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    CastaDiva reacted to jeezifonly in Having masseur finish on your body or face   
    Team Swallow!!🤚🏼
    … anyone??
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    CastaDiva reacted to Tallblondejock in 411 tallblondejock nyc   
    Hello, this is Luke or Tallblondejock.
    I am sorry some of you don’t think my rate is fair… I lowered it to $400 . I make 165k with my real job and really not desperate for escort money. I hope that you understand why my rate is a bit higher than market. I feel that my 6’7” height and the fact I’m not a full time escort is sets me apart. On average I meet 2 clients a months, and they are plenty of people willing to pay my rate.
    I don’t try to be flakey but I live a very busy life. Please text me if you are serious about booking and respect me and I will do the same.
    +1 347 433 8053

  4. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + DrownedBoy in What are your red flags?   
    If a provider has 30 reviews and 1 is negative, I'm not too concerned.
    If a provider has 30 reviews and 5 are negative, you need to back off.
    I mentioned earlier about an escort who refused to see me after I asked why he had that proportion (about 15% negative ads). A few weeks ago, he just reappeared in a new ad, a new name, and no reviews. That's the biggest red flag of all; he did me a favor earlier.
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    CastaDiva reacted to ericwinters in What are your red flags?   
    For me being OLD SKOL, I won't book with a provider unless the can make a call. Even if just to confirm time and place after text.
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    CastaDiva reacted to + nycman in What are your red flags?   
    I think "annoyed" is the wrong word. More like "concerned that I’m shopping at the wrong store". Although I have very little experience with OF, I’m all for it. It fills a niche for both parties and doesn’t hurt anyone. Unfortunately, people who are used to getting paid for teasing in front of a video camera aren’t necessarily that same ones who are good at getting paid to take it up the ass face down in the pillows from a gentleman of a certain age. 
    Couple that with the fact that most OF guys who advertise on RM are doing it to simply drive traffic to their OF page, and not to find gentlemen of a certain age to fuck them like a dog face down in the pillows…well, you get my point. 
  7. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to KennF in What are your red flags?   
    I've had the same initial reaction.  And recently had a last minute change of plans.  The provider asked to push it back a couple of hours.
    The difference for me was he was willing to meet the original time and asked a favor after explaining his reason.  In return, I offered a different day/time or the original.  He agreed to the alternative and thanked me.  The encounter with him on the new appointment was FANTASTIC. 
    We were communicating and had developed a rapport.  That made all the difference.
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    CastaDiva reacted to pubic_assistance in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    The  answer to that has been banned on Companyofmen.org.
    "You’re not implying that racial discussions constitutes someone needing to feel disconnected, right? "  I was observing that YOUR racial discussions frequently stink of bait. It's always leading to you talking about how your poor choices in life are because everyone's a racist, not because you make poor choices.
    Multiple people on the site have commented on your habit of complaining and asking for advice, then ignoring the advice, telling everyone they can't possibly understand you..and then going back and continuing to make the same mistakes so you can complain some more.
    The solution is called CHANGE.
    It's time for you to get out of the business and CHANGE your life for the better.
    And no...the world is not inherently racist. Some people are. Most people aren't. So I'm sure if you'd put on a smile and drop the constant complaining someone would be happy to bring you on-board with a normal job where you have a guaranteed salary and you wouldn't have to jump through hoops every day with strangers.
    I hope some day you dare to listen to good advice.
    Good luck.
  9. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to pubic_assistance in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    I wasn't being "mean and nasty".
    Jarrod has done nothing but complain about his career in escorting for years.
    It's a reasonable suggestion that he finally retire and leave all these terrible experience behind him.
    No one should suffer daily from his job.
    It's unhealthy.
  10. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Simon Suraci in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    Some members write you off as a chronic complainer but I do genuinely want to see you to grow and succeed. We sympathize with you, especially other providers. I would love to see a positive post from you one day celebrating how much work you’ve got over the past 12 months explaining how making some key changes, and maybe even a move, has helped you succeed. 
    A lot of clients are inconsiderate jerks and wishy washy, but that’s how the industry works. It can be better in some places compared to others, but we will always have flakes and time wasting behavior to deal with. People will lowball us, question our rates and policies. It’s human nature, and there’s no changing it. Add to that the racism component and it’s even worse. You have more years of experience than I, so you know these things even better than I do. That’s what puzzles me about the repeated posts about clients…being clients.
    What we can do to cope and improve is focus on the things we can control. We don’t have to explain or justify our policies. We don’t have to get mad at the client for disagreeing with our boundaries. We don’t have to convince the client we are right or fair. We don’t have to change the client’s mind about anything. They either conform to our policies and rates for the services they want, or they don’t. When they don’t, move on.
