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Everything posted by soloyo215

  1. Didn't know about the ignore feature. Thanks for sharing about that. I have no plans on using it, though. I don't block people. I put them in their place.
  2. I think that's a matter of what you feel comfortable with when you hire. Also, the reaction to that has to be different from different people. I for once, use humor when someone I'm with shoots earlier than expected. I just say "you didn;t last me a round" and laugh it off. Also, whet you do and how you handle it AFTER is as important, and different people tkae that in different ways. Up to you. Some like don't give it too much importance, but some might.
  3. Start earlier. Happens to me too. I just wait.
  4. What's your sexual position? CEO of my own sex life.
  5. Hello. My two cents. I don't think geography influences the size of the penises of the gentlemen who live in a given location. If you use websites where providers advertise, their profiles specify those things that you can decide are important to you in your decidion to hire. The profiles clearly state penis sizes, sexual position, as well as other details. Thugh here you will find reocmmendations for specific providers and events, I don't think that it will be likely to see someone telling you "Go to this stae because it's full of tops with large penises". There are websites like rentmen that can help you search and narrow the results based on your specific criteria. Best wishes.
  6. The panorama seems to be changing. As the market keeps getting saturated with providers wanting to make money, their quality keeps lowering. It's a sad reality. I have experienced some providers who have't been responsive, but I've also experienced some who have responded, but way later, I mean weeks later. As others state, there are many reasons why a provider might not get back to you, and they range from poor attitude towards their own work or their clients, to legitimate reasons around their availability. I think it's good advice to keep those who have been responive, let the rest go, and not to get hung up on an unresponsive provider.
  7. I think some of us do walk faster. For being gay? I couldn't tell, and trust me, I love observing men walking. I guess this gives me a research project. 😁
  8. You can require a condome from a provider. I think the level of risk and safety should be defined by you if you are a client, and placed in your profile if you are a provider. What you don't have is living afraid and concerned after the fact, and having to get tested and living with the constant concern for doing something that you are not comfortable with. As a client, you can require the protection that you feel comfortable with, just like providers provide information of what they do and how.
  9. The communication via text, in my opinion, can easily reflect the way you communicate over the phone. The difference is for the most part, the medium used. At first it might feel a little strange that you are "documenting" things that you normally converse about in voice, but so far, unless you are in a situation where documenting a conversation might become harmful to you, text is as reliable. It's just a different medium.
  10. Normally I don't have a set "grace period". In my opinion, you did good, communicating and letting the provider know that you are waiting, and providing ample time for him to respond. Seems appropriate to you, with enough time to hire another one if available at the moment. No respose from the provider could have been for a legitimate, fair reason, but if you haven't heard anything after, I think your grace period was appropriate. Just to be fair, I have communicated the day after to see if there's a legitimate reason for the last minute ghosting. Things happen, so I give the benefit of the doubt. However, after that, if I don't hear from the provider, then either I was completely ghosted, or something major happened that makes the provider unable to communicate. I move on afterwards. Sorry to hear. It sucks after so much discussion. Seems odd too, in light of there being testimonials about his quality, and because there was good communication before.
  11. I don't, but I know people who have had the same interest and they couldn't find a s pecific couple, so they hired the male and the female independently, with the discussion of what was expected. My friend said that he had a great time, but it was quite expensive.
  12. I don't think that this is a regulated profession, so what I do is that I pay the regular amount unless he brings up that there's a new rate. When there's a new rate, I may or may not agree to pay, and sometimes I agree to the higher rate but give less or no tip, depending. Inflation is out of control in USA, so we all have to be mindful of our expenses, especially us the working class.
  13. I'm not a provider, but I'm a gay man who hooks up with other people. I don't see the point of you bringing that up to him. If there's any interest in you on his part, he will mention it at the time when he feels ready and appropriate. It could be a different situation if he lies about it, or sustains a position against escorting while you know that he escorts. But if it's just a person that you met and hooked up with, if you have a real inteterest in that person, let him disclose at his pace. If otherwise you get a cheap thrill by brining people's information (not exactly secrets if he advertises), then act accordingly. Just keep in mind that who knows how many things we hide when we hook up with others. We all have our own things to tell or keep quiet. The fact that he's a provider doesn't make him any less of a human being. Just my thoughts, not law.
  14. I think it may depend on the type of felony that he was convicted of, your own moral standards about it, and how well you know him. So far it seems like none of the people you made a recommendation has had any issues. Will you be comfortable asking him before talking about his record behind his back? That seems more in alignment with good morals. I also agree that at the end of the day, there is a very fine line between escorting and other illegal activities that might include incurring in other illegal practices, such as the use of certain substances, prescription drugs that haven't been prescribed, and who knows what else. So if the felony that your friend was involved in doesn't involve something that might put his prospective clients at risk, I don't see why it's your responsibility to disclose it. Furthermore, I do know a few providers who are in the business because they have a record and can't find suitable work. Also, he got caught and convicted. How many are there who have committed crimes and haven't been caught? Just my thoughts, not law.
