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Everything posted by jeezifonly

  1. Keep in mind, that right now EVERY room has to be thoroughly taken apart, cleaned and sanitized before a guest checks in, regardless of whether the prior guest spent 5 minutes or 5 days in the space. The property has to have enough commitment of guests actually showing in order to schedule the staff. Providing a clean and safe environment for guests is essential, and that adds man-hours to each housekeeping shift. Look at you, being a good pay-it-forward consumer and citizen!! Just by floating a deposit that covers the cost of turning a room, you are actually creating jobs and/or boosting OT for some minimum wage workers who can really use the money. You get your money back, and some housekeeper gets to both pay her rent AND feed her kids. Sounds win/win to me!!
  2. Parker provides outdoor massage, ask when booking. (but maybe avoid booking when there’s triple digit temps in the valley) There’s a pool right there, too
  3. I have done 2 four-handers. One had that sensory overload thing- not symetrical in any way re body location, nor similar in the approach and pressure. I usually participate with breathing to use the exhale that helps relax muscles but when the hands are not of the one mind, all that gets wasted. Where they did sync up was on the sensual play and release. The other 2-man service was in a spa setting, and the hands were exactly symmetrical in location and touch throughout - definitely the better option for theraputic, which is all they offered. If I did hire another 2 man team it will be for sensual, less focus on the technical, which really only works from a team that works together often enough where they can read MY mind as well as each other’s. Harder to find I think!! IMHO, Id rather spend the money on two separate providers one at a time.
  4. I always enjoy these sorts of scenes in porn - they take me back to the earliest ones I saw that were made in LA 78-80? with the typical LA beach rats that were often blond, dim, and built - and oh those tan lines! They used pool settings a lot, and oftentimes with the set-up you describe. Swimming nude always feels so great, and liberating, no matter what. If I wanted to spend money to hire that fantasy, I’d have to find the guy who fits the bill, can play the part, AND carries his own pool...
  5. I’m relieved I wasn’t s shown in any of the hey-day stock footage. Hah!
  6. I work(ed) within an industry that has always had lots of gay men, including several coworkers who cruise every hookup and hooker page - two of my (former) work comrades had shown up on an old rent-boy conglomerate page (m4m4rent??) and one of them I’d have hired if I had the money... But word ALWAYS got out if someone had nudes, or kinks in profile or on display. Or if someone had admitted they hired. Gossip gossip!!! Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little... God I miss ‘em...
  7. When pressed, and after a wee drinkie, I may have mentioned ...something... about the occasional engagement of a private therapeutic bodywork provider. My words of praise were more clinical than I might use in proper reviews and private thoughts...and basta. I, for one, must save something for a scandalous memoir
  8. When asked where I’d like to vacation, I often replied “I’m booking a week on Eric Heiden’s thighs” lol
  9. Seconding JEFFREY - the play was even better Don’t think I saw listed here LOST LANGUAGE OF CRANES with Brian Cox and Eileen Atkins. Heartbreaking.
  10. If bottoming for hand or small toy, heed the guys above- fiber supps amazing! Once you see how well they work. Find your natural rhythm of elimination. A brief shallow flush 1 bulbx2 is all that need to follow if you’ve already moved bowels in solid condition. For deep play, I plan ahead, lower food intake day and a half before. Lots of liquid, an egg, a small salad, some fruit, Greek yogurt. no meat. No alcohol Same fiber. 4hr ahead of meeting: 1 round of 2-bulb clean out. Use shower shot only if needed: Med flow, warm, to a count of five, hold for 20 sec then expel. Repeat a couple times more until clear - use your body to help, isolating core muscles, leaning to one side than another as you expel. Breathe as you push out. Adjust quantity and hold time as needed. There is a learning curve. Having a long skinny 12-16” toy to do a final reconnaissance mission is a good idea. Done by 2hr lead time Lie down for 15m, followed by getting up and moving, stretching, breathing. Check in over toilet. Bulb rinse as needed. Then proceed with grooming routine. Try to allow your body its natural elimination process Douching above is NOT for daily routine. Only when a hand or silicone buddy might be in the vicinity of the ...holding bin Hint: day before use an emollient on your hole and taint (Vaseline, coconut oil, etc) so the imminent water-use doesn’t chap your ...lips. Reapply after wiping, etc and before sleep. Long Live the Home Bidet!!
