been perfectly normal. I will not be repeating with him.
  16. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to hypothetically in Open to pricing advice?   
    If this is indeed the case, they will learn, and very quickly, that their quoted rate is not consistent with that of their peers. I do not think a convo with an escort, specifically a new one, about pricing is appropriate because it may be interpreted as you questioning his “value.” I think it is the new escort’s responsibility to do ample research or find a mentor within the market to aid him in his new endeavor. But it is not yours. I don’t think anything triggers an escort more than verbalizing you can “get it for cheaper” elsewhere.
    But on the flip side, you do have new talent that is very well aware that they bring a certain je nai se quoi to the grid in contrast to their competitors, not even in a self-gratuitous way, but just because it is blatantly obvious and they will charge accordingly. You have to remember that, while yes, market trends “should” be upheld, everyone’s pricing is individual. You have the escort who prices his services per current market trends, and the accompanying client who only hires within the confines of those trends. And then you have the escort who prices his services excessively high and will not budge because he recognizes he falls into a well sought after niche and clients will pay top dollar for his time. I doubt this is the case per the tone of the OP, but still good to remember. Let the baby chickens learn on their own. I think learning to navigate the business and using trial and error is imperative when first starting out.
  17. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to hypothetically in European Destinations   
    Hi Dante,
    London, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Berlin and Zurich immediately come to mind when I began dipping my toes in the euro-pool. Each have a very different client-base so I’d recommend you not overwhelm yourself and go on a “work tour.” If you’re also going for pleasure, maybe work a day or two and feel it out. A lot of my colleagues have had a great deal of success in the aforementioned cities, while others have not. What appeals to one demographic, does not appeal to another.
    London is extremely competitive and rivals New York both in number of escorts and superficiality. I always feel like it’s the escort Olympics every time I’m in the U.K. You can earn quite a lot but you will also spend a lot as London is not inexpensive; many walk away breaking even and I imagine that is not the goal.
    Paris, where I am based, is not as aggressive as London, per the catalogue, but the French are a fickle bunch lol. I must say, I do enjoy my French clients the most, however, if I had to choose, as we share mutual interest and it’s less of a “pow wow,” and more of a relaxed meeting, every time. You will be on the grid with a lot of Brazilians and not much else. That may or may not work in your favor. It works in mine.
    Madrid and Barcelona can be hit or miss depending on the season. The Spanish in Barcelona are broke, and I personally don’t have the patience (nor am I) going to negotiate all evening for what will ultimately be a quick session. You also wouldn’t catch me dead in BCN if it wasn’t for Antoni Gaudi. Both are inexpensive; I love Madrid but I often get distracted by the local catalogue who want to “hang out.”
    Berlin is my one true love and has always been a gold mine for me. But to put it quite frankly, I don’t look like everyone else in Berlin and that has worked in my favor tremendously. Berlin, however, can be very fetish-specific. If getting in gear or pissing on someone isn’t your jam, well..
    Switzerland: There. Is. Money. There. Requires a short term work visa which is easily obtainable.
    Your inquiry should be broken up into two questions. The other about which cities to visit, completely unrelated to work, should go in the travel section.
    I think that’s great you have a website but the Europeans can’t be bothered with it. Invest in a Hunqz and/or RentMen account or you will make not a cent. Shoot me any other questions you may have.
  18. Like
    inthepit3 got a reaction from Wanderoz in 411 on Bradley Blue?   
    He's dreamy! Anyone met him?
  19. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to TruHart1 in Have you ever inherited from your clients?   
    A favorite escort of mine (retired, but I still see him regularly) inherited his client's $800,000 home. He told me how he had made his client's final years as good as possible, and though the client hired him many, many times, the escort also spent many "off the clock" hours with the client too.
    The client's family actually tried to fight the client's will, but since there was no way for the family to prove the client did not have all his faculties when he modified his will to gift his house to the escort, they were unable to keep the escort from ownership of the home!
    Ironically, one really lean year, when he received his tax bill for the property, the escort said he might have to sell the house!
  20. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to + WilliamM in Cautious, thrifty or penny-pinching escorts?   
    They are hardly entrepreneurs. You have posted many times that many guys leave the profession broke.
    The few who save a significant amount of money are entrepreneurs - underline significant.
  21. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to + E.T.Bass in Cautious, thrifty or penny-pinching escorts?   
    I'd have my guest let me buy him something to go and also try to work it out with the host to cover what the fellow took from the buffet, without causing him any embarrassment.
    I guess I wouldn't want to judge or school him but hopefully he'd think about it when I insist on the to go order.
  22. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to MikeBiDude in Cautious, thrifty or penny-pinching escorts?   
    People who walk out of brunch buffets with food in their pockets have never owned a restaurant or small business.
  23. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to tj_forplay in Hotel meeting   
    I'm headed out on a business trip in a couple days to DC. I'm considering hiring while out there. I'll be traveling with 8 co-workers. My usual trick is to be the last to check in & tell the front desk I don't want my room near theirs. I think I've only stayed in a hotel that required a key for the lift once, I met my guy outside, chatted for a minute then went up. I saw a co-worker in the lift, chatted with him on the ride up, my guy was a professional at "not knowing me" , the co-worker didn't have any idea.....I asked him later, we're work bestfriends lol.
  24. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to Trick in Hotel meeting   
    Wouldn’t it be funny if another colleague also hired an escort and a mix up happened?
  25. Like
    inthepit3 reacted to DaveOrDavid in Who makes the first move?   
    Many years ago I hired a guy about the same age as me and there was no action until I touched him. After I touched him he kicked into gear and told me since I touched him first he knew I was not a policeman. I said I didn't think I looked like a policeman and he told me "You look exactly like a policeman". lol Lol LOL
    Later the hotel maid attempted to enter the room. I forgot to lock the door, but had placed the door chain in the track which prohibited her from entering the room. But the Guy sat up quickly in the bed with an extremely panicked look and thought he had been setup and police were about to enter the room. We both had a Good Laugh about that. :D
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