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  1. Applause
    + Travis69 reacted to + sync in Who's the dumbest man alive?   
    For me it's a septuagenarian from NYC who expects people to believe he has never before heard of a "mug shot."  😆
  2. Applause
    + Travis69 reacted to + KensingtonHomo in QUESTIONS ABOUT TATS   
    This entire paragraph is just confirmation bias. You follow some guys without tattoos and see they get good reviews but you have no control group, you have no way of discerning if their lack of tattoos is meaningful. I've already posted an actual study that shows you're in the minority, and that minority is growing as boomers die out and millennials and Gen Z make up more of the population. 
    I'm not an escort so I don't know why you think I'd be angry or venomous about a minority of anonymous clients being opposed to them. Since most escorts have some tattoos it's more for me! 
  3. Eye Roll
    + Travis69 reacted to + BOZO T CLOWN in QUESTIONS ABOUT TATS   
    The term "attractive tattoo" is an oxymoron.
    Bozo would never hire an inked escort. Period.
    First, I find tattoos to be hideous, repulsive, and low-class. Putting ink on a well-built physique is like throwing red paint on the Mona Lisa. It's defiling a work-of-art.
    Second, Bozo would be embarrassed to have an escort with visible ink on his body come to his apartment or hotel room.
    Anyone who thinks it is cool to get a tattoo in their 20's, 30's or even 40's, just wait for Mother Nature and the laws of gravity to take hold. The skin will sag and the tattoos will fade.
    In a few years, it won't look cool. More like gross.
    Here is some free advice to anyone who feels the need to express themselves or memorialize an event in their life by desecrating their body with ink: Take a photo. It is much cheaper, it will last longer, and it can always be deleted.
  4. Like
    + Travis69 reacted to marylander1940 in QUESTIONS ABOUT TATS   
    I agree with you but I would prefer to say it in a more kind tone.
    Desecration? According to some gay men do that daily!  
    Let's be little less judgy 
  5. Like
    + Travis69 reacted to + KensingtonHomo in QUESTIONS ABOUT TATS   
    You sound like MItt Romney. The vast majority of people like or are unfazed by tattoos, piercings and other body art. 
    This relentless obsession that some of you have with wanting physical perfection (which is, of course, entirely subjective) is a huge boner killer. It makes you sound completely out of touch with most human beings. 
  6. Eye Roll
    + Travis69 reacted to jusmeinbr in QUESTIONS ABOUT TATS   
    It is very rare to find a young provider without tattoos and, in my opinion, they are keenly aware of that fact and therefore know they can command a higher hourly rate.  Further, I am willing to pay that higher rate because I find tattoos to be a major turnoff.
    I previously posted that I met with a provider visiting New Orleans at the start of this year six times in the week he spent visiting from Boston.  With tips, he earned $2,400 from me alone, and he was worth every penny of it from my vantage point.  Had he placed tattoos over his gorgeous body, he wouldn’t have gotten the first dime from me.
    I told him what a rare find he was given the propensity for guys his age to have tattoos, and he told me that he found them to be “disgusting.”
    There just may be a chance these tattoos are costing some providers more than they ever dreamed of and certainly more than the cost of the tattoos themselves.
  7. Eye Roll
    + Travis69 reacted to pubic_assistance in Who WOULD you pay $1000 for one hour with?   
    Sorry to be nit-picky. But if you're married with kids, your most likely bisexual, not "gay".
  8. Haha
    + Travis69 reacted to samhexum in Hanging out in Queens   
    Roll up! Legal cannabis dispensary in Jamaica using former police car to deliver weed
    I think they should go all out and have their drivers wear faux uniforms.
  9. Like
    + Travis69 got a reaction from CarolinaRen in Getting more and more difficult to deal with this   
    I am not going to ever say a bad thing about my penis. It has entertained me too much. As long as it works I don't care how small it is.
  10. Haha
    + Travis69 reacted to samhexum in Political Issues Forum Retired   
    Have an ongoing group message amongst those who want to participate.  Seriously.  It'll be a bit of an echo chamber, but you'll enjoy communicating with like-minded folk.
  11. Applause
    + Travis69 got a reaction from thiccdomtopdc in Who are the best in DC   
    Jason has been recommended on this board many times especially by beethovan who is quite knowledgeable when it comes to masseurs.
