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Everything posted by purplekow

  1. Well I always prefer something of substance over something pretty, but when you have both, well, you have hit the jackpot. 😉
  2. Another great choice my huckleberry friend. What is a huckleberry friend urban dictionary? Urban Dictionary describes a “Huckleberry Friend” as: Evokes someone with whom one has a carefree, innocent, hopeful, gentle friendship. Bucolic wanderers and dreamy wonderers. Those with which to share a sun-drenched youth.
  3. I tried to post the you tube video of the top 20 but I think it must be protected in some way. I guess this is a fashion modeling contest. There is a video on YouTube of the Top 20 men and Mr. Lebanon is definitely the most muscular guy in the group. All the others are dark haired, lanky and mostly flat assed men. Most are from Asia and South America, as was the winner of the contest held in Thailand......Mr. Thailand. Though they seemed to be a fairly homogenous group I did favor Mr. Colombia, mostly because he looked great in his country's costume.
  4. This Provocative Drink Will Put the Passion Into Your Next Cocktail WWW.LIQUOR.COM Combining flavors of passion fruit, vanilla, and sparkling wine, the Porn Star Martini has become modern... For those who want to know how to make one.
  5. Are all porn actors stars??? Even the guy who plays the unsuspecting and fully clothed best friend seems to take the credit of being a porn star. No matter the ad on rent men or otherwise, no one ever states, I have done porn, they are always a PORN STAR. ⭐. So have you ever met a porn actor or only stars??
  6. In a parallel universe, I am living my best life as the writer of Hallmark Greeting cards and this musical card is my greatest accomplishment. I used to hum this to myself when I was feeling particularly alone as a young teen.
  7. If you have a preference, I see no reason not to ask for it. The provider can just say he prefers not to do so and then it is down to whether it is a deal breaker or not. For me, I am just happy if the guy shows up, and I will deal with whatever I find at the time.
  8. By the way, in one of those photos he has a huge chin, not at all the rounded chin Bernstein is shown to have. Did Leonard have a sharp pointy chin in his youth. I have vague memories of seeing him on TV in his younger days and those memories do not include that pointy chin.
  9. Mecole is the young attractive black woman who has as little air time as possible because she does very little. She is floating along and could go to the end because the thought would be that she did nothing to win the game, at least to this point. Bowie Jane is the other woman, white Australian who has also done little to nothing. These two really do have control of the game because no one wants them to go. But also no one wants them to stay except as a vote. Such is the life of a floater. Tough to win from that position.
  10. Actors act bringing the role to life. Make up and costumes bring a touchstone to the characterization. There is nothing more to this than that. He is Jewish and he has a big nose. Perhaps the real issue here is why do people necessarily believe that they gave him a large nose because he was Jewish. Now if he did not have a big nose, then I would be fine with questioning it. If he does a nude scene, are they assuring that his penis is appropriately Jewish?
  11. Gay men do not know Russell Brand?? Why he is The ex husband of Katie Perry who reported that he asked her for a divorce by text on New Year's Eve just before midnight? Granted Pop Culture in US and UK are filled with this kind of pseudo celebrities who, basically are famous for being famous. Still, this is someone I would think that those in the Gay Know would know. Why he probably has a higher Q score than some of the Real Housewives and definitely higher than most of the American Idol winners. That anyone, other than the five women who are accusing him and those who need to prove his guilt or innocence, would be giving this more attention than any other article in the Police Blotter of a local newspaper, is an indictment of where society has tumbled. Really, rape is really on Brand for Mr. Brand but it doesn't mean he did it. That is for the courts to decide and likely for his lawyers to get swept under the rug, guilty or not.
  12. Lots of luck with obtaining that heart and I hope you are well enough now to at least enjoy some of what life has to offer. Even with those medical issues, you should consider trying to come to Palm Springs in April when many of the board members convene for dinner and pooling around and some fooling around and in addition to the pooling and fooling there is of course some drooling when we have some of the best and brightest of our companions in bath suits or less. So no need to be cooling your heels while you await a new heart, come April, you can be fooling, around, tooling around with the guys, pooling around the pool and drooling over so many hot men. Perhaps if you are up to it, some sword dueling will ensue.
  13. I must admit I watched this based on seeing what the dog did at the end and that was a bit of a let down, but before that, I was laughing so hard I could not control myself. For some reason the whole thing seemed like a mash up of a porno film being done by Curly of the Three Stooges. All they needed at the end was a Moe like voice asking was it good and then the star saying "why Certainly" That ending would be better than the dog who only whimpers and got no screen time.
