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Simon Suraci

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Everything posted by Simon Suraci

  1. Correct, Club San Diego in Hillcrest is the only bathhouse in San Diego. That’s where to go: Home - Club San Diego CLUBSANDIEGO.COM Self Care, Self Discovery Club San Diego is where self-care meets self-discovery. We believe that... Vulcan was another bathhouse option many years ago but it has long since closed. Alternatives in Kearny Mesa are adult video arcades and two Korean Spas. The spas are not designed for sex and you can get kicked out for doing anything sexual, but some cruising happens there nonetheless.
  2. The finances in my relationship are much the same way as you handle yours. It works well for us. We’ve lived together and apart over the years. We’re happier living togther, and we own everything together equally and pay for it equally, even when his income was higher or mine was higher. It changes over time. The little things like groceries we don’t nickel and dime each other. The main big stuff is 50/50.
  3. This is the ticket, right here. You can be young and beautiful, but it only gets you so far, for so long. A lasting career in this profession requires hard work, skills, professionalism, and maturity. Those are a tall order for most 22 year olds today. Some provider-client relationships can last for decades. Living the American dream is possible, just not easy or achievable for everyone. I agree, investing is key. Whether that’s your own side business or traditional retirement investing, most will have to do this to live their life to the end without running out of money. I do. I personally don’t mind supplementing my income later in life with a “whatever” job. Could be part time doing just about anything that doesn’t require school or certifications. Maybe for me it’s in the architecture field. I do miss it. Then there’s my farm business, which won’t be a huge cash cow but something to supplement.
  4. I wouldn’t read anything into it. Part of posting travel is alerting everyone in your market that you will be AWAY from your home city as much as you will be in the travel city. He probably wants to see if there are other good prospects in your area. If anything, it goes well and he may want to travel more frequently to your city (lucky you!) If he fulfills his obligations and agreements to you, I see no harm or cause for concern. If he delivers for you, that’s all you should care about.
  5. @d.anders What’s your success rate on masseurs showing up? Sorry for the detour off topic. Thanks for the redirect @Vegas_Millennial. We can save the chatter about phone call etiquette and reasonable expectations for other threads on those topics.
  6. Yes they can. Email, text, leave a voicemail, RentMen Messenger, RentMasseur’s email/message system, Social Media, take your pick! You don’t even have to use the 21st century options among those if you don’t want to. Leave a voicemail. Clients who expect me to be available all the time to take calls and won’t send some form of message to schedule a call are clients I don’t want anyway. It indicates to me that the client is impatient, entitled and unreasonable. That’s exactly the kind of client I want to screen out.
  7. I was considering inviting a collaborating escort/masseur to stay with me in my room so he can meet you all. Seems a waste to spend thousands of dollars and be by myself in a two bed room. Should I instead keep my room open for potential private activities with attending members? Hmm 🤔
  8. I was just thinking about this last week. My booking system offers digital gift cards. All I have to do is set it up. It’s a quick easy seamless way to gift my services to someone. I keep thinking it’s a little weird, that clients wouldn’t use it. Maybe I should reconsider setting up gift cards?
  9. I like phone calls, as long as they are short and stick to relevant info, and I am expecting the call. I avoid the “clients” wanting free phone sex to engage their fantasies. I provide that service, but I charge for my time. Text is by far a masseur’s most preferred way to communicate. Security aside, in practical terms you can’t reasonably expect a masseur to answer an unexpected phone call at any time, from anyone, especially when that caller is not already a trusted contact. At the moment you call: 1) he may be working on a client. This is why many of us keep the ring on silent/vibrate most or all of the time. 2) he is not in a private quiet place able to talk to a client who may want to discuss explicit details, services, pricing, personal information, etc. 3) he is driving or in a situation where he can’t safely take a call, or sleeping, or busy engaging in another conversation, or many other scenarios. I’m happy to have a phone conversation, but I need the client to request a call via text or other means first so that I can give that client a block of my undivided attention in a safe private place with enough time to patiently answer all their questions. I’m not going to pick up my phone every time it rings. I have no receptionist and without a text all I have is a missed call - 95% of the time from a telemarketer or wrong number or scam - which makes me extremely unmotivated to call anyone back or even pick it up in the first place…. UNLESS the client leaves a voice message. A voice message I can work with because, like a text, it functions like a screening tool to tell me it’s a client and not the other 95% of calls I don’t want. Missed calls without a voicemail may as well go into a black hole. 🕳️ A text we will see and respond to when we are available. We can also copy and paste repetitive info like rates and service descriptions into texts. This aspect is convenient for the client to be able to reference the information later. Sometimes I have a few seconds to respond quickly to a text but not several minutes right at that moment to take a call.
  10. We talk a lot about no-shows and ghosting and being late, both clients and providers. How often does this happen to you? 1%, 5%, 20%, 50%? Or more? I’m just curious how pervasive the problem is. Do we talk about these things because they bother us SO much (even though it only happens once in a while) or do we talk about them because they are truly that common in your hiring experiences?
