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Everything posted by BOZO T CLOWN

  1. His Rentmen ad has him in NYC at 22 years old. His SleepyBoy ad has him in London, UK at 23 years old. Is he for real? If yes, which version is the correct one? BoZo
  2. To be clear, you post a bunch allegations, all either baseless or patently false..... When Bozo called you out on it, using both facts and asking for substantiation of your unsupported claims...... Your response was to call me a lazy dimwit, and block me..... Poor Bozo BoZo
  3. Sorry to be the ant at the picnic, but Rentmen.com raising its membership price is neither greed nor a cash grab. It is called free enterprise. This is how capitalism works. Rentmen.com is a private company. It is in business to make $$$. It is not a charity. Rentmen can charge whatever it wants, and the consumer has the option to pay or not. If you are so outraged at the membership price, open up your own rival company offering the same services with a lower monthly membership. See how that works out. Good luck! Paying $19.95 per month to have access to Premium photos, unlimited videos, etc. in addition to Rentmen.com's basic services doesn't seem to be an inordinate amount, especially when one considers the the price for the services of an escort these days is $300+ per hour. So to those who are in the "hiring business", who are offended at the idea of having to pay $240 for a year's subscription to Rentmen.com, should do without it. Or, in the alternative, have one less escort session next year. That will pay for 12 months of Rentmen.com, and you will have $$ left over for a nice dinner and cotton candy for dessert. And for those escorts clutching their pearls at Rentmen.com's policies, here's a thought: A few years ago, Bozo was paying $150 - $200 for your services. Your prices have since doubled. Where is the real greed and cash grab? And please don't whine and kvetch about your expenses going up. Do you think Rentmen.com's expenses have remained the same all this time? BoZo
  4. Yes. Limbo. His ad is gone. Disappeared. BoZo
  5. You can add arrogant, pompous, and conceited to that list. Actually I care. I have been looking to line the bottom of my pet parakeet's cage with something different other than the usual shredded newspapers. Next month will be Nancy's 5th birthday. I can't think of a more appropriate gift than a 1,000+ page Barbara Stresiand memoir for Nancy to use as her personal toilet. BoZo
  6. I agree with many of the others. It's time for him to find a new profession. The OP is in his mid-to-late thirties (assuming his stated age is accurate, which often it is not). That's considered old in escort years. Yeah, I know there are those that prefer "mature" and "seasoned". But that is the exception rather than the rule. The OP's complaining and whining sends off negative vibes. Those who hire want an uplifting, positive experience for their investment. He's not making any friends or new clients here with his bitterness, anger, and constant kvetching. He needs to find something he enjoys doing.. or at least doesn't seem to hate as much as his current chosen occupation. BoZo
  7. That makes it even more appealing..... Can't wait! BoZo
  8. ALWAYS? And if the first song is a dud (i.e. his clothes stay on, lack of body contact, he has unsightly pimples, body odor, bad breath, et al.}? You still stick around for another two? Wow. You are a lot more generous than Bozo. BoZo
  9. Incorrect. Based on inflation data over the past 10 years, these past three years have been brutal for the hard-working middle class in the USA. And a one or two month blip in a three year trend of record high inflation is just that - a blip. Current US Inflation Rates: 2000-2023 WWW.USINFLATIONCALCULATOR.COM The annual inflation rate for the United States was 3.7% for the 12 months ended August, according to U.S. Labor Department data published on Sept. 13, 2023. This... You can put lipstick on a pig, but...... BoZo
  10. Troy is not only handsome and well-built, but also someone who has made a conscious decision to go against the current trend by not desecrating his body with vile, ugly tattoos that so many other models seem to think are attractive. Wish there more more like him...... BoZo
  11. Any recent experiences? $250 seems high for a massage, though Bozo has been off the massage grid during COVID. $250 used to be the going rate for a hotel romp in the hay. Is that now the going rate for a massage? He does seem a bit too good to be true. The area code (845) is an upstate NY area code, though his location is the usual default NYC City Hall downtown area. BoZo
  12. Yes. Sadly the good Rabbi has moved on to the big matzoh ball factory in the sky 😑. BoZo