  14. As I see it, there are 24 hours in a day. If you have hired someone for three days, there is us together time and us separate time. Some activities are done together and some are done separate and there are activities that can go either way. Meals: almost always together time even if the escort is on a special diet and is not eating what you are eating. Attention to each other is nice but not mandatory, for example if you are eating and watching a movie. Bathroom time, separate at least for me. There are some that may want to be there as the rocket capsule splashes down or when the borrowed beer is returned to the outside world, but for me, I do not need to be there for others and would not want someone there for me. Showers, usually together but post coital showers can be separate. Hey. I am not as young as I once was and after a particularly vigorous episode, my legs are not always ready to move me out of bed. So after a bit of cuddling, if he wants to go off to shower, I may go with him or stay with the scent of him in the bed. Sleep, while I usually like to go to bed together, once I am asleep I do not much care what he is doing as long as it does not interfere with further plans we may have. After I awaken in the morning, I might wake him with coffee or a tea bag, but most of the time the escort is usually already awake. If he is not around, I would expect him to check in once I am awake to see if I am getting out of bed or if he is getting in it, A rainy Saturday morning doing a NY Times crossword while he amuses himself with another bed bound activity is fun. Together and separate at the same time. The major point here is, from my point of view, the escorts is on the clock for a 72 hour interaction and should be available for all 72 hours, but he does not have to be working actively all 72 hours. The number of hours that he is actively working varies with each escort and with each encounter is going to be different. Once again, if you are not flexible about this, you should let him know before the encounter. That goes for the client and the escort.
  15. I recently had a conversation with an escort about this. Basically, I told him I have gone on trips with friends and with my wife. I cared deeply for these people, but I always needed a break from them during a vacation. After dinner, I might take a walk and sometimes I would ask them to join and sometimes I would suggest that I needed some time to think and would like to walk alone. As we were secure in the relationship, there was no concerns of not spending too much or too little time, but if there were, a brief conversation about it would rectify it. I believe that on an extended encounter with an escort, respect for their privacy and their respect for your privacy and a willingness to talk about expectations is all you need to keep things on an even keel. I believe it is easier for the client to do this, than it is for the escort. So as a client, be cognizant of the personal needs of the escort and inquire if he needs more personal time if he seems off his game.
  16. I do know this much about these kind of films, if there was a significant dollar to be made from having body positivity , there would be a bunch of fat, bald, old, differently abled, facially deformed guys collecting every dollar they could from making them
  17. Sexually, most men are visual. While it would be nice if suddenly senior, fat, bald men with an off beat sense of humor and a quick mind were suddenly the new big cock, I am not waiting for my turn at the desirability brass ring. If you want to see the male equivalent of the magazine covers above which promote body positivity, you can find that. But don't expect them to be big sellers no matter how sexy the movie turns out to be. Sure they may be an initial breakthrough movie that catches the eye of everyone, which has reached the tipping point for some reason, but beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but like porno, I cannot define beauty (though it has a lot to do with symmetry of facial features) but I know it when I see it.
  18. Sexually, most men are visual. While it would be nice if suddenly senior, fat, bald men with an off beat sense of humor and a quick mind were suddenly the new big cock, I am not waiting for my turn at the desirability brass ring. If you want to see the male equivalent of the magazine covers above which promote body positivity, you can find that. But don't expect them to be big sellers no matter how sexy the movie turns out to be. Sure they may be an initial breakthrough movie that catches the eye of everyone, which has reached the tipping point for some reason, but beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but like porno, I cannot define beauty (though it has a lot to do with symmetry of facial features) but I know it when I see it.
  19. It is speculated that his intent was suicide but he died in an auto accident. Many auto accidents, especially one care accidents are covers for suicide attempts. In that manner family can collect insurance and they do not have to face the stigma of the suicide, A pity that at any age, but more so at the such a young age as 34, he could not find a way out of the darkness. I guess if he left a note then it is more than speculation but autoaccidnts are not a sure thing in suicides, sometimes it winds up being worse, paralysis, long term brain damage, loss of limbs etc.
  20. It is funny how one can be unfamiliar with something and suddenly it is everywhere. Frette linens was unknown to me three days ago and then it was posted here by a client who went to an escorts home and enjoyed the Frette sheets. Then in was a newspaper article and a crossword puzzle and then on Tv program that is on in the middle of the night and exhibits apartments and houses around NYC. So for those in the know. Do Frette linens make a difference in any bed bound activities? I went to their web site and saw a comforter for more than $4000.00 and was thinking that the comforter ought to give all kinds of comfort for that much money. I have spent $500 for a set of bed linens that were 1400 thread count and they were soft and cool and wore very well. That one time indulgence will not be made again but I am curious as if there is a big difference and I would like to hear how the other half lives, sleeps and fucks on those sheets and beddings. Carefully one would hope. But if you can spend that much on sheets, I guess you spend that much on getting them replaced or cleaned.
  21. Sorry Charlie the baths and showers I am speaking of have more to do with getting dirty than getting clean. And though cleanliness may be next to godliness, I prefer dirtiness that is next to Oh my God-liness.
  22. As he was alone, I think it would have been acceptable to pass his table on the way to the men's room and nod acknowledgement or even offer some small talk, such as small world or some such. But in general, you took the safest route with discretion. He was out of line. However, it may have been that he was going to acknowledge you and he felt rebuffed and somewhat humiliated. That festered and he lashed out at you. That does not excuse his not accepting your explanation and ultimately blocking you.
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