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Everything posted by jeezifonly

  1. You have the right to refuse any client’s request to meet, for any reason or no reason. Whether they do/don’t give a duck about you as a person, or do/don’t take you seriously is part of the personal button-pushing I mentioned above - they sound more like the sort of complaint one hears from friends about a spouse or boyfriend. (“If he/she doesn’t quit it with the games, and start treating me like he/she cares about me and us, then... I’m going to break it off...”) If someone flakes, move on. Or fly me to your city and I’ll do my best to make you feel cared about. (I might even be persuaded to split the cost of a decent hotel room ?)
  2. Jarrod, I have seen your advertising and you are an unbelievably sexy man. Shame on me, I never get back to the Heartland, because I would never flake on you after setting up. But from your posts here, there seems to be a lot about the business that pushes buttons for you in a personal way. The transaction is for the exchange of a pre-determined degree of personal intimacy for the agreed-upon duration. It’s a transaction, nevertheless. Some transactions go well, some don’t. They do not have the power to diminish any of your attractive traits, unless you grant it.
  3. Naturally smooth, or any sort of hairy. Not a fan of fully shaved body. (Unless he’s a serial killer who understands body hair means even more DNA to be left at the scene, and I have respect for planners)
  4. He appears to be very bendy. Bendy can be very appealing... Rate seems realistic.
  5. I guess it would be only for comparison of a brief hot thing that gets then displaced from the collective consciousness by a new hotter thing. So it’s obvious they should be named after gay porn stars.
  6. Stick with the Barbara Woodhouse method. “Cock-Eeeees!” ?
  7. LA real estate is spendy. Not everywhere - Just in the neighborhoods that have paved roads, sewers, water and power.
  8. “The Softer Side of Queers” could be shot in more departments... ?
  9. Hollywood as a neighborhood has changed indeed. It was always meant to tease your appetites for the inappropriate in order to separate you from your money. It’s just that now, it does it in broad daylight and with Apple Pay.
  10. Seconding those who wait til October. My doc says that later production allows for tweaks based on early flu detections, and variations in the virus that can be factored in before final sealing and delivery. These smaller adapted batches tend to be available only through Dr offices, as opposed to all the wholesale and retail operations that need to be stocked in September and still protect against most known flu bugs.
  11. No, You are a slut because of those awful white patent leather boots you shouldn’t be wearing again til next May • No, that just makes you an accountant. - No, unless you can’t recall a single one. By name. • No, but it may qualify you for some stimulus funding for upkeep of a well-loved National Treasure ?
  12. On Urban Dictionary it has lots of different meanings, several which imply disgust or distaste. Context and who’s speaking are important to getting it in the moment. Oh, yeah, and lots of references to poop. You should ask the provider about his relationship with feces during sex. If he’s way into it, even with complete and thorough hygiene before your meet-up he may have been exposed to some bugs you don’t want. If this much info makes you wary and you move on, so be it. Is he hot enough so you find you’re still re-reading his profile? Call him and ask.
  13. Like this cozy spot above Rio https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/wjy7w5/how-a-blogger-snapped-the-most-insane-selfie-atop-brazils-christ-the-redeemer-statue
  14. I was surprised to see the success of the starry revival, TBH. I think the play was groundbreaking in its day, and assumed that without the context of real pre-stonewall life for gay men, that it might fall flat. A sign that progress is good. Looking forward to this!
  15. I’m among the (more than a) few of us who expected that WE would be gone before the bars... If you take current standards of connection and translate it into the old cruise bar format, you’d have to pay a membership fee, check your pants at the door, walk around the pool table with your bits to the wind and have an LED to clip on to your beer bottle for fill light. At least lying about your age and your job hasn’t changed! (And back then NOBODY lived in his mother’s basement...)
  16. NateGrimes ( @NateGrimesXXX ) is a wide receiver. Also a deep thinker...
  17. We, the Gays, have gained a LOT of security in our rights as citizens since most of the bars opened. All singles, gay and straight, have more ways to meet potential whatevers than ever. But all business models that rely on a physical space to make their money are getting crushed right now. Few will survive or come back. Bottom line is that we still have the right to marry and be treated equally (almost) everywhere. The price for that is some losses of local establishments that once anchored a community that had no real options for meeting the like-minded without fear. Sad to see them go as part of rapidly changing urban landscape, and we can honor the hospitality and community support they provided when it was needed most. I raise a glass at home to former bar-backs and tenders everywhere!!
