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  1. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + Charlie in Novak Djokovic: Delay The Start of the Australian Open Tennis Tournament?   
    I don't understand why you think my post was "sad." Given the large number of players in qualifying (256), it's fair to say that relatively few (Schnur, Broady, Clarke, Brown & Jakupovic) have spoken out about the issue.
    I read that conditions improved markedly on the third day of qualies, so that might explain why outcry has been relatively muted.
    Novak had a practice session outdoors yesterday yet didn't utter a peep about air quality. If any of the top players were to say something, Novak would be at the very tippity-top of the list. His silence on the matter speaks volumes.
  2. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + Charlie in Novak Djokovic: Delay The Start of the Australian Open Tennis Tournament?   
    Yes, that would make sense for the health of the players, but logistical problems arise. Because of their size, the three show courts require a lot more ushers & security, although that should be a relatively minor issue. More important, with 128 matches to be played in the 1R of qualies, the 3 retractable roof courts can accommodate only a small percentage, even if matches were scheduled morning, noon & night. Of course, players relegated to outdoor courts would complain about fairness, and rightfully so. It seems that Tennis Australia has opted for equal conditions for all.
    I found out that the 8 indoor courts are useless in this crisis. While the courts are indoors, they have permanently open ventilation cutouts, as opposed to a self-contained HVAC system. So they're actually worse than the outdoor courts because once the smoke finds its way into the building, it remains and even accumulates. I don't know if it's feasible to seal up the cutouts and install an HVAC system in time for the main draw. Money isn't an issue because Tennis Australia has very deep pockets, but it sounds like a big project in very little time.
    As bad as the conditions sound, I'm surprised there was only one retirement, although a few other players said they were affected by the air quality. I hate to be so cynical, but IMO little if anything will be done about this issue unless one of the top players speaks out & demands changes. Since Novak is so hyper-conscientious about the purity of everything that goes into his body, he is the most likely candidate to take on the issue. Unfortunately, because of the exhausting ATP Cup, Novak has yet to hit the practice court & may not until Thursday.
  3. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + WestGuy in 411 AlexHungNYC   
    Hopefully this post doesn't get this whole thread thrown into Politics & Religion ...
    If Pete Buttigieg looked like that naked, then as God as my witness, I, lifelong Republican, would vote for Mayor Pete in a heartbeat :p
  4. Like
    BSR reacted to + peterhung85 in Rating Current Escort Market vs. 15 Years Ago From 1-10.   
    Hello Everybody,
    I don't think that as a provider I should rate what it was back then as I have only been "in circulation" for 11 years (no clue what it was 15 years ago), but allow me to share you my take on this as a provider NOW vs. 11 years ago. Also, I can only talk about the market here in Las Vegas, as this is the market I am familiar with.
    When I moved to Vegas 11 years ago, the first thing that I did was to look around in the market. I was just starting out, was not established and had no unique style, I was just a young guy, trying to make a few bucks here and there. The first thing I did was to open some of the listing sites and looked at all the ads. I quickly realized that there were a handful of providers that were so highly reputable that I - as a newbie - was even hesitant about reaching out to them. I eventually emailed them because of a few reasons:
    1. Introducing myself.
    2. Asking them if they would consider working with me in duos (should we get such request)
    3. By bringing clients as part of a duo show, they would bring theirs too and would get exposed to theirs and as such, getting potentially more business further down the road
    4. Observing them, learning about them and analyzing them of what made them so darn successful in this line of work.
    5. Eventually, working with them and seeing it "up close" of how they made magic happen :-)
    I will never forget this; I reached out to 4 providers (figured MAYBE ONE will say, OK buddy, fine, let's try this). These gentlemen made the Vegas hiring scene classy for years and some even a decade at that time and when a client was in town - depending on his preferences - the chances of one out of 4 them being hired was extremely high. To name these men I consider as legends:
    - Aaron Mark
    - Paul Pratt
    - Mario Roma
    - @Ace (Rockstar Fantasy)
    Four vastly different men, completely different body types, styles and ages. All 4 of them - without hesitation - happily agreed to work with me (while I was just a nobody) and we ended up sharing a tremendous amount of clients together. Of course, I realized that I will have to be unique and copying is not the way to go, people are going to appreciate you for who you are and the best is to stay as close to being true to yourself as possible. Yet, I was able to learn about how to approach clients, how to be professional, how to be a gentleman and of course turn nasty (the good type) whenever it is requested.
