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Posts posted by NYXboy

  1. 13 minutes ago, PileDriver said:


    LOL, how was the ambience "somewhat relaxing" in that review?  Or maybe since he fell asleep he was VERY relaxed!"  Jim_n_NYC

    it wasn't me that said that so I think you maybe need to re-read the posts and be mindful of who you are directing your comments at.  Either way  I don't see how he was laughing at the addiction issue. 

    as far as 'giving a shit about his clients' - His clients needs are not his top priority - drugs are.  Instead of making sure multiple clients were satisfied, safe and happy - he got hight and scared them. He was so high, incoherent and aggressive with me I was genuinely frightened. THAT is what shameful behavior is. 

    I am being kind, considerate and helpful by making sure people are aware of the danger.  If you choose that you are simply going to enable him, good luck to you, him and your wallet.  

    Be safe out there guys. 

  2. 5 hours ago, PileDriver said:

    Jael was a sweet guy when he arrived....i bet he is a sweet guy all the time. but he over indulged after arriving. My heart goes out to these guys. Fortunately the other top and I were there for him and made sure he was not dehydrated. a big problem. 



    I wouldn't trust that he wouldn't 'indulge' - he already has shown you he is not capable. The fact that he turns up to work too inebriated to function, multiple times shows a complete disregard for his clients. Yet has no problem taking our money. That is not a sweet way to treat people.

    Three people here have had similar experience with him-  the guy has big problems, or he just doesn't give a shit about his clients.  

    Drugs ruin even the nicest of guys.  It's sad.  Don't let drug addicts take advantage of you more than he already has, you deserve better and can't save everybody.


    He seemed nice enough at the start however my experience was similar to this review (which can be viewed when using a VPN on RM site) wish I did that BEFORE I hired him this week)

    Will only say this -

    • his pics are outdated ( he is clearly heavier now and has developed a bit of a belly)
    • Once I went inside but it became soon clear he was high on drugs. 
    •  When it became obvious he couldn't perform, and I announced I should be leaving he became aggressive.

    Unless you want to pay to have someone high on drugs, sweating and waving their limp dick around demanding $400 in menacing way with broken English- AVOID AVOID AVOID. 

    I paid and hurriedly left while he was yelling incoherently at me. 

    Wish I could leave a review on RM but hopefully potential clients read this - Awful experience.



  4. so what? - he has made a choice not to see you - it doesn't matter if you think that is fair or unreasonable - the answer is clearly NO.  


    No means NO.   


    Posting a 'beware' thread is really out of order because it's minimizing other posts with 'beware' in the heading.  Your ego is butthurt. Get. Over. It.

    Choose another provider and enjoy, but most of all - respect consent. 

  5. 4 hours ago, kingsley88 said:

    It can make or break your gay cruise experience. If you can afford it, I'd pay the extra fee and get a single room. If you do share a room with a random stranger, communicate with him your expectations/boundaries to help prevent issues.

    well that would be the bare minimum that anyone with any sort of social awareness would do - can you share with me a bit about your experience? 


    I have travelled solo and stayed in backpacking hostels in Europe and made great friends along the way, but I was in my mid 20s and early 30s.  I am 41 now, but I imagine the age demographic of the ship would be slightly older due to the price. 

  6. 3 hours ago, GlamNYC said:


    you literally wrote before:  "I’m a generous tipper, I think. Typically $100 for $300/hr rate. Then I repeat with the same providers, and still no orgasm from them. Starting to think I’m the problem. 😂 "


    I am telling you very clearly, you are right:  if you are only taking 6-10 minutes to cum - you ARE the problem, not the providers. That's why we hire for one hour, not 10 minutes. Sorry if you don't like that answer, but that is not gaslighting, its just facts. If you are being honest about the time you take to orgasm, you are definitely the problem; and if you are lying trying to big up yourself (weird flex), well you are the problem in that scenario also.

