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  1. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Where are the boys?   
    As an escort, you ideally post in a place like this when you already have a solid base.
    That allows you to have an honest exchange with posters here versus just being a Pollyanna.  
    Also, a lot of new escorts simply don't have the natural (or learned) skill to be able to effectively communicate here.  Writing, especially, takes effort and skill to look effortless.
    I know many escorts who tell me they'd never post here.  I can understand that.
  2. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to samhexum in May I see the evidence, please?   
    When is the other one starting his onlyfans account?
  3. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to pubic_assistance in Most Annoying Masseur Behavior You've Experienced   
    yes !
    Nothing more annoying that rolling over, and having someone jerk me off when I'm not even HARD !
    * read the room buddy *
  4. Like
    dcguy20 got a reaction from MikeH10 in 411 on ZMichel   
    I did not meet with him as that's over my budget.  
  5. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to mike carey in Michael Roman   
    Gentlemen, a reminder that someone's HIV status is personal information, and disclosing it here when they have not disclosed it publicly themselves is not permitted under Forum guidelines.
  6. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to + José Soplanucas in Private messages etiquette....   
    It is more complicated than that. I do not recall leaving any PM unresponded. However, my response was often not so lovely or was not delivering the answer to the question. Per example:
    drama queens contacting me via PM to instigate gossiping or conflicts. My usual response is that I will block them if they contact me again, with an invitation to discuss anything they want but in public  guys I do not know asking me for additional information. I am usually nice and only inform them of my policy: I only share details beyond my public posting with people I know. lazy guys who do not research the content and ask questions that have sometimes been responded many, many times. I usually redirect them to do their research. Overall, I do not think there is such a thing as "PM etiquette", at least you consider ignoring as part of the digital world culture. Even when I do not do it here in this forum, I ignore PM messages on other platforms and I think it is legit. 
  7. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in My recent meetup   
    These things happen.  He handled it like a pro.  You made the decision you made.
    Escorts are human too.  We make it look easy, even when it's really not. 
    Things don't always work, no matter how hard (ahem) we try.
  8. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in $500/Hour   
  9. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to Jamie21 in Incentives to book ?   
    In my experience as soon as you start discounting (whether that’s offering reduced rates for regulars or students or whatever) the discounted rate becomes the new ‘floor’ for your standard hour rate. It bleeds to other clients and then becomes the expectation. So I have a simple rule: no discounts ever.  The rate is the rate, that’s it and it’s not a matter for discussion. The sooner the conversation moves from ‘how much’ to ‘this is what I like / want’ the better. I like to minimise the transactional nature of the meeting because it doesn’t help with creating the right atmosphere. 
  10. Like
    dcguy20 got a reaction from edinbrooklyn in Body Therapy NYC   
    I tried setting up an appointment with him when he was supposedly coming to DC a couple of months ago, but his communication was inconsistent. 
  11. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to Wolfer in BEWARE PHONES IN MASSAGE ROOM   
    This, at least, is untrue. Onlyfans implemented a very thorough and rigorous consent form policy to prohibit exactly this. Everyone in an Onlyfans video has to provide a copy of their ID, a photo and a signed consent form (I think even detailing which specific video they're giving consent for). The only exception to this is if the person in the video is already registered as a creator with Onlyfans with an account of their own. 
  12. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to + StLouisOct in Is Matt Anthony still escorting   
    Heard back from Matt. He's taking a break but has not retired. 👍
  13. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to Romantiquest in Preferred Massage Therapist Attire   
    The tease for me is the best part. I love a guy to be fully clothed, preferably in a tank top and shorts. I want him to allow me to feel around and grab and have him pull off as he gets more into it. Nothing better than reaching into a nice pair of briefs halfway through to get your prize 😏
  14. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to + sf westcoaster in Is Matt Anthony still escorting   
    First met Matt at an early PS Gathering and subsequently had multiple satisfying  sessions with him  when he would come to San Francisco.  I recognize that each escort can handle retirement from the business as they see fit, but I do wish they would post an announcement so as to avoid speculation about the reason for retirement and their possible well-being.
  15. Agree
    dcguy20 got a reaction from + Italiano in Porn stars I wish I could hire   
    Osiris Blade
    Max Konnor
    Aaron Trainer
  16. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to dutchal in Porn stars I wish I could hire   
    Seems like you have a type!  😉
  17. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to pubic_assistance in Those who go all the way with masseurs, why not just escorts instead?   