  13. YOU are the one who brought up the issue of his race. NOT me. I am simply calling you out on your racism. And don't fall back on red herrings like Charleston, which has nothing to do with this case. If you wanted to comment on his behavior, only racists would cite his skin color as an example of his behavior. Who else condemns an entire group for the actions of a few? You could have simply said his behavior was "trashy". But no, you instead cited a racist trope. Again, I am asking you to cite your source of his being "born with many advantages". Your quote. Not mine. Since it was an obvious lie, I won't bother to wait for a response. BoZo
  14. How do you know that he "was born with many advantages"? Can you cite your source? I'd like to see that. You seem to have plenty of time on your hands to support your claim of his upbringing. I googled the name Jordan Joplin in Washington state and couldn't find anything about his childhood. How do you know that he wasn't born in a trailer park to a crack addicted single mother? You bring up his race when the color of his skin has absolutely nothing to do with this story. None. Zero. You bring it up simply to disparage his race. This is the true definition of a racist. BoZo
  15. Welcome back @Gar1eth. Good to hear from you. Don't be a stranger. BoZo
  16. What does his race have to do with it? In fact, why even bring it up? If he was black, would you call him "black trash"? I don't think so. In fact, I am sure you wouldn't. BoZo
  17. It's always a roll of the dice when the escort doesn't show his face. Not only to confirm that he is handsome, but strong, juicy lips are important around this time of year. One needs better-than-average oral skills to blow the shofar properly. The lips can't be too wet.... or too dry. A good embouchure is a must! BoZo
  18. The fall in inflation cited by the OP was a one-month anomaly. We're back to the high inflation rates we've experienced over the last 2+ years.. US inflation climbs more than expected in August as gas prices surge By Shannon Thaler Published Sep. 13, 2023, 8:44 a.m. ET US inflation climbs more than expected in August as gas prices surge NYPOST.COM US inflation rose a surprisingly stiff 3.7% in August as prices at the gas pump surged, adding pressure on the Federal Reserve as it weighs additional rate hikes this fall... BoZo
  19. Sorry, but as you know, body ink is pretty much verboten for our tribe. It's a deal breaker. With the High Holy Days nearly upon us, Bozo thought that once again, as an homage to the beloved Rabbi Hy, aka the Rabbi to the stars, Bozo would once again pose the age-old question: where does one find a good Jewish escort? A nice Jewish boy, no ink, no piercings, one that looks as good in a business suit as he does in his birthday suit. One that Bozo can proudly bring to the family Rosh Hashana dinner and drop a Yiddishism or two with Aunt Fay and Uncle Shlomo while munching on tzimmis and kishke. Also, to share in the Yom Kippur fast together - no food, no drink, no sex. The only boy on Rentmen that self-identifies as Jewish is not Bozo's type. Too plump. Bozo is not a chubby-chaser. BoZo Rabbi Hy, RIP
  20. It hasn't changed since your last visit. A small cramped location with three tiny makeshift areas for lap dances. Evolve and the Pyramid Club weren't perfect, but they were far better venues than FairyTale Lounge. If you're thinking of going tonight, you may wanna re-think. No male strippers at FairyTale on Tuesday and Thursday nights. @I-zik reports in his post above that Tuesday and Thursday are tranny nights at FairyTale. On Thursday nights, the male strippers are at the Spunk Party at the Monster. BoZo
  21. Open sexism? Really? This kiss was just a friendly peck on the lips in celebration of a win. It wasn't sexual in any way. Stop watching the fake news pushing all this propaganda down our throats. If you can't see it, ask yourself if this was two men giving each other a peck, or two women doing the same, how it would be treated differently by the propaganda press, and the feigned outrage they create? Bozo watched video at least 5 times. The coach was excited about the woman and performance she did. Heck, I do the same with my female friends all the time. Many women (and a few men) today are way over the top uptight about such things. It's either innocent or not and this was clearly innocent. Open racism? Really? How is race involved when a White male European Spaniard kisses (appropriately or not) a White female European Spaniard? I'll wait. BoZo
  22. Wrong! These "scripted scenes" were a reflection of the times. A bygone era of the halcyon days when harmless gestures of affection weren't twisted into something nefarious. Geez. If Richard Dawson were still around, they would sentence him to a thousand years of hard labor. BoZo
  23. He should've "self identified" as a lesbian, non-binary transwoman. He'd be promoted and nominated for some nonsensical diversity award by now! BoZo
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