    I agree with the other comments; it’s best not to engage clients demonstrating a lack of respect for you and your work and how you choose to do business. Establish your boundaries and policies and stick to them, even if it means losing some work. That’s time saved not dealing with bad clients. When there are not enough good clients in your market, move to another one. If you can’t do that, maybe pick up some other work temporarily to help you save up for a move.
    We have different views on deposits, but you have your reasons. Whatever your policies, the key is to not make exceptions to them. When you do (infrequently, for some compelling reason), make it clear to the client what it is and why you are making the exception so they don’t have the impression they can expect the same thing every time.
    You might consider keeping your rates the same regardless of frequency so people don’t have any illusions about being entitled to a “regular client” rate when they only book you months or years apart. Or establish a hard line policy like they have to book you at least once per week/month/quarter or whatever so they know why they aren’t entitled.
    A hot tip about that client 50 mins away: People need firm time commitments otherwise they sit and stew in impatience and uncertainty. Every minute that goes by, the more they think that you aren’t coming, or will come way later than they want or expect you to. The uncertainty is what kills them. When you commit to a time you know you can make “I will arrive by 5pm and text you when I park”. That gives the client the freedom to relax and anticipate your arrival and do other things in the meantime other than worry and second guess.
  11. Applause
    CastaDiva reacted to + sf westcoaster in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    Jarrod, you have a rather long list of treads that express frustration with your profession, It  is becoming increasingly clear that you need to change to another job/profession.
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    CastaDiva reacted to Rudynate in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    Very good advice.  I understand his frustrations, but he keeps doing the same thing with these loser prospects and expecting a different result.  Time wasters are time wasters.  Cheap bastards are cheap bastards. You need to use screening questions to identify them and get rid of them.   My favorites, in my business, are the ones who ask,"Why does it cost so much?"  I used to reason with them like Jarrod does, but a long time ago I realized I don't owe them an explanation and learned to anwer them "Because it does.  Anything else?" And then get off the phone.
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    CastaDiva reacted to CuriousByNature in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    It seems from the shots of texts and conversations you have had with disappointing clients and potential clients, that you spend a lot of energy trying to explain your point of view/rationale to them.  That is an added investment of your time and concentration to those people who are not bringing any benefit to you.  I appreciate that you attempt to reason with prospective clients, but in all honesty, some people are simply unreasonable and will drain you emotionally.  When contacted by people who try to bargain, for example, maybe it is best to simply say "it looks like we would not be a good match, and I wish you well" in order to draw things to a quick close? 
    I think it's beneficial to be the driver of your own bus, so to speak, and not let a potential passenger take the wheel from you.  By spending all that time trying to reason with the unreasonable, it might give a bad potential client the idea that you are willing to compromise, and in effect, you are letting them have unnecessary control over what should be your own domain.
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    CastaDiva reacted to pubic_assistance in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    You've been telling us that for years.
    When are you retiring and finally solving this problem ?
  15. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Simon Suraci in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    On tour, I might consistently do 6 a day. In my home city, more like 2-4 per day. Sometimes zero, sometimes 6. It varies a lot. 4 on average after a year or two of building up a more consistent client base. I don’t even want to try cities in the Midwest heartland areas. If it’s as bad as your experiences tend to be on a regular basis, I wouldn’t want to go try scouting there.
    Low ballers: thank you, next. Politely hold to my rates and move on. I don’t attempt to engage.
    Flakes: unavoidable, just part of the biz. I focus on filling my schedule with as many regulars and repeats as possible so there is less time for bad actor newbies to potentially waste my time by filling up my schedule then not showing. Some communicate regarding a true emergency and will reschedule. Some are jerks and I maintain a one strike policy for those types.
    A4A: I’ve had some success using it. A lot less than the usual places, but plenty of clients find my pro ad and contact me. Very few try to waste my time asking for freebies or hookups because the ad is clearly labeled “pro” and the content is descriptive enough. A good chunck of A4A inquiries are serious. Lots of requests for rates, but only some of those book. Just how it goes.
    Uncooperative clients: I set boundaries and say I need to know by x time if you’re committed to y appointment and whatever we discussed. I’m available from a to b. I will be busy from c to d, but I will get back to you asap if you catch me when I am working. When they don’t respond, won’t commit or whatever, I move on. No waiting around for those who won’t respect me or my time.
    Late night, last minute requests: I reject them, state my open hours and tell them my new late night policy, which is they must book 24 hrs in advance if they want an early or late appointment outside my normal hours. On tour, I might relax this policy somewhat.
