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Posts posted by NYXboy

  1. I have seen some providers who set an alarm timer for when you arrive/go.   I have no problem with this. 

    In my experience though - most providers just give gentle subtle clues about when time is up, if you can read social cues you should have no problem. I have stayed longer and chatted or just generally hung out, but I think it is kind of rude to go out of your way to try and stay over time and not pay - which is what you are essentially asking.  

    Overstaying your welcome in any scenario is not cool - I think a good motto and social etiquette is "Go before you are asked. Don't wait to be asked to leave."  

    The best way to get extra time is to book and pay for it. 


  2. it blows my mind that people think that if they have someone coming over- paid or not - that you should have to consider whether you have to tell them they are walking into a space where someone else may be there or not: OF COURSE YOU SHOULD TELL THEM. 

     Jesus Christ!

    if you walked into a providers house and there was someone else sitting there, unknown and unexpected to be there, you too would freak out or be unnerved,  regardless of how sex positive they profess to be AFTER THE FACT.  

    have some basic decorum and manners. PLEASE. 


  3. On 1/29/2023 at 10:18 PM, steve10025 said:

    I read his reviews on hunqz.com , and have been chatting with him. I was about to set up a date for tomorrow when I asked for dick pics. He sent pics of a beautiful cut dick, when his profile clearly says uncut. I asked him about it and he said, "my dick looks uncut when it gets hard." I'm not gonna meet up with him.

    as someone who is uncut myself - my dick is exactly the same. it looks cut when its hard. 

  4. 38 minutes ago, steve said:

    I responded immediately that I was not going to do that as I have had experience with providers in the past that all of a sudden had a need for money.  He explained that he was sorry that others in the business make everyone look bad, but he was just trying to help out a family member...needless to say I said no.


    so you said no.......   what is there to refund?  your post makes no sense. 

  5. On 2/18/2024 at 4:14 PM, marylander1940 said:

    The client didn't even say he's in Gaithersburg now. 


    "Where and when", if the escort doesn't take a hold of the conversation specially by text and get the details that matter God knows how long it would take to make plans. 

    no need for the potential client to be passive-aggressive and overreact. 



    are you a provider or is this "friend" of yours the provider?

  6. 21 hours ago, edinbrooklyn said:

    Ad. since 2015. He’s 25 years old now. So he started out at 16 or 17. Those Europeans!

    oh, zero reviews . . . . 

    more likely that he was 25 when he started and just hasn't updated his age every year on the profile.



  7. 10 hours ago, socurious said:

    In New York City? Ummm

    That used to be the standard before the pandemic. It's been almost five years since 2019. Plus don't forget the inflation. I think 300 for an hour should be the standard for cities like Dallas, Atlanta,  Houston, Tampa, etc.

    What about 2 hours?

    I have a regular boy that I see that charges $300/hr, but does $500 for 2 hours.  

    I think most are happy to do something like that.   I imagine because one 2 hour booking is preferable to two  1 hour bookings 


  8. 1 minute ago, ShortCutie7 said:

    Is there not value to pointing out easy-to-miss red flags (for some) that those looking at his profile may not notice (as OP posted, he did not)?  Both in what he selected and did not select?  Beyond whatever I or anyone else might think (some could find his selections a turn-on), this is an analysis of his profile and is relevant information to someone looking to meet him.

    you are assuming the OP didn't see that and was asking about whether people had met this provider anyway - and if he DID you have effectively yukked on his yum. 

    The value is answering question asked, and in turn hope that no one shits on someone you are interested in. 


    Be well. 

  9. On 3/23/2024 at 4:38 PM, ShortCutie7 said:

    I would avoid based on the handful of “intos” he selected (though he is incredibly hot).

    fascinating insight - but no one asked what you thought of him or whether you would indulge- they asked if anyone had met him. 

  10. some people like to keep reviews hidden from their profiles so you can't see how many other reviews that they have left.  


    But I think the first 1 or 2 reviews are done by the provider - especially if the account leaving the review started around the same time that the provider started working as well- I think the timing is more relevant. If you have reviews from people who have had their RM profile for a long time, IMO they are more likely to be genuine. 

    at the end of the day no amount of reviews can guarantee chemistry - all they can do is confirm:

     1. this person has real pics.

    2. They are genuine. 

    3. They had a safe and nice time. 

    The rest is totally individual. 

  11. he does not mention that he is on rentmen or acts as a provider in that article -  Just because you found face pics of him online in another capacity does not make it OK to out him here.  


    If you find someones instagram and they post face pics on there is it ok? If someone found your face pics online in another unrelated website would it be ok to post here?   

    No. It's not ok. 

    This provider very deliberately only has blurred photos on his profile.  This is such a violation of consent and the post should be taken down and Respect his boundaries. 

  12. @azdr0710


    I find the practice of posting face photos of providers who blur out their faces on their profiles to be distasteful and disrespectful. 


    It violates privacy and you should take this down.  If he chooses to send you a face pic through whastapp (which is encrypted), going and posting it on a public forum is so wrong. 

  13. I have seen him in a escort capacity and he was good - friendly, on time, pics were accurate.  His dick is amazing. He has a strong accent that is really sexy. 


    My only issue was he faked his cumming with me,  which I didn't call out - just chose not to repeat.  


  14. I have been with NYCallamerican and I would give him 11/10 stars. 

    He is muscular - but natural looking muscular not working out in the gym every day muscular, intelligent, kind - and BIG everywhere. I am going back for a round 2 no doubt about it. 


    I have been following Nathans twitter, his pics are amazing but some of his comments have kind of turned me off a little. 

  15. Even if he is NOT going to the Eagle, he is a sex worker and will be having sex with lots of people. 

    For someone who has been indulging in providers as longs as you have and is such a prolific poster on these threads - I am surprised you would post such a naive post. I suspect you are having other feelings about him going to the eagle, perhaps a touch of jealousy/insecurity that he is giving it away to others for free, rather than a concern about him having an STD from sex with other people.  

    In any case, all STD's can be transmitted even when using condoms-  esp if you are NOT using condoms for oral sex.  Anyone who is sexually active should practice safe sex (taking Prep is practicing safe sex)  and regularly tested. 


    6 hours ago, Thomas_Belgium said:

    According to the CDC only a few percent of the men in the US are on PrEP:

    every single GAY man I know in nyc uses Prep, esp sex workers. 

  16. I was told by a provider that when they list their stats on rentmen, it stays like that until they change them. 

    SO if they list that they are 19, unless every time its their birthday they get up and change the stats on their profile - it will not change.  I confirmed this with another provider as well. 


    So, if his profile has been 19 for 5 years, it's just that he is now 24, rather than that he started on rentmen at 15.  Makes much more sense than some of the speculating here!

  17. 20 minutes ago, Basstiannn said:

    I find it completely in bad taste, disrespectful, and also very rude that people talk about people's physique or how they look… no one has the right to give an opinion on how people look, no one knows for what each person passes on their physical appearance so that another person without any reason comes to judge and give an opinion because them life is surely very miserable and you have nothing more to do.

    You are correct. and also - you are fucking HOT man.  Get that bag, and ignore the faceless trolls.  They are jealous for real. 

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