  12. Like
    + Travis69 reacted to + Lucky in AIDS Activist Recalls Dr. Fauci Joining the Fight   
    From nytimes.com:
    Opinion Guest Essay
    Anthony Fauci Quietly Shocked Us All
    Dec. 31, 2022, 9:00 a.m. ET   Dr. Fauci meets with ACT UP members at New York City’s LGBT Center on Oct. 19, 1989. Left to right: Peter Staley, Jay Funk, Mark Harrington, Simon Watney, Peggy Hamburg (assistant director of NIAID), Anthony Fauci, Richard Elovich, and Charlie Franchino.Credit...Tracey Litt   By Peter Staley
    Mr. Staley is a political activist and was an early member of ACT UP.
    The first time I met Dr. Anthony Fauci was at the International AIDS Conference in Montreal during the summer of 1989. ACT UP, the AIDS activist group I was a part of, had scared the bejesus out of conference organizers by seizing the stage during the opening session, then made things worse by disrupting various scientific presentations. Many, if not most, AIDS researchers wanted us hauled away and never heard from again. Little did they know that Dr. Fauci, who was leading the response at the National Institutes of Health, had been meeting with members of ACT UP since shortly after our founding two years earlier.
    The regular meetings he had with an ACT UP member, Bill Bahlman, continued even after Larry Kramer, one of the group’s founders, wrote an open letter to Dr. Fauci in The Village Voice calling him a murderer and comparing him to the Holocaust organizer Adolf Eichmann. But there Dr. Fauci was, meeting with me and my comrades, branded radical homosexuals, to discuss our policy proposal for upending longstanding Food and Drug Administration strictures against public access to drugs before they are approved.
    Mr. Kramer had labeled him our enemy, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that as the head of our government’s AIDS research efforts, Dr. Fauci had my life in his hands. Only four years earlier, at the age of 24, I was diagnosed with AIDS-related complex, considered a certain death sentence at the time.
    Days after the conference, I found myself in Dr. Fauci’s office, along with the ACT UP members Mark Harrington and Jim Eigo, hammering out the final details of our parallel track program, which would allow thousands of people to obtain experimental drugs outside of traditional clinical trials. Within days, a New York Times front page headline about Dr. Fauci read, “AIDS Researcher Seeks Wide Access to Drugs in Tests.” The F.D.A. quickly fell in line. ACT UP had scored its first major victory, with Dr. Fauci’s help.
    But then we turned our focus to the myriad problems with Dr. Fauci’s AIDS clinical research program at the N.I.H., biting the hand that had just fed us. Our meetings were upgraded to long dinners at the home of Jim Hill, the deputy director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. (Mr. Hill, who was not openly gay, later tested positive for H.I.V.) Over multiple bottles of wine, Dr. Fauci tried to placate us with what I called “the full Fauch,” an optimistic friendliness with a Brooklyn-smarts spin and a love of lively debates. Two opposing truths confronted us: We couldn’t help but love the guy, but his research program sucked. “Tony,” I said, “you’re a great scientist but a lousy administrator.”
    Within months, hundreds of ACT UPers were surrounding his building at the N.I.H., and I was the first one arrested, after climbing onto its portico. Cops wrestled me down, bound my hands behind me with a zip tie, then hauled me through the building to a police van. The burly cop pulling my shoulder was dumbfounded when a familiar short man in a white lab coat walking toward us down the hallway yelled, “Peter, are you all right?” Laughing, I replied, “I’m fine. Just doing my job. How about you, Tony?”
    . Fauci soon caved on one of our primary demands: adding people with H.I.V. to all the committees overseeing his AIDS research programs. Those patient advocates slowly but surely got results, vastly improving a research network that was more recently used to enroll thousands of people in the initial Covid-19 vaccine trials. It was the birth of a patient advocacy model that all disease groups use today, fully embraced by the research establishment. And it’s a tradition that I hope will continue after Dr. Fauci’s retirement on Dec. 31.
