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Everything posted by jeezifonly

  1. I’ve been compliant with isolation since Mar 1 Days and dates no longer have relative meaning... it’s either today, or it’s not
  2. Jarrod, have you seen “Moonstruck”? Rose (Olympia Dukakis) converses w/ a man her age (John Mahoney) a professor who likes to fuck his female students, after he just got rudely and publicly dumped by his latest young thing. He asks Rose for advice. She warns him about mixing business with pleasure, relaying an old saying from her mother: “Don’t shit where you eat” Now, as a versatile ass-eater, I can see that the quote is ...clumsy, here. Your work is all about mixing business and pleasure. But understand, in this mixing, YOU are the one responsible for how much of your pro time overlaps personal time. It’s one thing to not be a clock watcher. From your post I take that you allowed him to spend time with you “dating” without compensation. Unfortunately, that’s what opened the door for misinterpretation on his part - he was being treated like a boyfriend for a minute, and because you also enjoyed spending time with him, you missed the opportunity to clarify your professional view of “relationship goals” with him. It’s the the messiest part in this sport isn’t it? - sex brings feelings and feelings blur the boundaries, which are the Provider’s to set and maintain, rather than the Client’s. You haven’t spent the money on a flight, right? You haven’t rejected local bookings, right? Lesson learned, move on. Accept it as a compliment to your skills at providing a BFE and hey, now you’re better equipped to tell the diff between crap and chocolate soufflé... Let the client know up front how your time on the clock works, and then stick to it. Date only guys who have never been a client, so as to not give the clients you have (and want to keep) from misunderstanding your attention and generosity with your time. Sorry it all blew up for you. You’ll be okay. Not all clients are pigs. ps In Moonstruck, Loretta (Cher) in reply to a confession of love, face-slaps Johnny (Nick Cage) not once, but twice... “Snap out of it!!”
  3. I would also be interested to hear Admin weigh in here. I’ve submitted a number of reviews via Daddy’s that never posted, nor even gotten acknowledgement of receipt. No worries, I get he’s got more battles to fight at this moment than most of us, maybe others have better luck? M4M here, which used to be linked there, is completely separate from DR, I know. Is there another formal review submission process I don’t know about? Most of the info in the reviews I see at DR is basically just a cut n paste of the provider’s profile stats, or even less it seems, with little detail of the experience. Like a restaurant review “I dined at Maxim’s de Paris, in the Rue Royale, last Thursday evening at 9. They had food Items listed on the menu. There was decor around the interior, and chairs were provided along with the table. I asked for food, people brought said food to the table, and most was eaten”. Makes me want to...go? Or not? RentMen requires a VPN for US members to see their review details, so I neither read nor post there. Admin: Why would a non-specific narrative here maybe titled “a nice evening” recalling, in some detail, what transpired in a meeting with a non-named “_______” provider in a non-named “______” location on a non-named “_______” date be considered a review, compared to info within unblinded 411 posts here that name names and a lot more? It’s your sandbox, so I will accept your answer, hoping you don’t have to resort to quoting EveryMomEverywhere,“...because I SAID SO!!” I realize we ALL walk a thin line within this hobby/job of common interest, and perhaps you can expand on that re your policy? We can always DM the subject’s OP for the blind details if the read warrants, right? Palidod, above, is new, had his first hire, and is all but bursting to share his experience with kindred spirits he may not have IRL.
  4. We are ensnared by the Convenience of devices that do SO MUCH SO FAST. It’s really engaging and interesting, helpful, efficient and fun! Social Media are brilliant, each in their own way, with promises of even more means of connection in the future... I axed home Alexa right after she responded to dialogue on a TV show with character ‘Alexis’ Siri on my phone is enabled only in Maps. The development of the whole convenience/speed/brilliance/connection is moving apace faster than we can consider the ethics and law around personal privacy. Which is a feature, not a bug, as far as manufacturers developers and ad-buyers go. I left FB in ‘13, for reasons which have been validated since, in every investigation and hearing with the Zuck in his booster seat. I must use email calls and texting to stay in touch, and then ask people about mutual contacts. Im not on any other social media that uses my name, or has any contacts, nor followers. That’s MY trade off. Sacrificing some connection and convenience for a little more privacy... I don’t get the amount of junk that others do, nor worry about the whole eavesdropping thing. Based on the business models, privacy is the pin to their balloons...