    Anyway, this topic is not about how I got started and built myself as a provider so let me steer back to the original topic:
    What these four men had in common - besides their tremendous success as providers, the stellar reputation they have already built for themselves and the extensive clientele they have amassed was CLASS (in all caps)!
    I have recently looked at providers here in Vegas and just can't find those types anymore. Maybe I am not looking close enough, maybe I don't know everyone anymore in this city, but these men were all class acts and legends in their own ways. I know that this isn't just my opinion; their track records and long-standing reputation proves it. They took pride in their work and exuded professionalism throughout their entire interactions with clients. They were highly reliable, always delivered and had zero attitude.
    Furthermore, when I started out here, there were 49 (!) providers advertising on the main website. Today? I just looked: 231 (!!!).
    The market got extremely diluted here, Las Vegas also - being such transient city - most guys are in it to make a quick buck, support one (or more) addiction(s)... exceptions always apply of course. They know exactly that clients are most likely not going to be long-term simply because people in this city come and go. I am the type that really does his best even if I know for sure that I will never see that person again (just like everyone, you can do your job in 2 ways, well and badly... at the end of the day, it will take about the same effort... so why not do your best, right?!). This approach is also missing from your typical Vegas providers here. I make calls at random times as some of my clients who hire me for an extended time like to include a third for an hour or so and whenever I start dialing I am always in shock. I have heard all kinds of responses and whenever I think I have heard it all, someone comes along and shocks me even more. With many providers I have to almost beg to have them come out while we are 20 minutes away, many of their rates are even higher than mine with virtually nothing to back that up with (muscular body, gorgeous smile, upscale pictures or a reputation earned throughout the years) and others simply not show up. I don't think that the latter one occurred as often back than as it does nowadays, but you may know this better than I do.
    Based on these, I definitely agree with almost everyone here who says that it used to be so much better back then. Unfortunately most of these "legends" have retired. Again, this was a very location-specific review of the past vs. now but I would not be surprised if this was the case nationwide. My question would rather be this:
    What do you gentlemen think, why has the behavior shifted this way and why is there less professionalism in our industry today vs. 15 years ago? I am genuinely curious....
  5. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + BlueSky in 411 on BamaBoyToy in Nashville   
    A while back I won a couple of Celine tickets in a raffle. I was thinking of selling them since I had no interest in seeing her, but my mom said she'd like to go. OK, so Mom & I went to the Colosseum and ... OMG! she is unbelievable in concert. Even though I can't say I'm a big fan of her songs, her voice is simply spectacular. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
  6. Like
    BSR got a reaction from HotWhiteThirties in Sounds Like They Took Some Lessons From You Know Who   
    The students caught up in the sting are far from innocent. "The fake university told the students they could be enrolled in their school to get into the United States on student visas and then never attend the school as part of a 'pay to stay' scam."
    For all those foaming at the mouth at the Evil Orange Man, please note that this fake university sting started during the Obama administration.
  7. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in The BFE is a smoke screen   
    As a client, it's tough to know exactly how to behave in such a situation. On one hand, as much as I understand that it's up to the client to initiate intimacy, you can't treat an escort like a machine. It's not like renting a car. But then to get charged the regular fee for the Platonic Friend Experience ... yeah, I empathize with the feelings @Rick M went through.
    So I appreciate the response from Benjamin Nicholas, a professional escort's take on the situation. Unfortunately for Rick M, it sounds like one of those lessons learned the hard (and expensive) way. I'm sorry this happened to you.
  8. Like
    BSR reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in The BFE is a smoke screen   
    This is not the definition of BFE. This is, however, the definition of bullshit.
