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Posts posted by NYXboy

  1. Even if he is NOT going to the Eagle, he is a sex worker and will be having sex with lots of people. 

    For someone who has been indulging in providers as longs as you have and is such a prolific poster on these threads - I am surprised you would post such a naive post. I suspect you are having other feelings about him going to the eagle, perhaps a touch of jealousy/insecurity that he is giving it away to others for free, rather than a concern about him having an STD from sex with other people.  

    In any case, all STD's can be transmitted even when using condoms-  esp if you are NOT using condoms for oral sex.  Anyone who is sexually active should practice safe sex (taking Prep is practicing safe sex)  and regularly tested. 


    6 hours ago, Thomas_Belgium said:

    According to the CDC only a few percent of the men in the US are on PrEP:

    every single GAY man I know in nyc uses Prep, esp sex workers. 

  2. I was told by a provider that when they list their stats on rentmen, it stays like that until they change them. 

    SO if they list that they are 19, unless every time its their birthday they get up and change the stats on their profile - it will not change.  I confirmed this with another provider as well. 


    So, if his profile has been 19 for 5 years, it's just that he is now 24, rather than that he started on rentmen at 15.  Makes much more sense than some of the speculating here!

  3. 20 minutes ago, Basstiannn said:

    I find it completely in bad taste, disrespectful, and also very rude that people talk about people's physique or how they look… no one has the right to give an opinion on how people look, no one knows for what each person passes on their physical appearance so that another person without any reason comes to judge and give an opinion because them life is surely very miserable and you have nothing more to do.

    You are correct. and also - you are fucking HOT man.  Get that bag, and ignore the faceless trolls.  They are jealous for real. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, Spikeguy said:

    I’m not following your logic.  You are suggesting only an ugly person could find his face unattractive?  Also you aren’t showing your face either lol.


    Why is it a problem for me to give it out-  if you can give it out?   I am simply doing what you were doing. 

    Don't dole out the medicine if you don't like the flavor pal.  

  5. 21 minutes ago, Spikeguy said:

    Based on what?  You are just silly.

    based on the fact that you are trolling peoples faces behind an anonymous profile. 


    Why don't you show us your face and prove me wrong stud?  ahhahahhaa. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Km411 said:

    I don’t get this comment; because he has an opinion you put him down?

    maybe you should read the comment I was replying to first before you bite. put on your reading glasses. 



    Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in New York City, NY - YoungwhitetwinXL: WhiteTwinkCute


    Very cute and good looking pics. 

    His phone number is listed as +60 which is a Malaysian number code,  then his WhatsApp is a +48 which is Poland

    probably a TGTBT, but if anyone out there takes the chance on this new boy leave us some info 

  8. 5 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

    Yes, but sending for a ride share also acts as a low-risk way of paying a sort of deposit.  The provider knows he's not going to waste his time traveling to an address only to arrive and have no one there.  And the client only risks a ride share cancellation fee in the event the provider does not show, rather than paying a provider a deposit in advance which is never recommended.

    this is exactly why I have NO problem sending uber and im actually astonished people have an issue or say "its so complicated" 

  9. 5 hours ago, KensingtonHomo said:

    once they know where they are, they can include transportation into their rate. But I'm not into a la carte. 

    Isn't including the transport fee into the rate the same as covering the uber?

  10. His pics look great and communication was good- however I couldn't partake due to his very high rate.

    I won't be sharing his rate but it was almost double the average New York City rate.  

    Good for him if people are partaking. 

  11. 1 hour ago, MCR said:

    I wouldn't say it's me.

    And yet the only common denominator with all of these horrible experiences you are having: is you.    

    Paul was sweet - his pics are real, his stats are real, he was punctual, clean, kind, and respectful.  

    He did everything I asked for and I would (and have) seen him since. 

    I heartily recommend him!

    Whilst I do understand that peoples connections or energy won't always match every time- I would encourage others to check out MCR's frequent posts to see how he writes about his many bad encounters before giving too much weight to his comments when considering Paul. 


  12. 1 hour ago, MCR said:

    I've met him before. We had a bad session and he blocked me afterwards

    what a surprise you had yet another bad session with someone.

    Bad sessions with RM for most people are the RARE exception but for you it seems to be the norm - Maybe the problem could be you buddy? 


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