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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. How many people still are bitching about how much gas costs today compared to when Reagan or HW was president? People don’t like price increases. Sure. It goes up. We adjust. We don’t have to like it. Likewise, as it goes up, some people won’t sign on to the new price as quickly as some others. Businesspeople shouldn’t wonder why people are unhappy to pay more. As a general rule, no one likes to part with their money no matter what for. I could see me making a remark about an increased rate. But it would be up to the provider. It would also be up to me to decline. Sometimes I’m hesitant to take a reduced rate if a provider says he’s willing to provide it. Not because I don’t think he’ll give worse service intentionally, but I don’t want to be resented.
  2. So that’s how you discuss it. How do you identify guys who such talkarounds will register with?
  3. It’s the entitlement thing. There will always be guys who will provide the service for less than the market average. If a guy wants to charge above it, he most certainly can. But one provider raising his rates just sets himself apart as more expensive than if a not negligible number of providers do so. If you’re on the vanguard of raising prices, in a price increase period, you can likely expect a decline in number of clients until the demand side catches up with supply. Supply also will adjust down if demand refuses to meet supply price (cf. elasticity and stickiness)
  4. If you have to ask, it more than likely is.
  5. @NyGold– we hear ad nauseam about the shitty clients. Decency goes a long way to covering a multitude of sins…If you’re a genuine person, if you do something boneheadedly rude toward someone else, another genuine person will likely forgive you or overlook it. But if you’re a jerk or only looking out for yourself, then your comeuppance will happen at some point.
  6. Big Brother (public or private) is always watching! Theres’s a guy I follow on IG whose profile I got from RM. His profile on IG is clearly a platform to drive business to his OF. But just because a guy has an OF doesn’t mean he’s open to meeting up. As has been discussed here ad nauseam a lot of guys prefer OF to escorting because of a host of reasons – mainly because they don’t have to deal with us!
  7. The problem with the word “generous” in general is it means different things to different guys 😂 To some, it’s simply code for “do you escort?” and for others they think you’re lavish with escorts. I like to think I’m “generous” but my means aren’t limitless!
  8. 1. Reaching out to guys who have a linktree (etc) in DMs 2. Reaching out to guys who post clearly salacious material in DMs This what I said to the last guy I reached out to on IG: I really like your profile. I wonder if you provide paid services. Companionship and intimacy specifically? Of the guys who’ve responded, all have been polite. Never have I experienced rudeness. Just a lack of success. The response to the above was as follows: I stay pretty busy so don’t think I have time for that- I’m sorry
  9. I’m not midwestern. I also asked for IG strategies. You simply said guys don’t arrange through there. You provided no strategy and so didn’t in fact answer. Did not answer the prompt but instead reframed the prompt. Which is off prompt, and frankly unhelpful. Since you have nothing more of substance on prompt or on your reframed prompt, you probably can just let it go and the conversation can go in a helpful direction.
  10. Or put another way, entitled to a guy’s money simply because a guy reaches out. Or put more crudely, sees clients as nothing more than ATMs. I was going to say human ATMs, but such guys don’t really see us as human. Calling them providers is also laughable because they really only take. I’ve dealt with those types and if I sense it while attempting to book, it’s a pass. If it turns out I was duped, they generally offer a shitty experience and they’re definitely not a repeat.
  11. Well, of course they’re not going to say they’re available for hire. Hence why I asked what the strategy is. In this hobby, we have been working with indirect discussion forever. “It’s against the rules” does not apply to any logical behavior in escorting because escorting is itself against the rules. There are clearly guys on IG who escort. And many a guy who does will direct you to his IG to see more pictures if you ask. So the question is…what strategies, if any, does someone use to approach a guy successfully on IG for a meetup? Clearly @arnemgreeves doesn’t do it nor does he have any advice on how to do so, but does anyone else?
  12. I’m sorry. I don’t like paying more for anything. Everything has gotten more expensive and I bitch about it. The product/service is no better…and my paycheck hasn’t gone up. In fact, my employer has told me that my health benefit will be reduced this year. So excuse me for not being happy that the cost of anything, including escorting, has gone up. I wish I could set my pay rate and just expect people to accept it and happily so!
  13. How about this added element… Texting with a client who’s paid a deposit? Or bought a plane/train ticket already? I will book in advance. And I have (very rarely, and not without some unease) paid deposits. I believe that signals intent. I also like to text periodically before the meetup. I like to be friendly. I struggle with understanding how texting is such a time sucker. In my job, I receive emails, texts, and calls (I’d guess in that order of frequency) from people I work for at any hour of the day and in the middle of anything I’m doing. I always respond. It’s not an isolated event either. I have it from the moment I wake up til I go to sleep, even out of the office. Even with people who aren’t likely to produce a “connection.” I don’t find engaging people in communication in a people-job as that unbearable. I sometimes wonder what escorts do with all the time saved when they choose not to engage in small talk texting. I don’t mean that judgmentally, but just as a curiosity. I don’t invest a lot of time in a text conversation with specific folks as a general rule, and it usually satisfies/placates folks. When I send a message to a booked escort to make small talk maybe once a week before we actually meet, I don’t understand why that’s so terrible. It’s also okay for him to respond when he has a chance. I don’t expect immediate responses. I don’t like when an escort will say he’ll text me back because he’s occupied in the moment. Not once has that ever happened. Whether I’m attempting to initiate booking or I’m booked and just checking in. Like an escort can tell the particular signs of behavior of clients, I can read the particular signs of behavior of escorts after having done this for a while. “I’m not able to text right now. I’ll text you back in a few hours/tomorrow/next week” never materializes. At least it hasn’t for me. Maybe someone else has had followup, but no moi.
  14. @MikeBiDude, I know some guys here have from time to time mentioned having made such arrangements. So I know it happens. I’d like to hear from those who have success stories, particularly on IG. Not other platforms.
  15. “TOS” never really stopped anyone before. There is PLENTY of salacious material on IG. Circumlocution has been the name of the game no matter the platform.
  16. I have a proliferation of social media…I really don’t want more. And since Musk has lost his mind, I’m not excited about Twitter/X.
  17. I know this has been visited on before… …but how do you guys who’ve done it have success engaging the services of guys on Instagram? I have yet to have any success. I’m sure many of these guys are on there. What am I missing as the clear indicator that a guy is a provider when I’m browsing Instagram?
  18. That actually will make me want to give a knee-jerk “Next!”
  19. But, but, but… It’s clients who waste time!
  20. That’s how it is everywhere. And it’s even worse for women’s fashion too.
  21. I wish I could have an electric bill under $100…
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