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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. The government knows or can find out way more on any of us than we could even fathom.
  2. Why? Why would you pay for that? Especially if you both disliked it
  3. Probably a pleasant thing. Also an unlikely thing.
  4. Okay. I don’t like altered photos. It ain’t what we’re getting upon arrival. 🚩
  5. Anything I’m lacking, my $150,000 effective spending money per annum can fix!
  6. Another example of AI retouching that says to me “pass.” The picture is too perfect. A normal photograph that shows what I’ll actually encounter should be what shows up in the ad. Not something so retouched it looks fake or something like this in a gym. We won’t be meeting in the gym so this so over the top…
  7. I’ll be a sugar baby for $150,000 per year, tax free, plus a car allowance, plus guaranteed 4 annual vacations, one per season, to mutually agreed destinations, an expense allowance for clothing, personal appearance care, plus contributions to an IRA in my name. Sign me up!
  8. That’s partly why scheduling is important in my opinion. It helps both of us know what works if he doesn’t want to make a special trip. I’ve flown in guys for a few days who then stay a few days longer because they’ll be in a market they’re not always in. Or in the case of one regular, he schedules his time in my area when I’m able to host him if I reach out soon enough.
  9. I almost exclusively schedule multiple-day BFEs. Given my work, it requires me to take time off and requires planning. I prefer scheduling several months out with guys. Sometimes this means I have to fly guys in because local guys aren’t interested in scheduling. How many do multiple-day BFEs? How many schedule months ahead? Providers: what do you see as both the upside and downside to such an approach, for you and for us scheduling types?
  10. Sometimes it gives insight into his personality. Depending on the cosplay or whatever getup he’s wearing, it can give an indication of compatibility for something more than “fuck and run.”
  11. My very first regular wanted me to pay for a few extra days after our time together but didn’t expect me to comp him for our time. It worked out well until he started calling me about six times a day to use me as his free therapist. One thing leads to another, and things ended with a big fight and him telling me I was confused if I thought my time (for all phone calls at random times a day) was worth the same as his.
  12. I’ve hired porn stars and found them less satisfying than guys who stick to their own thing. I agree with the OP. It makes you feel like you’re inadequate. Or it makes me think they’re not really all that great. Either way not a fabulous experience.
  13. I’ve found the AI chat frustrating. And I feel like I know it’s not a real person so it would annoy me more if I were seeking companionship from that. It would be like a fleshjack or doll for sex…I would know it’s not real. That said, I don’t think sexting would work for me either.
  14. Roget called… Entitled, owed, due, deserving, merited
  15. Maybe if I get a share in the proceeds? A collab? 🤔
  16. Or the disappointment. I don’t subscribe to the notion that more paid means more received. As you say, it’s opinion. And I shared it. I didn’t feel the need to add a caveat stating as much.
  17. Well, I would also hope everyone is also getting paid more in the next decade. I also don’t hire in the New York market, even now. There’s good talent elsewhere.
  18. This is an interesting question. Sometimes I hire with little-to-no expectation of sex. That said, we hire for time. So if we pay a different amount when sex isn’t involved, are we in fact paying for sex. I’m going to follow this topic.
  19. As far as I’m concerned, no escort is worth $1000 of my dollar per hour 🤷🏼‍♂️ star or otherwise. Others are free to disagree with me of course, but that’s my opinion.
  20. My! So many strong opinions on this topic!
  21. A voice can definitely be sexy. I was certain a guy a few months back was gay and would have the stereotypical “gay voice.” Turned out he had a deep “masculine voice,” which totally threw every time he asked a question…I couldn’t reconcile his looks with his voice, but I will say I liked it!
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