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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. https://rent.men/J_SAVAGE https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/2018/03/01/cranston-man-arrested-in-commercial-sex-operation/1078106007/ He’s at it again…
  2. I’ve found that has been always exclusively the case with escorts who start looking for the money up front. I tell the guy I will have the money in an envelope, with his name written on it, clearly visible. I tell him he can count it. It’s been about 80:20 the guys who have counted it immediately and those who didn’t. Those who didn’t ended up becoming regulars… I understand wanting to make sure you’re not shortchanged, but I’m being pretty open here. You can probably assume that by the point I put out an envelope, with your name written on it, clearly visible, and we’re together, I’m not interested in taking you across. And frankly, if you do count the money and pocket it and the deliver a half-hearted “service” at that point, who shortchanged whom? What’s my recourse at that point? A bad review? A writeup here that’s negative. Ohhhh…detrimental!
  3. Even the gay guys are breast men! 😂
  4. Some people are so open minded their brains have fallen out… I’m all for calling people what they want. But this feels somehow like…virtual signaling. My first boyfriend was trans. I didn’t mind and made that clear from the beginning. To me, it is was about him, not his gender identity, that I was attracted to. But he was often bringing it up. It was as if since I didn’t see it as noteworthy (as normal) he was displeased or unsatisfied at least. He and I have since split and he is dating another transman now. This is a difficult situation for me. I want to be a full-throated supporter but it seems to me the goalposts are always moving and now people who don’t seem to have any intention of living anything but an outwardly cisgender life are somehow “nonbinary.” Enjoy the outward privilege of binary identification until among those who would feel guilty if they misgendered a nonbinary person. It just seems off to me… I probably have said too much…
  5. Sadly you’re hyperbole is probably more than 75% true.
  6. I don’t expect impeccable dress, but something that says he thought about it. I’ve had one guy show up a few times in baggy sweats, tshirt, baseball cap, and clonking basketball sneakers. And he didn’t get dressed up much more when we’d go out. I gave him a few tries, but no more. We just weren’t compatible.
  7. I really don’t know how some people can live with themselves. I’m sure they do it just fine, but they clearly have no conscience.
  8. I hate playing Twenty Questions ever, regardless who. You can just tell if someone is actively listening or going through a checklist.
  9. @BobbyH, I sent a DM. Anyone else, happy to share in private why I posted what I did.
  10. Some guys perceive this approach as a lack of seriousness. When in fact it’s precisely because you’re serious that you’re planning it. I plan everything in my life. Only the “not serious” do I just do spur of the moment. So the very fact that I’m making plans means I’m serious…Too many escorts want that fast buck, like a clerk at the gas station, but want the respect of a salaried worker, like a CEO or president of the board.
  11. I normally hire for multiple days. So we end up going out together. I can’t stand when he has to spend more an hour getting primped to go. I also can’t stand when he’s more or less ready the need to change a piece of clothing…Let’s go!
  12. I had an extremely poor experience with him. Extremely.
  13. Well stated. I’d like to see something other than one juggernaut platform.
  14. Reading comprehension is your friiiiiieeeeeend. The top was what we call baaaaackground. The entire red paragraph here could’ve been the whole post in its own right. You don’t require the other part to offer a recommendation. You’re focusing on details that are nice-to-know-but-not-need-to-know. And opinionating and criticizing on that and not addressing the real prompt…
  15. @Luv2play 1) The timeframe wasn’t the salient issue here. I was giving background. The topic is SUGGESTIONS… 2) Said boy has booked this far in advance with me before on numerous occasions. Since I fly him in, he’s asked that I book at least three months ahead for his daytime work schedule. 3) I wrote in another thread about booking ahead because of my own work schedule.
  16. This morsel was on my menu but having read what he wrote here, not interested anymore. I just ate anyhow and I’m not feeling especially peckish!
  17. I’m going to be curious if he contacts me back…
  18. @marylander1940 was the first to say “cabin.” My mind rushed to a Criminal Minds episode “cabin.” 😂 It’s just an air b&b cabin. Maybe Marylander can tell us why he used scare quotes 🤷🏼‍♂️
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