    I'm really sorry you dealt with this.
  9. Like
    BSR got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Sounds Like They Took Some Lessons From You Know Who   
    The students caught up in the sting are far from innocent. "The fake university told the students they could be enrolled in their school to get into the United States on student visas and then never attend the school as part of a 'pay to stay' scam."
    For all those foaming at the mouth at the Evil Orange Man, please note that this fake university sting started during the Obama administration.
  10. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + g56whiz in Sounds Like They Took Some Lessons From You Know Who   
    The students caught up in the sting are far from innocent. "The fake university told the students they could be enrolled in their school to get into the United States on student visas and then never attend the school as part of a 'pay to stay' scam."
    For all those foaming at the mouth at the Evil Orange Man, please note that this fake university sting started during the Obama administration.
  11. Like
    BSR got a reaction from mike carey in Novak Djokovic: Delay The Start of the Australian Open Tennis Tournament?   
    I can't post the tweet here because it's a copy of a reply, but from the official Australian Open account, tournament officials stated that in the unlikely event that the smoke precludes outdoor play, they will close the 3 roofs and schedule play on the 8 indoor courts. Since the indoor courts have very limited seating, the AO will lose ticket revenue but the tournament will be played, come what may. The lion's share of ticket revenue comes from the 3 show courts in any case.
    For any tennis geeks out there, can you name another player in the men's singles draw who will benefit more from closing the roofs than Novak? If they close the roofs, Roger & Rafa fans will be furious.
  12. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + Charlie in Novak Djokovic: Delay The Start of the Australian Open Tennis Tournament?   
    Spot on. Any delay would ruin the tournaments scheduled during the new AO dates. Plus who knows how long the wildfires will continue? What if it's rescheduled yet the air quality is just as bad if not worse? Double disaster.
    The AO is unique in that the venue features three retractable-roof stadiums. If air quality is an issue, they could always beef up their air filtration systems (an expensive but feasible fix) and close the roofs. Of course, this would give an enormous advantage to the top-ranked players who are always scheduled to play on the big show courts. Lower-ranked players would complain, with good cause, but that is a better solution than canceling the event altogether.
    Tennis Australia depends on the Australian Open for most of their budget. The four Slams are incredibly lucrative businesses that generate tens of $millions for their respective tennis federations. Tennis Australia uses the profits for tennis development, especially the training of juniors and players just starting out who can't afford the staggering costs of coaching, fitness training, and travel. Without the revenue of the 2020 AO, Tennis Australia would be devastated.
  13. Like
    BSR reacted to LaffingBear in Oral Sex   
    Why should any preference, to act or abstain, be weird or embarrassing?
    The only thing that should be embarrassing in this forum is badd speeling
  14. Like
    BSR reacted to + Charlie in Novak Djokovic: Delay The Start of the Australian Open Tennis Tournament?   
    Trying to reschedule a two week major tournament would be a nightmare for almost everyone concerned, given the rigidity of the entire world tennis schedule for the year. Unless a national emergency is declared by the government, it is unlikely to happen. Probably the only way to reschedule would be to move it to the end of the year, when it used to be played, but that would mean playing the 2020 and 2021 tournaments only about one month apart. More likely is that it would be like the 2016 Rio Olympics, where many individuals chose to pull out because of worry about the conditions in Rio, but the event went on as scheduled without them.
  15. Like
    BSR reacted to + José Soplanucas in RECOMMENDATION IN LA (VISITING DC): Beaux Banks   
    As Promised: https://ilikepinga.com/2020/01/04/beaux-banks/
  16. Like
    BSR reacted to keefer in Recently retired   
    I'm two years away from retirement, and hoping to follow in the steps of a friend who retired five years ago. On retirement he volunteered at the British Museum (we live in London)... from clueless volunteer, he slowly built up a lot of knowledge on one of the galleries, added to by specialist classes and lots of time with the experts who work there and after five years regularly leads tours through three galleries. He tells me that the volunteer work provides sufficient structure to his week, around which he fits lots of long lunches, gym, etc....