    Well... grammatically speaking.  "Masseurs that go all the way" is not the same thing as "Since masseurs do go all the way". They are different topics of conversation. So perhaps you are reading into the conversation something that wasn't intended.
  18. Like
    dcguy20 got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Ultraocean might wanna update his ad!   
    I hired him for a massage back in November through his ad on rentmasseur. Although the massage was good, the hour actually clocked in at 45 minutes. He has a sliding scale based on what one would like. He looks like his photos and no tats whatsoever (a plus in my book).
    That being said, he's cold and aloof. The photo of him on his cellphone is absolutely accurate. 
    Nice to see someone new, but once was enough for me. 
  19. Sad
    dcguy20 got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Any of you have experience with gold rings?   
    I had a 14k gold Atlas band from Tiffany that I had a reaction to (rash).  I hardly wore it as a result.  I eventually lost it when I took it off in a restaurant restroom to wash my hands. It didn't dawn on me until a couple of weeks later that I left it behind. It was a beautiful ring. 
  20. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to pubic_assistance in How many of your hires are regulars?   
    Once I find a good masseur I pretty much always stick with them. Unfortunately young people have a tendency to move in and out of NYC frequently.
  21. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to RadioRob in Blackmailed   
    I work in cyber security where extortion campaigns are very common.  "We have you data...  give us 10 bitcoin or we're going to release your customer data to the internet" or "If you don't pay us XX, we're going to take down your website".
    One of the first rules you learn is you don't negotiate or pay extortionists.  It will start out as "Give me $200 and I'll go away".  A few days later it will be "It's just another $100 and I'll be out of your life."  You're going to be milked until there is nothing more to milk.  
    Lookup phone harassment laws for your state (they vary greatly).  You don't even have to necessarily report him for extortion.  It could end up simply being reported as harassment.  If you've blocked him and he continues swapping numbers it's clearly harassment.  
    In terms of him actually exposing you, at that point...  he no longer has a card to play.  It's game over for him and no money to be made.  So it's much less likely to happen.  I would just block him and move on with your life.  
  22. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to pubic_assistance in Do you prefer your sensual/erotic massage to include kissing?   
    I know women like a lot of intimacy in their sex life. 
    But, as a man, I actually prefer an occasional sexual encounter without the emotional complications of intimacy. 
    A provider is a hire, not a boyfriend. 
    A masseur is a masseur, not an escort 
    So the introduction of making-out during a massage with a provider would feel extremely awkward for me.
  23. Applause
    dcguy20 reacted to JayinHKNYC in Do you prefer your sensual/erotic massage to include kissing?   
    What chapter is this here?
  24. Applause
    dcguy20 reacted to RadioRob in Political Issues Forum Retired   
    Since I have taken over running the site nearly two years ago, the Political Issues forum has represented literally 90% of all of the issues that the moderators have had to deal with.  We have attempted to keep the forum civil and a place where people can have mature discussions about those topics.  This includes implementing tools to remind people about our rules, giving reminders and warnings, etc.  I did this because I felt having an area that people could have an open dialog might provide a venue where people could exchange ideas and learn from each other.  
    This has not happened over the last two years.  Instead it has simply become a cesspool of topics that simply attacked other members and baited the other side.  The moderators have literally have had to spend HOURS each week dealing with the output and there is nothing else I can think of that will make people use the forum as it was intended.  As a result, the Political Issues discussion forum is now retired and has been hidden on this site.  
    Our community guidelines will be updated to reflect that political discussion is no longer permitted on the site. 
  25. Like
    dcguy20 reacted to TruHart1 in Meeting other members from here...   
    I’ve actually met only one guy on the forum in person IRL, @GLEE, and he and I have become very good friends, in fact we text or talk at least once or twice (or more!) each and every day! Our friendship began with him asking about escorts I would recommend, since he complained that his first few hiring experiences had been very disappointing. I recommended a few guys I thought he might enjoy, he tried a couple of them out and found his favorite escort in the process.
    Although we have NOT met IRL, @whipped guy and I found we are kindred spirits through our mutual love of Italian Opera. He and I have communicated off the forum now for a few years with our discussions of older performances and modern performances of Italian operas and by sharing favorite opera performances with each other. We have also shared many of our experiences and reports on escorts we’ve both hired. He’s my Opera Buddy!
    TruHart1 😎
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