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Posts posted by NYXboy

  1. 11 hours ago, BOZO T CLOWN said:

    Whether the law is "idiotic" or not, is still THE LAW. And if you are a Canadian citizen, I suggest you contact your MP to change the law. Probably sooner rather than later because if the polls are accurate, Trudeau's government will get shellacked at the next election.

    And what exactly do Larry Flint and Congressmen paying for sex have to do with Canadian immigration officers enforcing their border laws? 
    Do you object to Canadian border patrol doing their job by preventing non-citizens they suspect may be trying to cross their border to work illegally? 


    Bozo: It's the US govt that is doing this, not the Canadian.

  2. Its been known for a while now-DHS has scrapped all RM profiles and with facial recognition tech- it pings when they get to the border. 


    They then check RM for travel dates listed as confirmation- and reject entry as the tourist is intending to work.


    DHS is doing this under the guise of stopping sex trafficking. it reeks of homophobia.


    I know two providers this has happened to. Its happened to some Only Fans guys too. I would encourage all to put face photos as private, and perhaps fudge the travel dates they list before visiting.




    Vague and discriminatory laws can bar sex workers from entering the US, but they’re inconsistently applied...


  3. I think Rentmen's new money grab will make it lose its place as the market leader - 

    they charge the providers to post profiles,  and now charge us to view them!  taking it from both ends (literally) 

    A provider told me he has been less busy since the new paid membership to view pics and he was looking for an alternative. 



  4. On 12/25/2022 at 10:30 AM, azdr0710 said:

    Uh oh, another one of those "educated" guys!! 🙂


    I'm curious - do you not think college-educated guys would be providers?  seems to be a bit of an asinine comment tbh. 

    I think he looks great, I love me some short kings. Uncut white boy! yum!  Ticks a lot of my boxes. 

    He has great content too. Hopefully, he is in LA when I am there later this year. I've put him straight on my 'buddy list'. 

  5. i see no concrete bookings in the pics you have shown as 'evidence' - just inital enquiires. 


    11 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    Or at the very least, non of them can host and they always want to meet at a short notice, limited time of day.

    this is the nature of the business, no matter what city you are in. 


    11 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    I’ve literally went thru about 10 appointment requests that I should have gotten, but they have all pussy-footed and not booked shit. That’s the problem.

    consider this - and i mean this in the nicest way - perhaps the energy you are putting out there is the problem. 


    For someone who only sees one client a month - you sure do have a LOT to say on these boards. 

  6. if you are nervous about a provider that has 53 reviews with a 5-star average...... you will always be nervous.


    In case you don't know- You can click on the profiles of the reviewers- see the other reviews they have posted, as well as contact them to ask further questions. 


    You literally have 53 people who can VERIFY that they have seen the guy - but you feel better asking anonymous people on a random forum?

    Just take the plunge man and enjoy yourself. 

  7. 5 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

    You can easily google T-clinics in Manhattan or the boroughs.  There are tons of these docs around now.

    My advice:  Wouldn't you rather talk to your GP about this, who could ideally look at your medical history and make suggestions on how to proceed?


    YES - which is why in my original post I write :

    "What I am asking for here is advice on how I can do it as safely as possible, not a lecture. 

    So - advice about non-judgemental doctors, personal trainers, etc "


    5 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:


    You do have unrealistic expectations if you think you're going to be where you want to be in just three months.  Using a steroid or testosterone cycle means using multiple cycles and then having a solid PCT in-between.

    If you want specific names of doctors, most here won't be helpful on that.


    How do you know where I want to be in 3 months?  I haven't mentioned anything but my goals.  You are making huge amount of assumptions here!   😃


    Thanks for the advice - I will just search up the clinics and try my luck rather than have recommendations. ( i was hoping for a DM for a referral rather than a post on the pulic forum)



  8. 1 hour ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

    First, the op needs to consult with a endocrinologist or T-level doc who can create a program for him.

    There's so much gray area here.  Don't ask an anonymous message board.  Ask a doctor.  And like Vin said above, you need regular labs to keep track of your levels and if you're doing harm to your body.

    You are there - that's what I am asking for -

    " advice about non-judgemental doctors, personal trainers, etc "


    Do you have anyone in New York that you can put me in the direction of? WHat labs work should i ask my doctor to monitor? 

    1 hour ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

    Bottom line, a few months- one cycle- isn't going to magically get you to where you want to be.  


    I don't have unrealistic expectations. I just want to test the waters in the safest way possible. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, Vin_Marco said:

    You're doing the responsible thing by researching and asking questions however if hepatotoxicity and side effects are your main concerns, there are better and even safer choices. Anavar has its time and place but like I said, there are better options. 

    my main concerns are gynecomastia amongst other things - i guess i am just looking of advice that is not too overwhelming or simplified for a beginner in this area who wants to start slowly 


    what do you suggest?

  10. 58 minutes ago, nycman said:

    Oral steroids are a horrible idea. 

    If you’re going to do steroids, do steroids…and inject them. 

    In my early 30’s, I seriously considered doing steroids. Thankfully, my trainer at the time was smarter than me. He said "let’s do everything we can with a clean diet and heavy lifting. If you commit to that 100% and you’re still not happy with the results, then we’ll talk about adding steroids to the routine. After all, if you can’t manage committing to a clean diet and heavy lifting, steroids are going to do much for you anyways".

    In the end, I was happy with the results of a clean dirt and heavy lifting, and thus never tried them. 

    "Face it. If it came in a bottle, everyone would have a great body" - Cher.

    what I am asking for here is advice on how I can do it as safely as possible, not a lecture. 

    So - advice about non-judgemental doctors, personal trainers, etc  

  11. 3 hours ago, 56harrisond said:

    Based on the information presented I don't understand the desire to use steroids, especially if you are new to or just getting back into working out. 

    Start by eating right and sticking to a diet plan presumably to gain weight, and a workout plan that meets your goals to increase mass. To use any steroid without having your diet and workout in place would just be a waste.

    maybe you didn't read where I said " I just want to spend a few months committed to eating right and working out 


    I don't know where it was implied that I was asking for you to understand my desire - but thanks for the input. 

  12. I'm not sure if this breaks the rules of this forum - if so please delete the thread. 

    I have done a little research and  I want to try and do a small cycle of steroids. 


    I am looking at doing Anavar (with milk thistle etc and other liver/kidney protection drugs). I understand I won't get the most gains with it, but it is taken orally and seems as though it has the smallest amount of side effects - which is important to me. I'm only looking for something somewhat modest, 


    I'm 41 - always been really slim. I just want to spend a few months committed to eating right and working out and getting the best results I can before I am too old to do it with decent results. 


    what I am asking for here is advice on how I can do it as safely as possible, not a lecture. 

    So - advice about non-judgemental doctors, personal trainers, etc 


    I have found the Reddit forums and information online rather overwhelming and want some harm-reduction guidance before jumping in. 

    I asked my doctor and he cut me off before i could even finish my sentence, which I found to be poor attitude. 



  13. 3 hours ago, Unicorn said:

    The danger with this is that many--perhaps most--escorts THINK they look a lot younger than they are, perhaps not the case. That being said, so many escorts lie about their age that it's wise to either FaceTime or have a documented recent photo. According to @BenjaminNicholas, lying is OK as long as you don't shave more than 10 years off the age. However a person thinks about himself, 38 and 48 are two different things, all together. 

    they are only allowed to lie when they pretend to be attracted to you! got it. 



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