  17. Like
    BSR reacted to mikefl81 in The Floppy Rooster Returns!   
    I went to FR on Saturday, the 21st, and it was my first time at the new location. Parking was relatively easy - I parked across the street. There is plenty of parking along the street but I wouldn’t recommend parking too far from the location. The neighborhood can be a bit sketchy. There was parking available at FR but for a cost (forgot exactly amount). I got there right before 10 so I didnt have to pay a cover but it was surprisingly still pretty empty. No more than 10 patrons and about 5ish dancers. Most were hispanic, athletic to muscle-y. No big muscle guys. I didn’t find any of the guys to be particularly noteworthy or memorable. I chatted with a few but none interested me enough for a private. I left about an hour later and it wasn’t too busy yet. Overall, i’d go back and stay a little later to see if it picks up and more dancers showed.
  18. Like
    BSR reacted to + pdxleo in The Floppy Rooster Returns!   
    Observatioms from my weekend Miami visit - Just my opinions, feel free to discuss!
    1 - This is NOT the same as the old Doral FR. If you had visited that locale, you will find a completely different experience in North Miami. Talking with the staff on a Friday night, they explained that the Doral business plan was unsustainable, with the location and staffing issues. The new Rooster is meant to be more like a Twist for the North Miami neighborhood., set up with several smaller rooms. The building is a converted Seventies restaurant, low ceilings and all. The location at the west end of the 79th Causeway should work for the persons in North Beach- valet parking for $10, but I was able to parallel park on 79th Street within a block. Door fee was $10 and yes, you have to fill out a membership card. As long as the name on your ID matches the name you put on the form, that's all they need. The place has two bars, a billiards room, and the main stage area. Seating for about 30 in the main room- a low small stage in the center of that room--, with the low ceiling, it seemed to be an intimate room.
    2 - The crew seems very determined to make the new Rooster a neighborhood venue- hours are 3PM to 3AM. Dancers started at 9PM Friday night, as the night went on, more guys showed up- by midnight there were about twelve guys, mainly muscly types. Just a couple of smaller guys (including one I have seen before at Johnson's), so if ya like "em big, this will work for you! Drinks seemed to priced at the average, not a ripoff. One bar just inside the front door to get your first drink ( they said it's a two-drink minimum, but I saw no enforcement mechanism.) Main bar is in a long room outside the main stage area, so the drinks line doesn't interfere with the show room - a great idea that more clubs should consider! Billiards room is off to the side of the main bar, again to avoid viewing interference. VIP rooms are in a hallway to the back side of the show room. As in the Doral FR, it's a mixed crowd, 80 pct male, 20 pct female. Not hard to figure out which dancers are straight, they flock to the females- kinda funny to watch!
    3 - Yes, the main stage is not full-nude here, down to briefs and buns shots only. Just a little bit more revealing than Johnson's or Boardwalk, but not enough to be noticable. Typical three-song set for each guy. Because of the low ceiling and the low stage, the dancing is more restrained- Damn do I miss those high ceilings and two 18-foot poles in Doral- but you're much closer to the guys.
    4 - The VIP rooms are FAR better than the old club! The rooms have full doors- no curtains or beads, but honest-to-God privacy, yay! VIP entrance fee $40, $100 per 15 minutes to the dancer. I took two guys back, both very accomodating- apparrenty, dancers rules seem to be anything goes. Both stripped completely once the door closed, none of my requests were refused- a sweaty funky time was had by all! Best VIP room experience I've had in years in Florida. This alone made the trip into Miami worth the trouble. So, if you give it a chance, you might have a great time if you have an open mind.
  19. Like
    BSR reacted to Kevin Slater in How to deal with flakes.   