  5. Two of my favorite guys (both combo massage/escort) have been present on sites as Available Now on and off, as well as traveling, throughout the quarantine period in SoCal. I may hit one up if the numbers keep improving in our area, starting with masked massage- one even works outside on his patio. It will take every bit of restraint I have to keep it to massage, but I really need the bodywork!!!
  6. As they used to say on “Spartacus” GRATITUDE I’ve had several meh-ssages. Only one that left me feeling screwed over was from a guy who had JUST moved. Like that morning. I think I booked 4 hrs ahead. (Thought me to book no less than 24...) He should have said no and offered an appointment a few days later, and NOT booked anything. I tipped nada and explained why. Massage itself was among the mehs, but he had to use my time to hunt for everything, and hadn’t even unpacked a towel for the shower. But he did have a pretty penis, bless his little cotton socks.
  7. Congratulations! Can you share where you posted your classified? Were you specifically looking for straight and/or married and then chose where to place the ad to target more purposefully? I have no doubt of your honesty but if I read this anywhere else but THIS forum, it might seem like something from the old Penthouse Forum (for the kids: it was an adult paper publication from the last century...)
  8. Sorry xyz, you’re right. I think the nature of the responses here led me astray as to your ask. Aside from Rod Hagen who gave an answer about proportion, majority of the replies (from clients...) seemed to address quality not quantity. And I should ask Mr Hagen directly about the QUALITY of his fingers... ?
  9. Perhaps the framing of this original question looking for negative info opened a bigger can of woes than can be helpful If I might seek input from providers, as I am Asking an Escort: What are the behaviors that I, as a client, can exhibit before/during session that would make me more desirable as a return client? (Let’s assume that respectful contact, punctuality, and good hygiene will be on every provider’s list, as well as being a generous tipper after...?) Thx
  10. He’s really just a late 70’s version of “the Nance” - a stock male character from 19-20th Century plays and Vaudeville meant to be a comic, intelligent, non-threatening version of the Greek Chorus to comment on ensuing action. Stephen Stucker never had the success of his forebears like Edward Everett Horton, Franklin Pangborn, Paul Lynde and Billy DeWolfe. He was perfect in Airplane.
  11. DO NOT REPLY. Block the number. Anyone who is a friend or relative with a changed number will find another way. Once you respond, the bot will circulate your valid number. it will open a floodgate.
  12. I made a bucket (pronounced ‘bouquet’) list when I first tested positive, long before A Bucket List was a thing. As HIV treatment was still in it’s infancy, I was only one test or clinical trial away from the decline that could be fatal. On the list: mostly things I wanted for me; Living to see big birthdays... finding the One, making a nice home together, exploring some extreme sexual boundaries. Looking waaay back as it was literally half a lifetime ago I can say all those boxes have been ticked, and then some. Now...As I am slowly drifting into retirement thanks to Covid Closings, I see my next list as mainly things I must do for others to help bring about the social change mandated by BLM, MeToo, Marriage Equality and other advocacy groups for civil rights.
  13. My two favorite moments: Elaine recounting her early relationship with (Hayes) on a mission in Africa where she’s teaching poor village women how to use Tupperware to keep hot dog buns fresh to “stretch your food dollars” And of course Ethel Merman...
  14. Chat Show hosts are characters played by the actor who shares the same name. They do it because they are good at it on camera, and because it pays extremely well. Not because they are highly moral, generous, and considerate. They might be, but with similar limits to their social gifts and obligations as we have. Artistic Temprament, it’s called. Johnny Carson had his favorite guests, but in person he was rarely the smiley sorta goofy Midwest boy making it in the big City, and was often grumpy, short tempered and potty-mouthed with staff. Letterman was known to have a few anger issues as well. Oprah, who seems to be intensely engaged with her guests, retreats to seclusion at every break, and has been known for being dismissive of guests that she doesn’t know. Fallon is not nearly the carefree upbeat funny man he plays during his show. How could he, or anyone, maintain that? Beware confusing the public personna with the human being who plays him/her. They are the same only in our minds. (Lucy Ricardo is not Lucille Ball. Both go by Lucy, however...) But, as the face of The Program they are always going to have to answer for trouble and gossip about backstage life and their staff, in order to protect the Brand. The sort of insensitive or mean behaviors in these work environments are not new nor exclusive to show biz. But somehow we react with shock as though it were a relative or close friend, “oh no, Not Ellen!! I know her! She’s too nice!!” Well, you don’t and she isn’t. She’s a fiercely driven business woman who is also a real estate shark. With great comic timing. I can’t see how this revelation affects anyone who’s not currently in the show’s employ. Just like the Tonight Show, The Late Show, and Oprah, “The Ellen Degeneris Show” is a performance. Period. Try not to elevate the artists above the work they share with you.
