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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. Happy to report that I was able to secure a booking because of this thread. I decided to trust my gut and go with someone other than Mr. Drama. Thanks!
  2. I don't know if it's a red flag per se, but it's definitely an annoyance. As some of you may know from another thread I posted, I'm looking for a guy for some time in a cabin in a few months (thankfully I found someone and it's lined up, by the way! – aside). So I was searching through RM and checking out some of my options from browsing before. This guy came up. As you can see from my opening text, which may or may not have been how some of you think it should be done, but whatever, I was surprised that he was in my list given he's a bottom. So I messaged. Automated messages sort of rub me wrong, but okay. But then he doesn't answer my questions anyhow… That's not a red flag per se, but it's like – okay, honey. I'm moving on. You can't be bothered to take this seriously.
  3. I know a lot of folks who behave like they’re inbred, but don’t have the blessing of chiseled, angular features! 😂
  4. @Danny-Darko, I usually don’t reach out to guys who don’t post a face picture. Have you communicated with him at all? From the profile writeup it’s nice to see he doesn’t seem like a troglodyte.
  5. I’ve done it often. In fact, my worst experience of extended time with a guy was someone I’d seen for much shorter durations over several years. After that trip, I decided never again although shorter visits had been good. Sometimes new blood is more fun too. The novelty etc. I’m not worried about the time. I wasn’t asking for suggestions on how long to make my stay with the guy.
  6. That sums up my suspicion about escorts completely. And probably theirs about me, although I do try to be honest in all my affairs. My sense is that there’s no way to convince an escort you’re honest. They suspect the worst – or shady intent – from the get-go.
  7. A friend sent me this and my warped mind initially couldn’t believe he would until I got my head out of the gutter and understood the much cleaner joke of the comic…I’m sure some of you will see what I saw first 😂
  8. I’m surprised there are no recs!
  9. I would always insist on “safe” if I weren’t on PreP. You have to look out for yourself…at least in that regard.
  10. Does Mr. Doherty escort? Any intel? 😂
  11. I always feel obligated with guys I’ve seen before if I engage them again. You’re right, of course. I have no obligation. He probably doesn’t feel any.
  12. We’ve done multiple days before. This is a different boyfriend. Cabin is in the Poconos. Budget is somewhat fluid, but needs to be reasonable. It’s not a “cabin.” It’s a bona fide cabin.
  13. Sorry if this is the wrong forum…Feel free to relocate it! I have a regular who’s spooked me. We were discussing plans for January at the cabin. All normal. I was going to book his flight yesterday but then he said he wanted to wait because he had a fight with his boyfriend and wants to make sure it’s okay before booking. Well, I don’t want to pay the flight and Mr. Boyfriend decides down Mr. Escort isn’t going…I’m torn if I should trust him if he says his BF is good with it that it’s good or if I should trust my anxiety – something that never really works out… So…Operation Second Option… Can anyone recommend anyone reasonably priced for a BFE for three nights who can be “dominant” but not get carried away? Like assertive? Also not much older than like 35…Someone who can hold a conversation but isn’t super needy as far as attention. Extra points if he’s twinky or a muscle guy…
  14. @DrownedBoy, I don’t understand what purpose that kind of dicking around with clients has. And because he didn’t show and let me know soon enough, of course I was responsible for paying the Uber fee. Negligible compared to his rate, but still…asshole.
  15. Thanks everyone. This helps me in deciding whether to reach out.
  16. He asked for an Uber to my place and then never showed up.
  17. https://rent.men/Gymnast Does anyone have any recent intel? I’m looking to potentially hire a guy for a few nights, and wondered if he might be good. I read the other threads but didn’t find anything specific. If you want, you can DM me. I’m looking for feedback. Thanks!
  18. Anthonyflexx of Philly scammed on Uber
  19. For one, I suspect you don’t intend for the disorganized “movement” for sex work appreciation, in the broad sense. You have an organized view of striking unless things are done the way you want it on particular platforms. That’s, as you present it, unlikely to happen outside of organized labor, a union. We’ll have to disagree on Rentmen. I have my opinions about your views on the business side of the business, but if I express them I’ll get read the riot act by many here. So we’ll just have to disagree.
  20. RPReplay_Final1690777407.mov 🤔 Hits close to home?! 😂
  21. The oldest profession going on strike…the profession that always finds a way whenever everything is set up to work against it down through the ages going on strike…never thought I’d come across that.
  22. They also can’t help some providers are full of shit and play games. Especially the men who are flakes and think they’re owed money because of they look good and always looking for to cash in on dick and ass. If you understand it’s an advertising platform, why are you looking for them to regulate? They provide the platform. The onus is on escort and client to do the vetting.
  23. Ohhhhhh how I am tickled pink ti see you say this. There are far too many escorts who think they’re owed everything without delivering any decency let alone professionalism. A million applauses for this!
  24. Tell your Congressperson that RM holds an effective monopoly on the market like Microsoft or Apple or Facebook. They can prosecute or at least hold hearings for anti-trust violations. 👍🏻 I’m sure your concerns about market equity will receive an honest hearing from the law!
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