    For me:

    I make sure I hear a voice on the phone in order to set it up (I don't care if he's piloting the international space station while his wife is in labor next to him, if he can't call, I'm not interested)
    I don't take calls from blocked numbers
    If he sounds flakey I'll call back to try and discern if it's a google voice number (the equivalent of a blocked number)
    I keep a record of his number after he flakes, because he's going to reach out to you again in six months
    It's not a bad idea to call the hotel and get patched through to the room before heading over, especially if something strikes you as 'off'
    The likelihood of a booking actually happening is inversely proportional to the number of texts, calls and emails beforehand

    Sorry to hear of your troubles. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory.
    Kevin Slater
  20. Like
    BSR reacted to HoseMaster in Any 411 on ontoplatin?   
    I thought I recognized the guy’s abs in this ad —and the rest of his body—and thought, “this is too good to be true”! Abs are like a fingerprint to me, as most everyone I see has different shaped abs—the striations, the count, the belly button shape, etc all form to combine a unique “fingerprint” in my eyes. So I thought for a bit and went back to my Instagram and found the guy whose pictures those are, complete with the nipple bar. He lives in Bogota, Colombia, and has all those pictures, including his face shown. It seems like he is a go-go dancer or music promoter there, and has a super hot boyfriend. I always thought he had a perfect body, and wished he escorted. However, not seeing any evidence of him being in Florida would make me believe the pictures are stolen.
  21. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + Charlie in Dead Gay Porn Stars Memorial   
    I also noticed how many died from motorcycle/car accidents. While I do not know the details of those accidents, just the sheer number seemed awfully high. There are two types or "styles" of suicide, direct and indirect. Direct would be slashing your wrists or swallowing a bullet. Indirect is a bit trickier. Instead of doing something as obvious and final like jumping off a bridge, the individual takes excessive risks - driving too fast, doing too many drugs, mixing drugs & alcohol - with the subconscious goal of suicide.
    I'm sure some of those deaths were just accidents, nothing more. But the alarmingly high number, especially in the context of how many other porn stars directly committed suicide, makes me think that with some of them at least, the desire to self-destruct played a role.
  22. Like
    BSR reacted to + azdr0710 in Dicks in Phoenix   
    another forum member and I hit Dick's again a few days ago (Saturday 9:30-11:15)......we go together every few months and Dick's keeps plugging along......same old various deals on various nights......my 2016 post just above still mostly applies.......it has always been very quiet for the forum buddy and I when we go because we don't stay late, but the dancers insist it does get busy late.......at one point, we were the only customers on this Saturday night.......occasional lapses in the otherwise continuous stage shows.......again, it very definitely is not Swinging Richard's or Stock/Campus......as always, you'll have to decide who appeals to you -- and politely fend off the ones who wander by who don't......"interaction" during a private in the VIP area can vary wildly, so chat up your intended first, if that's important to you.......
    toward the back of each issue in IonAz is a Dick's ad and also a weekly schedule chart with deals for Dick's, among other Phx clubs......PDF download
  23. Like
    BSR got a reaction from AceHardware in Axelllsantos in Ocala FL   
    Hmm, interesting that he lists English as one of his spoken languages yet writes his ad only in Spanish. You would think that even if his written English weren't great, he could ask a friend to help out with the translation. That said, he's spectacular & the vast majority of Miamians speak Spanish, at least a little. I doubt his Spanish only ad copy is hurting business.
  24. Like
    BSR got a reaction from AceHardware in Dead Gay Porn Stars Memorial   
    Wow, while that didn't exactly fill me with Christmas cheer, thanks for posting the video. So sad ... at least I got an answer to so many cases of "whatever happened to ________?"
  25. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + Charlie in Rate Hikes!!   
    Or perhaps after a price hike, the escort suffers a net loss of clients yet makes the same amount or even more thanks to the higher rates. Maybe the escort loses clients and his overall income decreases but he's happy to take the "pay cut" in exchange for more free time. Hey, whatever works for him.
    Not in this thread but in others, I've read some clients expect to be grandfathered in at the old rate. Like @MikeBiDude says, I can't think of a single case where I am grandfathered in at the old rate. I don't understand anyone would expect escorts to be an exception. To me, that expectation would be a telling indicator of an unprofessional client. So if he leaves in a huff, all for the best.
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