  15. Ive never hired an overnight service. I doubt that I ever would, unless we had met successfully several times, had some mutual interests outside of sex with men, and a great personal chemistry close to friendship. If I feel like my desired outcome with a provider require more time, I may ask for up to 2 hrs at full hourly rate. The provider may offer something of a deal for multi hours, but before I even send the first text I assume that I will pay per hour as advertised. I will often book a 90m massage because that’s how it benefits me the most - a lot of masseurs and even spas advertise a rate for that duration. If massage is not part of our time together I never start with more than an hour. If we’ve both had a good time with that, I may ask for more next time.
  16. I am reading unspeakable fIlth Too Much and Never Enough by Mary Trump I love twisted psychological suspense. but in this one, we already know it ends badly with tens of thousands of body bags, and a population of potential victims awaiting salvation. Hope the movie will add some humor.
  17. Isolation during quarantine has allowed me to grow a “pfuckit” beard. It’s coming in quite lush, and now that I’m older since my last effort which remained trim, this more dramatic contrast of dark and white looks better, and the texture is lot too wiry so I’m letting grow into something I can sculpt into an angular shape like this guy (who is not me sad to say: https://images.app.goo.gl/JJeKrBjPK6KEVkZt8 Keeping sides of hair tight and faded. Top still finding its way. Have not met up with anyone since January to get feedback about how beard feels between their cheeks...if it was scragglier I would have turned back. I’m pleased how it hides some chins. Cooler than a turtleneck, and less work than a jabot...
  18. While watching the news, who DOESN’T dream of having a magic bullet?
  19. JimJim looks attractive enough in the photos he displays. Odds are these short hops all over the civilized world (and Indiana) are paid for by clients. Or perhaps his day job requires irregular travel. I’d chalk it all up privacy concerns either way (if he’s not even disclosing his natural origin, he may be throwing people off any scent that can be traced to his family.) I’d move on if I were you... his type is not unique, right?
  20. Closure of venues and more time at home has given us access to streamed concerts, recitals, and full operas. I’m loving it, even for one-off enjoyment. But the range of literature stays mostly within standard repertoire. Who’s digging into their neglected trove of collected recordings, and what is recapturing your imagination all over again? (My collection including vinyl goes back half a century...but is mostly CD) For me, Nicolae Bretan’s 1-acts, Golem and Arald. Along with Goldmark’s Königin von Saba. Late romantic schmaltz that was the forebear of cinematic scoring. How about you?
  21. >>Insert last lines of DINNER AT EIGHT here<<< Sometimes a task can be accomplished more efficiently and cheaper with applied technology. Sometimes it requires hand work tho, and the customer pays more for the quality, and the flow of cash to the deserving merchant makes it to other local businesses as well. We’re not in a buyer’s market nowadays. Spend wisely and generously when you can.
  22. I can’t say that there are any “pornstars” that I would jump through hoops to meet, though I get it for those who do. My exposure to many video husbands over the years has made me more or less aware of who’s out there, and sometimes I will spot on rentmen a name or face or... that sparks a recollection. I’ve read interviews with actors who are into the sex on camera, but would not escort. I assume most don’t. In scenes, they get paired with another insanely hot guy, which is the exception rather than rule with service work. Men 30++ for me, no smooth frat boy types. Both on screen and for-hire, there are simply fewer I’d ever call. I do enjoy focusing on a scene or two AFTER, though, and that extends the life of our visit.
  23. Money can’t buy happiness... But it sure can upgrade despair.
  24. It is a compilation of many recent annual performances - you would likely get only group lists per annum. Dont forget to donate with the link provided!!! These Brilliant and sexy kids are looking at a year (at least)of no work, based on where we are today.
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