    Over the years, the dinners to hash out unfinished AIDS work continued. After Mr. Hill tragically died in 1997, Dr. Fauci and his wife, Christine, started hosting the activist dinners at their house. Dr. Fauci shocked all of us, quietly working with President George W. Bush to start the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, the most effective international public health program in our nation’s history, saving the lives of 20 million people thus far.
    Dr. Fauci walked through the fire with us, and his friendships with AIDS activists deepened with time, bound by a shared trauma. In those early years, while some in our community were accusing him of not caring enough about AIDS, he didn’t tell us about the hundreds of gay men he had tried to save under his care at the N.I.H. hospital. Until this month, he still did rounds there, a clinician above all else.
    When Covid hit and the rest of the world got to know Dr. Fauci, he leaned on us for guidance. David Barr, another ACT UP veteran, set up and hosted weekly calls with him and health officials from various frontline cities, allowing Dr. Fauci to counter the rosy spin from other members of the White House task force with a well-informed “That’s not what I’m hearing.” I’ve always been a politician among the activists, and it’s been the honor of my life that he leaned on me hard during his tumultuous year navigating “team normal” and “team crazy” in President Donald Trump’s orbit.
    Like all of us, Dr. Fauci has his flaws, but I’ve never met a man more willing to let a friend rip into him. Our conversations are filled with F-bombs. His willingness to give absolutely everyone the benefit of some shared humanity — “I just met Jared, and he seems like a good guy” — is almost freakish but has come in handy over his stretch of working for seven presidents.
    Because he crossed Mr. Trump, Dr. Fauci was turned into a villain for the MAGA crowd, providing fodder for those who thrive on conspiracies and hate. There has rarely been a larger gap between a mob’s viciousness and its target’s decency.
    Beyond today’s frightening anti-science minority, there’s a majority that spans the world. Among them are H.I.V.-positive gay men like me who survived the earliest plague years — now, amazingly, aging into our 60s and 70s. We belong to a much wider community of people living with H.I.V. in America today, most of whom are people of color. And beyond our borders, we are bound to millions of men, women and children in sub-Saharan Africa whose lives have been saved by science and advocates for public health.
    Our majority includes millions of Americans who listened to Dr. Fauci’s advice during that first scary year of Covid and kept listening as we got ourselves vaccinated and boosted, and we survived this plague. We draw hope from the progress of science. We are blessed with heroes willing to stand up for truth, unbowed by withering assaults.
    On behalf of all of us, thank you, Tony Fauci.
    Mr. Staley is the board chair of PrEP4All, a leading H.I.V.-prevention advocacy group. His memoir, “Never Silent: ACT UP and My Life in Activism,” was published last year.
    Thanks from this HIV survivor too!
    (Just a note from Lucky: This tribute to Dr. Fauci's work on AIDS and the gay lives he helped save is separate and apart from anything you think he did wrong later in life. That would be a separate thread and I would appreciate keeping the tenor of this thread as is. Thanks!)
  13. Haha
    + Travis69 reacted to samhexum in A bad look for Clorox and Pine Sol   
    I sent my sister a text about this and she replied "you think I actually clean the house?"
  14. Applause
    + Travis69 reacted to Lookin in Keep that FILTH out of our public institutions!   
    Judgmental 'Christians' are real head-scratchers for yours truly.  Even after seventy years, I can still recall a Sunday School passage saying "Judge not lest ye be judged".  The apostle Paul had more to say:
    “You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat… So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister”
    When I come across a self-professed Christian missing this most basic of Christian teachings, it makes me wonder what else he's missed. 
    Truth to tell, I went through my own judgmental phase in my thirties.  I'd achieved many of the middle-class dreams and figured if I could just get everybody to follow my lead they'd be much better off.  It took me until my forties to realize that, not only had I been given advantages that many others had not, but I also had plenty of my own shortcomings to deal with.
    That's true to this day and, whenever I get the urge to judge somebody else, I realize that I'd be much better off turning my sage advice inward as there's still a bit more work to be done.  

  15. Haha
    + Travis69 reacted to samhexum in Keep that FILTH out of our public institutions!   
    Maybe Alan was too Thicke for him and it hurt.
  16. Haha
    + Travis69 reacted to Lookin in Keep that FILTH out of our public institutions!   
    Sounds like he's not doing it right. 