  11. It’s a joke for opera queens I guess... The voice category of a the big romantic male roles Wagner wrote is Heldentenor or, heroic tenor, characterized by big sound that can go all night. Make correlation as you will.
  12. There was a guy I dated long ago who wore layered pastels with no shame, often quoted Bette Davis. Tallulah, Judy and Liberace and knew every Musical Ever When he had finished with me I felt as if had been turned turned inside out, without fail. Straight -ish or not, I had never come harder or laughed more. Packaging may not always guarantee a better result. For me, the only attraction in a straight man is if A) I know it for a fact, and B) I get to do something for/to him that his “girl” would Never Do. Ever.
  13. Self reporting is cloudy... It’s akin to “” I’ve been absolutely faithful in our marriage “ Which lead to the notion that VD could spread via toilet seat... “I’m strictly a top” may be something never followed up through on when the client has thick 8””
  14. The preparation time for a top is the time it takes to swallow a pill. The preparation time for a bottom (especially the Helden-Bottom...) is longer, so Bottom line...billable hours etc. His milage may vary...HMMV
  15. First time I was ever a client (presenting tips for personal entertainment) was at The Gaiety in NY, in a side room stand up with a dancer whose nom-de-porn was Fred Slinger http://www.smutjunkies.com/profiles/s/i_stars/Slinger_Fred/index.html I thought, ‘this is pretty cool” So it was, So it is, So it shall be.
  16. Been stumbling across some good Australian TV lately Not fully binging yet but have been enjoying RAKE on Netflix. Telecast 2010-17 I think. Contemporary courtroom drama, centered around a defense attorney who lives the low life, tries to be a good divorced dad, gambles with dangerous people, is hot and raggedy-handsome, even in the barrister wig. Lots of sex and nudity. Funny. Good twists.
  17. Licensing agreements expire at different times, for different media distribution platforms. It’s happening on Netflix as well with no particular regard to content. Save the protest signs this time around... maybe be repainted for better use in the fall.
  18. I think of Stripping as a skill that’s an ‘and’, not an ’or’ in terms of looking at rent.men PD lists all the normal BFE bodywork etc His services probably do include some stripping if requested. He’s the one who named himself dancer. Personally I find a trained dancer or gymnast (like some old chippendales) to be a beautiful thing to watch, especially up close, even more when the VIP room for a Private goes by my rules... and if as some claim here, the caboose IS the living end, he’ll know exactly how to pace for the big reveal. lol
  19. His ‘Available for” includes everything BUT stripping. Perhaps his dancing is so private that it’s for his eyes only... Maybe for his cat? I bet THAT’s the upgrade he’s selling - to see him naked, you have to tip per item removed. Nothing less than a Jackson undoes so much as a shoelace... “Just walk around the stage in time in time to the music, and drop a shoulder strap at the end! You’re a Lady, Louise...”. Lol
  20. About 8-9 years ago I realized that no one in my life but me was using a landline, and though I must keep it for connection to security service, I now use mobile for everything else. I had resisted, but missing out on things made me accept the inevitable. For some people “ringing” includes “texting”. Maybe it’s time to embrace the new. Just learn how to use settings to manage your privacy. I hope you can meet up with him.
  21. It’s possible that the high shine is actually just buffed in as part of a standard gentleman’s manicure. It usually clouds over with a few days exposure Suggest he go and do some gardening or detail his car. Or if it’s an important detail that he needs to keep, you might come up with activities during the meet up that can keep his hands busy and out of your sight line. (Detailing Your car?)
  22. Some providers really love to, but I doubt many would just dive in. They will sensually perform their due diligence and, along with testimony from you (you should be ? regarding your hygiene) then zero in on target
  23. Oops.. had text window open Pork was delicious, thx
  24. Car wash took twice - machine fritzed our 1st time. No HABIT store CLOSED ...? I’m ok w pork, we have a SW salad and fries in kitchen frzr
  25. Good marketing pairs words and Imagery that create the need to have: “Suggested Preparation” for a packaged food “Multiple Ways to Use!” For any item from Lillian Vernon catalog “Take just one before bedtime, and wake up feeling Happy!! for All sorts of Rx medication
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