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Everything posted by pubic_assistance

  1. We are experiencing a massive float-to-the-top economy. Everything that can be done to undermine small businesses is out there in an effort to bring an additional few points of market share to the global mega-corporations.
  2. I've had a few RM providers who REFUSE to discuss "business" matters on the RM chat. I suppose they aren't trusting of the degree of privacy they may or may not be getting there.
  3. He definitely has that middle America redneck look from my years spent in Pennsylvania's iron worker towns.
  4. Well...sorry to disagree with the "anyone" statement here. But...THANK YOU for the "magic trick" explanation. THAT might help bring a few more people into the "anyone can" category. MANY people are completely CLUELESS about how inflation reports work. This fact is used to manipulate perception and its actually the MAJORITY of people who are being fooled. "Inflation slowing" to MANY people means that inflation was a temporary increase that goes away when inflation slows down. SO your example of the compounding of inflation effect was truly helpful to the members here ( and yes some of you don't get it) who are insistent that inflation slowing down is better news than it really is. Inflation slowing down is frightening to me, since it SHOULD have STOPPED by this point. But the Federal Reserve keeps printing money so the corrections keep coming. As @BOZO T CLOWNnoted, the COSTS have gone up SIGNIFICANTLY and THAT is what you need to look at not indexes. Especially when you're retired with few increases in your income. Reports of "robust economy" is becoming a float-to-the-top effect that doesn't help 90% of the population of this country.
  5. Very sexy. I agree with Bozo on the foreskin factor. But for someone this hot I could look the other way.
  6. So by your logic is wasn't so bad because he just killed his wife (and a friend)? 🤔
  7. To jump in and redirect this conversation a bit I would interject that there are Muslims and there are MUSLIMS. Turkey and Morocco for example are primarily populated by a very easy/benign sect of Islam. Other people and cultures are acknowledged and respected. I remember sitting on a beach in Turkey once. Two Muslim women to my right in full burkas and two German women on my left sunbathing topless in their bikinis. Turks are generally not extreme in their views on outsiders. Morocco especially Marrakesh has a long history of "keeping one eye open and one eye shut" toward the indulgences of non-Muslim tourists Many other Muslim countries have varying degrees of extremism and although some of the more extreme make space for tolerance toward tourists .(because they bring $$$)...those exceptions are extremely localized in specific hotels and resorts and you could potentially find yourself in trouble quickly by being too "obvious" if you stray too far from acceptable the tourist zone. I toured Brunei with a lovely gentleman who just happened to turn out to be gay. He explained living there was a matter of being discreet. Officially he could be arrested for being gay...but he said what that really means is getting arrested for BEING OBVIOUS. Discretion goes a long way in the Muslim world as much as it does in the redneck states of the US.
  8. It's interesting to how the perception of providers here is so to the point. I have always approached the whole thing differently and more similar to how I would approach a hook up. Meet first,.catch a vibe, get to know your partners natural moves before discussing taking it up a notch (or two ) So I prefer to hire for an erotic.massage and let the provider show me his own moves and then discuss more for a second session if there's a natural chemistry. Even if it's just a skilled performance.
  9. The pink lady underwear is a huge turn off. WHO would want a leather top daddy that wears ladies panties? 🤔
  10. On his Instagram page..maybe. This kid ain't no "model", by ANY standards.
  11. 😳 He looks looks like he's been doing meth since his teens. Are we looking at the same photos ??
  12. Strange how they never mentioned these interesting facts in my High School history class 🤔.....
  13. I always enjoy the photos taken at his Tante Ruthie's "elegant" co-op in Queens.😆
  14. Definitely could have been good. But guessing not true.
  15. Yes. I do hire because I am able to meet people who are better looking than I may be able to snag on my own, now that I'm over 50....but... ..that said. I absolutely agree that chemistry goes beyond looks. I always tell people and this is the honest to God's truth: The hottest looking person I ever slept with was probably the most disappointing sex I've ever had. And someone who I had initially rejected because they weren't "hot enough" ended up being some of the hottest sex I ever had. So..I agree. Chemistry is important
  16. 94 RM reviews, nothing on here? Fit torso but maybe too old for some of the crowd here. Profile says "35" but looks closer to 45.
  17. Cute kid. My Gaydar is pinging. Yeah...keep working out and some day he'll be do-able.
  18. Thank you. I understand your poster can't feature current staff. But if could feature a more realistic impression of the type of men you have on staff
  19. Many massage businesses do post random pictures of beautiful men. True. But we are aware that no massage business has physique models working there. So why pretend?
  20. These guys are so *cringe* I couldnt get through the first two minutes.
  21. A poster advertising body builders who I am confident do NOT work at the spa.
  22. I find the majority of young college graduates lack anything resembling the kind of classical education I received. But I blame this partially on lowered standards at the high school level in an effort to make everyone more "equal' and tests easier to pass, they've abandoned college-bound students to merely memorizing enough information to pass their test without actually becoming a sophisticated thinker. As they say ...taught what to think, not HOW to think. Universities inheriting these weak minds, do nothing but continue the brainwashing and coddling. Instead of graduating mature adults with creative minds we end up with young men and women with graduate degrees who know less about the real world than I did by the 10th grade of high school .
  23. I have my own straight-boy fantasies so str8 providers do get my attention, when promoted as such. The important question is whether they are actually straight and therefore cockteasers with men or str8-acting bisexuals who will engage with you in a variety of sexual positions.
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