  15. When I look at profiles, I don't even look at the sexual orientation of the provider. If he's available, affordable, compatible with my needs and capable of performing as expected, I can't care less what he claims to be his sexual orientation. Personally I've met people who prefer to hire bisexual or straight men. I try not to judge them, I just let them be, that is, until it affects me. Once in a setting that I prefer not to give details about, there were a group of gay men talking about a number of topics. There was this gay guy who apparently had a problem with other gay men, stating that the moment that he finds that a guy is gay he wants nothing to do with him. In the same paragraph where he said that he only dates straight men ("very macho" in his words), he then stated how lonely he is, and that he doesn't seem to find a man who loves him. I just had to tell him, "Why on Earth do you want to pursue a person who, by the very definition of who he is, doesn't like you and is not interested in you that way?" His rather explosive, defensive, insulting and downright disrespectful reaction told me that he had no interest in challenging his premises, nor did he really had any legitimate interest in finding love. I know it would have been better if I just let him be, but it really rubbed me the wrong way that he had this attitude that "straight means better", or "gay is worthless". With that, I had a problem, but not with his preferences of what kind of man he prefers. In my youth, in my early 20s, I was a very angry young man. I became a hardcore activist for the rights of gay men and for HIV/AIDS prevention education made available to all. I used to call myself "heterophobic", meaning that I was not very nice to those guys who were sometimes struggling with coming to terms with their sexuality, and they considered themselves straight or bisexual. I used to say that I respect their sexual orientation, but I will treat them the way I treat heterosexual men (which wasn't nice). I had a "straight means homophobic" and "bisexual means closet case" attitude. It cost some friendships, and took some learning and time for me to come around and be less angry/resentful at straight men in general, and becoming more welcoming and understanding. So now I just live and let live (but don't fuck with me treating me like I am "less than" because I am gay).
  16. I agree. As I say, I put my money where my mouth is when I say that I respect other people's beliefs and that I welcome diversity. Welcoming my brother with his beliefs and lifestyle is welcoming diversity. Diversity means ALL people.
  17. Yes I've met them. I was the cool uncle to some of them. He's been responsible (at least financially) with all his childre, some of which are now adults who grew to become the finest people. Some are as conservative as he is, some are not. His son followed his steps and he's in the Army. I can see that. Hopefully with the additional information you're taken aforth.
  18. Not to me. He's my brother and he loves me as much as I love him.
  19. Well, in all honesty, he's not a bad looking guy. When we were young I was happy that girls were trying to get his attention and not mine.
  20. Not in my case (gross). I have an older brother who is a hardcore Trunp supporter, retired Army Captain, and has children all over the world. I guess I just didn't want to be him. My two youngest brothers, one of them came out to me (only me) as bisexual. He says that he likes men, but he loves his wife and son with down syndrome more than venturing getting involved with men, but he talks to me about men he finds attractive and things alike, and I'm happy that he has me to feel safe talking about it. I have heard of similar stories about gay men having older siblings, but I also know many gay men who are only-child in the family, or who are the oldest in the family. Personally, it's good to research and study, but I don't need any scientific explanation for me baing gay. I am, and I love it.
  21. I have had both types of surprises. As good intuition as I have, as intelligent and independednt-minded that I am, sometimes I am just wrong. The times when I have been pleasantly surprised is when the masseur doesn't look like "my type", and the times when I have been unpleasasntly "surprised" was exactly what you describe, not trusting my own guts or ignoring the signs of the possibility of an dissappointing/unpleasant experience. I can only speak for myself, so in my case I blame it to haveing "a type", emaning that when I look at a provider that looks right to me, I tent to want to believe that the experience will be perfect, and sometimes it hasn't been.
  22. Preference or experience. The initial chat has been used by some idiots who want to get off without paying a cent because they are that cheap.
  23. He doesn't know any single thing about that person, and seems like you did not inform him about having a roommate when making arrangements. To me that looks like a personal safety thing. Yes, you should have told him. He's coming to a home of a stranger, that alone has a degree of risk, then he's surprised by seeing another stranger hanging out in the house, without knowing who that person is or what the intentions are. I don't find the actions of the provider unreasonable. I've had unpleasant experiences with opposite roles. I've been to the place where the provider is set, and I have found people there hanging around, and it does not feel comfortable and pleasant. In fact, one of them had the roommates passing back and forth in front of me while I was getting the massage. IMO, both the client and the provider should be aware of other people present in the place where the event will take place, regardless of how "open minded" the people around are. The "I'm ok with it" thing or "I'll be a fly on the wall" thing is not the issue; it's a comfort and personal safety issue.
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