  11. It’s true. I check mine only a few times a day, or every hour when I’m really on top of things and less busy. Or more frequently when I have an active conversation going and expect more back and forth. I wish RM Messenger would send me push notifications, but it won’t no matter ho many times I put the setting to send me the notifications. Texting is best because I actually see it and respond as soon as humanly possible. Escorting is less than 50% of my work. It’s mostly massage so I pay more attention to my other platforms. A lot of my escort clients start seeing me for that service after they’ve had a massage from me and ask for more. That’s way more successful for my business than a cold call on RentMen, but I get plenty of those too.
  12. I agree to disagree. You’re right about masseurs not necessarily being sex workers, and I appreciate that. There’s a spectrum though, and some of them are BOTH. Some ads are confusing, vague, or flat out contradictory. Take for example this masseur in in San Diego:
  13. His response was immature and unnecessary. You deserve a professional. A professional will have realistic expectations around, any experience with, clients asking questions about erotic services. It’s ok for him to say no, and you shouldn’t knock him for that. However, if he can’t answer those questions in a respectful manner, I wouldn’t trust him to treat you well when receiving any of his services. Consider he did you a favor by showing his nature and saving you the time and cost. Asking the question upfront circumvents the uncertainty of hiring, being disappointed, potentially being called a creep for having normal human needs and desires, and then having to start the process all over again spending more time and money.
  14. This is another strategy to receive a higher level of service than you might otherwise. Tipping demonstrates that the client is willing and able to pay and worth the extra effort and time. Keep in mind some masseurs have certain boundaries and no amount of money or frequency will coerce them into doing more than they are comfortable. BUT some guys will feel more comfortable doing more with a regular with whom they have developed a good rapports.
  15. Best way to go about it is ask for exactly what you want and see what he says. Clients are usually too chicken to ask but that saves everyone time. That cuts through any ambiguity in the ad. Also have realistic expectations about pricing; don’t clutch your pearls when someone offers you a higher level of service for a higher rate. Be kind when he tells you what you want is not on offer. Accept that politely and move on.
  16. Forgot to mention Essex, I like that one too.
  17. Mine is an Aussie boy. Take me home, Siri, please take me home! And then let me go down under… Aussie pronunciation doesn’t work as well in Southern California with all the Spanish place names and streets though. He’s funny when he says “La Jolla” with a hard J. He says “Escondido” really fast and it sounds like: Escon-DILDO. 🤔 💭 🍆 If the British did a little housekeeping putting back all the “R”s where they belong, that would be great. I’ll just wait here patiently until they do, thanks. Pronouncing “R” the end of words with vowels drives me crazy. Then they omit the “R” where on paper an “R” actually ends the word. 🤦‍♂️ I do enjoy a northerner British accent. @Jamie21 What’s the accent in Wallace and Gromit? Nevermind, looked it up, it’s West Yorkshire. I was right! I like that too. I worked with a guy from Huddersfield, which I believe is in Yorkshire. Very pronounced consonants at the end of his words, especially when the word falls at the end of a sentence, as if the word is a some declaration with a big, fat period. Scottish accents are so funny. Love those too. Irish accents make my heart melt. Is it just me or is a South African accent easy to mistake with a Kiwi accent at a quick listen? Those New Zealanders have a funny way with their vowels too, love it. Sing a song in any regional accented English and it sounds American! Take Adele for, example.
  18. Agree 👍 This is how I operate as a dom
  19. Auditing is concerned with what you’re trying to save in taxes and/or fraud or laundering. If you can’t substantiate your write-offs, you’re in trouble. There’s nothing wrong with getting paid mostly or entirely in cash as long as you report it on the appropriate form.
  20. Don’t waste the invite @pubic_assistance! If I had the opportunity to chat over a meal with @Coolwave35 I would jump at the chance, just to hear all the colorful stories and insights. Alas, I’m in the opposite corner of the country.
  21. Well I have to keep those raggedy ass cheeks still attached in case I have a top client 😆
  22. ^ This 100% Danny, you’re a humblecock Urban Dictionary: Humblecock WWW.URBANDICTIONARY.COM hum-ble-cock / h^m bel kok/ n. 1 a quietly confident individual who does not brag or otherwise flaunt his...
  23. I have a 91 year old client, a regular. Those rolling walker/trolley things are underrated. Very helpful for walking and preventing falls. It keeps you moving safely. Now if only my grandfather were not too proud to actually use his…
  24. It’s a blumpkin. Auto correct messed it up and I didn’t catch it, sorry. And no, honestly you really don’t want to know. Google at your own peril.
  25. I suggest we take a break and offer a shower, with the douching accoutrements if needed for our activities. It’s no big deal. I get first timers, straight guys, and less experienced men here and there. I walk them through it without shame or judgement. For those experienced but just having an issue, I suggest a break and they do their thing and we’re off to the races! Patience and understanding go a long way. I get clients once in a blue moon who prefer me to be unwashed, “ripe”, and even want some #2. One client likes to give a bumpkin. It’s tough but possible. When the client works with me on schedule in order for me to meet their needs, it works out. I don’t really understand a provider stating such a preference in a client. A good provider would not state such a preference if he had one. Maybe he means sweaty or natural smell? Even still, same logic applies. Clients have preferences, not the other way around.
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