  17. Haha
    + Travis69 reacted to samhexum in Keep that FILTH out of our public institutions!   
    No doubt all named after Sarah Jessica.
  18. Applause
    + Travis69 reacted to + purplekow in Keep that FILTH out of our public institutions!   
    I do not usually return to see shows that I find sexually inappropriate though I would expect that a late night drag show would definitely push the boundaries of good taste.   However, if the drag show featured an Eva Braun impersonator extolling the virtues of Nazi philosophy, I would find that inappropriate and leave no matter the time of day.  So whether it is a drag queen dressed as Eva Braun or Kirk Cameron dressed as a Evangelical homophobe, I would find that inappropriate and by that standard, I would not want either at my local library or "entertaining" children or adults for that matter.  It is the subject matter that matters and Drag Queen Story Time likely has the more uplifting, inclusive and ultimately Christ Like message as compared to the holier than thou washed up child star.  
  19. Haha
    + Travis69 reacted to samhexum in Keep that FILTH out of our public institutions!   
    Are you talking about brunches featuring drag queens, or just brunches in general?
  20. Applause
    + Travis69 reacted to + Vegas_Millennial in Keep that FILTH out of our public institutions!   
    Look at Milton Byrle in drag.  It is funny, considered family entertainment, and anything BUT sexy.
    There are plenty of men in suits and women in dresses who have a filthy mouth.
    The costume has been the focus by everyone protesting, ignoring the actual story reading itself.   Let's remember "Don't judge a book by its cover"
  21. Like
    + Travis69 reacted to + LIguy in A Season Of Giving   
    Just to say that the food banks are hurting and it's a great time to make a donation.  My family only buy gifts for the small children and for the adults we accumulate what we would spend and donate it to local food banks in their name. We have been doing it for several years now and it's so much better than going crazy trying to figure out buying gifts that many times do unused and stuck in a closet somewhere.
  22. Applause
    + Travis69 reacted to josh282282 in Do you think current controversies with the transgender movement are making being gay more socially acceptable?   
    No, no, no. The transgender community is NOT to blame for the reversing of gay acceptance of the Gay community.  Not in in long shot.  If there is one to blame for any reversing of Gay acceptance is its the hate-mongering that has come from religious extremists  and right-wing politicians who hate anything that's different. Right-wing politicians curry favor from their right-wing base by fostering hate-mongering. This only augments more hate in society, which spills over to other communities.  To blame the transgender community is very misplaced and deeply disappointing. 
    And to insinuate any reversing of gay acceptance of the Gay community is due to the Poly(amorous) community is also misplaced and inaccurate.   The Poly community is about Love and increasing the ability to Love.  There is nothing about hate.  How does anyone come across Love and turn it to hate? Anyone interfacing with the Poly community & then diminishing their acceptance of different community (the Gay community) only reveals that persons own inability to love, and rather, to hate.  The Poly community are not to blame.  I inadvertently became friends with some people in the Poly community roughly 10 yrs ago.  I found them to so loving and kind, not only to one another, but to me.  I saw no arrogance of superiority-like stance in them to me or others.  They totally knew I was Gay and they knew I was not equipped/capable of having a poly relationship.  Nevertheless, they treated me wonderfully.  
    Tragically, the transgender community is such a misunderstood & maligned group by society. But we are an amazing group of Gay/Bi men on this board.  We must not buy, misdirect, or buy into hate.  This board is full of (mostly) intelligent, kind and generous men who I hope agree with me. 
    much love to all,
  23. Like
    + Travis69 reacted to Stormy in 1 million strong   
    Same  sex households have surpassed 1 million in the US.  Count me as part of the million! 
  24. Agree
    + Travis69 reacted to Kevin Slater in A provider says "You have 3 reports."   
    It's hard to parse what your post is trying to say, but it sounds like you have multiple instances of cancelling with short notice.  So why even book in advance, rather than waiting til you know you're actually free?  If you want to reply "because my time is limited and I want to be sure that he'll be available when I might be" I'd ask why the provider isn't afforded the same consideration.
    Kevin Slater
  25. Haha
    + Travis69 reacted to + Lucky in Grindr Scam   
    Gosh, what an intelligent solution! I'm going to exclude stupid white people from my profile!
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