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    + IronMaus reacted to italianboyph in To providers: Are you the same person with your clients that you are in your personal lives?   
    I am yes. I do believe that regardless that “it’s a job” you still treat people with respect like you would in the outside world. Obviously we all have different moods, and different people bring those out at times, but as a whole you treat people the same. In my personal life I still wanna make people feel good, that should be the same otherwise.
  2. Like
    + IronMaus reacted to maninsoma in To providers: Are you the same person with your clients that you are in your personal lives?   
    Reminds me of a sociology professor I had who basically said that employers pay employees to set themselves (particularly their emotional selves) aside.  His point was that workers are not just paid to accomplish a task but also to do so without letting themselves get in the way of work.  My favorite escorts have been men who are a good mix of being genuine and providing fantasy.  If someone is too detached, it's very difficult for me to have fun.  I have no delusions that these guys would have chosen to get in bed with me if they weren't working, but a good escort is someone who can create pleasure in the moment with clients and not convey, even subtly, that the only reason they are there is money. 
  3. Like
    + IronMaus reacted to Jamie21 in To providers: Are you the same person with your clients that you are in your personal lives?   
    In some aspects yes, in some aspects no. For example in my personal life I tend to wear clothes more often and when I’ve finished fucking them I don’t ask how they’d like to pay 😂. 

    Seriously though…we all play roles in our work. Whatever work that is. 
  4. Like
    + IronMaus reacted to + Pensant in Provider getting pushy   
    I have one who generally will text with “I miss you, Babe”, every few months. He’s a hottie and we’ve spent 4 overnights together but he’s not kinky enough for me, although I do enjoy chatting with him and his rate is quite fair. I’m not sure I want to see him again, but feel compelled to answer his texts. When he was in NYC, he was very busy, but now I think it’s more hit and miss. Generally, I prefer to be the one reaching out.a
  5. Haha
    + IronMaus reacted to + FrankR in Rapid Covid test Would you hire?   
    I had to google that!

  6. Applause
    + IronMaus got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in Just need to vent- How do I stop flakes?   
    This guy is a legit stalker - and that is not something an individual wants to have on his record or reputation. I encourage you to share his info here and with your escort friends to prevent him from doing this to others. Discretion is important, but it means fuck all when it comes to being stalked. Put him on blast.

    I use phone numbers and emails when chatting with a new client who isn't exactly forthcoming. Run their phone number through Linkedin and FB (or pay for a service) to find them. Once you know his real name, its not hard to find his address. Once you know his address, its not hard to send them a card and encourage them to stop stalking escorts "for fun" - or to show up with a bunch of escorts, a camera, and maybe some pitchforks.

