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Rod Hagen

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Everything posted by Rod Hagen

  1. They have an extraordinary app.
  2. Bookmarked this article a few days ago. I look forward to reading it and disagreeing with most of it :-)
  3. My favorite line was when someone calls her a Fucking Millenial, and she punches back, "I'm a cusper" And she is, I think the actress was born in 1979 or 81.
  4. I was ready to not like it, I don't like her. But, I'm 5 eps in and it's quite good! (and so is she).
  5. I thought the cliffhanger worked quite well, thematically and it fit the tone of the movie.
  6. Either you can read our minds, if so you should head straight to Vegas, or you are externalizing onto us how you feel about traditionally unattractive people. I don't see a third possibility, so which is it? I said, which is it?
  7. Reading that book in 1999 on a flight b/w LA and NYC made me decide to "moonlight" as an escort. https://www.amazon.com/Hustlers-Escorts-Porn-Stars-Prostitution/dp/0966579623
  8. We got two queen beds when we visited Petra. Probably didn't need to, it was a nice hotel. Have a great trip!
  9. The OP presumably understands that there is a free market where people and businesses can charge what they wish, he's just wondering out loud, is there a point, maybe at $400 maybe higher, where the provider is just basically saying, fuck you? I haven't read this thread too closely, but I think people who argue that people can charge for escorting, or whatever, whatever they wish and people either will or will not pay it, are being, perhaps deliberately, pre-collegiate in their arguing. Yes, we all know that, free market etc. But is there an amount where it's clear that the provider just doesn't really give a fuck about you, about what is "reasonable"? Or, is there absolutely no "reasonable"?
  10. If you blend it with frozen peach slices and some ice, your taste for it will come back. YUM!
  11. I certainly can't see being flabbergasted by $400/hour rate of a male escort. There's always going to be a dollar amount for any product or service that causes one's jaw to drop. $10 for fresh squeezed Orange Juice is becoming standard in California Restaurants (more in fancy restaurants) and as I told one waitress who was annoyed I wanted it WITHOUT ice, "That orange juice is 1% of my rent!" That chastened her (even if maybe she secretly hates older people who sit on Rent Stabilized units) and she came back with a glass full, no ice. My point is, whenever my jaw starts to drop at the price of one male escort and then another, I just remember what American female professional escorts charge (if you don't know, it's MUCH more than $400/hour) and then I calm, and move on (can calm be a verb without "down"?).
  12. I watched the first couple seasons of Black List. He's so good, but it just got, and stayed, too stupid so I stopped. I am glad to hear it's ending on a strong season.
  13. Spoilers! Here's a good, therapeutic, analysis of the show. And Here is the showrunner and the two stars talking about the final episode. The showrunner looks young. I need to watch his other show, Dave.
  14. uhm...well, that actually happens entirely innocently if your ad's been up for awhile, you just get forgetful or rushed. Every year, I try to update all my ads w/in a month of my birthday. Then, months later I'll peak at my ad for no real reason and see that I updated the form, but not the description (or vice versa). There's no malevolence there, just minor carelessness (senescence, lol?). Possibly, I think that's true of some of the other discrepancies you mention, they may not be diabolical, just rushed. Too be clear, it's important and we SHOULDN'T rush, but again, assume it's "just" carelessness and if you're curious, inquire about specifics.
  15. "Regular" is a funny term. Escorts want regulars, often times clients want to be considered regulars. I would like to think what we are talking about is clients and escorts who see each other often enough to be friends, close friends, but his thread has already touched on the unfortunate side of the "regulars" discussion, reduced rates. How "regular" do you have to be to be (getting away with) paying less than others? "What do you charge for REGULAR clients?" Sigh. There are several clients who are very very very much my friends whom I see weekly, there are others I see once or twice or three times a month. And, there are some I only see once a year, or less, but our communications between visits are intimate enough, and I don't necessarily mean sexual, that we consider each other to be regulars. So, I guess, Regular can be a feeling, and too often it's a bargaining tool. Those men who call themselves regulars before they've met me, or after one meeting, in a rate-reduction gambit, are not going to be folks I consider regulars, even if I do see them fairly regularly.
  16. What is your personal experience with, or knowledge of, this Osteoporosis or severe Osteopenia, injectable (efficacy, adverse effects, etc.)? Asking for friend. Thank you. p.s. Iam grateful for the responses within, and will update, my other 411 health threads.
  17. It was only available the first week of April, unless you got a screener?
  18. Did anybody here see this? It sounds like the kind of play I would hate (another one-player play? Really? How much money can broadway save much less charge?). Nevertheless, she’s a remarkable actress. How was it? How was she? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/23/theater/prima-facie-review-jodie-comer.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShareReview: Jodie Comer Makes the Case in ‘Prima Facie’
  19. Did you guys watch this? Thoughts? And if you ran things would you have made the second to last episode the final episode, or go with the finale as the finale? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/05/arts/television/beef-review.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare‘Beef’ Review: Mad in America
  20. I wanted to say something about that, but I didn't want to get in trouble again. You never know with this forum. THANK YOU!
  21. rereading is reserved for those books integral to ourselves. And a lot of the time rereading just means picking them up and reading well-worn and/or less-familiar passages, then putting it back down. You keep them in a very convenient place.
  22. so glad to know that he's doing reasonably well, thank you. Tennessee Williams once said that after she got out of the hospital, and after a few bad affairs, Blanche became a hairdresser (the implication being she found stability). Good for her. And Shuggie!
  23. I just read the description, sounds batshit, and therefore interesting :-)
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