    I would advise the best thing you can do is relax, take your time and try to prolong the pleasure, rather than rush things to a conclusion. This will help lead to a experience where you are far more likely to get your partner also cum. Best of luck with your endeavors. 

  7. On 1/15/2024 at 5:19 PM, GlamNYC said:

    I think 15 is a believable number. I’ve cum 18 times overnight and can cum 6 times in an hour when topping. 

    if you are cumming 6 times in one hour - you are looking for a provider that has premature ejaculation like yourself - which no provider will suffer from.  

    I suspect you are reaching orgasm VERY quickly, which is why your partners are not.  It appears you have revealed that it is you that is the issue. 

    I wouldn't imagine that these numbers are true - but if by some chance it is, it wouldn't make you a great lover. but rather the opposite in fact. 



  8. I have found some providers cum and some do not- the bottoms tend to be cooler about cumming, as I think it may be easier for them to see more clients that day - but for tops it would be harder after cumming to perform again I imagine.   I have one boy I see who always does though.


     It is definitely worth having the discussion with them at the start of the session, but I would bear in mind that although the guys (good ones) are talented - they are not robots - no one can always guarantee that they can blow a load. 

  9. LOL at Jarrod now being racist and trying to act like he wasn't.  Good luck with all the potential Indian clients that do some research before hiring you buddy.  I sure as shit wouldn't.  

    I wonder if you realize how many clients do research and actually look you up here and see the energy you spit out.  Its so non-reflective of you to sit back and think - 'wow. all these people are saying this to me, maybe there is something to it?'. Take a moment to consider - what can I do to help this situation?  

    I really enjoy this community and I feel like you abuse it with your constant whining and complaining.  You don't want assistance, collaboration - you want arguments. 

    I too, prefer a late checkout, and I always request one.  most times it has been granted - sometimes with an added fee - sometimes no added fee at all.  Rarely is it not granted. Perhaps you should look at renting airbnb's which are more flexible with check in and check out?  

    Or give up the biz that seems to drain you and you despise so much.  your constant negative posting here sure as hell is not helping you.  

  10. Does anyone know of a site where people can review only fans sites? 


    I subscribed to a few and feel ripped off when you discover it is PPV videos, or one I just subscribed to has blurred or NO face in his videos! 


    Would be great if COM had a topic thread where people could ask the 411 on certain OF pages? 

  11. On 10/28/2023 at 9:10 PM, Trick said:

    If he has no face pics on his ad.  Can I post one here?

    I can only hope that you are not being serious here- This would be a form of sexual abuse. 

    to totally disregard someones consent by publicly posting a photo of them when they have clearly not chosen to post that online. Imagine a provider post a picture of your face.  No wonder so many providers are so guarded with us when they deal with people like this. 

  12. On 10/6/2023 at 6:01 AM, ChasingGirth said:

    I think a lot of escorts are projecting an image that is not who they really are.

    They are selling something, and masculinity sells.

    It’s just disappointing when you expect a masculine guy and you get someone that exhude femininity. Nothing wrong with being feminine, but if I’m buying an apple and it tastes like a tomato I won’t be happy. 

    For Comradegarcon you sense the feminine side in his ad and some people love that. 

    Here is a new photo not published on RM but a public photo posted on a dating app. 


    I feel like posting a picture from a personal site and not a RM site is in poor taste, even if that provider posts on public platforms like Instagram/grindr/Facebook.  It might be within the rules - but it is still in poor taste. 


  13. 5 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

    I pay attention to see if an acquaintance says Merry Christmas 🎄 or Happy Holidays 🎉.  If he says Merry Christmas 🎄, then I will give him a Christmas gift 🎁.  If he says Happy Holidays 🎉, then I know he doesn't celebrate Christmas and I wouldn't want to offend him by gifting him anything.

    Maybe they say 'happy holidays' because they don't know if you are jewish, christian, muslim, atheist - and they just want to be kind and encompassing of everyone.  Your theory is weak- if you don't like people saying happy holidays XXX just say that! 

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