  18. You don’t need a scientific survey. “Financial transactions for sex” are popular as ever in America. (See also: “Diamond engagement rings”)
  19. Viral load at exposure is the thing, so the tinier the particles, the lower the viral load in what you “receive” into your system. Larger amounts of infectious fluids, air particles or mist being emitted or expelled will have larger viral load no matter where it lands. Kissing has to be among the easiest ways for a virus to travel from host to host, as it doesn’t have to survive aerosolizing or surface transfer, and is constantly being refreshed as kissers salivate. You’ll absolutely find OC providers who kiss and do it well! Patience will be rewarded.
  20. Daddys, like Cougars, have a responsibility to follow the Scouting Rule: always leave the campsite in better shape than you found it...
  21. Think about finding one of the several LA guys who do both massage and escort, and see if they offer massage with safety precautions. You can affordably check chemistry with a couple and go for more later.
  22. My first hearing of Che Faro was with a tenor, and I’ve always loved mezzos more. JDF is an excellent artist with a beautiful voice. I’ve seen him in person, at short distance, and if I simultaneously picture him in nothing but a short tunic and a lyre I may become a convert!
  23. When “I’m sixteen and I don’t need a governess” Becomes “I’m sixty and I don’t need a caregiver” LOL
  24. Jarrod, you’re really not at the disadvantage you think you are here - look at business model comparisons HOTEL: Operating at a loss Thx to COVID PROVIDER: Same HOTEL: Has federal, state and local regulations to follow, and is subject to unannounced inspections for enforcement, and pay fines for violations. This is calculated into all rack rates along with other expenses. PROVIDER: Not regulated, with client bearing equal amount of any legal exposure for any violations of law. HOTEL: Uses ads to reassure potential guests that during this contagion, the property’s sanitation practices are thorough and complete with all process documentation and MSDS available for review. May be liable in court for misrepresentation or damages to guests in civil suits. PROVIDER: Uses profile to reassure potential clients that during this contagion, he is STI-free, and recently tested neg for COVID. No documentation provided. No liability in court for misrepresentation or damages. HOTEL: Able to accommodate advance reservations and walk-ins by having trained housekeeping staff on a rotating schedule, to keep a variety of rooms (and all the common areas) prepared, sanitized and available for use, compatible with advertised check-in and check-out times and other posted hours of operation. PROVIDER: Able to determine everything about availability and location of appointment. Now, later or not at all; my place, your place my friend’s place, or the Ritz. Client may have own request re time and location which you negotiate, or decline as suits you. Provider does not require additional staff or communication equipment for douching, showering, gargling, condom-buying, cleaning, etc. in advance preparation. HOTEL: Has been burned by no-shows and skippers, therefore... Requires refundable deposit to cover costs for preparation of room to higher standards right now, rather than raise rack rate. (If you so much as sit on the bed for 10 seconds and decide you want another room, they’ll get you the new room AND will also have to document all the steps taken for re-cleaning of room you were in for a minute). Deposit refunded at checkout, and it is recorded that it was, in fact, refunded, not just adjustment to bill, and hotel can be liable for any emotional damage to client in the process of settling the refund. PROVIDER: Has been burned by no-shows and skippers (no tip...) therefore... Requires refundable(?) deposit to cover costs of preparation. For most providers, that usually involves nothing more than would be done as enhanced grooming prior to hook up with a FB. Deposit may offset losses from scheduling around a no-show. No documentation. Deposit may also soothe any hurt feelings from rejection (“sorry but you’re not the guy in the photos, so just keep the deposit, but expect an unflattering review”) Provider can refund as much or as little of deposit as desired, regardless of pre-agreement, as no client will ever bring a suit to court. HOTEL: Has to maintain entire property to current safety and OSHA standards and prove all insurance is always updated in order to advertise as a hotel, and do business. PROVIDER: Has a gym membership. Might move soiled laundry from floor Into hamper. You get what I’m saying. Your business model really can’t be compared to that of a commercial establishment. Keep it in proportion. You have a low-overhead business with great flexibility about how you manage it. To speak to your big dilemma, YES!! if you’re going to book a hotel room, whether for work or leisure, you SHOULD plan on the extra hundred or so up front, and use a card or cards that will cover the TOTAL amount it takes to reserve the room. Deposit policies exist, like most laws and regs, because of a few selfish schmucks who took advantage in the past and have ruined it for others forever.. It’s a cost of doing business, my friend. No need to take it as a personal rebuke. Maybe you work locally for now, or in a city where you only take outcalls and crash on a friends couch, if liquidity is a major issue. And for Karma’s sake please leave a generous tip for the housekeeper anytime you stay.
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