    I keep growing a thicker skin every day. Instead of complaining and lamenting, I move on to the next thing, work related or otherwise. I lack the emotional energy to care as much as I used to. Yes, I get frustrated, but I don’t let it get to me as much as I used to. I have my moments.
    Water off a duck’s back. 
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    CastaDiva reacted to Marc in Calif in 411 on Tophairymuscle   
    Go to his ad on rentmen.com (or wherever you saw it). Copy the URL at the top of the page. Paste that URL somewhere in the body of your message. Press Enter. Press Submit. The link will be displayed.
  17. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + DrownedBoy in Providers that screwed you over   
    You just described every single CEO in the United States.
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    CastaDiva reacted to + StLouisOct in I wish some would not say: “your prices went up” Well should it never?   
    And never accused of being succinct. 
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    CastaDiva reacted to rvwnsd in Bryan Knight   
    EDIT: I mis-read @BuffaloKyle's request and thought it was a request for a link to Bryan Knight's Facebook page, hence the note below. Here's the text of the announcement:
    Dear friends, 
    This is Bryan's husband.  It is with a heavy heart to let you know that Bryan Knight died last night in his sleep.   He was 39 years old. 
    He will be missed more than I can ever say.
    Moderator's Note:
    We ask members to refrain from posting links to social media accounts that are not included in a provider's public ads/profiles as they could reveal personal information about the "real" person behind the escort persona. Although Bryan Knight did not share his facebook links on his RM ad, he did have an escorting website, which has links to his social media. You can find them here.
    On a personal note, I never met Bryan, but we exchanged messages and he seemed like a perfect gentleman and all-around nice guy. I'm very sad to hear this and am keeping his husband and family in my thoughts.
  21. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to DWnyc in Party N Play (PNP)   
    With due respect, I’ve held back on my personal views and practices in this discussion to try and be more objective.
    I happen to be medically trained and spend most of my volunteer time working in my geography with people (of all declared orientation) dealing with addiction and health issues from meth and other substance abuse). I’m fully aware of the potential effects on the mind and body as well beyond that on their relationships, professional lives, economic well-being etc.
    However, I have not sensed much genuine compassion or concern let alone empathy on here when the subject is discussed. It is presented as a binary of a bad choice by sex obsessed deviants far removed from our daily lives where the adjudicators of good taste are somehow morally exempt from society’s verdicts. The nuance of different degrees of use are is ignored despite, I assume, most people’s exposure to other substances that are frequently abused ranging from “social use” to “addiction” eg alcohol and nicotine which are legal but have severe health consequences also (liver, heart, brain, oral health, diabetes, blood pressure, strokes, deaths from car accidents etc).
    We’ve seen comments here ranging from “i do cocaine, but surely not meth good God no .,, ” to “weed is ok but not ..” to “I didn’t even know what Pnp was, aren’t I so cute and innocent” (all while discussing escorts to donate to). And in the paradigm of how this such an obscure practice. And when concern on health is raised we don’t stop to think how this moralizing and stigmatizing makes it harder for people who genuinely want to control their use to seek help or speak to others about it. 
    I’m not trying to normalize anything in terms of encouraging use or dismissing the consequences. But use is far more prevalent than certainly discussion on here would suggest and denying that is a big part of the problem. Before we even get into opioids etc wreaking havoc across our entire society. 
    Most of us on here don’t know each other personally and likely never will. There is no need to gain points on our supposed superiority to others whether as providers or clients. 
  22. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + nycman in Does anyone ever get City Envy?   
    It’s hard to envious (not to mention humble) when you already live in the Greatest City in the World.
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    CastaDiva reacted to TorontoDrew in Providing pic and age got me blocked by AdrianXL_Canada   
    Good point.  I would expect a "Not interested but thank you for contacting us.  Have a great day"
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    CastaDiva reacted to ChasingGirth in Providing pic and age got me blocked by AdrianXL_Canada   
    Sorry you had to go through this.
    If a guy is professional he is not going to ask for photos or stats. It’s different when someone send their photos when contacting the escort which is their choice and preference. 
    Blocking you tells more about the escort’s character than anything. Consider yourself lucky you didn’t spend any money on these guys.
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    CastaDiva reacted to Decatur Guy in Providing pic and age got me blocked by AdrianXL_Canada   
    It's rather chickenshit and unprofessional to ghost/block you. But otherwise, be glad you didn't spend over a thousand dollars to find out they aren't into you. Better your ego get bruised than your wallet take a pounding.
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