  7. Applause
    + IronMaus reacted to + sync in Providers - problems with racism?   
    My only caveat is that recently there have been political initiatives that intentionally put wedges of fear, mistrust, and lies into our society that have bred a spectrum of hate that has made everyday activities more hazardous for people of color.
    I admire your perspective, but I urge you to employ a bit more caution than you might have in the past.
  8. Like
    + IronMaus reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in Providers - problems with racism?   
    Wow, what town in Wisconsin is that? I’ve been traveling there for years and gone to some of the more rural areas. I don’t feel it’s any imminent danger to go to the rural areas. I mean there’s the likelihood of being pulled over (I was once stopped 3 times in 24 hours traveling between Milwaukee and some rural parts, but for odd reasoning).
    That said: I would say this, racism in the industry isn’t always as “Black and White” as ”not liking” a person. It can come in different forms. Even a client who likes an escort of color, may be racist in ways that seem cordial at first. 
  9. Sad
    + IronMaus reacted to + Tygerscent in Providers - problems with racism?   
    I was born and raised in Wisconsin… As much as I love going back, your friend’s concern is something to consider~ 
     There is that Kyle Rittenhouse following~ 
  10. Like
    + IronMaus reacted to Shawn Monroe in Providers - problems with racism?   
    that said, you’ll have some people that have attractions that lean one way and political beliefs that lean another. You’ll find a lot of us will just…keep our mouths shut since we are getting paid. 
  11. Applause
    + IronMaus reacted to Shawn Monroe in Providers - problems with racism?   
    Problems with racism occur right here on this very forum. You can absolutely believe that we experience it in work. 
  12. Applause
    + IronMaus reacted to Daniel84 in Just need to vent- How do I stop flakes?   
    Well the client in question just texted me that he is member on the forum and read this post. 
    So my question for him why do stand up providers and say you arrived when you clearly never showed up. 
    His response
     “It’s part of the fun for me”
  13. Applause
    + IronMaus reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Just need to vent- How do I stop flakes?   
    The only surefire way to stop flakes is to accept a small percentage deposit on the time.
    Yes, I know this will make heads spin around here, but in terms of proving someone is serious, there's no better way.
    On the flip side, you might lose potential other clients doing it.  You've just got to run numbers on it over a few month period to see if it's working.
    If you ask nicely, I'm sure that @Kevin Slatercould graph it out for you.
  14. Sad
    + IronMaus reacted to Daniel84 in Just need to vent- How do I stop flakes?   
    Hey guys,
    So i just started escorting again and I have had some incredible clients the past two weeks. Today i was supposed to have a 2 hour appointment. I was waiting outside across the street for him to arrive. He stated he was at my apt ( correct location) at the call box. I was watching the front door the entire time. 
    He was never there and was just a guy screwing around. He then laughs about the whole ordeal of me getting ready and him not showing up. I just don’t understand people. 
    What is the best advice you can give me to see if clients are real and are really booking time with a provider? 
    Thank you 
  15. Like
    + IronMaus got a reaction from + keroscenefire in Rapid Covid test Would you hire?   
    I have a buttload of instant tests for my own personal use to make myself feel comfortable. Living in California, I no longer ask for proof of vaccination because of the high vaccination rate and low Covid levels near me. I just make "sure" I don't have it and hope they will take care of themselves. Right now, the alarmingly high levels of STIs are more concerning to me - so I will ask clients about how often they are tested and make sure they know which tests to get.
  16. Like
    + IronMaus got a reaction from marylander1940 in Rapid Covid test Would you hire?   
    I have a buttload of instant tests for my own personal use to make myself feel comfortable. Living in California, I no longer ask for proof of vaccination because of the high vaccination rate and low Covid levels near me. I just make "sure" I don't have it and hope they will take care of themselves. Right now, the alarmingly high levels of STIs are more concerning to me - so I will ask clients about how often they are tested and make sure they know which tests to get.
  17. Like
    + IronMaus got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Describe Your Sex Life Using Only a Movie Title   
  18. Like
    + IronMaus reacted to + WilliamM in Palm Springs in January   
    My friend Kenny, who frequently posted here, has decided to spend several months in Mexico City until the Spring.
    He and his husband own a house in Mexico City and  also in Rancho Mirage.
  19. Love
    + IronMaus reacted to pubic_assistance in Falling in love with a woman, has it happened to any of you too?   
    The habit of making people declare little boxes to check on their personality is toxic.
    You're attracted to a PERSON.
    Ignore the sexual bits and pieces for now and focus on your feelings about this human being.
    Love is love.
  20. Like
    + IronMaus reacted to Luv2play in 'Tis the Season   
    Obviously your risk threshold is a lot higher than mine. Here I am debating with myself whether I will attend a very small Christmas day dinner at my brother's which would see me as the only guest. So his spouse as the only other attendee.
    They live in a community like yours with mostly retired neighbors. But they interact with them daily, unlike myself who lives in a small town and have very limited interactions these days except on Zoom to conduct board business of groups I belong to or very small working settings with everyone wearing masks and being fully vaxed.
    As an aside, I went to the computer repair shop today and there were three elderly customers ahead of me, each with their masks slung under their chins. I waited outside the shop until they left and on leaving, each pulled up their masks over their noses. What gives with these people!
  21. Like
    + IronMaus reacted to + Charlie in 'Tis the Season   
    We went to three holiday parties over the weekend.
    We live in a 55+ adult community. A neighbor who is one of the HOA board members and his wife invited a large number of residents to an open house on Saturday. It was a catered affair with lots of excellent food and drink, and there was heavy traffic back and forth between their big house and a large yard designed for entertaining. Given the well-known demographics of our community, the guests were about half gay, half straight. We interacted with many neighbors we knew, and met many whom we didn't previously know, and had a good time.
    Later in the evening we went to a party hosted by a gay couple in their 60s. There were about twenty guests, all concentrated in the main room of the house, standing and sitting around drinking, eating and chatting.  We didn't know anyone except the host couple; all of the other guests were older gay men, attired in the assigned theme of the party: Christmas sweaters. It all felt so familiar--I thought I was back in the 1970s again!
    On Sunday afternoon we went to another open house, this time hosted by one of my regular tennis partners, a straight, single woman a quarter century younger than I am. She lives in another town, in a small house on a golf course; since it was a sunny and mild day, much of the activity took place on a large patio facing the course. Most of the other guests were at least a generation younger than we are, and their sexual orientation was hard to determine. I spoke with several men and women who turned out to be married, but present without their spouses or partners. Aside from a few tennis players I knew, there were few guests with whom we had much in common, because they were all currently employed--we have been retired for decades-- in interesting careers in the arts, tech, and services. Nevertheless, the conversations were stimulating, because they were, like our hostess, bright and friendly people. We ended up staying longer than we had intended.
    When I received the invitations, I pondered the possibility that the event might turn into a super-spreader, but despite my usual caution, I accepted each of them. After two years of mostly self-imposed social isolation, I was ready to re-engage. I understand "COVID fatigue": most human beings yearn for social mingling with other human beings, despite the risks, and I am human. I hope I won't have reason to regret my decision, but for now I feel newly energized by the experience.
    Whatever decisions you make, I hope you have a happy holiday season.
  22. Love
    + IronMaus reacted to sutherland in What is your experience hiring transmen?   
    For some time I have been thinking about a drive to New Mexico, mostly to meet up with Trip Richards - https://rent.men/TripleXTransMan
  23. Like
    + IronMaus reacted to bostonman in What is your experience hiring transmen?   
    Your post is totally fine. And yes, in my experience they have had very good hygiene. They have also been very in tune with their bodies and seem to be very proud of the genitals they have. And, they've all been very supportive of the idea that I'm pretty brand new to this and want to learn. So hopefully you'd find yourself in the same kind of company, with a transguy who is eager to help you learn something new and different. :-)
    And btw, I have thoroughly enjoyed my experiments in "dining" down there. No, it won't ever replace sucking dick lol, but speaking as someone who enjoys using my tongue all over someone's body, it's nice to have finally gotten the chance to do this. 
  24. Like
    + IronMaus reacted to jonnychgo in What is your experience hiring transmen?   
    I know that not all Transmen are the same and YMMV, but I have to say that I have always been curious to "try" eating pussy just once.  DO NOT all get on me with the "yuck, gross, etc.  Wondering if if in your experience, the Trans providers you have hired practice good hygiene down there or just ignore it as they want nothing to do with being female anymore.  Sorry I have worded this so poorly.
  25. Like
    + IronMaus reacted to + keroscenefire in What is your experience hiring transmen?   
    You've filmed some really hot FTM content Maus. Definitely check out his Just for Fans if you want to see more.
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