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Rod Hagen

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Everything posted by Rod Hagen

  1. I've told this story before. LONG ago a client I'd seen only down at his house in Laguna Nigel, once while the remodeling crew was on the other side of his home-office door!, was staying at the BH Peninsula. He was a nice and fun man , but also one of those guys who would often "joke" about not paying me unless I do this or that. Our appointment was for 4:30am and I wore workout clothing so that if anyone asked why I was visiting that early (in my 20s I was very insecure about being in fancy hotels, I felt everyone knew I didn't belong) I was just going to say I was his trainer. He had told me his room was off in a corner and he wanted me to knock on his door stripped entirely naked in the hallway. I told him that was unlikely, but I would if I could. As it turned out there were three other doors near his, and I could hear activity in at least one of them. I took off my tanktop, knocked on his door, and I know from the peephole I looked naked. He opened the door, VERY excited and then saw I wasn't naked. BUT we got things going quickly, and I saw him a few more times.
  2. I love condescending. :-) Thank you. I'll stick with the Mobic, so far it hasn't given me a problem this round and I think it's helping. I do get bone Density scans, thank you, and so far so good. Thank you. I can't tell if it's getting a bit better because of the Mobic, or because I stopped doing the active, forearm engaging, Yoga for now, or both but I'm glad it's receding bit by bit. Glad yours didn't come back.
  3. NSAIDS can cause stomach irritation, or heartburn. If it's not TECHNICALLY reflux that's only important technically. So, ok, I won't call it reflux I'll call it heartburn, which is more accurate. Thank you. How about this as a response, "Reflux from Mobic seems unlikely, you probably described heartburn, which NSAIDS can cause. I presume you are taking it with food as described on the bottle?" It's still a bit condescending, particularly that last bit :-) but still descriptive and helpful. I am aware of the significant concerns re: long-term PPIs, after all if you read the box, it says to use for only, I think 14 days at maximum. Also, articles come out OFTEN in the general press about all those PPI complication, and possible complications, which you listed out. And more! in fact I was once hospitalized with C-Diff. YUCK!. As of now, it's a quality of life question, because every time I try to rely solely on H2 Antagonists, I have horrible problems eventually no matter how careful I am with what I eat. In those instances of flare up, there have been times I keep the Liquid Carafate bottle VERY nearby so I do not forget a dose. My partner and my two ENTs are in the same boat. We WANT to get off PPIs, but then our quality of life sucks. What to do? Anyway, back to my elbow, while I go see to my poor friend at Cedars.
  4. I would if I could figure out what activity is aggravating it. Normally, I would guess it was giving massages and/or Rock Climbing, but I haven't done either more than once in the last month and a half. Even though I always stretch and warm up my wrists at the start of a session, it may be Yoga. I've been doing very active Yoga for years now so that seems odd. BUT it does hurt when I hold my Down Dogs and Side-Planks, so wether or not that was the cause I guess it doesn't matter, active Yoga aggravates it, so I have to put that on hold for now. I can still do boring Yin Yoga. And I can keep swimming. And, if the rain stops, I can snowboard, so I shouldn't complain. Thanks! I get it, I Loved Video games when I was a kid, but I sucked at them.
  5. I used one just like that, with great success, after I chipped a bone in my shoulder after a Mountain Bike crash. Afterward, I was in my car, at the trailhead, bike in the backseat instead of on the roof I could no longer reach, on my phone on Amazon looking for "wearable ice shoulder wrap" so I could order it before departing on my painful 2-hour drive home. Glad it helped you too.
  6. Thank you. Even with my usual daily PPI (Dexilant) and also preemptive daily H2-Antagonists and eating only mild food, Mobic can (not always) give me terrible Reflux. So in the rare instances I take it to fight inflammation, specifically swelling, from occasional sport injuries, I do it for no longer than a week at a time and then give myself a buffer before restarting it if needed. I hope your Plantar fasciitis recedes soon, or is gone. For me the real PF fix, in addition to PT-prescribed exercises and stretching, was amazing orthotics. I saw Dr. Glen Pfeiffer, he's an orthopedic surgeon at Cedars who doesn't like to do surgery, and he took one look at my orthotics, told me my podiatrist doesn't seem to know what he's doing, and sent me to his preferred podiatrist who made PERFECT orthotics for me, and the PF resolved quite speedily. Good luck!
  7. Thanks everyone. My doctor recommends against steroid injection. I already had an elbow brace from Air Cast ordered. I do the exercises from both these sites: I have great success with Mobic, so I started a week's treatment of that. I never use Mobic for more than a week at a time. I'm using a Graston as well. Wish me luck! Does anyone else have any advice or experiences to share please?
  8. Yes, it looks like a Quinton Catheter (thank you) placed into his chest, so that must be what it is, and for whatever/no reason everyone in the hospital is referring to it as an AV Fistula.
  9. Anyone ever successfully rid themselves of lateral epicondylitis ? I've been doing the exercises and the Graston and it won't. Go. Away. I'm probably going to take a 5 day course of Mobic, but does anyone have any wisdom to share? Thanks!
  10. As I said he has the AV fistula (it was not much trouble) because he's doing regular Dialysis while he's in the hospital because he was in massive Kidney Failure upon admission, and ALSO he'll be doing outpatient dialysis for a couple wks when he leaves the hospital while the PD port heals. Once it heals, he'll start PD and the AV fistula won't be needed. Now that that's behind us, I am concerned about potential for infections of course. But, then I read about blind people who do it. One thing I am very concerned about is him lifting the bags in the morning. They're about 10 pounds each, and he's weak right now from his hospital stay and having CHF and Kidney failure.
  11. He's in the h Sure. He's not willing to do traditional Hemodialysis, was instead going to simply move into hospice. I neglected to mention that. But then at home Dialysis was floated as an idea. So he's only using the AV fistula temporarily now while in the hospital, and then while the Peritoneal port heals. And oh my gosh is he feeling better now that he's had some HD, much better than the IV diuretics, so that's nice. But of course you're right, this is all temporary, nobody, including my friend, expects him to do PD at home for years. I presume, eventually, he'll transition into Hospice (hopefully at home.) My two nephrologist friends, not involved in this case, have patients of equally and greater advanced age who do it themselves, but I have the same concerns about dexterity and sterility that you have. No, you're not harsh, this is why I started this thread. Feedback on using PD and everything else around it. Thank you.
  12. Hello. Someone very close to me, 83 yo male, with newly diagnosed CHF and Kidney failure received his Peritoneal port today and eventually, once it's healed, will transition from Hemodialysis, which he started last week from his new AV fistula, to at home dialysis from his peritoneal Port. His nephrologist is certain that with training, and assistance in the beginning, he should be able to handle it alone going forward. He lives alone. If any of you have direct personal experience with PD or had/have a love one on it, I'd love to hear anything you have to say. Also, any experiences any of you have with loved ones, or patients, who transitioned from PD to at-home Hospice, or even not at-home hospice, I'd love to hear your thoughts or feelings or theories as well. I'm new to all this, but I've been reading a lot and have talked quite a bit to two nephrologist friends. Nevertheless, anything you have to say would be helpful and appreciated. Thank you very very much.
  13. That's too bad. I'm sure it will be streaming soon.
  14. Saw this at The Grove tonight. Nytimes was really lukewarm on it. LATimes loved it. I thought it was great. It's being compared to Weekend (which I hated), but it's much better, and to the movies Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight (Loved all three), it's not as good as those movie. Generally I dislike newer Gay Movies, they are often just too sappy and that's not what I go to movies to experience. This was touching in a real way, not in a bullshit way. If you've ever had an encounter with someone, sexual or not, and decades later thoughts of that encounter make you cry both happy and sad tears, you'll relate. If you haven't, you'll relate. Enjoy. p.s. It's only in theaters now, but I presume it will stream fairly soon. Here is an interview with the two adorable actors:
  15. The one time, long ago, I used an injectable with a friend the painful erection was AWFUL. But that's just me. The reason I'm chiming in is, as someone who uses nasal sprays and/or MucinexD consistently to avoid ear- barotrauma while flying or driving in the mountains or swimming deep, is it possible you mean NEO-SYNEPHRINE MAXIMUM (my go to for congested flying), which contains Phenylephrine hydrochloride 1.0% as opposed to Afrin which seems to only contain Oxymetazoline hydrochloride? https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=ab8682a4-1f66-6709-e053-2995a90a8b4a https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=c2d903bf-5c51-82d7-e053-2995a90aea49
  16. To the OP: As a starting escort at 26, I saw clients in their 90s, older than my then-living GrandFather.
  17. Movie is free on youtube. Enjoy
  18. When I was around 12 years old, I remember seeing the box cover for that movie and not understanding exactly what it suggested and not knowing what the movie was about, I didn't dare read the back of the box, but sensing strongly that if I watched that movie things would change for me, significantly. I did't watch it until I was in College. What might have happened if I'd watched it as a kid? Who knows.
  19. I wasn't aware of this, thank you. Look forward to reading it.
  20. Nurses and Physicians aren't counselors, they're problem solvers. If you live your life expecting others to ask how you are doing, you are going to be consistently disappointed.
  21. Well, at the end of the day it's probably not a solid product :-)
  22. I'm unaware of a benefit of an O2 component, but If you want to save some money, consider this: https://www.luckyvitamin.com/p-16949-solgar-magnesium-citrate-420-mg-120-tablets I've been using daily Magnesium Citrate tablets daily for constipation for decades with GREAT success. I can't recommend a dosage, start with 1, then 2, then the next night 3, then the next night 4, and eventually you'll learn what number is not too much or too little, but JUST right.
  23. Ok Ok so you all have your favorites :-) So, part 2 of this thread: What makes a great kisser? Aggressive deep kisses with probing tongue? Soft tender kisses? Kisses primarily on the lips? kisses all over the face and neck? Kisses EVERYWHERE? "All of the above" is a both a boring answer, and non-helpful. Break it into your favorites, and then say who does that best. I'm getting specific here, because when you say XXXX is THE BEST kisser, but then someone hires him and is attacked by kisses all over his face and neck when that person was expecting THE BEST to be soft kisses just on the lips because to him SOFT KISSES just on the lips are THE BEST, or if you say YYYY is THE BEST kisser and someone hires him and gets not much more than SOFT KISSES and what he expected from THE BEST kisser is DEEP PROBING TONGUE kisses, there will be disappointment.
  24. 12 years ago there was a very popular escort in LA. I did a threesome with him a few times. Hunky guy. Nice guy. One day I was at the Gay Starbucks (RIP) and he was seated with a group, and it was both clear it was an important meeting and also clear I was not supposed to recognize or talk to him. I did not. Less than a year later I was watching some random, just ok, gay mainstream movie, and he wasn't the star, but he had a major role. After I finished the movie, I imdb'd him, he'd done a lot. I clicked on his name this morning, and he's still working, in acting, but I haven't seen him on the escort sites for some time.
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